ivy, ill ... afc m 1 t-T Hi! (I i -J ?' itflr.'B .1 Hi. ' " ' . :. ... lira;--''' mm I?.?; v IE f,M - - :i r . I ti . . "1 1 1'. 1 , ? fits iiif -; . . . - .1. ... . 1 if fiVJW. J .r I (il i .- .. ...--'': ''" fr t-'- ';' It U an : ac i jn.i lyr ' in tone oi eimaence iv - - . Then oh ! attend than uireit pi u - : r'jt r:i. fhoo Impart, Let one iwepi hum ry - . i - - The firtt Attack was made on tie firlc of Mondach, a t t half pad five o'clock., ana i i French tlien witn inimr j trenched camp, between wicmScgUc m , Gen. JUeoer men uri.6.. - n-w. '.- terrible i and, atter .nayingwvr uwu a . .FKirpen ana -- .... ot -oflefli0not Kheineenheim. I iiey f ilfoaeratltorS?flllu'H - - . . - .J j4 I ..& lsi. nrm . . i , . KiimKU nravcr Nor thehlue languid. ( thy firlipgTi ' "That m rot poiom - . . --r " i . I . . 4 - . - Tby and irw, andry (mudi aamtre. . , .pons torupmag? jour Papa . 11 ' .'. ; n. y, ,ru 'i(Trent charms, But different eye arc urm. - --- - , -- i.A4 t,Alrak vautoWs lonnatarms, ;.. "1 And afk no mihn with yoo buta hedrf. -Then pray; Mariiflet Wm have hibini.. . An( likewife pity my poor torf ured breatt, - ..'.v. .vntirtelt to him.' .. ionic 7ur TavncT y.-7" j"j "i n - "TlA'Od taaKcTt oncey coop'e of as Welt.- W it . r . to the heignt. oiut- . ftf nflintr, infantry fupported by a large body-pf ry; hlj leTadraneed fufficnly totopJjMLABk trian's right i? fefti&S checked the French in their purfoit, the AuHruncar tlrySW drove fhf French 4dA the affair pn this fide. , t . r . . - ..J n JlvA nrmrTnai; nine o c ock tney appeal - r-- t ToTctgaTninhdoubhviifewrh line betore Mondenheim but the 6re oUhe Auf-; . . . l ... J nrU.V.1t made them tive up their-V iea At tea oMock we no longer heard the found of cannon. It U now.' two In the afttrnoon. and all - - STRASBOURG, June a 8, -rOar army ot the other Jde ot the Rhine rnakea fome progrefs it attacked the enemy the day before . tlf -ft fiv in the eveninu i aw i.a.. r - - a- French by retamrog wu-v r - - - d then eharoine wun uajouti.. . t, ., v ratralrv DUHUt VCHCIuaT J ed them to, the village ana "tue n ' "": , ." "7 ;nff'wbich they were driven from all their poiniona, finally viaorioos. Thev were not however w alt ng ,wb ej, tey entered ftcrday mor . ' ANECDOTES, : 7 'X country fquire introduced his baboon, in cleri cal. habits, to fay grace. A clergyman, who w prefeot, immediately left the table, and afced ten tboufand pardons lor not remembering that hislord fliip's neartjl rtiation was in orders. Mmiral Forbes. . "m ' i t- ..:..nr f i!irl Hawc from the somi- iiyjuicruiiiiu - " : , ,r raiwv, a iiKiiajy .. . i , - ran. ftatW.Jhat it would forward the king's le r- . ' . . i '( l:. ih'm a( marines. vice u ne-wouia-.reugn ngcwK in lieu of which he lhou have a penfion i of acool. year, and an Iriib peerage to defcend to his daugh ter. His anfwer was truly worthy of a Britifli tar,' Heat it,' Mr. Birki, " I thank God,f I have Jievef t. . ' ,.,..v whirh I have ferved during a long life to the bed of my ability, J will not cndercend. to accept of a penfion, or bargain leet, if I can forward Kis fervice, but 1-wtll not rjf -n..hi r h hniihurs I -have Te--- ceived, by ending the remnant of a longliteas a peu(ioner, or accepting ot Z'f" sc u f . JitKalarran?emni?' r . ' -PHIL AD ELPHI "A, Auguft 29. inemv's broken troop, wer received bf,m urong r ;ft ,. - relerver The Auftrians cut 0. a . taWW - -f -"S;' Vttten the night before tenclrtehta the Auftrians. ' ; lef .imt)or. that. the Auftrians have fought them every day fince brilliant ruiiant. . t " t. 1 i.r. u..n.sn r .ml finn men : the rrencn had above 700 men taken prifoners and feveral hun- dred dead on tue neia, uu i- - I a very great number wounoea heavy cannonade which had beenlieard, they are .i:.-l..t.-o f K'iirhniirn:- The whole 3T- BOW1P INCtlHIIUHa vi "b" 0 ., - my of thf Archduke as well ' tb &ht !n U ir. c. .,.nn this Gde of the Rhine. The ge nerals Lefevre and Pauooul have been wounded s . l ' .1 .i.. ll.lt'.. t'ilUil in tue nigu . y-. " jT " . . Siegbourgtor DuflelttprfE and Jourdan croffed the The Son bt July 1 1, contains Moreau rfhcial dirpatches to the direa6y, dated Kehljune 24, 25, of the-Rhine at Kehl and eSUblilhedhiinfelf there. . . ... c e ,r.rt rf t h inth. informs ns. A letieriroui (i.iu.,i i IV. . j .1 that the Auftrians took poffeffiori of Nieuwied the t...r . Via) time to nain the enemy s evening uciuit m-j o : n brideef before Nieuwied; of courfe, the en.mv mufl immediately nre tneir whoic iu. i j wannnm. beloninn? to the rrencn fMeT WfSin The, tliat tre K retreat and route are complete., RMve! w.. ; julbeated and that the remainder ; .IMROU oqjj. Tune 2C. In the evening 01 the 18th, tbe Arch-duke Charles left Hickenbpurg. We believe that his head-ouar-ters were vefteroay at Ahenkirchen. ' s---. We learn at this inftantji'that a very lenous ac. tioti took place yellerday betwixt W.eyerbufch and Uckareth it terminaied venTirely in-rfavoui-of -th---Aullriani. ' The enemy made a moft vigorous re fillance.but were at length ohligedto yield to the; J f nmi trnrtn One of US CO- lomns bavin been turned -awi furronuded.. a part . ... P. j i il .i. .rnAt-. 1 .was killed, ana tna reujaeuji .. "M Hamburgh faciei, capt. Un we have receive foJtoToing'are extrath. tl. c,. P rUm iA nailer' rhe head oFthe oarette VxtraordinaryrEUves an account of the tranfaftinmv . "V " - : 4 t 1 .(. C "f ! .. -.1 oirthe Rlrine iron tne lit to 111c iyiu oi joue iiium five. ZFroih the" ift to the 1 4th the fubjeft is flight lv tmtrheil. for during that period' the French were continually iuccfful. The operafionS of the fubfe quent daysare dwelt upon at confiderable length, a . reverfe of fortune appearing" to have attended the -French. ,. We are already in poflelTion of gen. jourdan s account of the repulfe fullered by gen. LefeVre near Wetfelier on the 15th June, the Britifh col. Crau ..fiird llates the lofs f the Auftrians and Saxons in .that affair at about 500 men including feverul pffi- TCeTSTthatofthe.renchfryre(f, and gewrlaefevf J Vior- Umm Viaillv nmihded In the arni. 1 V? :Thft Britilh account jUteVhe blockade of Ehren ' a. : '.I lAirAi Kd rlKrfnfie.n the Rhine. t-r. 'A r, n. .1,. tArtt Vic arrh.dnUe Charles hurfued tren. Lefevre to Grleffenftein where he was joined. On the ,17th the ;arch-duke marchetj to Rende rodt, the advanced gaard. to Alteuklfchen, and on ' the 1 8th to Hachenboore t " but notwithtlanding " the utmoft diligence f th"Aoftrians no affair of --raafequence hal taken place from the Ijth to the Illllict Jt . C l ... r, a nnffinn 1 f The artny dHtaly had taken the cattle of Urbmo, fort Felrara, and Bologna; injefara 1 1 4 pieces ol eatinon. The details f the above fuccetles are . !U. t ... cnn,iurir ,1111 Salicettl. . given 1" Idlers iiuiu .. aris-accouuts-oLlhcift. July from the fame pa ... .t.. . Aa. t..ni.M had taken pers nieniion urn . . ' . . . . i .- -A li wal tr. place, but tnat tranquil utwa ' "".-""r ported tli-t the Popeliad pT.liinecefration or jirms at the price of so millions, pt livres, piftures, &c: &c: I ? .'.' . ' T Paris dates of the 3d July mention that authentic letters announced a fre to victory gained by Moreau on the right fide of the Rhine, and than the "Empe ror's cuiralfiers were almoft cot to pieces, that the c m,.. rrr-A tin hv Ao.oao.men.Thc b.". c ki.j-. nhtatned aceflation of arms on condition of vithdvinJiisfdrcesland and naval from the eoalttionTtt't! f the J d July iay s s thathe French gained fignal-iaOTy entered Friiourg in the Brifgaw t.thfe appearo aHude to be viftory firft .OKntioned in this paragraph. It was reported, that Pwhegni had taken part of Mo reao's army and was marching by Conftance to cut OB Ueaulieu, enter tne yroiere vj - many and (hake hands with Buonaparte. Moreau in hi tetter dated ICehl, talks ofdkihg hands with Buonaparte.. , ,'. " , .. , a .i. u-.j f T.mo oA "mentiotis.that a couri- er from lnfpriKk brought news of the - J-rench M-. ipg taken Polzen, ecured ihe paflage ot Schultz and advanced int the valleys of f rk-fler and Muniler. , A KniHeU Head or jniy i " ''r' WES EL, June 22. ; .' - The report otehftttt4ab B-rench jj f ujl confirmed! The ar,nyof the S.mbre and the Meufe will have its head quarters aVufleldttff Jour- ..inrt.vi are at Andernach. Ihe hrlt. Aultrian patroles werfeenauIenTZ, Jfpofite Co logne, at4reak of day of the 2 1 ft. t - GE NO A, June 2 . TheEngHlh lately-feiwd lix French vfuels that hadVtakn refugeuhderthe Genoefe .fort Del L Ar ms, and which h4 Si board, ammunition, &c. The French made fome refiftance; butvithout efte. t v.. ,..-i 1... Tan mrmfrUt,tajuir eovero- ment on the fubjea, who resumed an , arjfwer five .v.. ntinf nf which are unknowo. . nouia ii vji1" . ; ; ' '::-:r . " PARIS, June 0. " : v Fmm ALiJnd. June t. . , .The Prince pf-Peace has-declared &j '-T i flC-rTIIIVW " " - - rn . ... t -r 1; n. nnuamment fliould cerlilt in reieaine all propofitipns for the conclufion of a gjy. J.i r.i,J i.;.n f cn .mild be bbliced in inftification of his taufe to join, thofe powers who U , 1 . .i thm in it bv ntce at 1 tnouia aeiernimc iu uimf .w -. --, arms. LONDON, July u. 17th as the enemy retiredwith the utmolt precipi tation." . - " The difpatth containing the details of pperattpns from the ijth fo the 17th is dated the 18th Hachen- 1.te..."ntl1. Am K M.ntiAfiiiiir rliaf Intelligence. is juftVcccived, that marihal Wurmfcr pods io the tha his excfcUeticr-dcfcaKd th enemy and took; from them ieveral cannon.' c '------;' - - TTkaa ns- aJ.fnat-r.. i .lir1 ftlll fTarfltfnKAi.ror: - j UVn av a .. "wT""ft; - T.im MrT Y!ani ' iftiqii Mmm4n4 ntff ttia Aiiftrlifi ntj - JUUC iU VVUa.-.a HT- WHiuMuuig u , "VI.La. UU.J la 41 It -b Kait-ara-iti K irnn o 'kA. Uckareth to give tfae t fWIt aim IUI lllbU lira a)VVV , vvmvii a 1 CaPrpa conultejoraTOUt 1:000 men. i ne vovtrian che, and their advanced "pods to Klrpeu,, an tlic 4M(laMa rnkmikl Alt' th taakaAVafal ftf K 1 tffaaVt f ieber determined; upon attacking the enemy's, b1 nhaf aaal 'aaf lI U'MMm t-aWa P aVl Tlaal 1 Mi-ahll tl 1-S V r-1 I r u n.iif; Uorif . --The French were lll 1CJ III k IM.H . . in pofleffion pf the citadel of Ancona befpre the 26H1 ti ne..., ., IM liin-.;, J..l1.II.,.-1;i--'i'.- --' ' TX'A;';, i 1 ' "Paris dates of the cth luly, fay, " We"hav cer tainly- takeiTtofleffion of Leghorn, Anepna and t . .'.'.-rm. it (A that at LeithornTwe took V ILaav V V V ! a k. V ----- - m -- . J. i Trm the Knolilh (hinnins. &c. to the amount of 6o, millions. "The minifters of the king of Napjes and .;. W.i,rr. f tl,. lAth.ult. cive an I'tKa'Pnne hail gtriveil nt Par IS. ' . i r ' I : - .... o! v ul,. iiera1.nf artllie- - . ...-.r... -- - , .i..kt. t.j r anurancetnai mm ,...t.y..v. t .? aun otjue ipin ty w,u return to the army, and wu conimanqi ojn Private torrclponacnce, anaunucr ucuiniii.w- fen, Bonn, be. of the1 , toth-, 20th, aid, and 22d, la aih mim itonClft VkC 111 ! I T 1 1 rrilllLIU kr..LUC accountsTpf the'actTonrtha't had taken place between atliyi U. Ilia. a .M - ; - f t will return to the army, and wjll conimanflopon 1 .. r.f j .uJ..L r hot-lt fen. tue Upper xnine unoer iw aimuu ---- LaWr has comma-nded fince the departure of Field MarUtal Wormier ipr itaiy. vtarinaTwrHiicum "'7 k -- . . auuuuu vi i.iiuii f --- - gv ieter 1 received irom lericy, . Lefevre and Kray, of which we have given an ab n?Go,he commander in chief there, hav ftraft frpm the omcial accourrtThe names , B . - received intimati0n that a confiderable French fo.ce.had been collected in tne neignoourmwu "y Maloes and Granville, aud which was daily increal-. . .... . . .1 rl k mn not - liraci irom iiie j;.ngiur, v"w .r 1 i 1 fc k( v'i.ui' in rtiia tirinate bT Oi generals are &cii vu - -- rifponJenci 'taH-'.fom eorilufion. is introduced in the V U aUIIV,Wl. T , dates, which mitht lead the reader on afuperficial TriewTC npofitthepelateil to '.bKjt in'requifition. was preparing. g.inft an attempt ul the. 19th tbut the filenee of the Sun in this reTpecl of J bre ,1 aon to believe wool qUiedye4 in--. (lie yiu aim eiu, auuin ! ,.. ---; French h:vC nough. raMn,o; of therf of l3ef byTpafled Elfir neur tt.es 24th ofJone.far 'Rigai He writes i there wcre-then cauifing on the North Sea. thefoHowine French thins, viz. ua i,armagmc, ui )w B..-. .... .x-.. W UA.w1.AuantH ?i 1 ugu. - w . . . ; . .kt m the Mnnl, t and we find ioreeablr to our '.;. r CT u 6 u: 1 rrencn mips, viz. L-a viiaBi""c, . prediaions, that Moreau is eroding the Rhine at ' - a, . . Torch?, zi : Foudroyante 24 ad w.ifh ra prevent the renth trom penetrating into I g ; jn Monday la(jj an American veflcl took tore the heart oftheir .dominions jeaviog the northern 4 Yitirrfeckv: NewXf aner Wfping a"d burpfe mearlto the water's edge j W?7 l""'l" "' anc ot uie tiremen ana engines, w ed no farther. . '." '''':; .' j-". ,' .V- parts of their territory expoled. . .: TtV AVrtlPIM - Tuna nk '-i . riAuiX'ii'4j . f ed no lartner. . . A lU. ntiu Willi v i.av.uhh ivm- uiMi-v,l iva w DpUfli ltthAuftrlan4cavalry poftc4; nesrKirpD7 .T i ne rrencn aiiacjicu iw tiiircmucu uj - -j-j,e Sallv ot liolton, lor oraer iu -":- - MOTdenhriiirwhh fen?

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