-FThiles 6f the cairtM, anTaTter wards retired. J ; . . ' AWaio "rivedat Niw .York; Rates the loft of By capt. R. Meafe, of the fchooner lWI. I5 dnr fro,n Cape-Francois, we Icarn. that fome days previouilv h.r failing lhc Brhifln.'ad taken p& itlllLMlnteJSl,lb' "rrcfs invitation from pole;, 1 his llep, however, was not deemed ofW cotifetiuence at the Caperancl certainly was yery im " P '" the Spaniards,-as by treaty their whole p.I!clTumarc ceded to the French, in St. Domingo, l and 1 thofexoncierned in this affair will not doubt be mane m r,i fl-.. f- . . '. vtii tcuicrHy Rna tony. Since the arreWnof Etienneand Barrafcall, two noted . '-tHtttmi t lr'nlai-lr 1 - 1 ; ?rrPJaye.oorncd feveral ola-ntaiio., n,ar P. de-Faix: 400 men from that dare. nmUi- , " r -j... ..... nu luimi mem IO IT- - treat to the mountains amf -ravines, where it was ..Ki4uui; mr wni;cmetFroToTrowThemr-Perroffd ""V.".V .'r'rraammmmrors ot Fort-de Paix, is ."pointed mmiiler .plenipotentiary frpm therenub is tcr;the leeward neutral iflands, and one Thi . " ' ?pomil. inyiis-placK -Bnanfl ofevW OlffJio'neHJVlJa w a floop of war v on fhore.lfinm the Weft Caicos, andlbppofil fwto" ll'c La Serirufc Ft ench coryetteof 20 ejnhteen . pounders, that. failed from the Cape the day before The violence of th&gale which blew at the time. - FTC VPTl t rr! Ihmi lr,ii-i ! rr.i ' ,"t-u3J,?0 ,0.nS'f' W . rswlbieetrigHtel fliniFrmrto" ' the ?- wt which he fupppfod to be Barney's divilton. -. - ,be COURIER FR.4S'CilL ,-A. Courier HifnafrlioJ D .. C- r.. . , ; i uu oaii-uommpo reached fa..IT,, : .1 . . n. ' . , . r- -"-" " me ictn nueuit, and brought intelhgence, that French corvetta juft ar. rived at San-Domingo hadnnnounced, that the fleet of Voti Solano, which, uniied with that of Richery, pomuofed. 0F 22 fbioa nf rk. 1: ...... .i" i. " .. , j- r- mic, may momenilV be enet.-l r)i . ........ L ' 1 ' . . ' r w. .bllG uaving Deen only a tew days a head of thff c.f v: 0 1 t.t T!,e J'!iyd of Do"'"ic has been taken by VicW Tortpla,; oye of the Virain Iflands. has alfo Kn- """-iiinH inennantmen were caotured merely jiie repuUkans. fhe iQand 5s entirely ruined. ' i iie bntilh have slmbftt entirely evacuated St. : Lucia, where they occupy only Morne Fortune, from which they will alfo foon be dr iven. Mann, who has fo long paO kept 'tTwm blockade,!. The time for the payment ot the fuiri ttipulated by treaty between this country and the Dev of Algiers exmred fix days before capt Haywood Vailed from Cadiz, and tHe veflel difpatched with it bad not &tn arpved. Lit is feared this circumftance may endanger the liberty and property of fome of our citizen's.!- 1 't V ' . Capt':HTywolilT?II VapeSrWidcMbeominand of Admiral Murray. He was boarded by the firfl lieutenant of the Admiral's IhlD. whn !nlVro.l .1..; u. 11 . . . r ....v.. iiiw iiii iucj uacroeen two days in ,chale of three French frigates,, under the command ot caDt. WINCHESTER, Sept. 2. With a i rar ( ii.i...: 'y-Extrait.Df a Utter from Parish June 'S'X Two-days-Ttgo the Guild-mailer of Bafle TVIni Oclis, arrived-4ierein-6rderX4oJ.rMftabi;m:he . good .undemanding between tlie direaory! and the Cantons. The cier.gyman BaTal.Mo whofe denunci - at.ons murj) is owing, n recalled.- To day Mr. -Ucns,ajnaaIf well knuxn republican principles w ill have an aucTieiicVwitluhe diredory iiuunii. iuiuiciit iccreiarv ot lpnnrinn r.wrgigiitgB .wjia WiwwiuCae.iled lately ar Pans, but now ir appointed Charge d'Affairs for iweilen, will be prefented"on the t8t!i inftant to 1 h f ,1 I , r.. '. .. .U-. T ' . -T. t , --5" -J-". .Ha.aiy. lie departurt- of it IS With a I roivr nt 1...-. - " J.J!..rj ty -the editor -kereofrhat he enters npon the reci, tal ot the following melancholy event. . A few days ago an unhaDDv di(iinr tnol du L...i' name we have not heard: that a challenge was fent by the latter to the lormer, of which c.pt. Thomas Was the bearrr s rant H. ,.(.. r...l .1 1 n .K 1 ' -"r me ciianenge, and threw the note on tfee ground, Caniiyina- abe fame time, that he did not think Impponent upon an equality with I. m Ti, ,-(,. :.' '1 y f epthomasliefiMbred him tocom'. mt, wn.cn wasreluled Ly tHe former on the fame teaJaMoiltowds, capt. Thomas was OOaittfiS' in comnanv -tlii.. a. J . nf ,1,- r 1 v & . . "B."i,u ingnrenea tome rh, """l8' ,i,s b'Nviour drew down f ,if,,-i 1. -7 u o very un or. tuna t el V hannn1 ... t.- 1 .r- J -. knf k 1 1 ; ."., ' r rlu v reientment feTT?' -Ft-" Thomas, and r..! r,""'" ere, out alas the lequel, mournful. It. is, muft be dikloledV with a dirk out a nrrinrl f hi. . " . 8 Mai.'Black u'X.r;'5", lI!e bu pnion in iVlartint Italy, which has already advanced fo far on that fij. . as to have its advancepoft. on the So" ht' ?n! tains of Germany, will he enabled to eflFec a i,.nr uon with that of the Rhine. The Frelh armies" wben thus uni,Cdrwill extendo the Germ E' on the left, and to the Mediterranean on the"," It is not ealy to fep at prefent any thine that cVri 1 open to tLenr the heart of Gerni.V". pel i he Emperor toXue for peace on an, ff ms' . An article from Bonn; oJ'e 34; hate, that the" new, conhrmed, of the french having aken he lines before Menu.. Th , " Jne merits further confirmation, before it can be imrli! cjtly credited 1 ' umemalcontents-at Rome haVe planted tfe tree Or Llbertv Tlirrr'TK t.,v.l. j..;-1. , B Mendel '- ' ',V,"'fe,""t'! "" Uct aP' An official account was publiflu d at PeteriWir on -the ulr of theap,rc of tllC i,Hp0rta,u to,.. nan gen. Subow on the ,c-,h of JVny, after a bom bardment of ten ;,ys. Upvar,is of ia000 prvat were made nrifoneis .T. tf k i,.. .u .a ,u j r ! "a" command- a ?by andfeye, aL othfr-.utUcert of -diftinftion Immenfe magazines, Snd a great quantity of artil. lery, were found in the-place. ' 3 ' " LONDON, July i'3, 6 thJ'rtll " "g f 'iif C0"'HiI f,e Hundred, July . trie followinirmprTa r-.,...,. j.i: j ' J ItlZenS I PCTlflatnr. " ' ' '. Vidtorv is aa Cuiil.f..l'.' .L .T I- ;.. J n uic armies ot tlie renub- in ucrmanv. as ll.e has K... : ! tn ann, i-C. .... . ..,. IvaI. e ave i Tl ' r """'e gained at Renchen;: . i mm mi Mole c after ii Mj P?a-.ge o,lie Rhine, had hicce.sfulTy cf gaged in .fcvrral rnmk. .u:. . . . roop, alternately empioyed in in.itntion of' e ik l pel? which overthrows, every thing that oppofes ,f, impetuolltv ! :ant th..nl..t - - ' r. 115 "Ms every iffP Th ""-"' W which fe - i. j nc entmv lefr in the -5717:3- r?r" - -.- .1 "t- "c McpBriurt or iiarnn de Srail m murk r... J.he Jy before yelterday the criminal tiribunal iC thlSTltv; condeninerl th AmtH ATKa m:n 22 years, daunhter of i rnnnrr tn n. il.. I. l-t n. " . , . - Hie laic rench PrincesrS hi-i-t-h ..M..r,. i.. . , . "w " i''.'"'! who was-con- cerned lall year. Mnv nA in t,m ,ff5(7T..: i .L Deputy, if ret, in the midlf the Rail of the con vetition, and who alfo intended to rhurdef Boifly d' Anglas, tlie.Prcadent. They attempted bv all pof fiole means to faviTher, by advifing her fo plead hi nacyt BoiU) d'Anglas himfelf; whofe attendance Was tamed obfflnately. he WaWliniwcTarfdnrFalt tended to murder Boifly d'An-las. The fortitude fhe difplayed, a!ITinilated to exalted heroifm , ' -rswwnlefleia-ewf i -i--t,-H.wi.Hacciengagement with ) the lofs of lio men. f Among the killed was found the emisrant Be!afiere. taKen. Many elegant arms were 'On the 2'Ath of Mav. fh rilr1ouon 'r r. ' II ' . ."""I UI IL queville Ppnt-Royer, whom the Chouans in vain i r , . ,; ' came over from :Hrnrl.n t. .1 . 1. L T... I'll' .. . Vl , Caa ine uaiia in iormandy .- V" .-. .--v. rw uiiuuij i0 dine with her hufband, ." ' : . . he .'tor, of Count d'Artois, now are pgid tint nf thr it 1- lr. i-i1" -.. . CO J 1 1" ' rt4ll(rQ. mrflUKin , l . f.. .i - -letteis, tine Cardinal Rolmd.cd at Kttenlieira. 5 ALEXVANDIU A, Sept. (5 Arnved Saturday the fiiip Pomoha. capt. Hay- wfliiurirora li z , nh h. i-r. in t . . ,-......w.n.ii iiic lit Of v u 5onnt,;by tbe P.mdna correlpond ;with the : ntel.fence it) our J a ft from Cadiz, b'v the w-.y ot i.ew;Torlc.-Wat-'witl, England wa,' the general topic ; of eoayerntion, which eerv day 1 a to render, more rirobable. Admiral RfclieryV was (till i.i Cad W .Knf 4 .. !y . t n ?. . uuiourea mat the I . ... ii-ccuy reiier rrom aDatch fleeti Ot fuoerior fnrre tn.tKo r..J- . , . . 1 . 1 1- KIUISOJ ( -erediifi C-.-h ;, 1 lens is enormous. chief. 4 6 eXpreinU 9t "exommaDderin The arniy of "tlie Sambre "and"Mere ,lid Qii tTe RhiL iff n,0r f "Victorious march fen 11 t dH ifionhich had falv A W, ! qt r8ne' WtWn CoWpnizand Andernacli, A corps of , Jie enemy which defended the right bank ?hr r"e-ml'J Vm,nedi:"elI decxeed-w.'4 " ' i ne Council of Fi-v' r-r.;.-i.j "7" everv vi,.r k. 7 . "-""""uering mat the?,n rr ? aiU"l our braie 8rmies,Sgives Wrt,i I . pCKei artd"' a the people of tti. bi.-"" ? ! ucciares t iat the arm e of 'and'thar 7h I. i' I t . ''Mfrt-sgontryfc ; S b. printed, and T.I.- t.l J V ' "- ."f "Ser t0 t ouncil of aiders. ii.uuuxr wnli im r l:. i.f. ., . ? . ' " i hi a ..i. riyi v.. iyr. -r n. firm ihD Inte ligenct we gave a fcw-da,aBo of the faprye o Co umbo, which with all other depe! P '"6 l." "JC WUK" n he ifland of Cev. forces under the cnmrtioi r.,- t-. .. 4 . J iv 8 .,,u ui tui.oiuari i lie Drn. perty found there is. in,,a.:.i... m - , r. r ' j r w""i ul '"uiviauais is fecured to them ; but three Dutch Eaft-Jndiam, , richly laden,. nd all other public property, will be fhared by the captors . h u hLjy iS: . London, July ji. r. , ' P s.wi'iirii received dirpatches from Gibraltar, la.d f o be of the mod feriousimp." tance.-they were d fi1Btrli ,u ..... . ?w fafHaiilngranfport, with order, to fc' nrakc ithejift Lng.ifh portend let 4 The iniellinpnr.. Krn..nv.. r... .i. : "." .: . "";" uy ine caDtain ol th f rampurr- from Gibr.lt.?, wfiich arrive? a he War-oflke this mnrhi r:j . . i . . - 1 ulc j.. i ." o oe, tnat ot con i- S P.rj"Pafat!on9 ing on at the camp of St. tlat fonrels, as alio a large S Klnl irdved at the HniM: Br;.. "i:! ,!te,JlJ,'mg . bee,, canioned tn .hevlllage ten or twelve mil, dif! ia.Jm in wTfieh thole in nftic al n,.,i,:.,. ; . r- . - -..--..,.3.1, inc orace nave l ! 'r I! K reCePi f tI,e al,?v,? di.lj5tc1,ei, no tn in g; further, has tf;n& p.rl r .!,..i. 1 - . ' . i ""tii it is eviiieni. from manner and ccrndfict, tlKyare of the moll mo- ur'c&n-eTniinffrnt'o U'r.4- Yr. :z : i - .....v. u,,u i.uiiiirms tne ac counr given- m the- precrdiiigfoll WtheentireIer felHeAiifWans-wttrr miiieiifif'lnlV-r-r- ' . ; Lahn. inieficlinctf ,..u - : French fr. " " " "PPrjo. prevent the St to t5i?.:r 8rd)d"ke' wi". in the endurn SWW!W!?h I"lP"ialifts for, in the armv" o f iK- m u t t . oi fioSmen f Von, I dL - thatof the Sam, rheFre, wert 1 ft '7v D, mi,Cb fl,Ure .'-tban- they- Star! Vga' U heater Tat i ?2 00 ,,,C ?.n of tlle !"'Pli(ls to pre: . no t onl . T Pr?f,tin b "AM.rcuma,icefor "Ot only has th r .u. t , . . v' - I re,nf"-cements from that of the North we have-alreadv ftated : W.r -srx-4 C. JL H , .It is probable that' the purpofe. of the French ii tr"e thrum & Suab;a 9 fide; -aidtSr? !,neh tountry3f the Grifons and Thof nt!)e h 7 fuced in this, the amy 5 rHK Revenuefhcers Tn rlnfl,i- ki..4. t i' i , . . " iiorin-v.aro- Ima. are hereby reminded, that judgments will 4 e lakenin the Superior ,:ourt of thedidria of HilUv. borough, which commences on the 6rh dav of Oao ber next, agaiud every of them who tail flly t0 4rt"2jr f nd VU ard. d,ber public monies with-which thtyebiUwL-:i.t..i come payable on the firft day oftlie fa'd monrb N O T I C E. ' - - r"EvJa"'7rP of the n.bfcrirs under the 1 firm? of n -,fTSW STOTT. ir Co at Suffolk &&MMFRTBONALDSON. e t'o. at Fi-vetteville.4 Nnrrh. ifl uh. J bole indebted to rl.e concern, are re- oencawljwleiieFOHm and W' ham Kiflier arc ,,,uru:,A :.. .r..".i r .. J- U ... u 111 . anience ot Ration Stntt, to eoUe the debts and fettle the bu- . U1C a cu.rroiK. J Hole indebted to the t Pf4?r?org,; will J,e pleafed t0 ojake pay ment to Ebenezer Stott, (a,ul thofe at Fayettevilfe to " Robert Donaldfon: Cmmtfy .-.produce 'will be re ceived irwpaynirnt as. ulualclaTms ag.tnii -the '" concern will be fettled art he pl.rra where they ori ginated. ' VATSUN' Sf OTT r . zzzj, .7 EBKNKZtii sTo rV," l" :' -. - - . JUIBFRT DONALDSON.'.' : . -V i i ... rpHE fnhferther tilcei.rhis opportunity ofinform. r '.ma tne-fiublic'thaf 'fu. K at fayctteville, and will continue to fiipply fch cuf tomers. either in th- J'::. hae. ,n any tolerable degrebeen pSnctual in their . dealings with Robert Dopildfon & Co.-He-Has4 at, , hulk, norn or European and Wefn India goods on hand, among other articles riot lata i thatv twelve thQulind bffalt; an.l a further I'lPD'v. of evrrv ortlrl. i. .....ci.j i in I i t i a n 1 cjijjcuru iii i lie rail.ar-ivir .oho..MAflnwUUontiotic.t9 do bufmefl-WiW f lit not Atl inn rtiai i .. . . -t -t- - ; .'$njlifti . , ; ROBERT DONALDSON

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