mmmmmiim"11 - v , nJi t, t ,m mf fe. vrmw Hfirvci , -ii2aMiTdMBa.t1tfaM,,1 t i -,- i,.MMm,i , , t , , i mi i W ' 1 'V . I-' u - ..-.fa-,-. ; -.F-r P ' fc r - i 1 . - . -- ?: . v 'V v , -f I -'- J. V:.. . ';.' ' - - l.I.'"7'.'"-'7 ... ., ... -. C;, ... ...- J I - - . V..' ; 1 V AND " : j . ,. r-Vti . VoLI. S A XU R'D A Y.-OcfToSER .1-5, .1796. - .. ' ' . Nujub. 30. LONDON, That our readers may be aware of the calamitous, aJvajicesihioaill!U'yJj!U-JI,ale twMf-Jirwr ruefTh?reiUioaxothelLllQMDgiiMe.mjr the. progiefs of the national debt. In. 1775 we pwcd leventy-two millions.4n i776Lone hundred and twenty 'three millions In 1 78610 Jhundred and thirty nine millions ! Arid"4 we find from Mr. Horgaifs fal.uabie traft, ; that the amaunroflhc national debt Midfummeri 706, wh no led than three hufldreo snd fixty millions Sterltng i.J J Laft week, the town ol Doualas, in the Ifle of Man, was thrown into no final I commotion by the appearance of a ftranger, who Oifered to fell any ongntity of guineas at ten and elttitu Qjiling each. The very higheft authority in the ifland wag applied to, a warrant was ilTued, add executed ; and the wag upon the point of being committed to prifon when the fapient iiiformtrsj by fpme means or other, rame to' under jland that ten and ele ve n makes froen Ij one I The Humbug, was uudertaken for a trif ling wager ; it is fuperfliious to add, that " more thau the winner Ibarej in the laugh." ; . KINGSTON, (Jam. j Aug. 27. FMr tff f a letter from Jeremie, dated Aug, 2 1, 1 796.' . " It is now 1 y days fince our camps have been at tacked ;perfuaded that being "accudomed to con quer, would Hill infure us victory, our hopes were realized, in the eallera quarter, and the enemy were completely beat at poll Kalniond This fuccefs, as complete as could be hoped for at an advanced pott, only colt us two white men, and to the brigands 200 men of all colours. . Kigaud, without any fuccefs, laid fieie to the camp or Iroistor ij days, with a columnJituated 0Bihe :hiILcalled-Marie.ulfeand another upon that of Madame Lucas.- We would have acted properly to have leu theui to be tiifplru ed through chagrin, lince" neither cannon nor rheir bombs produced any effect hut the Impatience ot otir chletVj'wai unluckily, of great iervice to our enemy. -The dependency perfuaded that a decifive victory in this quarter; would for a long lime give peace, had found plenty of foldieis as wll as -aividuals in a condition to carry arms, Thofe who by their aae and their employments could be excuf- eJJW)incar,rying theni-wiflied even to- have lUeir-J mire 111 111c isureis Allien incy ocuevea wouia oe gatliered uuder the (lwde of the erell of pen; Bo yer, who had deciled, .that,' the army collected at Ance de Nault and L'lllet, lhould march In two co lumns, and thaj M, de JScvray, commandant at I ro !s, flibutd ira.oiit o the. fort with'oo men:, ia , r-,. ; . .... I .l V i I mm .... niaKe tne 3a column. inat or. U llietjlet out at. pine o'clock at night to go to" take its pofition, fo as to flank the wood; we were ufon the march wjih a field piece at two inthe:inornihg, and at Jfix we, were in fight of tlie enemy. M. D'Anglade, who commanded the column from L'lllet, began the fire. a Gen. Bowyer Teconded him briflcly, by beginning hii lire fponer than lie wifhed, as our black troops wereftruck with a nanic. and had deferted the rrim. lar trooptj Itfavihg them jexpoled to the whole fire of the enemy. Gen. Bow'ver. in ordciito animate-thie- troops, aofieared on foot at the head r hi rmnm . k,.i k.: f: i! . r. - - - . . . ' jrf"'v. jisiiigjiBineoiaie "fitter. wounoea-Dy a General Forbes, major geriifrar aod commander in chief-W wajeuyVeerft-tr Liomtrigo. 1 0 all the tynabuants ot the bpanilu pare ot tne iame lUand. 4 Sfanifh Cohuijit, i. ' . Yonr king has ceded d the prefent rulers in France, the vaft and richtetHfofy'occupied and cul-' tivated by your ancedotf, ind by y ou, for upwards of 300 years; this treaty is opon the point of be ing put in executioh j already Commilfiooers fcnt by the Executive Director Are arrived among you, and they are preparing or the total annihilation of your properties, as they tave already effected like purpofes in the rich French colony, which is your neighbour; truft not, brave Spaniards, the perfidi ous infinuations ot thole tnetflies of all the princi pals civil and religious of twmanefociability, Brave, loyal, and generous as your anceftors, yoa need only be put -on jour ganrtLJ. Firmly attached to the worlhip of the true Cod, and to the auguft blood of your king, there are flows among yop, .wlpo without doubt would not prefer the a&andoning of his for toner to the misforMiaand lhame of coming under the yoko of new malicMiover your territory. Roufe yourfelves,:1jrave Spaotardu, to this noble impulfion ot reafon, honour aud fentiment i depart the do nuini of the Spaoilh nronirchy are open to your; go and live there, and die honourably under (hade, of jour altars and of the thrW of your king. ' But if there are among you thofe who, chained by necclHly ta the foil whkh they cultivate, find themfelves inr the unhappy predicament of being uti able to abandon it, let t.hem be confoled. A pow erful and protecting hand is held out to them, it is that of his Marty.-Maf theyr torilieiniappinefs. '! confide in the genefofity and beneficence of fo great mqnarcn: nat otliers have lou-ht ior wuli lo movh earneltnels and gloifto defend and fupport the fa cred canfe of j-eligiotij royalty; and humanity, a galnll: thofe Juuened innov a 1 or,: w ho have refol v eU to overturti htf(W'lLyBliout the whole furface ot this iohe. i ' 5 " I have read, brave Spaniards, die oftenfible in ftrudions, given by the Directory to tlie Commifla ries ; I have read the proclamation of thole hypo-" critical and pcrverfe agents, whole firll million to St. Domingo was only nrdiked by in(wrrectioni the burning pf properties and the aflalfioation of pto- prietotSt;The choictiudlilie fending of liieh men am ii you,"declire plainly the lot that a waits ybu- - KeaU and -coululer, wave Spaniards, the pn-ces I haye cited to yon -compare the promiles there in: made to VoiTBy" t hejrpuiillc, with tliolc it has miide to nil theoeoDle thev have willied to feduce What not as a cafual obferver, but t9a philofopherrex" aminhg miqtttety latrfJuAew widitiea, and narurai aavanuges. . ' , NEW.YO R K, Sept. 24. Laft WedneHay morning le'nnight a nioft ibock ing and truly lamentable affair took place in New -a!"!n,A .'A.MrBenj. Hay wood, a young oeotleraun beiong'jig to Charlefton (S. C.) who had rtceived his' education at Yale College, put attend to his ex iftenceby ftiooting himfclf with a piflol through the. head he lay in the great eft diftrefs for leveral hour before be expired. He was a young man who was very much efteem ed by all who. new him. He was graceful and po l?te affable and engaging : and a true philantbre pbift. Though he left feveral letters witha cohfidentiiiL friend of his, we have net been able to let.rn tnai be gave any particular reafon for his raflinefs ; but that he had been long determined upon it. BALTIMORE, Sept. 27. We were laft evening favoured with the follow, ing decree of the French government of Aux Cayes, in the cafe of an American veilel captured on her paflage to a Britifh port. It may convey fome in tereltmg information to many of our. commercial readers. - G wtrd Liberty r. French Re ullk. Extract from the regiftery of deliberations ot the delegation fent into the iouih and fouth-eaft parts of St, Domingo,' bythe commiflary of the French government of the windward Warn'. j C-SSeirion-'onhanYhherncror,' 41 It . .year of the French Republic, one and indivUi- .hlep-Wrelitlency ot citizen Kerverieax. .blcflingS- have-they not -announce d-to -t he-colonies to Savoy, to the Belgic Provinces, to r'olland, and in aword,' to all the countries whither they have carried their aftoniftiirig doctrines, and contemplate well the frighttul "ad deplorable flate to which thefe countries are reduced, Which wre formerly li well peopled and fo tlourifhing, arid judge; brave Spaniards, what will be'the refult of your credulity. , Struck with your danger and fenfible of your mis fortune, I .offer you my afliftance ; the faithfulin- animate-the4erpreter of th beneficent dilpofttions of his majef- vCenfeter ing h iff t te" po.r it a'r;d fcownsoTSi; D o mingo. in which the Englifli flag is fl irg, have been delivered, upbyrebelUbus Frencl;me.D-r-and that the laid ports and tuis arc in a llute of rebel lion and liege. j . - - , Confidering that 5t is an infringement of the laws of neutrality, to carry fuceours, provilions and war. like (lores into the laid' ports nd towns," in a ftate of liege and revolt. ' Confidering thaJLthe United Stats acted in the fame '"mariner- Tn the war they fupportcd fur -their hououi aliV Indept ndtnceandiha they did ih Ice French reffels catTy fuceours to the evemies ot t lie United Stares, and intoplaces whitfi bclongedjo them ; and that it ia i contrary to the intention, of the Aineiican government, that provifions-andIun- JlikHftvatildbexaTTied ports in di. lon.ingo, j Seeing that the fact Is proved, and that it refult s as well from the dec armion of Captain Wilhs Whitfield, as from papers found on board," that the brig Eliza, and her cargo were deftined to fupply Fort -a u Prince, occupied by the'Englilh and French rebels, armed apainft the Republic. ' v . Seeing that no proof has been furniffied'that tlic veflel Eliza, and cargo were not conligned to an Ennliflirnan at Port-au-Prince. 1 . the left bread, he was forced to outt the nartv.and to order- a'rMreat, feeing that-the negroes who draEg'' t,1e field piecf had abandoned it. All the oflicen that were wpunded, were luckily brought off, and gen, Bowyer remounted his horfe,"beiiig - Jjpply-only very fliglnl j- wounded. MonC JSevray rhaving carried two butoHtTeth-e'rn goodorderi he was likewife wounded, but very flightly.' - Extr aftej a letter from the 'fame place, dated Aug.i. - . V "rave gen. Howyer nas mewn himiejf woti tny or tne pt jie holds she is beloved by every per ton, his wound creates no fear of danger ; we arer going to arm all the negroes we tan, and we have the greateft hopet from that ftep. There is no rea Ion to doubt that if bur commanders had not been Wounded, we lhould have had a complete victory, -i particular over thofe who were repulfed at the camp at Rivaux,-and tlie eamp of Centre, with the gresteft vigour". ,. , ' -':r-' Je fchooner Fidelle .is fent down exprefs to Kingflon. to demand alliftanceas well to the Com motlore as io the General, for a (hip oF lheline, which would be of-thfe rrfeatelt nonl'eouence to us ' '.J In CbrdVqnence of the, prefling demands of jfie .i.AillianiS r9. L. rati1 Anl. tha r mnmnHnr. will .. "l;hitants of Grande Anl'e, the Cot . ,,rm ort-Roy! on Snnday morning for Irois, 'ith the Cormorant, Jamnica, and Undaunted, and --.-.rum unaer tnetr convoy, having on poard 300 ueu,. ty, I promife and make fure to you. under his it an ard-IafatytgfyotiT perfeas aady&itr propel tics jr for every thing mod facred, every thing that is moft dear to you Your worfhip, your frlefts, your laws, your cuftonis, your privileges, and every thing lhali be preferved to you; you (hall befides enjoy the ad vantage of a commerce, the mqft extenfive and moft flourifljingn thTuTJrvetjj yoohaye requented"oor: yorts, and you know .the lifterty, good faith, and plenty that reign in' them. -Calculate the extent of all thefe bleflings, and prepare, yoorfelvesro receive the. only power that can procure them for you. The-fnomentharrproteftion orvbur king fhalf be withdrawn from you, and you DiaH be abandoned to the new matters of your territory, arm yourfelves againft tlienv, and at the ,firlt iignal which ybo fliall give me ofouffefoliition7l will-fly to your aflif tance, and unite all my forces to yours, to repel and exterminate the common enemy. . -. Given at the King's' horUe, at Port-an-JVtnee, ' the latu day ot July, in the year ot our Lord ' -179 nd ot bis majefty- reigrt the 36th. X By order of his excellency, - - . ; ' rheJDetegatt6ni Dtcreei. -r lt is reported, by ah arrival from Mole St. Nicho las, that advice has been received therelnf our fleet being fafely anchorad in tlie road of Monto Chrifti. 7 WALPOLE, (Nl H.) Sept. aor - C - Doetor'Bollman, who fo courageoufly attempted the delivery of .the untortunate La r ayette, trom tiisfoTJrtSTWvTW'Wnii1 country; Art. I. The brig Eliza and her cargo, deftined. for Port-au-Prince, are declared good prize, tor the benefit ol the captors. : Art. If. The French privateers, the Seafiower, captain Barthelemy Aubert ; the Vietory, captain .Sabin: and the Flying Filb, captain John Teyher ; (hail divide among them, the officers and crews ot the raid Jhree.r veritionthericrof ihe fale of i brbrig ElizT and her cargo. j Art. IIL The bflicer of adipiniflration at Lebgane is charged to hold bimfrlf accountable to the three prtvatoerkoFthe amount of flour purchafed for adminiftration, he rel'erving to himfelf the power of making fucb terms as he can conveniently comply with . - .. "Conformably to the decree, or the comnnfTton of goverumeiit, df the 19th Prairiallaftr nothing (hall be retained, nor ariy-expences paid, on the amount of fales "of the Elira and cargo. - -"w-;' ... 1 : The ordonnator Is charged with the execution ot the prefent decree." KERVERSEAX, , Signed, h BPRGUE, and tier- , , From the reafons aflignrd, and which preface the above decrees relative to .thi,Eliz3p'we ftiJOope,'" that the report reflecting the determination -of tlie French to make prizes of neutrals bound id any. Britifh port, is rather exaggerated t'and that it iax not their Intention to condemn any others than thofe bound to ports occupied by Britifh troops in the iUand ot St. Donungo, .- .:...,............ - 1 - . . -v- . :.Jr it- - - : -4if w m w ..... v -t' ' ...4 .--MiTO-- H ... ;.-I..J... itr - .d- t ;.- - c f I : l "' it t .. P. ' I :.i