Fjiwrmm um$ mv Saturday - , 1 4 1 - -T I I 1 I 1 jl .--.,.-r t Trffli'. . -1 Vol. I. SAT ORO AzirOroir t --xmrnm Xmpoit&nt Foreign Advices. . ' ;'.'gy"fAf 'HOPE, lla lyjnut Lt' LO knON: Atwuftitf. A the fate or tnat-eoontryv me tclair ot tire latlycantains an official intimation from the Di rectory, to the Council of Five riuudced, of a noit brilliant victory obtained by ibe army of Italy, at Calligliooe, about fix league from Mama a, , even tFiuuladJ Auft'riahs according to this account, were made prifoncrs. The vidbra took alio pieces ol tanndUi-arid killed argreafTiiimber of the enrmy.-- This a ppers to have been the lali elforj n ibe parr jafJtotjAuftrUnjJto etent wtnett nuv now be regarded a certain pbfls were on tbc Regnitz, io tbo bifhoprlc of ttam- ,wKpwBttttxuj jfcn- KWorr- waa preparing; to t- ; TihVarminoF the Rhine ajd Moferfe hssalfoeon affboed to advaiKe, meet'sj5nju-e refiflaoce, but finiilaV I'uccel. A divitiSmfinwrw! St. tyr at tacked the Auftrians oif the ad inff. at Aalen, and drove Ibem from thence, taking 30a priibiers. -A-" nother -partial action took place at fievdenhc'un, wiiere the Auftrians made a- fpirited f efiflaace, but were compelled o retire, leaving the, French In pouefllon of the place. The Auflnan army: has re treated behind Donawerte on the Danube. Jt is impoffible on any common principle of rea "" rolling or calculation, to account for this unvarying . tenor of fuccefa on the one hand, and of d, latter on the dthrr. A.letter"from the head-qiiartcrfbf the archduke Charles, " i given ia the.. Eclair; of tbc ; 1 2th, which, if we could' give it implicit credit; would throw no incdnfiderabfe (hare ot light onthis luytterf. It is t.bire Hated, 4 That, the Emperor v; has ordered his brother to make no more ufcJclMW crlfkes f. his army tdr th Take of t he Germanic empip,-xcepting Bavuria and thebi(hopricsof oatzooarganaranau, wnicniiiay oeondedtroni aid be was obligW to jret remand give vest to Uteoi 1 on paper. rTm ctruauBaac werteornj witRMtM faciioai, asraaalty honourable 4 o the merdiaoti of LopdoB Ao the naerttortou objeA of difk tr- ' This meming we rereived tb. Paris Journals t the Iftb toft, and w ftop the preli to pubiifli the fbltowiiig pariicuiB' of s . The Dcfcut of the A uftfin ! The CommiJp,6tteri 'ofjhe gxetyt'PZ Dtreflarji with the at my if Itjfj and the Jfifattthi ExeeutfvtJOi" On he fide of German v the traufaHcui. thouch left HrHiing Jn tlieir 4N2 ,r not '"P"'"1 in rheir ionftquencet. Tl army of the- Sawhre tutd rb MMfr4 pommanded by geo. Kleber, during xlie MiQtknif geo, lourdao. Kit untinoed its pitogttA ltbot the (malleft bjpjo,ruioa. Thefoi , . - - ,T 1 hat -,were at-firrfcia-lifter t: tuo army oi44i nru-Htniwona. neuaBeerT -' rTj v T a, i . 7 V- I J - ... .... . tn hnniuirah drfftM lull MtlnfM on raffilM tn. Oar dHpatch of Veflferdar wjtich a franftrtHted by the dinary courier, would sot reach you be fore this, mfertned you hat, according To utioilci at report, bar made Wtfy periods worthy of credit, divSKrt 4f ha fVf made an attack pn the it th, at balo, on the beVdersof the lake de Marda, wl bad beta reptlBthbY column of the tneniy wiflth was marthto rapidly to Brfclcia. - their, natural ihuatiori, without commuting the r : .lafcty tif thearmyi"; ' . ' - it naaaea, i nai mexmperor has lent the lol ,-Jowing eemmi(fiotrerj;Bffi and , BaHm de Wlntermach, with their fecVetaries, M. d Gattntimel and de GreKenegg. to afllft his Minit. . ter, Baron de Degeltman, in negociatihg, Jnew, tile prelirtiifiaries of peatcV ,. Stich ia the idiie which we ha ve For fome time pre dicldr and this letter is t hi more dcierving oT cre dit, as it is not poflibte other wife-to account for the " ; erilforni ri treat of the Audrtan armies, and the a batldonroeiit or the Bates ot the empire. " "Jfiigt id. Th4 French generals at Frankfort, jiot having iiven aiders totrcmove the Imperial tagle frotftjhe hewfpapers publilbed In that city, nor io leave but tM Wfd w lrontWth the mott gra. '; cibus privilege of his lnipriai roajefly"-.ancf )te ' fablTitule; thofe' By permirflon ol tTie genea - rah of the tTench Republic" It has been athiouncV ed to tUe fitorii, that both the Eagle and jbe for. r jAet Word ttfo teniain. -- , . .:' . , : .;1?he'lbe of the fundi it prefenf Js,a.fuicicot vt dot "that JKace is riot expeaed, in confeanence of .Mr HaffimodVjBiiinon--Wbeb"M . prefented bis fiote to Bartheleoir. the friends ot mi ' nWers, io thfecret, fpeculateif deeply in the fimdsi , aid If itty haj)ny evntwerenQwKpeaed tthy xrydottie' equally eager W buy JnX aud theJlocks MrcWtd CoHftqnentirriTe. :T The Stdtholdcr'a Elephants at Paris are called en honourable defence had rttreated oa Caflano, to geilier with a bwttafiba f the ijrti demi-brigade, attacked between aW cne lake l lleo. That a very ftrojrg eoiuma f Auitriane (tad forc ed our ptffis at Corona, bove the Adige, and kad ie,d off between the Adig and the lAe de Carda. '. .That the commmder-itt'efcef, after hsring,;in conieuencc vf tbefe ntovctoeat, evacuated Verona, had aiHeed Ms force. ; We were anxious to tranfinit to yoa thele detaHs for tbe purpe-Ge of det'wrtogtbe efforts which male Volenae would B doubt make to reprcfent as an ab loluie defeat, a momeptar? advantage Rained by the enemy, and wltich pretents noUiing allenifhing in ine eowne ot a campaign or uiree montns. An official difpatch fom the general, dated this day, has arrived ta ea chta moment, calms obr un ealineb and jultities. auriiit. Wf do not befnate 19 rraitfmit to yon by afl extraordinary cobrsertbe relult. . .. ... ; r The general informs ds, -that though frtiineltas appea. ed i'or a moment, oirf avournl)le, thanki to the victory ot Conado, and te the vigorous meafures that r has taken, things are lna irajijo take i a. hvery tatisictoryTilrnT7 ttf jOutch Ambadadors. ' So TinoUflj Idoeiiht-tl bethreat ht thr rVenchTroTiTIF - uiiDoa operate on tne mercsntue world, tlwt a tner chiflt lit London has chartered the brig Kingfton, pf wwtnainpion, a remarkable iwitt lading veflql, cop per Boiromeo, in oraer to onng nome.his ettects; r fof which 'purpofe flte failed on Fri hat he hat evxHated tne-ceniHTrbeyond the .Mincio i that he has thrown a llrong garrifon into Pifchier a i hat he 4tas united W army for tbe pur-: pole of marching to attack tbe enemy at Lonado md at balo ( tUm rbe enemy has loft in thefe two t-ngj-emems a great many men; that at rhr baftle of Lonado we have made 6oo prifoners, and killed and wounded tn o thaufand nich. Our magazine at Brefcia bavelen retaken. The bravery of the army, the confidence with which the general ia invefted, and his opinion on the fituatioo of things midtleave you without aneali- nets Uepend on our teal in feconding him, and informing you with txa&fcfs And truth 6f whatever maj 1 paft. f ' T - l?ignd C AS. R A U tr SAL ICCTTJ. BxcsCiA. Aunult 4. 1 fend you by exprefs, theHews, that e yefleri day completely defeated the enemy at tonadef Cat tiglione, and Montichiara. . We have tskeb in thele Ihree places, Sir thoufdni frifon rr, and Wvo thou land have been killed or bundd., We have taken thirty field nieces, and two ef the Miemies generals are made prlfoners. . At Salo we have alio defeated the enemy, and made fix hundred prifoners, and took one hundred and forty horlcl. . - ' r (signed) , , , CARRAlJ. nav mnrmnff tint. Troliobe. went on Kridav L(t Cdftet-houliti' to return his thanks in Derlbn to the cerrinlittee of merchants for their . elenanr nri-Pirnt 1 ir.f, tin' rtnfti i ni ft 7TTri'"hft 1 mnif i.r ..V,.,. . 4Vmeytffio-Voted to the CTplaTnfor bis late gat, lent' 'conduct in attacking and defeating a verjTmV rrweriof Bet of fhfe enemv. Tbe mSmehr Mfit Tr1 . Wpe-enitrfd the cotfee-fioule, byaa iDltatitaneous i:iotion (if. all -the ientUnn nrifrnf .' h cg'ueil With three cheer, which mark of refpeft mid 1 eftVntatiott .to-feBMy, ;M..jitnt-l-nfn t UmA tliat M unabk, iq, words to wprefs bik ftelipsv rjjjJysiiabnhis letteireTepeatedln two others, which follow ,in the Paris Journal, on fign. ed Garrau, and the other' Berthier fo that there can be no doubt that the Auilrian army has beer) completely routed with tbe' lofs of 66ao men," ' and thirty pieces of cannon. ' .. The Eclair of the 14th -contains a letter from geru' Kleber, dated Aueuft 4, from his head-quartert nl the grpu Aoftriw uiagine, nd particularly piof us.., :: . , - , . MORE D FEATS. -Afri, The Laeeur ive Uirtclory wrote to the CottnciU, the. detail tbat we he given of the ope rations of tbc bnvmaxmy io Italy, on the day of the r 4th, .were vnlj the prelude to uu.eiic ItUl more bralliaat. ..l'lic commander in chief har addrtlTwl iis7l'y a courier this dy, the Willory of fixe .'memorable dye, wfcrcb aflate the futcet4f on r armits o that Important theatre, fiehold, then, a fiaflidiBnlrvedy! t"' . .!; WurmferlJia4olU4B tlwfi-five da v from tn fifittn thoitfamd fun tmdf prifoaan . (It ti'wj.i;. ) kiUti or VtuodeJ, A f&xnt' pitcti if 'I t.c mainder of tbe Austrian army is dilperfed, ;n ! we re goin in purftt of ihtsri. Tn king of Prulia who is an Illumine, ha 1-ng predicted the triMmphiand ellablifitment tt il e French Republic, and at prcfebt he mav verv iu(Mv pe ia-lled thefortuue Teller of all the IVlonarchs 111 turofe.- r " . . . - - . U Uere a probabe hope that the endeavour f government " to rcitore peace ta this country will prove lueccfafol, how ar; we to account tor the e ceffity of ( -bot preti as 1ms prevailed on thje ri ver for aiaoy days pad . . Auguft 19. , , FRENCH REPUBLIC". - Rafoltttion of the ExeoativeDireaory of the 50th July, fourth year of tbe Republic, " The Exejcetive. iJjrectpry, finding it Kpdie.nt that tbedepartmctits of tlie welt, loronerly utUl'.ed by the Chouans, and fubjetto the iVyiury govm tnent fhowld enjoy the benefits ol lie cpnllitutiou. Refoiyes a" follows; . Tbe Hate ot liege i raifed m all the Co-ninuoea-of the departments f the wc!t, who had btu iub jetted to it in cxccuuanbf interior iloiutiou ui the , Directory, - ; ' l.l " - Tb iwnkWt f rb Interior T general police and finances, are charged with the execution ot the lent reJoiuuoii, which will be priniedi . - --; Rxvslilia Lepeai x, Prefn!eni- " ' LlOAXot, Secretary General. 0 , . ' I 1 .1 . EXECUTIVE DIRECTORY ' - Paria;-Jo ly 3 1 ft,- Yourtb year if the French Republic . . : ' ihj&f&jt- Dirt fiery r J GtSfrb Bumpirt9;mr moMJerin Chhf ojtht urmy J Italy. ": ' The Executive Direaory, who cannot bnt'praifr, CWean General, the irtdefatigable.: acTivitv ith whiuli Jrou combat the enemies of Liberty ; the Exe cutie Diwftory who paftietpate with all the good citizens, with all the true friend of their .cotrotryt with all the fincere Republicans in the admiration which the great mjlitary talents you d'ifplay do in fpire, and which give you irurt claim to national gratitude, fee with indignation the efforts which libellera under, different mafka are daily making to tniflead the pablic, and to fecond the e-.mies ofoer Country y rumours, whkb ca hmve no Other end, than 16 diffemlnste diflentum among the friends bf order -and peace. Tlie Directory lee with indigna tion the perfidy MtlLyrbicbofenfederaU iel--Tom have dared to attack the loyalty, theconltanc fidelity- of your fervices ; and- they owe to thciti; feLvci the formed denial wliicli they glfe to" the ib. furd calumnies which the necelfitv of fdlerih" m- Uig'y. l made tlii-tn hazard, by-aeeonRU wlilH 7 .tender toproye a ltimuius to tbe Directory to read Some 'it-owed' RtlvalliU flaflv cfrelilntf.' llf.. hood others-calling themfolves Palwtsyptirui log tbe &rne end cooibient "upon it,: and eke kout in their own way, under pretence of tombatibg their pretended antaaouifls. Both narties are tlii I at work, t flop the pro crefs of order, which is n; blifhln ; both feeond tle enemies of theTC vTuHotT; both wiflt to Paw difcord, and to difpreanieeabe ar. mies i" both wifh thus to Iport with the good faitk of their readers, of thole who afford. them fubfrit- .. ence, and decently prefeat to them as fadt, account a ' which are nothing but Ahe f ruit of adiforderedima- ' gination. . " ' .' Mo: Citizen General. nrr Ka .kllr-i j.- - at 2cffl;1w whidh hc pm;an-acrnnn nf riii drlthiB AbHwa boea.Alle io prepdAilb tho DireAory 4gii)ft jl- J you ; tney ".aj?XJlRJSC'a-M, vOr-iowiteenefy t bir fiteceflea of I be arnw of t he Sanrbre-and.Meii& Ju 1 inejpirowing poRtpf iridded t P. S. At the moment I wa cloflng my le'tteVCijt. tjzen-Diredortrl received advleerthaCjhe-di- vifons are.arrlvtd under tbe walls of Bambere a-d tbat the mafrillratea -of that town have wMivileit to W a art- a61 ot ftibrh itiion to the ar tfi siyjhjjjRepiiMk; l IL w--fir-s--'C:-rrTrTi"V-.-ii .... . . l utait vuorc in two noura Direcldifyrbecaofe the Diredory know your Drift ciples, and yoor itiTin'uble attachment to tbe Re. ' public..... No, never ha yoar recal bk-en tle mtellldo'i ncACti has the Direct orr: never have ant if t niembersrfl,ed p give a (ucceffw ia him hr4ottily -lMdaon pnt1lepblU;as io tJpryt :rhe-libel ler whp won Id feiuri to" be" We wllj, nodoubtart.aert'that he knows tlitf intrigue hatchtd - -- - : I li 'i '." ? jt "1 J i. .' . - - !Jf - ' lat li a II

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