1 .,-" flbUV'.'1 t.t- .::.... .. ...,. , , . . , M-f rod falil i 'U.lA tn fnSh 1.4 -J. .:V i.V - afHTar mtiii(trir a dtrnfj tTi'j tit; bl oocJ ligji n 17 wV-re introduced", tllev would n ,t f-,t,-, , i.., ar. . - if .,c? "'o f. Me wouW'llrck as i'l'ol'e to them as tiicii? ilrtldful ammal-dliroth-h? prey. TU Ge. riiTuJ i hen Withdrew hi. motusn: r!ffi tonrrjiienc of tW ot ioflnd -debate, J.6r"d T ftfljtr Implicated by the moion", explain, in 7n mSlTgTTT ""ivrf ter to C. oi'ke, efq. the motives tor his conduct Sfn? ' ? y a,f? f"l,clte -yXttbr Glares no a Lp o human blood ha, lVn "1! I'! ' Mhe:repblk .of - "-'i' ' 1UI IKS LUIinU-l, declares not a drop of human blood has been fliwt hit rk,.r. k... .1 . ' .. ' ,"" Ll"",M: nicj wire cpi mine rer nicely to terrify. 7. In conference of. this, 260 Maroons lurrendered, nd from every, appearance the rebellion whs marly fiihdued. Lord BeTcarres thus ddcribes the .V.aroor.s : 1 1 ferved Uft war ith eleven nations' of .Indian fa- vsges, .-...Tneir drefsHs- pot inure wild or.tanta.th . ..r .i..;n ..... . . tbairthat of tbeiVlarooii lavage; but the one is a .. ,,,ul j iiui.iin; one is a real character. the other is an affiimedbne. . In war a maroon lavage goes through Ins exejrcile with bis ' R n CI T n XT - C,.vi .. . "ii ' i-' .'a. - . ' .-" l,,weT,T.n:;;i ea oil c:ta- Adet, ,iniier ot the frencli temblkrM v iM'fijpu . . .ii. 11 iiic I repuojicr when ibe cluirtnan, citized Pric, addrellid liini flPaflv as tV,)!,.-. J!. - .. a--v-"--,-. j-,-7t- r-,-: -: : -r rT.. i Tie Sei.eaen dt the fo-rt f P.orton,;ye:t OuJ . jrd-Jhjpj.-Qluu if.,r,Tgrr.ncTmR,nT '"'"'lelt wb n .HifeosMedbe twitts-and Mrns toV '" encmy nrc, ne inrows his arm in the ayrj T ::Li!: vvdc4ffkagiiyy,:aj)d , wlicnlawieWented . victim .allsi,.tl'eMrei rulh lorwafiliuid Wifh their knives clofe the icerte: M it (uizs aiieir views- . Ml"tii"bi.--rTJ "i 1 i. . . ' on mi-. 11 1 rvericu t incv cl tlieii terocttyj thev allutne nigv?pner8jyiy mm. 10 ti c plains, 3nci mix with civilized Ibciety thepro.pr etors ot e(Jates dare not however, rerufe ii-.. 1' ... . r ranee nr.m .1. : . .1 1 1 vi iiiv yuni uiitu UClOt, Tili-V Wiilt Ul .. .. tr' - ..-j .. -"LS,i,v. jI,;iajppuii.uijify 10 allure; vou that tlieir.devottt wifli isihat tLc lamity Vnd.'lrwn.7 :r ""ii" "" inn -ucrwrcM, ine .republic of France and the United iita s of America; may con tinue 10 tlie end pt time. Tt vibkh'tbi n.imjlir wait thi folloivine rethi 'l liat he Mi AMir. A h-J e. .?. VV K.r.rt I .n'.v... ... .1 .. I . . r . . ! I 1 . '"-" "S".' picaiuie anu latisUctum it gave hiin on being waited upon by the fele'dmen ol the nlf rn ..witi nf Kfnir...n... r... ..... r ";-v;- " inau - I ne Elec tionate mannrp in whiirK rliv v..r.r. .1. .: i.v- t . . "j ,-" nirir pieaiure ;m Ins, arrival srjJofJon, made an imprelEon on him too deeu to beoromrfii - - - - The. Ciiiigrat uli lioiis ;n Ifche? fuccers of the Frenrii the SolS li ndl i?", th " PUM,C of fr81,' lncerelv join. gMnliJed.thetn ,n prayer, that the twoVrbiicajajtjie England genuv fLtn, "i " Vtx$ tnotilm, and 'a iulf iLv .r ; t. r ; , p Lord lUimore-min the' aovrrmniv . . . r m is, andythe arrival M-'lilPltr Jt is fa id. rhak-'url.,. til ' . .... . . j from iht t.nA,,.,,..i.z. . V ,,..1, r"-r 'umX ciyronnie. Anr. JDtaitJuued.liigt.uf.bctmeeiet.ind-hhbCTvTOint 1,.. - 'i ij "rrT ,ow" WICI " - s-r. 7 ,uiS onK l note has been lent lr,..,. ih- eTiik .' n ?5 'V ' Pa,nf-4 loemJyinddeternimedly tneaued in rln-c-iil rnch mmiiler. of KJ,r., j.i--.:.. ,eit lr""'he mills & 3. I rinntc mnnnf-r in uili.K .1.-.. . .. -. t .... .1 rh. i-V. i. . , - . ' . ne.irnieAii.ro t.- 'cinu moifrnii-.i,. :.. . . - b.OOdl.lOUItdS. filll. sirl , ., f I luit.t bt iliilonl h m ..Q-w.n. . I .1 .r ..: . n :. iui heber; but te honour ot my own mind r but 1 publicIy.ayow, in the face of the Vldha-t if ne. wy-M ohliged me to ofe tliefe dog, I fhould h.v-e -had exiaiy that Computi-linn! which jourlfU .W,.hiive, feltit: a niMfderrp bantcredcyonr gates, and waj torn by your houfe dog. -. . - He then" recapitulates various acts of croelty OU baV? " g f' "nd con - Let this afFeaing narrative clofe -with a melan , clioly truth, That all the prilbners who fell into trveir hands were murdered in culd bleod, and the ihrieks ot lome, of the miferable victims were dif luicHy heard by their follow fojdiers j but let this ,; Uand ami empire rejoice, thai no barba. ity, no act raliation ,ai diigracecf. the, national cJiatader yirtue and liuiptiiiity " " ' . ' T f? .' h,S lordlhlP vindication, many articles --...v.. , t11Uc,5 iuiiic ty nis pointed animad . verjions, which Je thu . continues. . . - i w in n.iiw make a rietter defence fr.W r a.trchon, aniljhat notiin.g on hiy'p rt (houM be left undone to promote; and cement the (anie. . . . -. 's "Miiti. 1 1 nil t iuji rrrnrii n. . r .i i. . . J ' imjj jiaiiapt-. b ic brings a report that E'Krepi h fleet of ' lix 74N and twn f'riwat. rru,t '.tif u- t u.' . . laiuK-d a no nber of troops at jlje 4onhard eH liat nlarf nr.l hiA h.T-rrr-.W... W.llw-- i - -:(- ,- , . .. . uui.,, aun a mini 1 er ot ("lerlmalLhirimg veflil. ou the JJanU Tbl dreat V":. 1;' VM? eei, together with Tfnnrf i- nt-ryitV m A 1" J !r 1 . i . -' . . ' ,,jr- 1 ,MC'iney' lhc 'm''icao commimoner .nd4 'J5e 01 ,vjr. oore, was ,arr ed in London frum T: . I . -4:....' 1 I")fl rnir 'MV llnla ...1 Tl. 'n... r. - .,.....,.0, .iu j ...in flinicv, riq. are-ap-pointed commiirionera on thepart of the kins of 'T.h:' k!n? "ad not appointed the c'onitnifiloners on tll V iroinia At-Ut '.i P'b-HWb;; -. R F; O L K, Qobcr 8 . - ofthe 4;t beins to be, that the Planter s ol Tan.c-T f'if'n the uiriiiin a,M i s appears iVom their hittory, Ijave ot, w ihed to - ft'V" 6 w "Bmhij and Son at Cfi. e irpate th-t Maroons, and that ttiey, leTzed jhe oc--canon or tlic nr. f.n. ir... :? .-. . . . . : . J ". .".(."iiiiiii ur .print i pie. and the prcfpg.)H(l liberty fxcf, hv our M niJIry t rtFefl their rn,pbre, in -which the n0r.c Karl in Itry otiinion-ninit wmn ( tr7't.! " . - ' . i ,:. jmiicci.. it periansr nniiht r. n..;.- i.;.. i,.-. ,1...- irreate. vll.r'njs inan.J . B A LTIM0 R K, Oftober 6. .yZJiwm bmM is tt'wce-rlefted rcf.refenta; live in the- ConsrreS of the United Sriies -the be proof of his .having cunrulted the inteteUs and de lerved l.he conltnce of his coiltituents . o ..,n,.Vc ior man as man r-uons, and a deeper (tody of the p!,ilf0p,ly of if vernment tl an ... nrro'll. foil."... . r ' takenby the Ti.nifeans, on his pallage from Lifbon to oatlla. and carrifrl inin M Utlubtr 1 1 V..fl . i . . . " :i.iiMA'iieu.iiii in .u me orig rncemx, fctieme;"! imoute not Inh umaniM rsr T,Tar Ander fon Jnfotmt that. a Swuii fh ad irehr h fl ,f I. fsil of ili I'l... o .-r.::j.j r . - ii iiiuiuau a rw oavs befnrn-h. f-iSl-'j . ' ... lancu. ZZFV"lWe no! obun.smtj toTtTmT R. m yirMmgt0;t be croelty of men wbo derive - their riches aiKUonlequence from themi.erv of bu. - nan beingsand I have his authority f fav'in ,hat it was noffiisaa but theirs;- ' ?l r!.l'ByfaC-argC m,,ch mo r-iou; com . Mimk and the .llerobly of Jamaica, than tha, wjjiich I urced in theonfe of-Commons. .Tli have: fl.ewn tlxir . adjmrat.n of Spanilh poiirydercy, by ,lie motf " piey advifT- that the fchooner Eliza, of Boflon, capXJraves, was captured byI.e Ttlnifeans on the j'p ot uly notMthlt..tidig they agreed to the fuf ' S Ti j ' wlli,tlid not pire until tlie Eni.:"-h' i "formed; thai the . deAf,emUtfrf;o;i! ''L.duf,,,,'t' wve- fuft im vt-. fi ' ' V- f - '-"favral . v ik , mand JtPvlr derx tt, ti.e nt,l aJ, 0" TS ..yv.rtolei.e, itwJ.fcrimi. C dHti.d fnr ii-..? ".. "' n,a.' tlPiiC U) to4c,,h.(,r' l;a,,-'-nh,1els contMd- i-Vrtfot tbel.wXr'v 't.?.ioft.mvio:abSe re. Koled.. L.JW.-Ct ? ' . "V winch .Co.ilUiuteLe UU ICIIHIIU nl ,...- .. .. ' ' an rCftimTrii r.r.Tv. ,. -. nt otif is niachi,;v.. P-iii. by ,rjiV;".",..t,'lh ."..Urfelfci.m,- i Jie i Jt. r hi i t. I . . " . . PoHt.car.a,, .r ti" C tor' filh privateers of tlie r,., . J .i Thi. .-.. ,Tergn7i to... .aaiIllt ti,-,.. Priouly r'Jl iZ,. 0,dcm"'tra til: .t it is i,,- atid is thefe on'v t'ie lui known bow , "i "I.'1- Pcu Je hnrfih n r. tji v,r.'"' rripeo:.o (iy recour.:;!'.!'8 M.po occahon to uj franc, ev.r ,rrt".ct that ,le Repuh!!r rent Power. 7 . " k1 1 " ' 10 Jaelimccz propontion, hoWab., ,rSve made ft. -,- ' i: ..' . T :. ,n(! fir'vtrrm:eiu v.i,ifcii throphv7, ;a; : v3 ,,e -?.01 perf p'''-' - laws of Umw l ?Z -"""Pt the tuoff f-lrfd PHt 111 lli-r - I . 1 -rraneenV. U . !'V" :h?Ut- lro be is c.H e, (1.d; wm bu,n ,n ,'K,h f-fermiMhro...li:tl,;Z--- lAAlEZ ndNsr r.ln under be fj. m of "-..VJ! CT 1,1 FA YETTE VILLE, Oct. 22. tixtraa if f Uttir Jym .Sape and Bird, dated hinrp trrifinrr -r,-U :-.. . order for the capture of neutral veflelsrS " 71 p Wa,rd'"he Maroons, a frfClordeJ io the capture of neutral veflels ana ASfcZ01 rV "WHinV the 'received a yery unfatisfaaory anfwer' Ind 4 yttyndt ipdividuaM. but in a m.f. r! ---- : - , , . --uiiinru i iie.m troni their na JJvunttyBot4(.a;vidually, bu,t in , m m ...omeuiiirl-i;iJ ." . . :3P'r i".e, . . -' 'r-T;fnivw naa oeBples on the fbr:BP,pf0V, "t ?hifh 1 think, there e W .Ir, ay Tdered to m.it .their . out,- try.- and fettb? w hor. tl.. ...ill ' - . ' . , "-:"" i inoy -may te. car. r4?tfUpUnd; ;-Ji?itra(a ofanjiddre'li T!ir( i.ni . r w i'U'y.niay be made (lav es. ' vvv.cn, iii your paper Ot tfie 7th inft. JFJflm f'ree, ar0"vbad. o choice in the thls extradnjiiiary aflertiqn That it tJas ,L Binia, he faid that the Deonle nrM-- SSSl, nlWr Pf!c:;r8VOJirrte'-ftinatior;-for tttnle wbn (rriKin-ls ( l!k.... i i- . . ill 'tW-.V 7Jp l" ?"- vA;naw Dt. Jamaica 1 '.this tranlai'hnn ha rhrr.Ar. . . i 1 - .. W iA QJTZTTE of the UNlTEt) STATES on the 27th ini - a'. n,cn w,n- commence LctterTTenainingin the PoftfcTr. lackfbn: Wi : "" r i .1"- -William ( LittlcincancXrr&J- PARIS, Aug. 14. Letters from Uafle unnot.ncei that fifteen rmmlL ...r a t ..u iiMiiai pry,, to paythe r fh hf fd that the peopJe of NeEn: htndlooked on Mr, Adams as a.man attach- 111 iiir- 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 nnrrw nwi-t . r 1 i- on.they would vote fbr Mr.-Henry as Pfefi-- dent- in rrpf(4ron in tie... m. D... M.-In- hM-,-" Morrifm; n i. r. ' - " )- i.iawcni imam Hand. -llPincr. VPrir infi'mif'olu ." Ajics, and having yerv. frequently heard his y..u..uyma, vuuicfiiiii. inat reine"thL- v-h- fuively, his having made any fuch declara- ratllA'r, M.;,Jvrp Fre erkk - liiadeMsbenariKjl Tagated with aa' intention to injure Mr. A- pOAWITtto to the jal of tbi, town; y0n-i liegro fc0W, Who calls himfeff Lt7?3 lays heHbe ona m ..-r . kud. Charle"r"I" aK,nn!r. 'S"gear . r jTll X Jnf lr rtar&tviUe Oil'-. '.v- . ; ; .::7rr:"ri-.;::-.. 1 1 , - -: , " r- 4 1; .1 I 1. I ' J mm i l.f V ll : .Uilli Iff :jf -; :..-..."...LliA- ' : j i it: 1 .11',

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