111- rrTr:--- ----- . J : 1 11' I iU Ai 1 .. 1 Z. M .... . 1 : C j M l ! df; ... . ; - VT4'. : Jf v- - . 7 k f -emMttif-tot Hi o, not " " Afh'gue upon the wen, I fay 1 J TbeyVI bmc leave poor ( E'er waxing, teniing. oighx amllay, . i r'- TTill they nave won u tor their own. rjtjuytbrt wnm'rnluycxbc .juCTa.-f,:--T ; 'nsfurtNloIly-taeity, Farjvne1"! nwf out ot ten, I cannot help it. no, not I. : I never would become bride. , .. But fore hft rook a certain day, To tell me truly that I ly d I Firft with V'K, he Itopp'd my breatq, And fdftly iald,-" 5weet creaMir , w.yr ; id thd' he fqueez'd me 'mod to death, I could nut help it i no, not, i. . Well, what dy think at latf I b w flwfUorget r I4eaf4 r-. .v: I tell you plant, I'll never wed t. Sii ieazt hicjhj tir . ttyoa dir e r Bat, ohi nekiM mctlien fo fweet, And look'd lo charming in my eye 1 I owd at ihnnU ih? youth to meet, .. ;.. 1 could not help it j no, not I. ; . A country girl going into the church while the organ ws playing, and baying never before heard Jnnrrh mii(ir tht flood motionlefs as i't were in the alfle,pnc ot the church-wardens feeing ber con fuliorttook her by the hand to lead her to -a feat; Ihe not onderftaridihg his intention, held back, and he politely alked of her what waathe matter The girl fuppofiQghe had offered her his hand for jig, " why, layi fte," if 1 muft dance, give u Bob and Joan.-". ' . METHOD. A Greek has affirmed that every lcUimtwork m.ift hr, hr oiriffiKlniaaie;'anaan enT.tHAa- us ol Salilbury, iboufthe year iTJOi rttiA Arifto tie, and repeated his dogmas. 1 Oiould be forry to . lay that Sterne's wit, and the romance f Rabelais, were baftard Oips of genius. Thejrare abrupt de: , fultory capricious writings, but if, Jike Horace s raero, they pleale an the tenth repetition, what care how fuddeiily they end, Such amufing pages Ihould have no Finis -,. 1 wifh there were more fuch begini nings, and as for the middle of Sterne, a witty wo man hater would fwear that there was not fuoh a luxurious middle, in all the female circles of the world. . '. T Sutxrvifor't Offer, HERE has aopeired in Tome pans of the dif trict of North Carolina, a dMbofition ahioug fonieDiftillers of native materials, to put them- felres-in a capacity to Injure the United States by emolovirtir tvo Stills : 6ne which they defire to e- led to oav dutr on its own capacity the other to payuty-on theSpiritanianufactureL-lIaving thus i l - 1 (l ! -! U . 1 M..v.Ln.fT .liar made tueir eicion, c' . their plan is to work M Still elected to pay duty on the number of gallons diftilled, and to toake from thence )owWines,or fingle diftilled fpixhi; Which they erroneoufly do not denominate Spirits ; omit tittg to report them as fuch to the collector of the revenue i confiderine them arnot fo far manufaflur- 4 t to ta liable toty ihthtaf pits vytr to-tne tner ltiu eieaea to paj auij on u. kaur; here rectified or made iotb ai higher proof; and are as tbey would perfuade rhemfelves not lia ble to duty 5 beetufe, this laft ftill pays duty on it capacity. Herethen is the evafxon, npdn which for the information of diftillers, ! remark That eveiy ftilf aaally employed In the dilHllation of fpirits, is taxed to pay duty at the rate of $4 " per annum on its capacity .but the law bat given to diftillers.a7 right of making a choice or an r lefted rant of eavnrenje lif this in on tb nuisber ef gallsra ;aitBalry dulilled be quantity in gallons is to be - returned )n a book and iworn to.' v . . w . The operation'of tfiaktng W wines Irtruly and abfolutely the oferathn imprgcep ot jjlilialiem,--'--Low wines like all merchantable fpirits, have a portioii of- tcr-in b?m btit aretneerthelela ab- iolutely fpirits of an mfertor Jlreiigth they are dnthible too ; for. the tawlis fcaarded, in not becin nine7 the fcale ol dutied fpirits at any tixed degree J of Itrength : all fpirits r wliateter Hrength, comes .urtthitr the tetter of the law-."? The firft clafs of. fpi. rhs tLrt att tkofe htlva certain (tsndard, vizr mort lhan I 'mictia ieUv-'fraDf. Here, then;.. under FiTnA-?--ilrtTrtn-rhe verv weakeftfeititshklJJcoutt. in any fiinumtittcJgjfl ... .' - . . I I I f ICi f.. ... Urn nM'kAntJU be diltiuintcprocefii mall hate produced l are name to the payment of dty at the rare ot jeven cents per gallon. It a dirtiller, to defraud bis coftortiers, or bis country, will make fpirits no Itronger than grig, be is neverthelefs norlexemprcd from liability ot payment t duty, IfTu tniterJals, tnat U at- tte tkh rf ' t. mrtaftore of the Itaited "Stat) pn .lelratenpii it-7 .n,l Hitl abfaeh. can e recwam emptw. , , 1-1.- .L k.n. t. W h reAifvinc of Juv VKjiM and .1 tthtr fbuiti of . whatever denomination, ftrejlgth,' or flavour, and converting i hni mtb 1P u. fitsof a new ftrength or flavour trmtaf. .That n ftrength, favour or aenonVmauonlroinliuroe pte vlbolly tHitfatrd materials: not Irom materlail as tliey were rginally gwn or prodded, luih ai lt feted uf grain owWUJtoit)j i The XLSedbnpf the Aft of the ftb pr jancT 1 74, fixes a penalty of one dollar jw gatlon vo a redtfier of low km or other inferior ipints which he mkHreairV, without giving ffwer ot lofpeaioiT. Tbe words of the lw are, "And be it further enarted, "Thatevtiy rxltfierf im Mines or other ' 44 tiled ff kUs and every dittiller ol cordials and ftrong waters therefrom, fbaU enter at fotmr officeTMnl(peaionrall raoy hhmvmrt or other difliilrJ Jpirits, prior to the removal ol them to his diftillery or reajfing houfe, and frhr to Ji Veginntnii&e reftifying, improving, or aTtenng the quality, flavour, or proof thireol, under the penalty of One Hundred Dollars for every calk of one hun dred gallons and fo in proportion f lefi qoantity.' . - : "' , The device for making low wines or other fpirits of an inferior quality at one ftiJland rectify ingt otherwift i altering them at; another, without pro ceeding 4s a rectifies will appear from what I have offered, to be palpably wronttt for low wines, as has been before ttatcd. are'-bfolutely and in fact ftirits produced by dillilUuitih, and come within the ' .. . l i. .ii J:n.ti.J nrltClalS Ot proof, wnicn comprcoenu ait uiuuicu fpirits however low that are to per cent below proof, for-fuclr arevthe words of tlie AcV of the 3d of March, 1 79! , eUablilhing the clatTes t mail only further nW"ere, that if a diftillrr fha.lt otii)t to-report hit fpirits.called low wines of other Ipirhr by arveTamrTheymay be c.ired""oi however weak, which he may have diflilled from a ttill, on which an election had tteen made, to pa IV the duty onthe number of gallons diftilled, and (hall fwear to the quantity diftilled, omitting the low wines or other fpirits of interior quality ; fuch dif tiller will be liable to proiecution, under the laws lor lalfe fwearing. ' . Such devices nd e afions are in their nature liti gious and corrupted ; they are inconfifkent with jof tice t the honelt citizeas j tbey are injurious to the lioneft and upright dirtiller; are abfolutely de fraud ina heUnited States oi their-juft revenue, in InflrucViuns have bten iHiicd to the oTicers of In- IpecVion to ule every lawful means to detect abufe.i uf the loregiiing nature, and the infraclors being de tested, may depend upon the executive officers Jfing every legal means to produce punifhment. r 1"; WILLI AlVl POLK, rvifir ef the Rcveuur dijirhl tf Nerth-Caoim, October 4th, 1 776. .' D E S E R T E D,; FROM my Company on the ill of . September, Thomas Brown, a recruit, twenty years old, five ' feet fix inches high, lair complexion, Viglu hair, blue leyes, born in ioutnampton county, v irginia, inuit- ec iiLMav lait. at tvaieicn. anorcceivea uu reai W ILIr MM III IM1ICJ t . f liw; w. will ffi'ii.aifc uv iaiu ferter, confiiie nim In any jail In the Unite! Mates, deliver him to any recruiting officer, or to Captain Cook,, in the tity df Raleigh, or to my rendezvqus at Tarborougli, fliall-receive Ttn Dvllvi reward and reafonable chargespaid by ; " J 3d SuuLrgion U. S. A. Tarboroogh Kendtzvooi, Jh' Atk for the military tlfiblijbment the Uti le States, fiaJftJ ihi 4th Congnjs",.. 1 See. Tf. ' JinatfM turirtr ettaaea, 1 nat every per vice of the Unked Sjaterio'dffcrt, or whii maitpuK chafe from any loldier, hw arms, uniform clothing or "ahy part thereof and iwery aptain or command ing officer ot any imp or euei, wno man emer on board fuch' flip or vcfTel as One of his trew; know ing him to hive debrted, or othertilir carry sway any foch Ibldicr or fliall refufe, to deliver bW op m the orders of hi commanding officer: mall. ut otricgaTconvicuoJB uch grocpr low wines be put into the otner flill which was elected to pay duty on its capacity 4ti 1 from its monthly or an- it cannot exempt that oal 1 duty , though it may produce f $ addition very trims coaltqnencesi tor it mult be turrtwr onicrren, "ihatlhrlaW-TbmeffiolaTeOwo -billing oufweft. One branch i aM lars.or be jmprlfoned fof any term not exceeding one year. Sec. 16. And k it further enstlftJ, That no on comroiffiotied oftie'e or pri vate fhal) be arretted, or fubja to arfelt,fOr any ijti mitt the lumol twenty dollars. 2& 6 ' ' .. .;, . ; v--.' ir'M t btr 1 1 lb da v of tinreenw next w tl 1 be expofed J lor lale.arChatHantl'biii-jt houle, 80.QO acres ol l4KEaA5aiTiirri.:iRroiion bath beeif granted to llkefiibfciibers onlhe eflate of Andrew Clark, late of Kayaiteville, CombeMtnd ceunty.decealed, inercha it . tl laid Andrew . Having U'ned jntettale -The aJminiflrators ctiiigUnkfIlueuthorit,yi re- quelt all perfont indebted to le eflate of (aid And. fckwknp. to- uiakea) 4Meifejv reipeaive.deUta-: Witlitjutdrlay; Tliey alfo rif netiee toall perfoM kaving claim" again!! the dnrifuUrators.to produce and nuke evident the fame within the timet limited by law tbey will beothcrwifc barred of recovery. Diipful count; Court of Cumberland, will proceed taJell ilic.gMods and chuulci of their inudate, by toublic lale on fiday the h day of Nov. next. Tn property will not be delivered brJefs I bo bond of bidders and their Ctcurities are made (atisfadory to the dmiaittrators. " . .. - mNCJN N'LER AN, A . r , . huc.h MnoNJLn'h , jtUrtsUttf 'fJ 3,. I79 . '-'. THE co-aftmjt1Inp76Ti3eT'the Til"OarT")5r MLeran was, by mutual confent diflolved on the I ft day af May laft j ll lubliriber fettles all accounts relatfve thereto.flnd reqUeftt Ihofe wbo are indebted to the laid concrrn.ro'adjuft their accounts and make fpeedy payments Country produce will be received as formerly at maiin.price-Clainia aeainlt the concern will h? fettled on demand. . The lubi'criber begs leave to inform bis friends anel the public, that he tontirmes buftnrf at Xfie corner ol the State-houfe (qiiare, where having a general effort mcnt of fultkblelioods for town and country, be will vour. ttudy to merit the continuation of their fi- D A NCJN G SCH 0 0i . -RI CH AR D QLEIrl ANZT RESPiTCTr'ULt Wronis itie Ladii-s and GM. . tlemcn of Fayetteville and its vicinity, that ht willTopeoaTDANCl Houfe on Ir ridaywid imturday neut Tbofe Who pleate to honour him with inflructing their children in that oolite accompiiibment. may depend on h- Ang them taught on t lie molt approed principle. " Mr. Col'man a Hay will oe very mort, ne wai therefore open an Evening febool Irom candle light uniil 9 o'clock, for the bertefh ot thole young gen tlemen whole bulinels will not admit of their at tendance in the day. . - - Hia term will be made known on appliea- cion. fajttttevitle, Off. 9. WILLIAM CAMf, (SADLER, HARNESS-and CAP MAKER.) . RF.SPKCTFULLY inlornvrthe public.that he ha on hand, and Is making up at his manufaclory in tbe city of Raleigh, Ladies and Gentlemen's Sad dles ol every defcriptioiron tlirmoflimprbved plan a; -complete aflbrtment of plated, polifhed and tin ned, Portlmouth, lialfgaard, pellwmfliarp and maf flc Bridles, withluitable fumiiitre Martingale with collars, plared Hooks, Slides, Buckle and Tit,. CiJJU Ros : Vdlekes. and Portmantua. : rv,artriit(tihir-liirners 1 n I he ne wefttafterwttll the moil falhionable furniture waggon Hainefs &c. Hnrlc-menN Cans. Holilers. hall Coverers, &C. All which he will difpofe of at the mod reduced Tprpoucer-; - ,. . - lull received from Philadelphia. Bene-' in.. Jj I r.. v !. 1 ral atlortment or raaqies ana inrn;ia Iron mortgery,. whico he will retail ,on wrfonablo terms. ' ' . - Se ptfenibfr'4. y. 4 . Raleigh, NOTICE, ALL permi Ihdelited either bf bdhd, ti oHf open account 6 fhe rat4 firm of Jolin Hamil ton aV Co. or to rtrchihild Hamilton Jc Co. at their florei in iQrg'nrtiii pe NonhXajholirta,: r reqotfled to emne to an immediate lettlertient, fther by pik ing payment foMhe Tame, bonding their tefourtts, their bohds.-oavable bt reafonable hi- ftalments Svery indurgence -will ne granted to See. Tf Jinavf. itjurtper enacua, i nat every per- i . . j fon who (ball procorevewleeierlinnVferH iou, wuu. v .V-rj, :x Z tr A..vi 1 a t kind of couirtrV produce will ne ttm$taMM all kiod of country prftdice wii!,H1fl:.di cuarge 01 oonganona, c. ac incniarnci priBs -counts, Jkc. of fbofc fh6 nente to pay krtentloil thereto, will be pot Into f be hands of an ttorney. : and tuits commented thereon indifcriniihately.--" The detnors to the befpra-mentioned firms at tbeir late ftr in Vakecotfnty, will be pleafed to applf , to Mr. Drtgald M'Kethen. nxrcNM afR"0' tWiiffoftt the M'CUHn, or Mr. Archiliald Jettf at'paUtax-aOO TnN lrnld,-Vf1ileVeof; as-ttSrt3ll7WfWe.; thereon i find to beUtnt o MeHr. loum and' to. tt . 'NorTolk. - ' ZACHi'UXKmAPi, 46cr: Virginla.to KtelTw. Thoma Hamilton Co. Ndr folk, who it respectively eirtpowered to (grant jpfo per rtceipti and, difcharges foif ny ncT all fom paid them on account of ; the frfhis Wrore-fald, t whom all perfons havbgdemandsagainft thofefirmf wijl preient theni ment. 1 V, i .- JOHN HAMILTON tl f : Tor SALE t -thb laiNtriNo-Of nc, .Tor SALE JiT h PiUNfiNo-Of nc, : -: g: IT. P.Am jL'if..Ki JTlJRn.fi'T'AT.gA. .i... ' A-l- .. ? V 1 ' i A. . . V. .... ... . - I. - - V- - " :. . . IM