ri m m m a , . m mt m wk m m m . . m. . m m m m. mm ' w : ak ' 2 w.k. h x v m. 4 v l , , j m at .-iJS. UYEXTEV1LL1! .w.PuBU8Hit y& SATURDAY xi:HQJKiE BOYLAN. - t i . .' I"'-- Vol. I. fi 32; 7, B O S i: O N Sept i4. - 7v;.7'r' JiT Di-juiE. ..- .... ' , . ; 4 A tMsJKnponant cribs, oeorge VVafhiiigton hav--XV tug declined u ferv aaPreu Jmi of the tini7(J 5t a ( k, after ih 41b ol Marth next, and joM Adwn.s having been ha Id up at Candidate to fuccecd him in ttMitittoratiuh of tbe citizens 0 tne I nitcd btaies. Mndiy.iUtiiDii.ilotr4ur and. wiaitHt-nsoi-n. tnciit, written by-ivr. rtdams whim minuter a t the own of Londoa, in his book, entitled, " Ai)-'jente I t tfaeTiiucpetident citwtna of America now d- tcrnniie liow iar Mr. AdanM has apotiatucd troni All liia farmer lentimetiti im favour of Aniitan li KuyjMjndpeiKleBcfh)(imijiigaJUa.jM n.onartnv and tne uritnh tonitaunon, andcoiua Kwly low hr he ia to be regarded tit perlbu ebclted freftdcat ot tiuted iiraua. . - ' -. AMKKIC ANUS. VOL VMS I. 'fg, 9. A limiffd Hum .rch; my be jadly detvomi I ' 'na'tid a icpublic. . "tto. Wealth, iiirtii, family Pride refpeded by 5 rJ vlf people. H&.": Wealthy Birtb; and Vhtae tormjthe-.oteju: I5yrrffvoTnTOfftiiiffl"'eaB no more cotilift o; a peo .' -, pie wirhout gentrj, tliao of a gentry with- o"'K.'0' febv eminent beft, Tyranny, wcrft : 'No dry is niore wrttclied than that under ' tvranny, nor any mire happy than that un der regiil power. 934. " It the yhwerjet negotiation and of try be ' one maher.?AHbih,.figueV j -ftl. ; " had "Epam1nd'nitiS.ved to dilpfatV his talents as a'leciflatof, tbC World might-ha va bern inrte Ciouiana yt3rstooncr than it was j't -: tettfatdrnonanhy t he iwlt government f (a ll'jtA'iopttblkanHm; " . .'7. ' 7 j64 ' Diffrtittiona of Poor' and Rielv cftpf ' -' - as labour and god ftoverimitnt : the k'uAr aredcilio d to Ubour ; the Rkh, by advjn tagea of eduiaiin, iadependence aud leiluie, - io iup.-nar llstio.w. . 75 ' ProPtrty and family, fitte't for public ' frrvice. iyJ''gki,wfllioi'p,vetf educatidi ftiufl be preferred ' 7to: Office; otherwife,-b people ttiemlelves fcriil difpffe them. - " - --7jr:- Kinittcrt. f the Executive only ought to be 7 ft M48 M. " ttiier. iim a. wai j'ijortMeJ ienteman ' mMjffiriTSiale, &rtf &,: 39, bti friend Si - "tTlie Prelident's farcwel addrtls hs ju(r rnatle fca appaarance bere, and it a fabjett ot general erlauofl.7 VW1 m agree In regretiing bis leaving . the helm of governttttntj tbohis publiq jervices w Jtaeafogrilfaiul (itihTomTi n Cccaof priwa happ'mels, that no man cap urge hint longer to deprive hirolelt of doroeltic, enjajments, ft congenial to' hit nature, TT,' . ,7 -. ".It it jioticaable what folicitiidehe good man Aftover tor the duration of our union. Hecer- ta'vr.lf bsvS is ad evidscjjesf sftewpts jnaking id t1)e.Wlters Cau,mry, to fever the-tranfallega- Bcaa territory from the Atlantic Hates. l'lipftrelH Tie lay I on the danger of foreign iufuencn and the ill Sonleutietices of a diffolution of the union, wTfile it ityrks j'is enninepatriqtifmdenores be he-' ieesjr?n inflntme andV;'fcTfl:ort have been tnd at'e llill rxfrted to' feparate the foutii-'wcltern toudtry from tlie other fl:ttea. 7 J gbferve altohov much paui he has taken to 'dUfounienanti a partiaiiy lor any j articular fo v,tcin Qtujotii' and to'deftr'oy the Opinion that wfi.( L-perform 'jimiobrt that demand gratitude.' The em- jhaJlJwJa!JP,tl4heJdca,-that- i4ivain-t e Ltect'din,ciefte favour from ra;ons f that it a all '- jan-.1lhifiu.icK experience. wtt.jaray ?ride ought to flilcard,' it lo'pointrd at the, French adion in ogr. country, that 1 he real defign of that OQtt man capnot be tnillaken.- , , i v"J)Jer4 tbc piain point ol the addrefsis evident ilrtp.ileflio our-ptejudiiesin favour of the tnofJ. qangeroBs naiion now esjllina;-tl)e French, fjo wonder, the Preftdtot himft If hat liad a hard talk -.to .UruvA'e .nh. thote preiudices, in order to pre Genet, when be'tlt arr vedBeJer hiin Into the fe cfcts of bit party. Ui iar as to point out to.him frbat jenet called the fatriot) y tlin is," tht l:d'mHjn,n r.'mf opfojiiiuh ta the fhfJeMt: but tfiel'rtfident aroeftd Mr. lefiTerlbn't caner, and compelldd bini to hjd Wfcr ground." This luddel neck wa ob erved hr (Hnmng uenetyand you will recolU-tl tie, in one of tii;; Utttrii, nccules Mr', JefFei Ion of this ria then and is now confidei ti as the htddofn far directly oppoftd to the lyQem of tiieafum adopt d and purtued jytour moA etcelleut -Pre(ide,Dt.--, Mr.. J eiier ton 1 ndred, wb ile fe( at a ry , w as under the" neecflity ol carrying into cited tboie meafurea. Bui" l Ijave.undeyitood, that while to loffice, he ajmoft al way was opp.ited to the other head ot drpaitm iir aud to the Pretkleot. This Wat probably the caufe ot hil refiDariqt --v-jf t - KOlw iihifauding this known charaler of Mr. jefFcrion's ptilitits, 11 is la-d that he will have votes in the loubero ltates, for Prefidenu -.1- really be lieve iie camiotliave many, fdf it appeart toVue, f m ght as well tied Gcuet, pnfident, and become a' wuiouy ot r raiice at once-. --v-1 i .' mable,.toa4Jet tjeneral Walhineton has been a nood one. and (ub. Cactfially in favour of feace, onion and profperity the lr. ends ot that fvftem will wifli'to lee It bUtftied.' and will elect lor thief magiftrstes, thofe (hen who, "' vutcr jiiaiincaiioii, are Known to nc nrni frieods ot that fy Item.' They will not leave i: a doubt whether the lame primiplcs (ball continue to dited 'our public affairs they ilt decide the pointx br.p'ving joba A4ams',in the firU office of our go. veiument. " I believe a rreat. unanimity orevails on tliefc points iu this Kate. People's jnjnds are imi- etfally in 1 iour 01 Mr. iamst and Mr. I nomas rincktiey, ourjare minifter af 1 ondoy'e fiee many caiom. nies retailed in tht (out lie) 11 papers, about Mr, A-damr.- -But in 1 his qoartef; theV "have A10 effect j for e.iw him to be a genuine a republican, as there i 111 rtuitrtta, and undoubtedly the greatcll (latef man out (ijuh.iy can bnall of. - " " Beftdes, we. are tif. opinion ti e (lane ofVtigi nia i.i not entitled 10 have the ruccefTor of Qeneral Wafliingi.on - taken from her-cttizrns. Tne lef. d uu tiotn the fame ftate in' fuccellioti, will ferve to. awaken lomt jt aiculirs ibat tiuht not to be alarm--eil Vv e know of nothing that Virginia has done under the prefent government o entitle brr-to this pi I v i 1 egrt The great merits of pretidant Wafting- toirare "ce rtainlv eniltled to everv honour and re iperl j bur that tood citizen ha been ohpofed. by a great part of Virginia, throughout his wholcjtdini nmratioii. . " pleafed to havrboth Preltdent and Vice-Preftdent taken Irons the Southern tlatoss Such-a diftriburion of the t wo bigheft offices will excite no fmalf oneaft hels in the northern' Hate, whofe population, re fourcea and lerv ices during the War, demand no fhull portion ot confidf ration in.the management of itatiunal concerns. The orefenr chfef maeiftrate has been careful to diflribuie the offices of eovern- mem as mucn as poiltble, aniontr citizens ot dittercnt I ilr.. .1.... . I'l- . II ,1 . .I. 1 i .tnn.i-ri.iiui swiy'.ng an parts or tne onion ana, combin ine infof mat ian-frcsn t he wbo!o - Ns- r.art conliderationa Ihould Interrupt this pacific and bar7 moniung pottcy. - " Mr. .dams, as holding the Vice-Prefidency, as being one of the principal pfoleflors and conductors of bur revolution, as an old experienced Qatefman, at a firm tncormptibte patriot; who has ferved his country faithfully, and dona nothing to forfeit our confidence, has, ia the opinion of our eafjeru people, ib laired claim to their choice at Prefidtnt. Some regard alfo is to be had to tptnwt 1 his being a na, tive of MaQ'achufetti, the'lecond Rate in -the union in population and the firft in fervices during the war, is a eirconutanct not- io.ue4veriQOKCH mucn dtverfion as a piece in a Kic tiiond paper un der tlie.fignature of HanVpden, liippolcd to be writ . ten by a tailed politician. J piece at ones marks ilie pol tical call of the writer, and the Hate to which be belongs r forVknife he feelpeaks.pf 1 be wtf thf jyjhitqiun, ht in a loft) Wi)gJiLpaiicgf. tlc extols ik extruw inary virtues of the limjitiQiu fenflllg p6nt"jcianiof tTiat 'ItaVe'elaimf'jnli: Vugutfc ' he exchtfn and iiereditary right of giving fe prefi d4rto the Uaioirt ' . '"r.tiie uiodtlt pret enfions of ifie Yji-giniaft h't words are riupibfe it will hardly be den ed by any part of America, it cannot poffiujy be doubtro by any Vlrginiaa, that the putt hf thi tejt ciatn. f fithf-ee--xfLjrcpdJitrt hltTilChTTeMtiCTIF. r'rom the funerior population of this ftate. the num- ocr ot our reprtlcntattvts 10 congVels being nraflf one third urtatfr than t-tiat of any b'her Hajte in tl'.o union. 2dly. From tit lupcridihy of Vitgmia ia point of territory and wealth. ". a Hy from the known republicanifni and atfaebmrut to liberty which generally-pervades her citizens." After h ."ving Lad the prefidency for eight years-, and the fecre arv fbip 'ot liaie for riearlv itie lan e teriod. . u Mr, Pinckney, as beiag a tried patriot alfo of refpeSabJeialentsindranatiweof a fombern (lte, is a fair candidate for the fecond'oflfce in the govern " ment. Such an arrnneement will prpbably '.'unite mora wiflies; and views, than any other. It would certainly produce evil, it party yiewt Inould prevail to elect a Preddfjnt from V irginia in whpm the nor thern pcople.generally hava no.contidcnce. ' bcr ambitious views extend to the cxclujve Tight of governing the alFaus of the union ot- faiikticd -w-ttb' nearly the dirl-ciion pf, the ivg'iflativi part of the government by ler immure u iep-eJitation, of which there-is fo ttiticb botft (and which alone" ougbt to put the other llatcs on their guard) the grafps alfo at the txicntrui part of the aovernmcnt. -tei tain miflaries have. beeri very aitive in this .flare in )jiDaviJiujg j ue gocirine ; .ut it nar nao a veiy ut( ferentefivft . f rom that intended ; it ha s txcited a fpirit of alarm in our people, w ho fo far from ad mitting tbts Virgtiia r-ght cor.ceivethat therf isev trtme daftgelQTjrrelH.nded from our ambi tiout. ahd ulurping in ighhour. The fajnf IpTtit, I undcvftand.by a gentleman lately troni Kim-CnX tiiia, begin to prevai in that llate,-;whicb Virgiuia has always confideredsas an buivHe follower, b,uc whicb. (be will fiud exofcUing hereafter. n 9fW-. other owtv ' ' '" '' If the- pretenlions- of Virginia uteTwell fonntled on the prrlent ocfcafibn, they , ill be fo at evtVr future election, for tbe fuperiorKyof piipiilaiir n ani of nuniliers In the federal reprettntatioii, snd the fuperiority of reiritory will probablycoitimie , lhas. jbe cljitus d ptrpttual right to (ha pferiej ! & nd yet t his, fays hampdeu. is a jflate dUlwiigHi jlej for tier known attachment to liberty and r pnbttcau principle l-Thcie are -people, , fo cot)lpicuoHS forN their love ot liberty and equfiitj Becayle yiigint has a larger Tiopulati6nlbanTny ather date one JiaH otwhicb by-tbt iryTcnDeg-prflaTcs) 11) e lei up toriootti a lugn- banded and perpetual claim ta give to the othcr(lsteiaprelldot-JitWf-tfati the other fifteen jlSU$ ! Here it Cfweltf ifldted, And aU thefe, becaufe Faippdeo and afew .oftus ..... friends rxped, if they can perfuade, the electors to cnooie their patron, to nil all tpc nigh offices of go vermnent, and to rule the Unking Bwt they .jwijl "' find themfelves grievoufly dilappointtd : the eyet of the people are opened i the people ol Watyland, in particular, know too well how to prize their happinels and tb profperity tb?y-cnjoy,-toote for a manias Prefident of the United States, wbo col- . lecfed at his houle and foftared cabal, whofe wicked and daring obj& was' to break the plighted ftith of tbe nation, and involve their happy country ia ait m norrort ot wr. .. PHILADELPHIA; 0kober it. Bttrtqiii) ' ti teut JrvM a t ij puiiutit cLticrtti Aary- been a warni, and lleady friend to our prelenrgp-7 vciiiuicoi.. 1 pre ict-h 10 an otneri, ner.inc rn y- feroujndtpender br jtfjtrlpn tontinued In office, and the Prefidhii leen as partial tofajcsjhx!gl hf trfn- mind; '1r;S!r,riSe fclfits-ti d-SGtBttaroum have been, af this time, little bet f- 4 bwe bean mueh entertained; -with feveral' of; I tizerts in the enioyment offheieequal rieht-s and to 1 a it m Mt, - --- . . . C . 1 u me imimcvions, reiprcinig 4iic.pproacuing c- 1 prrneiuaie treeaont. I tninK it important to the leftiba ol tpftfidcptrbut cone has i-ded me fcy j tranquility and prpfperity of our country, and to' To tht Frtemen of Prince Ceorgfi and Jtlontgmet) 7-7 : ;t Ciufitiet . .' ".':'- ..',. '7. Several weeks have elapfed fwee I declsffd niy felf a tar,d'ulate Tor the ofljee of eleclbr of the Pre -fidem; and; ViceiPirfidenrVTtJTrtTec Some recent, eloquent harjngues againft my elee. tion'iR which my ws bsye at leaft been mVfi. derllbod, render Irrtec'efTary, that I .fbould rnaloe known the priiKlples, by which I am;aAuatea,''l choofe this mode of doing Jr, becaufe my puffuitliii lite bvc pot led t o the acquirement 6f the qoalifjc rioua of a. public fpeaker, and becaufe my Yenti ments will be' lefs liable bwftken, apt! CaStton be mifr'eprelentetf. ' : ' ps v7'7 7 It. is nqt-au empty huait to lay tliat 1 have ever y.j - sii : siLjJi(iiv.vii..i'is.v.iJXI5i- 1 - " -'" -- i '-- "Air, jedctlon igdeed ccinmittc bimlclf to Mr. IS . . I" "I . ,. ..' '- . -.-.-:; II . , . r 7 7 1 ' ' 1 1 ' ..'j...1i'.r-,,...'uL., i."'-'i-i -.-" 1 I I' 'i I 1

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