t1 to- Ob ctAunt w the lUtwBwUwb -Vhtl3 ft, w deferred the pM,eat ion of tins aay tpperxm monov Vf are lorry.to add im iro.n lorte words which puffed between' Mr MM-grotMid iiie latter ttill retaining amioGy. in M. Iw..L ........ 11 .. .. i i ut'f Miunt, -wneir- tile qunr- T- 1 j i . .it a imvii vc, font manner, went home, lejued on a kuite, and pluuged it into Ilia adverfaryia breatt, who djed in A .... I...-. .. .... ;i ; frrSwawwwf ; rinrle&ed member of Con 'cPs for the ctj mf Philad'Mnlii j - erefs for the cit af Philadelphia. Mr. A. Bjr4 iseleded member of Congrefs, fatihe flateot Delaware. By the Abigail, arrived at New-York, we learn that capt. Barney had arrived at Cape Francois in molt wretched condition, baring been, difraaited in "' alof wiodvi v )'- -'. .', ia4-U4 wajntioned ilMMladefjjlriipa erj on a(i- tjiorirv of a letter from Aux Cave, dat that twenty fail of American bad been fant Iq !wr, the whole of which would, it wa faid, be con demned, and that polttive orders had beet recent! ttued to all the rejjuldlcan ijcriiixera to fend. In all . .- viiiihi worn. fee LtuJo Gutstu, of AyguO20f convuMftiif official admiralty letters. . . lii3!he: ill i from iheJVledifCTranea'n, adtairaj fir iv dated off; r iulon. July 1$, and ttates that the troops, under the command of major Duncan, took o li that da j it was mounted with roo pieces of cannon, and 400 troops, behdet militia. 'S-TUft Aiiiillrul nnA th. ni fM Dn ' flr.4 tht r&gjtUhtf fHKrt .,f 'ni-.-iT afiembtcd; t RfiJb.)nx,t6 Confult P muk'm peace ; that the, Undriv of Helle Jias apeoeft negocia. tioni lor a Iriurit. . iVi v. ..k i Lahordp ha tkken potreflion of the city and Ukt ot Corttance. aiid ba e(eae j-mcH m with a cb l!"nXr "yol' rtaljt that a dthiou of eu. Meber has taken pwUcfliuM f 0 part uf the tity of ...1 n me memwrs or t.:e diet wiimeSUT 1? nT"ani"T jraipilapjrd. at nkht.one " w vwm, anu niarcura to the eate ttd at five in tht morning (ent the Viceroy 'a letter r J? th?. -G!fJ.9' "wntaining he .term that would b granted to the town, and gave him two hours to .isnfcder of,!ienj the Governor alked an hour more he might eonfuk the Tufcan inhabitanti who' fe oiHarsd by the admiral and major, that nei. ieretlon not properry Iheuld be tnolefled.. The VaptMtt of 74 gunr lnconllant of 30. r'lora of 36 Southampton 3 a, Peterell 6, Ventan brig7d the llofe cutter, were ordered into the harbour, and Rationed to open upoa the town, in cab of a refu fal of t!:e tertnt. : ' . ' , V , C Trom NoirotK. Yefterdajr arrifciltere Jheirig Eaglc captain Gamble, at day Irom Cape Francois; put in here thro ttrel of weather on her IbaAW t pw,ia,,.i phia. By this veflel we leirn that the Brigands had revolted againll the white people, and haddeclared their dependence of all nations t in confequence of which 1 feveral actions had been fought between the -Fiench and Brigands, with various luecelss the latter had, however, retired farther into the country -three frigate and fome fmaller vefcU were layinn the Cape-, report was in circulation that the cmittartet were about to lend general Laveaii w J n celebrated Mr. Volney, the author of Tr,. cls through Syria and Egypt! pafled through this txtraft flf a letter from Cumberland, to the Editor diviOofl oF Lrebvrcl nrmy, occupied the road to th Kior Mm rial rr....L 1-, - -- -- . -.v wnlo,JUU IC- t lrM Urt-Mrfl that f h tmlhirliii iTrrr C tr i f . j r-.. iin!nc V,. . " "J urpimwn 10 general Mwreuu Jor an nrinifhce. wailiirrpfful -m- Ida n.Ji..: c . 1.- dak of WirteWbe- and tlie king of Pruflia i that a part of the troop which bad taken podeffion -f antua : that A am n.on iK :.U. r-: ' Vendee tn mninrr tlm opened Tnr peiee betwrafr Kraiw- .1 1 - -uu 1 ? 1 ;iar ... uu 1 11c r rencuior me leizure of, aun j! , "v "3 uniiiii mi-is nuaj enter e the port V cinwa, thrttofnmaio hontri thk noaiolace a rr3lbn Ahc. aniaa entire exciufion venci rrora mat pott. rr times: . Number thirteen ! How is this ? Berln with Num ber thirteen I n odd fort of Preacher this, to be gin m the middle ot his JermonA Hut I tell von E tyji o-xr. enpneity ; the ubeV to kit. I' L. . I.. ' . ' made thejr c5Jtiort. nrhfl :een reprelentttT tUut their plan is, to work thi Slill alccjed to pay dutr on the nombrr of Palloro! diltiiU.I ,J , .1 t7- thence M; Wihes, or iitizle diltill ftvii i.s . -k.,:. they erroneoolly'tl. jot denotninate iirit 1 omit! tu tofepott them airKhlo the coluduT i i . .. 7. .' " . '' nx wics uiunttiu y I revenue, j ton idennu t heht a not fo ar mm.,,, d.v.floflof Lfebvrel nriny, occupied the road to to the other it ,11 rWrlV. !.. a.... ' V.i ? fver X, i. " j " 7 uiua, ine m ine miUdleoL Jiis Xermoni Hut I tell van St? PIn,gree. .eta the Vke- ,4, you will find No. . whrc ll fJ,! 1 , - cic iieii on-, in- u.ge ine, it you pleale, in this whim of mine I love liberty-the libej ty of writing or not writing, at pleafure. But what of the times now t In a paper t,f lalf week; f faw a "-paragraph from IVrl '.V A"' anJwhi,t":wSfromiheHa2ue? Why, citizen Noel, the French nriniller, ha? d i mamded of the Baravian aaemblyr immediately tb rrame and adopt a newctrtftitution."'" ." r.. ' Has he inHenl ' Wliw l r. . ck.zert Noel with the tF,ir ? I thot Holland u be an Vlditendznt Rrimhlir anit ih.. 1... , m iuiuo niiqiiters had no right to interfere with the deliberation of Indcnendeat ! Yes. t K rr. d... ... you know, may georroufly help all their nei odours - - - .6"...i,a..-.nii)ut wiiat kind of irtt- iwS".t. 'at,MT C,r ! Republican ' Well, luppfe I fliould enter your family, and dtmani ol you to make fome new reeulations in .. . uu ibii tnia repiiHtcan free dom .'- Why I (Lou Id rake another r,v 4." dom, .nd lho ,,, th Joir. quitk .init, J B 794. lim .ii.lir of on. dollar , aXL'2 ' ie oilier iiiueieciea to oav duf nn t , . there rectified or tnade.into a higher proofr- and are as the would perruade tbemfelves not iia-oTffd-aubecaul capacity. Here then is the evafion, upon which for. the Mrormrfrinn nf JWUTt I .I-i. every Mil acloalfy employed in 4he dlltillation of iDirita.' IS taxed to nait' rf..t mr .. .... i .. r7 -! w ) 4 cents per annom on its capacity t but the law has iven -to diftilterj.a richtnt irrakirtVr . ...... V, gT,cnCa rare ot payment t if thijtm thr ntmrtwruf e'itlomr-" La!ijrPil!ed hretitloQt iiaa returned in a book and Iwom to. Xhe oneratinn ttf mtLimr !.. i-i Lr . . -.7 . n jo truiyano abrolutely the optralion mAfrtcefs bf dnUMton -Low Wines like nil mrrrh-.nrokl. . , - " iuuiU oave a, portion of-water bthenj, but ar oeverihtlelt ab- t Jff'r'''A infr firtHgth;-.ihy -are nmg thjjcale ol dutied fpirits at any Jixed de-free .of IJrength: a,ll fpirits of whatever (length, comes ;.ThTtiTtiienerbfTiTetaw rits are all thofe if,n , a certain flandard, viz. vicr, tJiOU I O' tir. cent . hrlr.ni u lu. proof fpirita flaking the whole range from fo pat Z centunder. down tothe verv uW-fi r:.:.. t!ie diitillincr nrnrrri fhall - ,T. ji . i . , - o r, vi wym-ca i arc Haute per ea Ion. "If a diftilfr r j.r-...j i,:. ... ,v -7 -r --' ia cuuomersr or his country, will make rpirlts ho ttronger thaa mt, he is neverthelefa not exempted from liability It filch PTownr lnw"!Tnu 7.7""!7. ;T : t-- till which was eleded to pay duty oti its capacity: it cannot exemnr thor ft;n r,. it ' - " . . r " ' mvninry or an nua) dutV. rhbfloh It m- KPnJ r ... r t "'fj l't iii auiucioii j very rrw confequences : for it niuft be further obferved " t that til lrlrH.nnr.ml. ........ I . . . .;n: 7 'a 7 V r 1- 9 orancnes ot the dif iillingufinefs. ' One hr.nrb i. ,A, .u.. r.. . ------ rw4fi.tfijs i ram raw atet al, (that i, 0f ,he grlmth OT pUdlte not rtaT nufaciureo Thn"d1,m t " r";h " " arly employed. 1 he other hranrhi. th- 1.. r 1 ' . . fc?r of whatever denomtnation, vtitiur , . nrengtn r flavour r name. That 'v " T -HIV III1K intr VtaaM Va t rT ' , T ' flV.our or denmhiation from fome pre v.5of vnujadurtd materials not from material, as hey were originally grown or orodi.r r.-i. all kind nftrri; . f , "V -vi.un0. nic net of tnetth of fune on ' ' TSvo 'men. with ramiilti ;.r.. -"i; J - p . i - toil tnameful nat ore. Trt om Trnn. n,..T.;..!".::-ri1 i. " . r 177:7?: - r-'LJiHisriJatta wrr, io ircai norm irom lome Cfierokees, that were - uUu.waiyt ana nad Il far carried their plot as to catch a W liorfes. and xxMiijyii wiiu xiicm, wnen toe owners, two .......i.., were appnieaw it, and purlued to clofely trut Hiey prefentiy came in fight of theii and, with -""uuiuk toikc, wrurrca inem to lurrender they would fir i the two men well known for heroes ttf the field, notwithftartding one of whom mad his cfcape, the other7 furrendered to the In. iTOirwnom rney Ofought xo TtainVKiepwiiere i coiirfe of law M I biie thi Indians faid, that as they-were younE weft, 'and the frindfliip rtaTmSw fublMled had not Tv1"!" r r v "c oi revenue a- pUoft, the white people, andyvould lie fatisfied on pnywe them emht dollars, the worth r t..:. noninrr thev would ir tli kr r j . aKc od men.'-: ; " " -n vf J Hafe ofily, one moment, to inform you"1 that SS! iVtho tTPPrerf Vhe Journal called iNwvellei i PoUtiqacs, nore.fro the direftorr l7.lateWay lU-gtve-alrrenctrutteTsoakenr . n - -- ..t.v,B io lane any American Jhio from America to rni.nJ r. ' England America, or from England to anrtiart M, MVS world, and ttf Jbring jhem for trialf ind if Tm . " "r uM-ocouna rope tncMfh i eret an goods fbipt from London. -So that Von win take care to make infurance awinft tUna. 1tver, 0r ay good, fliipt for7-Z;:w VWw:nM,'Mya. I addition to tht riKl Mder foreign hea4i lie rtuUjmikt.. thai'vall, hc 5, withontlnoS," DlEtf; In New Hanover county, the a4,h inC "f .fn!VertT The words oftlie law re - - j". r wi me taic n uiiam oner, tRj. a lady of examplary. pietyher death Ts fin- rrlu raivrkii..i .11 W tv - . .. . ; "6,uu ij nr wcr rcianvet tud tcquiiri- Lately at Wilmingtcnj, Mr. Joaji M'VaH ,i K,xt "J w '"eeiiica tor ilia a reeale-and rtliil art ibppjsipftauQrihjs taJl.whone"tMnr b- It further enafted. t Th.. A J T.' 'a - . i " icLiiner ot oio cordials anrTflrongwaters therefrbni, hall enter at fome office of Infpeflion ,11 or ,luth Ai, X" or ot her Jtflffed Hit u, . ' i ,--, . j. .-j; rrv" '".iciiioTai or them !5 his diflilVry or rfflilytiitf hou. .j ' -1 he rectilvinffjmnrftii;r.t-.'-. - ext, ,at to DN Saturday the i9:h day of November V Z I i ii i 1 1 W,,B1",fit"i will be fold VL-.PL ANTATiQRin Bladen county, eontalninV ,J3kb0U.V7?0 "f "ter' Mr, M.cqiiire formerlf urcu. canca imtnn K..r... . ;i . d. . , , micicun k a Pood - 'onfe. and fence, i0 tolerable repair Jtwo trails vt m air eii.fr ftT-itrr ir'r-S. Swamp one trsft of 60 r. - " ru, "jver in .""""ffr."'" ,w "cs ntusre on Broad water u tMuiiiwiLK eou irvwni- 1 1 ' r - V.",. 1 . -.A!.-? -fV Prceia of. ' 7, i . r'' PowdbJT laid Macqu re. and laft Doflefied hv MrMr- wL. a acres, ajfo m Bladen ; ad.ioining lands of Col. Owe., lalt pollefled bv Mr. Tl,,. W.,u,r j " . , . . -- - -r 1 'Mtnu.i ucceaiea, 1 " ?""f rpo-'f il'f. townpf VVUmington, laft poflrfIed by John Morris, deceafed. .' . T'e perfons Ull lelzed of theaforefaid landi'dy mar without hrir .K v.;.-- t . - . --t - .-. --:--T,-.-T---aiiM!i-t'-iic vicueared- and were erahted l thettrnrr AAi.tu .l. v . . ' . ! iu 1 uc irui- tees of the tiflivrriitv ti... .:n i . V n - .. ' .. "-""7-r v7 w m wia a creeabli credit of one, two or three year mMw given. 8nd Tr: . r " piirnaie money, bonds vci'Tnnini iiiir rrrrnvini itniiAa.:H . . . of OMJbtHJxdDotlir for-every calk of-oie bun dred cations andfoin nrnnnriMn or lefs'otiantitv." " " "" Tlie.device for matinir in .1" r". . of n inrerlor .l.ty at one ftill and reclining W otherw.fe alteiMjig then, another, withblit pro. f Veclf W,U ?PP'" from what I Le o.tered. to be calnablv wmn . r. . 1...-1. . .. v , -v.'.s- uwwines. a has been before ttare.1 -kt.i 1 . '.. " . -.Vi, wiiico comprenertdl all din:iledT fPlr" how!v7jr ,0ht are o per cent beW proof, for -Tucb Tire the words of the AA of the;' jdT V9U e(lbtfi"g theclafles. ' I lh. 11 nnlulii.il... .Lf ' 1 . .... omirtoreoort M (hU iri n..i i-- . - 5 .au fpirits by whatever name ' fliey may be called S hoover wk which he may Lve SittiMled r6, V ttlll. on which an 1,c; 1 I , '"'" 1 J.L r ; . - " btoi maae, to nav tlie duty n the number of elln(. hnLi. ' J a.". fwear to thrmirjrdiuilled; dmfttfeguhifc. wmea or tftW Tnlrl f tr.s-- c... i... 1 - - . eious and corruntH rliv.r- ;n.r:n.-. , . r J ?, to .he hon.A-, "vc,7 wwj F-giereaW honed and" .P itliftiileE ierurines, togerher with a morigape on ilw UA. "roding rte Un.i?ed States f their iijfl n,, iu 1 7 Pooled to Muu. RgLf? invyulli. or -ILSed vjKiaocr id: 1 . inirmrrinnt m a tra of North Carolina, a dUpofitwn amone fome DMtteft ofoative material v pit the? reive in a capacity t injure-the VWtedSttate' bv employing two Stilts t one which htyefirt to e- Jnltrudtlons have K-rrt i(rA, .1.' r .'. . a-. ipeaion to u& rrm .rn . n . '' V r ;-"'"" to oetect apitrgj: tected, may deDend nnon th ... '.. i- i j . ----r !-; .-iincrs mine ercrj legal means to prddoce-punifliment - 1 ' : -rrr ' - ... .( 11 - t - - - ' i 1 a i ? . - ' 1 : - .-v....-. m . ' . - " ; . J.T. , , r : y. . . w . .it ""7." in aaJ i 'r"Jl - w !'5: ch .--.-,. 1 , 1 I : ; P . , . i.i 1 1 . Mil - . i v - - . - J r- -, . .:- . - ' tr;i? J' .ttf ' . . .-l : tj - I . If : ll i I i ! I i . . : . If L Jl.. . I l! -tit . in ii .- - Iff)

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