1 f.' ' r. w-l- if:- THE FALL OFiTHE LEAF.. SEE th leaves arcrarid youiaTTTng Dry'and wlther'd to the ground; Thus to tliou jIv lets mortals calling, in a fad and folenm found : . Sons of Adam, once in Wen, A hem, like us. lie blighted fell, ' ' Ilesr ttnrtcecmerwrsr rTrtKgpr alas" the truth we tefi. -t Virgin much, too much, presuming w4m n4 red View us, late in tuty blpomingi" Numbcr'd'now omoig the dead f "Clptftr?7ightiy making, ; ' See the end or all yoiir caie ; Fled on wing f our own makingy. Weh.veiJt ur owners bare. - KJuit'i .liiiii in lancird vortht Lo. the hnwic- air that riffle, iirings us down to parent Earth Learned (iret, in fyflem judged, r Who ttfr new ones, daily call, Ceai'e, at lengtii,by us perfuaded, Every leaf mult have a fall. Yoath, though yet no loftes grieve yoo, Gay in ' ealth, and many grace, -Let no i.lnudif Is Ikies deceive you, Summer gives to amumn place;. Venerable 'ires, pown hoary, , ... IJimer turn th' unwilling eye; Thi. aniidlt your tailing glry, Autumn tells a wimer nigh. " YeFrlTI rTjou r Cou rle-ret or tw "TTleitenger 6t fhorteli UayT" " r Thus we preach the truiii concerning Heaven. au4 i.artti wiil pal's away. -- On the tree- of life etern il. ' Man, let all thy hopes he ftny'd. Where, alone; forever vernal, . iiears the leaves that never lade, ANECDOTES. --. - A coxcomb a iked a ilutiering barber's boy,Tid you ever mave a monkey '" Mo, Sir iaid the boy ) but if you will s-s-s fit down, t-t-t-try. A.pretty ftory very vrittih told fm the Argus. get ween ryelve and one o'clock yefterJay, while thn .irr-nwr-ifc-FeetbWkia'rwifliaa tame haltily up to a friend who was ltanding in the ttreet, and very civilly afked him, the Jire viai? He quickly arifwereit Don't be unealy, the fire is a great . dijunce from herev " Where u it. fujr ' fie ? It is, amwered the friend, ia German where the Republican pre hath hurnt up and Loi&vrtt p Mo kakchy and As.isToca.Acr. I don't underttand yau replies i tlie 'woman : That may be, (ays the ftandihg, that" people are at a lols to account l"or ma- Y --nons mm oiace in tne woria; jiur the prefent eaufe of thbeilVringrii2aTrhis tiine is t bt "OIBcial. News; being received from England, t8?1?!! who-arrived lies yeiterday J' of the Total overthrew and rr.it oi the duftriant anuei in iwVreplies the woman and immediately nailed orr.- leintiListted.-withthaBfw4w-fe iruiettfront Thonjend Auilrians kiUtd ndtukel St.VTiME.VTJt hlMVMERY. 'AliEtnsnfil'peftiHner reTornenrfs TfTo ffie fine hdies, to iurnith iheir toilets with the following ar ticles j , . Mf-invmUlzi. A mirror, ftewing the full fliapt n mc irueit t gnt. . Jnnoetnte t -A white paint, which will ftand for 4oa(iderable timeif not abuled. . . Model Vir.u ly.fl r,:,tm rniino Urnm'uiii bloom to the cheeks . iie. Cantentmlnt An ioallibie ( tioother of wrinkles j in t he-iacg'-.: . . - - - - -- Truth ; ATalvl, rendering the-lws foft and pecu liarly grace!,:!. . B ., T- Ooiihuuiour tAa unjvwfti heaotifiVri " : ilf0-;.;ivinatiudure to th vo;cet Tf 'A water, that gives luftre and bright He's to the rye jjJLL NBr rheconlan't ufetWeajtlcrescan rendering, thenicjuite . ajri'ee ble to the fenlible and dcfeivrngpart ot mankind JUjL:- ,. ; : " W J aUt Iut Go& doth Wbsf he pleMftat. . ,f iay you ha je good luck al foria and ft mtie wit Bfwveyourttmjr: .-itill'ti break tltrnuah ftnhe walls. Xlp'not "to your doctor for eery ailt nor to. your lawyer for every quarrel, nor to Jfour pitcher for every thirll.' ' ' '1 here is no better lookirt"; glars than an o.d friend A wall between botb b.eiT pieferves rriendlhTp. " , no ill thing. , ; Tbt creditor Jiasjlwaya bettef memory than "the debtor, '" k. ; T ; Setting do ?fl 1r r tng In lafl rngmenror Repentance always cods very dear. Good-breeding and money makeurfonsgentle men. " ,-. As you ufe your father, fo your children will ofe you. .'. , -.V " " : ', :." ' .." I Mjrejs jno evil but Jome good ule may oc made or it; - . - ' ; j No prii'e jreat enough for good council. irPO b HeiJcd, ior unt'W" wore years, the fcb' JL fciiber pUnt .tloii, on thilia if Cip iWVJ& uot the pciligreeor patrimony of a good inun. There is no ill thing in Spain but that which can Ftaife the maQ whofebreadypu fat . .:: ; THE MORALIST. The krtovvu iliortneu of'-Mr, .s ;.i rugh' to tioc'e rate our pullion, may likewife with eijiKi ( . oprie iv, loiiu.vt our ctefinn, There is not time lor the loll forcible lienius, and active nclui1ry,to extend its dFrv', htyond a cei taiu Ipli- re. To projeil the oinOjUrtt-n) the world is the mndnels- of miglity 3rr1j.icjsxJ.ft Jbffp.i. feT.ffccdlgm' in every'feiertee, has hec the foil v ol literary heroes ; and boih have found at la'lf, that tliej Ir.ue panted lor heijjlit of emiiif rce,, Vlenied to iiumn:t, and have loll matij npporrfftji'lfeS py, b vain-ambition of obtaining a fpecies of honoiirwlitch the we'thal taws of providence have placed, Jevoud the rt ich of nian. . It is always pWaling l oblervo how mtch mor' the mind can conceive,, than onr bodies can per form t yet it is a out) , vhile""r cor.tinn? in the complicated it ate, to. regulate one part o our com pbfition, by f nie fgarrl !or the othfr. ' We are up! to indulge, our corporal appetites with pleafiire, that imp dr nur.intelleciua'l vigor, no,r grati'y gur mind? with l( lienie y hicli we know our live? null fail in attern'nrii tif'execwe. rjie uncertainty of our duration oiig'it at once to fe houricU to our de figns, and add incitement to our indnftry ; and y. l,ien we find ourlelves inclined either to imiYienfity in titirfchemeSy..or-iliiguiitinela in-our-indeavowy we may either check or anihiate ourlelves, by recol lecting, with the father of phyftc, that art it hng, asidujeii Jo"t. DESERTED, T7ROrViTniy Company un the ilf ol September,. A hamas Brown, a recruir, twenty years old. five feet fix incites fiioli. iair roiiiultaion. lioht half, blue rrienJ t it is often for want of a wcijJormM uii'4t7Tr hn''n in Southampton county . Viipiniarinlilf J Irnn. tnon-ejjc-wUkoJe-wiH retail on- rertonably inental clothing, prt of which h Toolrwlf hlnTT f-'e was leen on the road to C'aperar, in company with his brother 7" Whoever. will a ppreliend laidjle 'frtrT0UuO1iiiTn anTjtitl in tue United States. deUverin.u to any recruiting officer, or toCapjain Cook, in iheliti of Kaletgh, or t6ynrenaezv"oi aiid.rcaJojiabl)d.i:hiir;ge4)jLuib Tarborotiffh emtezvous -"' Septemucr 2. , J WILCMM- RICHARD, Captain 3d bub-Legion U. a. n. 4n A3; for the military ejtabi jbment of the United - MM is; fayet tfie qth l&ugnji. , Sec. f r. Ind ke it jurtber evaded. That every per fon, who fball procure or entice a foldier in the fep vice of tbe United Stares to-delent, or who (hall pur-ch-t!r froni-iiiiy foliirr ii5" srTns, riifGinv clvthisg of nv part tlieretf; and every gapta'tn or command ing officer, of any b'.p oreflel, who lliall emeron hoard fucli fhip or7 veflef ;aVone of his crew, know ing, htm to luve dffefted,' or otherwile carry wy any fuch loldier, or (halt ref ule lo deliver bim,op to the orders-of his commanding officer, lhall, ii-- on. legal convitftioii be fined, at the diriretion'oTShe - . i . .v.. l...jj Ji conn, in any ium noiJjSJtttu.n'ji "'iSSv-HMJiSJi "Yiz. i'arsor beUmprifMedfot one year. . '1 Sec. 16. And he H forth r- inated4 That no Lnoni commiflioned officer or private flia'l he arreffedv-r ftar riveidjoirnDgfohokkfon's' plant tion , with or withoutWuduo tend it. i' : ' , ' ; '. fAM&UIK LAMP PULL j tttober 27 I7e,6. t-,--'. .Ittat gTSMORiw Clark t the lublcribers onthe eltate of Audit Clarki - late oriayettevilleCombtrland county, deceased merchant ; the laid Anuiew having diednulattjL-. Tltfc aduilnilffstoW acliiig uhdeFdtie authority, re cjueft all perloii indebted 10 the tftate ot (aid rtpcll Clark tonake-paj metii of tleir rcfpectlve 4eht . without dt lay. 1 hey alio give notice to all perloi.f having claims againft the sdiuinidrutors.to produc and make evident the fame wrthin the times limited by law, as they will be olhcjfe barVfdpf recovery. Thr4firtroTrpliWuant to order of the wor. Ihipiul lount; Court of ( uniberiand will procttJ 'to (ell -the goods nd- sluitticitlb1! " public (ale on Friday the 4th day of Nov.'next,- ("be proptlty will not be delivered unleis the honi ot bidders and their lecurities ate made tat'ufactory to the adminiitrators. .j-.- --- WNCJN M'LFRANi r . , " . - . - - hUCH M'DpNALD. C A9'' " -- tajetitvillt, 08. 1 jA, i7o6. : "30 6 pilt co-partnerfliip under -tbe firm of ClaVfc XM'Leran was, by niutuarconfcBt difiolvtd" oit the. lt. day o: May laltj the TubKrioer fettles all accounts relative i"-i(to,aod rtoetti tbtife whourt intleoteja lo the li4.C'ncerir,io adjiili their (iccoDtt and make fpectj poyntents-Coumry producsr' w4 he.tecc'ived : ai:...trly at market-pi ico viaimt - aiiainlt the concern will he Irtllarf nn rlminnrl JcJ u lubicnber begs ltate to iniorm his friends and lira uuiib, tuai lie 1. uin inut--DUwcji iqj lf r of ttieVt'e1iHle'larc wliere having a genti ,1"' ;illortmeni of Aiiiabie Goods for town. aiidcouDtiy. ite will fludy to merit the continuation of their fa. voW. -:":X-'" VV WAN frith aK W l.L LUM. CAM , (SALLE is f iiAA4LS and CAP juAKiR.) . , RE&FcX'lLLli.inMirmlt&epabltbat heba ;. on band, and il making up at hitivanufaCionf in tne city of Waleiu, Ladies and Get)tlemen.i SacU ales of every deftiipiion, on the tiio.l improved p)i ' at; complete allortmeBt of plated, polifhed and thi ned, rorttmouth, liiliguard, lUanifharp- and Inaf rle Bridies, with (uitable jurrriture j Maningaley it Jicollars platedIlooks ilidesDQeklesi-Jiind tipsj Saddle Bags Valekes, and Portmamnas. Coach and chaiir ffarnels in the neweft t afte, v, it If the motf fafhionable furniture; waggon Parners&.cy .. Horfemenlf Cap, Holders, half Coserers Sic," - , All which he will .dil'puie of at the moil reduce prices ior ca-lii or country produce. . u 'fj Has alio wif received from Philadelohia, cene ral adbrtmeut of laddies and harnefs rurhituresn terms. Rs1eigrr,S6ptemberT.i- 29 'I ; N O T i C E. ALL perlons indebted eithei by budd note, or . ojen account ro the late firms ofJ John TTari;ii?" ton & Co", or to Arclubaldf Hamilton & Co. at tlirir ftoies inirirg1m to cgmc.lV ti iff'g4is? jfettlemem', cit.Kr ,yj-ilg '. TfiatV a wife delay w iiih m kes the road fafe. Cure your fore eyes only wirnTyour ejbow. -Les us thank Jod and he content with what we hae. .The foot of the owner ia the bed manure" for his -landi ' ; '. ' . . He is myfriertd who grinds at my mill. Enjoy that little you "have while the fool is hunt ing for jnore. ; - '' -- . "f . '.v;. aaying and doing do not dine together, ' ' Jtioney cure's all dileales .; ' : AlueUiLUiewtas4afl-oW--aaei-- -.1 t I It '.l..t..k.l. Ulg pav 111' 111 tor i lie lanie, uunuiug incir aitoam, . or renewing their bonds, payable by reafonable iar flalments Kvery indulgence wilK be grantedt- - lihole-w ho may awail Ihe-iule yes, tit, miUJOUCfrjql- all kind ofcountry produce will b$ received in dify charue ot obligations. &c at the market price ac,- counts, &c of thofe who riegletf io "pay.attentioaj thereto will be put into tlie hands ot an anorncy, and luit coinfnenoed thereon indicriaiinately-w- The debtors to the .before-mentioned firms at ththf late (tore in Wake-county, wHf be pleated It o ipplj ' incir llore ai inc iiarui, or riicvrnic iu iii. junw . . -. ..III'. . "'it Mtiellan, or Mr. Arcniuain jett, at naiitax ao tholi indebted to the (tore in Nartlemond cou my. in- Virginia, to MerTis. Thomas Hamilton &; Co. at JSorr JOI.K, wno are rcipccw.viy tuiuoweicu iw ti aui per receipts and' difchargs tor. any ano all fumf paid them on account of (he firms before-fiiid, to whom all perlons having dtthahdsagainfl thole gt ni will prefentem properly authenticaVei for ppy mcnt. iJ 1 JOtlNlAMILTC) Norfol.-Jtlfy id. 170." " 4 I" " 19 ' fOMMITTF.D to th-f jail of this town, ayounr jt negro fellow. -wlio calls liimielr L J C K,, anci fays he. belongs to George Skinner, living hear "Tis'SoBey ;l)aWtmcirojr( Charlelton fhe owner 're"yie fted to apply to the jailor ot laid placeano ny proving nis property. and paying tbe neccilary charges,, he may nave him ,aain. . . ' WILLIAM VJNft. lublftiitajielUosebt4indertbe4unfwnt PtoftwrSr- TTT TnrT"""" T ilorTalntrCtmibamT acres' land, or fo much tliereol as will fatisfy the taxes due Norfolk. -- ZACH.JiAJtMAN.hbttyfo. FaMevitlt.Sept.zo, fiA. -'! 'r: r' nrxrt - Wr Hi SALE AT THE PRINTING-OFFICE, .Ifhe. Prefide Msl o-f ICE J hereby given, that or the tit gf I IN . of Decemher neittier w?H t tij& MoV niton, in Buncombe county, as much cJ onq roil QP and feye'nty-iour tboufand acres of land,, as will f t'isly ijif-tax due tereon which Is feven. bundreJi and teventy one poundv, eighteen ftiHIftgp'ajid. nine nencerafaidland is theiJropertV I'tm utarlilnnriir VUi 2 913 2 9 -5 JWC vyanctfjr "V i li

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