1. Sf! if. . Joordan U to take the command of the army.ot the North ; Bouraonville that pi toe am bre and Meufe. 4:. "' , 7J) 4 A letter fom Aix la Chaoelle, of the 8th of Sept. infoYms us, that gen. Jourdanjias. been forced, after battle uporL the Rednitzfferire to the Upper Mem. There was ontne Atn. near wurizwurg, i yery warm affair, the'refult of which .was'tkc oc eu nation of that citf by the Aoftrianv- --v " . C.abture if Ratilbon. h ecu. MoreattT The-tftft nfitirRmnf an'Moftttr.Ttfrw hating . ' . . . si -r- r a i .. . . .. occupied Munich, has got poiiemon or tvauiDon irora i Arrived yelterday, jchooncr Godfrey, capt. Jones 1 which it it marching to UKe tne.-Arcnuitc jjtc i daya4rovtolifat gnplf. Juuea lnfor MMBar al nuniocr oi vxprcues oaa arrived at namax,- til bringinlBe accounts of the furredfir iTTew foumjland to the French. An expref had likewife arrived, .three hours only before he failed, with in telligence that the trench bad actually taken St John's, together with commodore Wallace's (bus dronfc c6nfilUngof-a jo gun ihip, two frigates, and a iioop ot war. NEW-YORK, Oaober.31. v ,! Capt.Rathbun, of the Ihip Minerva, arrived ef terday afternoon, in ?t days from Bred, informs us that on the a2d of Sept. two days before he failed, he fw a letter from a gentleman in Bilboa; which ftated that two Enelilh frifcates ana a cutter.nao put -4n-thete taetJuppljes, sndjhat tb governoivhad immedat4y4eid-tJiemseneinyts property crd. By an officer on board the Britilh packet Princefs of Wales, capt. Goddard, alfo arrived here yelter dav in, 31 davs from Falmouth and Halifax, we are informed, that difpatchss were brouglit our inhe above fhip, to the BriiTIh costmahder at Halifax, of --hoftilitieseing actually dedaxid " TBritaTii and"Spain7 f hd ihartomraifEonersof Let ter of Marque and reprifals were accordingly ifTued. extract or a lencrjrain arcjjci.nMJtf w.j. ... ,,r,j.,. J. . . J . . 1 w r ii 1 1 M' .1 ... . " . (hrhm S,t,t m. i inf,. ' " ":' c '" '.ruc ocen taKen oy tlx r-. -7F ,T, " The news of t'.ie dav is that the king of PruHia has declare-! war agatnit the emperor of Germany; that his troops are marching: and that likely the ports pflh'Tibiureaiid EmUlen wilt be (hut againlf "itifrveire4-twbl-tbat-.o.ote terms of jeace. Jjow i farthe 'cannot fay. out we are fcertainly on the eve of great .' .eentsi if. peace does not take place fbon, war is likeljrio: rage witjnrooWed-'liuiBofitjr.'--" . The foregoing intelligence jis highly probable wfieiTWeecteliaitiekTngpbt PrulE hat taken r Nnrenbeig and other Imperial cities under his im mediate protection, contrary to the wifhes of the Emperor, and his conltrudtioo- of the Imperial con Uiutfioii.' " ' . . ; ; " '" :'. Yefterday failed from this port, the fall failing copperrtKittonied ihtpoyal Edward, J. Boolender, commander, for Jamaica. This lhipjias letter of Marque, and lithe firft that failed from this har hour with a commiflloR againfl the French and Spa t Hiards, and all other his Maje(Vy!s enemies. The Halifax paper of the l8th, make no mention of the French fleet. . u The caotain of the packet informs, that the prin- cioal Dart of Adin. Murray's Iquadron was at Hali- fax. Some of the French fleet were cniifiog. off i there, and the remainder were fuppofed to have ftiled for Bolton, to laj in provifions for a Well ' ' InJia campaign. ; - ' "". " " jf$MMi!ftS tSib injuiriughi f the Britlfli P ROCLAMATION. By bis Excellency Sir-JohB t Went worth, Baronet? t. L. D. lieuti go, and commander So chief, in lan4oec4u-njefty'1s - 6roioce of -No Scotia and itidependenciei. J WENT WORTH, irggjji,,.,,,,, j3eeii'ofnmuniaieT to me, by hi Grace the Duke of Portland, one to cretanes of liate, that the molt indobhaWe proofs of the hoflile intentions of ternttried Ms. ia)e(tf worder hit n erjr,iartef"oT"flifr world", nollo aval forces in e- very, quarter oi m worw, noiio ueeiect any ta- vourable opportunity that may offer of attacking . ineneets. ot apain, eiiner ungty or.unitca wim -Xhafe ot France and'Holland, or of ftrikins any o- ,tlier bloicthe poileilions of that crowitj and alfo lignifying 16 hie. his majefty'i comwrands, '.that i JhauKI; in the moll public manner poflible, give fuch information to his Majplly's fubjeAs in this, pro. vinee, as may bed enable (Jiem to prevent on the one "-KanJ any mifchief which otherwife they might fulfer ff wit the Spaniards, and on. the tther hand, to do their atma't to didrefs and annoy them, by making --captures, of their (hips and by deftroying their com- Jtnercft . ?' i v, ,. .3 I, have therefore thought ,fit; by and with the ad- vice of, liSsr M; jelly's council, to publifh this pro . clamation, hereby calling orv and requiring a'L-his Maieily's lieee fubieftswithirv bis province of-Nova Scotia and it deperidencjes to Jakee jticejmsL govern.tnemieivcs accoj-omgiy. r-- 1 Given under my hand and Ural at arms at Halifax. ,thiSYf7th.day?ot October 1 79, m-tba Joth v year of hit Majefty'tj-eign.'- ; vBy biExeeHecy s commanJ. I. M. FREKE BULKELEYJ COD SAVE THE KING. : v to Nab,- In -Tconipaiiy : ;wfthli"(h1p . of aS" guns7i' brig of 18, ana another tngste, .which was to lee him to a certain latitude and then retufni on board tfjTs frriairfqnadrbh'genrL Santhofiax, and another pfrlon. Whofe name he could not learn, to gether witlhfcveral 'deputies, took tlieir padage ,tne inhabitants at the tape were;every day more and more alarmed at the defperate behaviour of the negroes and people of colour. veracity iuho came fapcuger with cajt..onesrJlates the foliow'tig particular t: - That while he was at Halifax. aTveflel arrived tbete from the Gulf of Sr. Lawrence, by which let ters were received, tnenfionhiF the "Capture "bft he .Quebec fleet by the French That on the 18th Oct. wnen me vcuci in wmcn ne came was about tdde part, intelligence was received at the government hDufe,' by exnrefs, thai: the town "of St. Toliri's, in 1 r ii 1 1 M' .i ... . . ' bv the French That their fleet,, cpafilting of fromri j to 17 fail of the line, was then in fbe golph Herring for the river St. Lawrence, but their dellination un known That a vcflel had iuft arrived at Halifax. In 6 days from the Grand Banks of Newfoundland; "".CX" T"".' zT"i:its.'L.....Ji i' ' . ..... , jo targe mips 01 war itanuing to the ealtward, and that in eonfequence . of thiiLintelligencej a large chain had bee carried. -down from the dock-y srd and 1 retched acrofsthe N. W. arm, and afrigate likewifeient 'dowalo' MajdrVBeiclat the entrance of the harbour ,to remain as a toard fhip. iocafe ihe French fhould make their .appearance and fiii nally, that they were making every preparation for the defence of Halifax, and had gWen orders for the militia of the province, to hold tbemfelves in readi-' nefs to march at a moment's warning. PETERS B U RG, Nov. 2. 7 Under London dates of Sept. ii, in the Norfolk paper, there appears an accoont of a total defeat of gen. jourdan, between Coblehtz and Andenach that fourdan with to dered to the 'Archduke;' and from "the London ac counts the whole French forces of the Sambre and Meufe are totally defeated, with t he. ofs of 60xx, men that they have been purfoed upwards of 300 mile's,' and are entirely" deflroyd. : We mud wait tor more particular details of this woruiei Jul cbaagel -EA Y ETT E V I L L E-Nov.- is William Findley is" re elected Senator in Conffrefs. lOTuiiuccitcut, vice nr. i rumomr, rengnea. .: . Tames Hillhoute, Efq. iseleclrd Setaror.; :- -:- " The old ReprefenTatives "are alfo re elefted in Congrefs wth. addition of. Mr. Dana, for the new-member; Mr. Davenport Is elected Reprefentative, tcr Mr. Hilliioule, now ienator. quently improving (late pf America. In' the coiirfe TffferiTiave been -entered itlhe Guftoni houfe f PbH adelphia. 49 of which are from Europe, and jyof the-num- ) her are laden with dry goods. 1 his exceeds aJI fqf . mer dent1iSrpofrr1inheHLhii pate m this prpgreffive'improvementL At Hahimore jl vefleis were entered at the Cuffoin-houfe on Mon day iafr. Suck are the bkfungs of peat and neu trality. t - .. , ' ' yj, T-HR libIerty! A republican PH IL ADE LPH I AT 08l 1 r. i V - Capt, La Cofta, of the brigClarifla, 31 days from Cape-Francois, informs, tha t $a embargo was laid - oi tnerein-xonfeqaencr6f"the failing of the Har jnooy. frigate, commanded by Capt. Barney, bound -TIMES,! No, XIV.-' L: EQUALITY f FRATERN.rTY f. motto this! The devil of it is, the French prefix it, not pnly to. the decree of Clemen cy and jomce, but thejr preface with it-all their or-1 ders fo- robber jf, murder, plunder, (hooting and drowning. . Thus that tawney rafcal who has been feizing 50 or 40 fail of American veffels at Aux Cay es, begins his order jfor .unloading andfelling their cargoesrsfldJuttmgTb proceeds lo.j public hftwitb.l.iherty I- -Equality 1A ptrdook.Liliertji this," fof'the fcamen and" Owners of the cargoes t Joft fo. Robcfpierre bfeft'o bead his prolcriptions with LHierty -Equality Fraternity T So- did Car rier, Vadier and Freron, when they ordered whole cities and eomnnmes to be (Rot or drowned rnafTe, , Juft .fo when our pious forefather went to kilt in fidels, in Jerufalem, becaofa they'wr re not chrldlans, thiyWanTi a' ftandard of 'myprifi''YST't. tvwlj ani mereifui Jeut Ctrift. ',''., Good things fhould notoe thiisibufrd lWh7'je' corate aflnimpet with filks and laces 1 A little rnbre confonancc between things would fe very becoming. But what, kind of eauutay j this which ittmos. 'edtofoaa l'iiwrrbricamf. I faW STimY pr two .ago, accounts from Paris that the French bwi ttmandtJftA ttidiitttof-xbt k'mg of -Sardhj'U;- that their minifter fliouid take rankoi ail other mi nHters at his courtr Now reader 1 will on the back of this fact, prcfent a literal extraft from the French miniflry's inrtruftions to citizen Genet, dated Jan. 4th, 1 793, and publifhed in tl.e MincrVa January 7, i7yV - ( . vin.eii uenci win avoia as itioch as be can rbpnrTidhnricw-tl much occupied the old diplomacy." u declara -without retcrv that the r r vtk rrji fc pi r Icf :tn" i 77 c .t ... .... 1 .1 . 1 .. ' , .. . . wcr pcopic iiicir vreinrer ana ireir equaif - ana that they defire to remove every tdtaxf fupitity ot freT cedence ' - ..' ' r .. v ;. ". ' " (Signed) Mongi, Prefidenr. V. .A Le BauH Minifter of Foreign Affairs. : - Blefs me 1 What fhorr memoriesThefe frenchmen have Equality. 1 yeSjtbey begrn the revolutiona ry bufinels with fome fuch views j but victory ! Oh how tlion doft intoxicate men ! Thru cooverteft a bumblje faW nirig French jrepqblicin, into a haughty , Tyrantiint79 j,nhefr; all brethren and equals 1796, " make way for mi," fays the republican minillsr, " let ms tak the right hand of you all ;". the order is owcyed. , Kings and minilicrs all give way and let th repub lican put himlelf at the head of the corps! : , ' .. Equality I ha 1 The French motto is as obfolete aa - the Bntifh king's title of King pf France." would bear a little amednietot,,, Both jyfHENTl C. The onderfigoed'minifler plenipotentiary of the French republic, in conformity to the orders of bis government, has the honour of trahfcutting to th lecretary of ftaK of the United States,; a rtTolution taken by the executive "direclorv of the French iuc tonuuci wmcn me inips ot warot the republie are to hold towards neutral veflels. The.tfagof the republic will treat the flag of neutrals in the fame manner "aslhey fliall fufter it to be treated bj , jfW Englifhifr-'TTv '' , 7 The fentimettt wtkh thfe Aaierica government have manifolled lo the underfigbed miniUer plenipo tentUry,. do not "permit him to douot, that they wiJj Ite in ita true light, this tneafure.vas for as it may concern the United States, that it Is diclaied by imperious clrcumftances, and approved by Juflice. Gteat-Britiln, during the war fce has carried on againft the, republic has - not ceafed ufing very means In her power to add to that ftourge, kourges dill more terri,bler She has oUd the Well known li berality of the French nation' to the detriment off that natlpn Knowing f)pw faiiliful France baa way s been in tbe obfervance of hr treaties .-know , ing that it was a principle of the republic to ref'pect the flag of all naikns, the Biitifh government, Irom the beginning of the war has caufed neutral veflels and in particular American tcllels, to be detained, taken tliem into thefr ports,, and dragged front, them Frenchmen and French properly FrailceV2 liduMrhyTa treaty twh the" t?ue4 St rind only a real diladvantage in tlie articles of that Treaty wbicnTuiedTo rte"reTpcTedTmericair1 property, Eiiglifh property found en board Ameri -can vcficU. . l'het had a r Vut. under this toaCder- atiori, to expecli that America wokl take ftcps in . favour ot ner violated neutrality. Une of toe pre deccffVrs of tha underfigned, in July 1 Wi applied on this fubject to the government: :of the United Stires Tbot 1 ""wis :. jj;ej!t;iJ ,onyenojhbAy.ihele Agree.ftf nli-.. ... . 1 1 1 j-t.i: r'- yin 1 y , umcicu nc leisure 01 racmy i :a EyerV frfepd. tohis- coontry yrll rejoice at each rtjp board neuralefWsjjrleclaring, at the ' newTnftance oftfie mcfraTrugxormi'erceyari tlllinTtureuldccn(e whesj th 1 - Engtifh fbould relpedl neuraf flagn, bad excepted, bh the a 3d of tbe fame nipnMt, the Americans from the operation af this general order. jBut he con: vention was oblioed loon lo repel the law whicfiF containedjthis exception lb favourable to Americans; "T he-nwriiier-ia w sahahet,iUflt-cosduaed..thfea felves- the maaitcll intentions they had to ftop the rxpoitation of pttivifibnS ffom America to France, render it miavoidable.7 ... The; national convention, by this, had. reflored the equilibrium of neutrality which England, had deflroyccWhad difcharef d xheir duty, in a manner juftified by a thoufapd paft examples, as well as by the neseiuty ot tne tnen exilttng moment. ;. 1 hey might, therejBbre, e recal the orders they had gjv- . en to feize ejfiemys property on board America n veflels,. have waited till' the Briiifh1 government had fir If definitively revoked the fame o.rderj fufpen-, fiofr only of-which. was produced by th-mbal"go laid, bv congrefs the 06th of March. 1 764. But-. M:iopt asdtetHWertJnfnrniedtbatiUindcc orders:. ,Afahe.cverrimeotf4heC4IiMd.StatM was oiFectea 10 rempnitrate againu uicvexaiory liaeafhres br.the Engtifh, they gave orders, by, the., Taw of the 1 3th Nivofe, gdyear, tQ the fhips of waf of tlie f epubl '10 : refpeft ''America n vt mh-j and the committee of public fafety, in their expla- . natory refolve of the 1 4th of the lathe month, liaf- leneu to fancrion the fame princ ioles. Tbeaation- al"conYernt1onnaVlie-1 had I every reafon to believe, that. this open and libe ral conduct would. determine the United f tatesto ejve&ttjiioutflBpjiiLibA ed upon their commerce, to the injury of tlie French; republic. ;They '.we're deceived 1a this hope and r- -th ! u.i

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