IV" .m-..-- - I i v j. r 4 1 Ft 1 h 1 1 7 f i - . : II,V.T. ,. WW- I 11 - - . ' F ft - T?" I J v-t- ! a . ,.' St ' x . III f ''"'. " " nrum bufwirveftn I fend them into the army or the navy, and to dcpopu-J w nwosana loams tor tnegooa or.ine lcrvicc. I iVritttu'h MNZUS L AMQN7E, V B'A N playful dalliance fondly prcfs'd Enraprur'd to my Delia's brea.tr- " I feltnewlranfpomruejy '.'. A haJf.confenttug biulh approv'd .yv MvWf be-nly. .TelUtfJoitjiL I 'read it in her eyes. . ...- .tvf- When ffltfmthe fdhd embrace With J -eW, -SWT blofh'd to ineet n 'tigMMiitwfc.v And (trove toteign diigmiev BifPyet' a kinder kits dedar'd " . A genial tranfport1 truly fliar'dj ' f faw ic in her eyes.;- '.' ' In, jeR f afk'd her whom (rtelov'd? ' , " 1 ' Her fjlent fong4eTemin'd unnw'd, ; ,( V s. , ;Nor try'd the force of lies V ; :v "; A Jook exprelfive f poke tbij f'.Ll'.rV''-'?' Ana told th teenngsor uer wrujin, . . i,.;. , :;- WVwI-geFI;ner-y GAMING., V ' ' .' A FRAGMENT. ' -; ;'' lThe French-were fometime finci engaged in a gnme of Cke$ and aoAiAthnM.vaptt the Bifbops, Knwm, ana -t.w,-Drougiw w Ladies of eaf virtue or" rather no virtae ('alt) take the iiberty of crouding all public places, el boWin ifromen pf rtpiitation, and putting ; modelty out ot countenance. Ot" glorying in their infamy and w ben they grow.old therni'elves antf pafttbeir trade, of writing ttihmtirifor jht elftsjon of 1 Contrai3or$ for lamps and cleanflnz our (treeta have the liberty, of leaving the citizens in darkaefs ind-riTfiltbr"wf fpartnff-the-eapenca of oil and- broonii wbilft the taxes for thole purpoles are- ri co- foully exacted ; "and what is worfe nobody takes the liberty of profecuting them on their bonds, and Bringing iucid 10 juiucc, HALIF A X. Oaober 6. Extrad if a letter. J tint Trepajfejr, dated yth September, Thr French-fboadronanchord -therftiTTihe Bay of Bulls,; and landed 2,000 men in the courfc of three flours? next Morning they totally Confumed it by fire, roakine priloners ot tue principal inhabi tants. ! They intended to march to St. John's where r--- -- - ' TTir V . A - toere is now 4.5UO men in arms aaa an tne tortinca- tions manned. Tbe 50 gun flnp, frigates and 1 floop. that are at St. lobn's, are (rationed in the .narrows, and every body lecms inclined to think I they 'will "give tbem a warm reception. But u.is tbe univerfal opinionrthat whether they fucceed in their attempt on Sc. lobn's or not, they Will tot allr -Checkmate, hjLtaking t)C:tbe JOoIJAfttrllhiS they playedg-wbere all thg mtteISJtteinal Jj equal, "but all ftriing tor fdmething like a Crown j leveral thei gentry5wx kiyklraf1 nn in lilt Afnbls earner. ': Thrv I Whacltit. at wktrh i deftroy the out harbours tliey Have already decently tAfam of the cort. TudHay evening arrived here th brig TaBecapr. bfhed powers fir their' want tcJlttr (the-penalty nr-JWj.- trorn yjienec, out lait tromadoreHHiar of the MineUnd fome others; at 'AH Ftttts. have poor, on the Labradoreihore, where captain Pryor bT MS tAW-bor. France deali onBno.J..Tived on thet8th ot beptentber. Utt that har- irtar4 at Nintiim with the Italian "it at est and boufrthi day he arrived there, he frwk'e h'w m"eK the Northern armies are playing the Deeil tmong the i f flj'P Prt; with die Quebec convoy, cpnliUing heavy gale ot wind came on, and tne next morning the PearLandl thtf eiait enly if ihe cfl voy were "to be feeo from the (hore. , On the lad. an exprefs ar rived from Fortau. a fettlemenr iir the Streiebts of lMlclfle, informing that three friiates belonsioi to the French fqoadron, had made .their appearance oif Temple Bay i that they flood in to nar a to be fired at from a fmall tort which was erected on (hore, which induceJtbem tofland olFngaui. This exprefs alfo brought intelligence, t hat the thrcj frigates were afterwards feen near the Pnebecfort which was at the time in the narrowed parts of England is flifl at MnJ Hatard, ,This nation is io renq 01 -gaiiHHiiigj-it;-ifc;w- y. J vr - The Emprefsw RntTia, the Emperor of Germany f and the King of PrulGa, are at Pohfh Drmtghiu This is' a game in which make ling flridet t it is ex peed, 'thjjjjiili.be a drawn game, but that the play ersf will quarrel alum the JlakeK - ' : : 1 !' ' ! " America is engaged in a party it Cimmeree-iht has plenty of Spade!, but does not thakej1 proper ; nfe of them. -Ashe appears at preieni very weak in "Jfarts -Knjrlabd, blg lucky in a fefuenei oj Clubs, andToirte DMjmudi2mk the IktH to bfe themv has a preat aavautage." America nao oeiier nave ituctt to miff. " :---.M :: --;-." - Tbe next game is to be L to, and the French' hav in'it fumed up' Pam, re expected to Lb tb(f reft all rriund cveii America . is far from baying ljlujh in ' irmnps. -rr-3 ol tfefr jMeWi; -The ll'afflinjamysilmQyc at rrannrort on tne 51a unt.-arm :,ito- troops at or about that city entirely -worn doAh by fatigue and' hardthips; ana aioll part without clothe and rfbocv Thefe troops arriving in great difarder it is to be inferred that tbe misfortune oHhe republican army mud be, very confiderable. , All tbe baggage end artillery of referve U to be ferrt to -Liruburg 00 the Latin, whllft the army will choofe good (land be. hind the Mein, wherevthey will wait for the nurae rous reintorcemenu which are fent to tbetn from all parts. ' " """", ; ' 1 v ; Jo the mran timethe Imprrial ills are blin don the river with a confiderable force, and if tbey are not arreRed m their career by untorrteeo events, it is to be apprehended, tbe army of general Joardan will be obliged to recrofs the Rhine, 'General Mo. reau will alfo have to all back to prevent hwlefc wing being fiirr ounded- by the Imperialitls. and aa I- attack in the rear. The grea tell part of the troops befieging thefortrefs of EnrenbrietRein are ordered" from there towards the Mein and very few fent to fiueatwUte-''ietterl frotH rmWeftrMm?? wied, Coblentz and Trier, mention, that an a ftoni fil ing number of wounded ara dailj brouglit to their hoTpitals, and that the TOadsnre covered with wag gons loaded: with thefe unfortanates -we expect to fee daring-this week flrong-feinforcemeitts'td psfir ' through iliiscity, which wul come from the interiors of the republic and refort to the alrmv ot eetJ. Toor- .. dan, as alfo a great quantity ot artillery and amiiii. Extrall tf a letter received bf Mr. John Warier,f , thu citfrroPt hit corrcfptwdint in London, dated the othofSepK 1 790.:" ' " - .; ' ' ;' ..'.'; I ' ' " Yocrmay depend upon the Wlowine communi. - ion Mr; .Pitt has informed the governor and' deputy governor of the bank, that the prefent "being' ' a favourable moment to open a ne Eocktionfor peace w ith tVve-k l.aT&erclelcTvittmcn Ton ofoticiice.tajPsivia Jttowltjhjrjexeciiaiwi;, of France will rntef into a treaty 00 reafoaahla. terms ?-if fois well . "if not, then the war becomes a war of neceflity; and tnnlt be tarried on wkhnfi gour. tor which porpdfe it is not tbe intention ot this government to a Ik another loaa but to levy a tax on property, .to-be paid in Quotas according to each man's ability retpeaively.'' "BON MOT. : : ' 1: TAVntlemaivwbo poflelfecl fflucbjggfatty. "nTnoIe'than nature iij'uaUy beftbWs upon an indivj " diinltcoh t ri ed to make it more' enormous by his iijyi.npljle attaebment to the bottle, which iiUo.be' If t it w ith emeralds and 'rubles. To add to his JllisfflrtnrieSfciniibaneft. toper'a face was fome what disfigured by not having a regular pair of eyes; one being black, ano . ne otner ot a. reann nue. A' petfon happening once to obferve, that his eyes weriiit-felio wiHeon2rtiat4 birn-ow that-ctreiim? fiance, The rofy gifled old tipler demanded the reafon.5 Be'caule,"' replied the jocular genius, if vour eves had been matches, your , nofe would cer-. the Streiebts of BelWifle.- Twelve fail of fqoare rigged veflels belonging to" Dart month,' Poole, led 'were about bal f loaded in the adjacent harboors. where th.e were expo fed to the dcftrocYive ravage of the enemy. -ftis faicWhar admrraj (Jraves arftVed ar Halifax the week before lall from England, with an addi tional naval force for that Ration, arid feveraFtran- Ipohs with frefh troops for the garrUonTh news coniesjriflewfly-orneiDnme. , :" . ;:. . e-.NEWF OUN IXA H.0. ; Otlober 19. The attack, on the illand ol St. Johns, by. a French fquadron,Js confirmed j- With the ftructibn bf the hamlets at Ball's Bay and PLcentia.' .A veflel from thence, arrived yeBerdayrhi three weeks ; Ky her we learn." that the fleet confided of fcttn faifiTrlmofriipfthe- liner"ntwtfuppofedto'T have many troops on board that they had fiOt at tempted the town of St. Johns, bat cootiaoediroif- ingoir lie coait. ji - was nowever - luppoiea rnry Notice to the Merthantt of th United States. , The following sdvertifement has been tranimit-' ted by the American -commidiotiers, in Lohdon, to bepubtit1ie4 IftlieiteatearTittal. will render an acceptable fcrviceio ,their fellow ck:; tizens by givine !t i place in tbeir newfpapersi "' -AZ-r .., rlMOTHt PICKERING Department bf Stated ' , : ; ; oa. jo- n96. '.; - r . ;.. - ; ; ,THE commifljonert appotnteirl toearty mfo exe- cution the feventh article, of .the treaty farnhy, commerce, and navigation,', between Jiu Britannia. JVlajertyan4iheidic4.Sm TviveTioticei'thatlh will flagrat1bhiigbfriavbfrappibencWd.- , JROIw A LONPON TAPER. . . , ' Liberty of the S-ibjell. - ' IT'S really furpriung that people fhould bawl-.fo for Liberty, when there is fp much in th'ts king- dom-it 4-well ksswrii thav'aM rs nks'e? people pajferUberues.wit eveytJ teriounf wiJh did notTeiiilt ; anjTthaf 3ny-TSt our liberties trench opo thofe of other people. iSeve ral of our great men have the liberty to run in debtv with every man who is fool enough togiye tjiem.credit the liberty to refute payment as long as they pleafe, and- t,he liberty to plead privilege to project their (acred perfons from the purfuit oflaw iiui.tbejn, on tlie other hand, fome tradefaienbave tbe jibertj of charging f high for their goods, that "paHVwS" Pi ?en year they wjll be gainers by tbe bargain, whilR others, more eon (cieptious, have thei naies In ,the, Cazette, iniro 9 ny,,o.pur;ceray have the liberty, ot enjoying ' Cnecuf ftS, ,and plujrsJities; Whilft their crafeahavc the Jiberty .of doing aJl tJje doty and maintaining :"theirijif9iijf4 as wejl a they can, with jfortj or fifty .i(Seji(etal perfons ;W,hp pever faw a fword tdrawnf or Jho;;ftre4."xcept perhaps in a duel,, for an ima- Mnarv . attronx. la xlelence. ot t&e reuutation ot- a. pet,. or 00 si 'quarrel-about cards ordice, have 1 dan s army bad to act fepsf ateiy woritea in a areaa 1 hg'1fl(Bd'B6Ul4 rrife 'ir.ly:7oaojnc?tttt fparrh had been fent (o Admiral Murray, who couid not lend any aIillance. Captain Girdler at fea.fpoke a brlirfwo fail to the eaR of KewfonndlaDdr and was informed by her,' that a fleet of ro. fail of the Ike, and two frigates had raken Newfoundland, a 50 gun ftsip and i-x's- frigates aniier Ad; IVsHaee Jjie brigjiad difpatches for England. This laR is 'theTatefh -AarbTeTififttng having paflerigers from Newfoundland on board. ; 3 Captain Curtin from Halifax, about ti dayaGitc'e, informs that admiral Murray lay there, with .a' 74 and 4 frigates tbe people expected a vifit from the French. He fuppofes there are about 1000 'troops there. -7 , , . ' He ready to proceed to the buftiiefs of theif cbmmif' fioii, 7an Monday thettpi b day pf QSober neyt.i at ibeie Aflice, .No. 5, Cray's Inn fquare, Gray' Jnn London. ''; jj. -'; u, ;) . I . '. .-1- ."'-. All perfons haing claims uner faid article, will take notice, that, by the provifions there of,eightein ; months, frofn the day 00 which-fud comriuflToBer9 fttlrr6rmlf1dardrarrdKo iwtir" nels, are auigned for recefvwg complaints ana ap plications, and that the commiffiovers are autborif- edonjyjpajrticular cafetirt. which it (hall appear to tnem to he reaionaoie aoo jun, ro exiena.tneuMi t . :.ISLEW-T0KK, Oaobet "Trnnflaied for ihe New-York JWtnirvn. -BRUSSELS. Sent ThetwreaT 6fflfrTrBwotbeJSambrean rails regiments, . r or-which purpole tney tave had the liberty to employ crimps, to trepan the unwary, to le.z.e men who have hVbtbVr"crime" onder eeneral Tourdao. is more feriouT and decitjve tnan, k was at orit tnougnt to oe. t nc rcpuuncans being conRahtly puriued and attacked by an enemy of fuperior force, have ,' been Compelled tb.By - in .fucha hurry, that they wire .obliged to leavejrtjl .lery,. baggage, ancl in particular an amazin'g'num berof kulecV anl prifoners behind them.- Theworft yet remains.. The-ditrerent columns pi .gen jpur- 1trrttrmlrTTn part was'to re taken, In bfdrr to lave. the remains otbe a"rroy,and therefore een."jourdan gave orders toTl Hiefc celuiTcTr X- " " '"' '.'' ":. ;-'" '.' '; :..--.:.;-'U' J; '"'.. "rf.-,., term 9? eigLtn niowBs," for Anf3W.oljS6fiS3 ing fix months after the expiration thereof. : riH' London, 7th Sept. 790, ,i , , H- -f44-M"f-(-H- Mil M-M-'M-H , ; " LANDS FOR SALE. OKrSatgrday the loth day .of November next, at '-' the court liocrfe in Wihnington will be foM to the h'rgbTOlMdder,' . r ; A - PLANTATION iaBlaon county,: iontainlne jf about 7o acres, where MrMacqoire fprnierl? lived, called Afliton 'Burns i . whereon is a pood dwelling hoofe, and fences in tolerable repair two tracts" ot 640; ncrereachjiiitf c on plley. Swamp one traft of 640 acres on South River in faid county r-aud 1 00 acres firuato on Broad .water in Brunfwick 'county-whtcb feyerat parcels . of: land, were formerly poflefledJr faid Macquire, and laft pofff-fTed by Mr. George Weare. decearcd. 320 acres, alio in Bladen ; adjoining lands 01 cot. uwen, y Mr. Thomas Henderlom deceaied ATot'of ?'acres,oppohte the town 0: VTjlniington, laR' pofTtfled by Joint Morris, decfafed. . T t7 The perfons laft fehtetTttf the aforefaid lands dy ing without heirs, the lands became efcheated smi4 were granted by the General Aflembly to the trfc tees of the oni verfityrThey will be fold agreeable to the-ordinance ot the' truflees j which idirecla ai f 'rt-e'dit '-of one,two'orhreeeatobegWeir anl- to lecnre'the paymentoFthf pirrc.haM money, Donos femriTieS. tnoet her with a morteaeewn the purchafed to beakenj. v Wi.B. RUXm Jandt . .

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