-" - v - - AND FAYETTE V I LLE A PE R TIBER. VottY S ATURDAY, Npvsmbcr $6,; 96: Numb. 35. CAROLINA MINERVA : .V ; "" - irriwtkl at Charleitdn m ' 1 1 days i roitt i 1 artl not TCT "ihld ciuaini; you wit h th final I land , -mho ha 1 invejltd virthltrfl f$vert, nit tntj t IiidQa,' ipapers i fiic been received, from "VeV F A R IS, 5ept. 29.-' ; T-JIE military council concluded, yeflerdsy ; its A dsbates relative tA ct 3$ biuirg--n.t i Grrji, tteflev 4rWH before them'he conclufions of the "reporter tended to fend gen. Fion, and another c cufrd prrfon to th higlneourt.of Judice, liecaule they were HiplitfyW in the aftpir of Baboeuf, Four were coadrmneflo death, fi to hanifhmenr, three to impcjW-iBtheni, ad the reft were fet af liberty. AJfi-Joti- A letter frni thr Wilflt lad Molelle, . !atl Sept. 1 3th, f y, I hit the army bat quitted u poQtion on the Iwr, paTed the Danube, and di f-3ed it march to Nuremberg, id take the arch duke ithe rearr; T ;- ORtbcrx. Tbc foil confplratpr condemned to : death 'jmUItaryonaniiflian wett fhol yetterday la the plain of Grenelle. . i- . ; - Gen. Jourd an is at Parly Jie will fet outpeedilyj, rfWf orpoie J taking th commapd ot (be army J til North. ; -' .- . ltil (aid that Kleber will TtmVm with thjaarmy r th oambri and the .Meufeud that the Direc ory aril I afford a fignal example of leverity g'"lt .Ihotsbtfhfy 'el a)3ina in that ariy. 3 v A treaty of alliance- as ftWrHaniilBa heen. -onaMtd between the jtoatru of tuckbubn and Pt-tertburg.'- " '. He , V . WV V ... A II ' ' : f .-,- 1. u li u rv. uaacr . ' - ' mnt, on thttthof X" ;T,H ITU a peculiar latirfadioti to me", in the prtfc 41)1 Juncture of a.Fir4 to recufjo your flvj;f if Wth recent opportunity w litch haa been oi eA fft tijfthigiht fenf? o&jmy rwrtplengaged tn a dtt-; ct acf arduoua coated ft the prclervatioo of all : jtut Ifcutoft dear toui.' . - ; ' h f kave oihirred mo ndeataur for felt log o foot cure for the future, the general tranquility. " The (leps whkh I hae taken for this purpofe, Lava at length opened the Way to art' immediate ami direct ae jiBciiitldnj : 'tfTe iffde or Which' trtofl either feroduce the defirable end of a julL honourable and Vimd'paace foT u and out 1 alliesr or miill prbveiie toud difpute, to what caufe alone,ine prolongation F the calamities of WarWullTieaTcrltied. ' " I.lhaU iitiiedlatfly fend, a (if rfoii id Pari, with tut) powers to treat for thla objeel, and it is my itilciouj vrifb that this mearure"niay lead to the re Horai'ion of a general ipeace. But yoii mull beferi tb)ttiat nothing can fo miich contribute to give et- Tarltii this defire. as vour hvanife(linfftlat"we Dof- Wn hinh ihrieterm to op'- ofe with Tncfeafed aclivity and energy', the farther tfForts with Which we may have to contend. - ' Tou will fee) this peculiarly necellary , at a mo I'tue. I (hair have fcieo to hurop a turther proot or my moderation and forbearance. : And I can have n doubt of youir determination to Jefeod, againd every a ggrellion, the dignity, righik, and litereds of the Britifh empire.. . - . . " ' GjutUmtn Jjht Htufe of Commiftf ""Trely on your jeal and public fpirit for filth fupplies as yuu may think necellary for the femce of the year.' f-: - - - ''- - ' ' It is a reat fatisfaftlon to me to obferve, that notJR4thandi i he tempore hate been kxperiencfd, Ibe Itate of ilic coiiuiierce manutacluref. and revenue of I lie conn (ry, proves the feaJxunjfcf riirnifhrsyou fuch means as mu(t be equal to any ev IVtioBi whclulte prelent crifii.niay require. L-T :'.:-'Jtft lati$m4- GiutUmttt, - r- "'"r fliilrtfles which were ,in the lad year expert rhen-she-oiiemy fepenlyanifefted f helnW" iancfc; seaUwt iaf' t jemptlng afe'delcent twrthcfirtoTOct It cannot he doubted what would Je the illue ot luch 'An e'nterprize, but if befita your wildim-to negleft fio precaution that may either preclude the attempt, or fccure the fpeedieft meana of turniifg it to the ton'ulioii And ruin of the nemyJ------7" in reyisrsBgt'neiventa of the year, you will : - , - . ... i ..... i . ... . the Ikill and exertions ot my live obierved. that b v, our cx;enuve aui intreaTing commerce has jJbe.ett pirAtd;iii.aJe0toliiipJ( foyiid-EMtj.ler "ini the fleew) of the" enemy Jiaye, lor the greatelt " part dF tlie year, been .blocked "rip in- tneir o'wn ports. "TlwoDeratlonJfn the Eaft arid Wefl-Indieshave been highly honourable to the BriiiU.i arnni, and productive of great national advantage f and the valour ancf good conduct of my forces, both by fea ind land, hive been eminently confciiflus. 7 U Tlii. fnKiim. nfTof ir nil the rnnfiiint has trn hiore vif lout: and thi progr eft nl he Trench aiwlfJ TVon" threatened at owe 'peq ttia ulnibll danger to all Eurone But from the. lonotiraMe and d'gnified perfeve , ranee of my ally tne Emperor, and from the intra- Tpidttydifcipline,,:wHd invincible fpirit of the Auf "Irian forces, under the aufpicious conduct of the 7rchduke CharlesTTucli turn has Jaiely beeii given io the courfe of the war, aanmay inlpire a well- .jgruunded eonfidenie that the final refult of the cam. ien will prove more difaftrotis to the enemy, than ourab,le toher beaf . . , . . I r t at apparentljr awttiie unjpoMion aati conaua ot encei from the tartU'y.of. con, are, now, by the b!effinelBlH5d. napuilv removed,' and an abundant harvell affordthe plearingjirofrert of relief in that important articlf to the luwu'wgclaflesnf the com munity..: Our internal tranquilly Lus alio cootinu ed undidurbed. .'"I- . im xomrmiion nas appeareu on every occaiian , and the cndeav.turs of thofe wbo wifhed to. intro duce anarchy and confufionjnto jhiicoumry; have een repreiTedtiy Ibe energy and wifdom of the laws. ,. -". -. , !! v-.', , , 77 . " Toefeat all the defigns of our enemies, to re. (lore to my people the bleiiittgs of a lecure and hon ourable peace, to maintain inviolate their religion, lawa and liberty, nd to deliver down unimpaired to the latefl poller ty tbf g'pry and bappinrfs of fhefe kingdoms, is the cnaltaot wifli of my . heart, and the uniform end of all my actions. - In ever meafuro that can conduce to thofe objects, I am con fident of receiving the firm, zealous, Vti aiTcdio. uate tupport .ot my parliament Sept. of Yeilerday arrived a mal from antbiirg. id a fiiigle freach paper1 (the MelTtger du $oir JUto of Lr 4tli irrthrnt: By inlormarion )of re- ceived iltrough both channels of conveyance, we learn that gen. ivioreau has been defeated, and has commencecThis retreat, nocnoWever bythejvav of ISuatiiaTTdwliich fide th& Aullrians re movlncTo cut his retreat, by potieffing themtelve of the lirng panes, but7towardsancoiahppTrtgy jthiJ delnerate flepjO and thus give Jourdan an opportunity again to aef upon the otfenfive. - Thus far the accounts by the mail j but the reports of the day come later, and aftert confidently, that on the aad, as was dated in the Lord Mayor's letter, general Jourdin was com plctelvJeteatedrnd that Moreau's army h,as been completely difprf)d. By a reference to onr fhip newt it will be feen that Adm. Gardner has dilpatched a cqnfiderable parrot his fleet jgnpbrfuit of the French fquadron tuppoiea to ue cruuiog ott thehanka ot Newtound- ana GretU Britain, hut ti toncludt it dejinitiytty hlweem thetvio pntcri. If, then, the ifuigiifb govemmenc is fincerf if this proceeding, like U.ttuc whichv die has made, up to this time, upon this point, doe not tend merely to wake t he w Vrld M ieve that det carrirs on the war unwillingly, and that it is mad hi order tw have the pretext i. require fupflict which the Entilidi people feet tbcm fpend with re4 gret-if tbla government abjurea ao unjuft Jiatred, if ihr pens her ear to the voice of huaiMity, it (he yields to the with of the nation, whole Inter lis and welj'jrr aft rmrufted to her care. tl e psace will ex perience neiilier delay nor obllacle.r ' ,) - t-ord ialm(bury, wiJO is certainly appointed ml ToSirjrw may believe letter! from BrelLTt appears, that the dangerous project la formed, of making a defcent in Ireland or kugland. Thelis let ters announce, tftat every flung is ready in that port for a grarxiiedkio end'of this moni,jnd the command of which will be given to vice-admiral Viliaret-joyeufe. Others add, thjt the fliips of.the line,jlwsJlji8the oiher 7etto57r'wliicli i compoleil7?ake fix months provi iions, and that tbi expedition vrkl be reinforced by a great nuntber of other e(lels, which are aclually aflembi'ng atochefort and Clierbourg. ... 73" jjVVe areliedthaithrco has order-: ed its ininilief, Azzara, to exprefs to the Pope its profound indignation at the conduct which he held towards " the Trench, upon the fudden '.attack ol Wurniferrf and todecJae;ttbisoJineii,4haMt; would not fartTier concern iilelf 'uh his itjterefU, and to ouu lltftne after having nude this decUra nftitier iiv W rnnreive it mult he Inleredinar rn Thgunrmen to lee the exact words in .which tire French government have announced the fird direct propolition toward pace that hat come from the Englim court n !7T,t An official note, dated from Weftminller, the j lit Sept. i yoo, old djle, ( jd VeBdrtnaijreJjfihyear, remitted the 9th of this monjh to the. minifler of foreign ffklrtritld bytthw-jnewedTtafw torv, deures pallborts tor an envoy from tne uritiih fifetnrwSfcOTrr nf neaee. The Fxeciitive f)irectory forthwith made ft decree, chtrjing the minittcroi Jereign affairs to wifterto Farispt fon Of Mr; Ifarria, the autiior ol tlie celebrated work, calledTTlarmea, who about' years a0 Was bne of tbe lordtvof the admiraltyj and afterwards a lord of the treafui y. J he pre , fent lord, who is juft co jeara bid, was in 1 768 ap pointed frcretary to rlieembafiy to Spain. Me waft ' afterwards anade mi aider at Bituflela, and in 177a envoy extraordinary to Berlin. In 1 776 he went i the fame character to Peter(burg and in 1784- he was made atnailador to the Hague. He was par-. ticularly in(lritmentaliri coticluduig.treatiesavmit--5 able to" Wu(na"indrTolland, in conlequence of which he wat grtnted certain honours in thofe countries. His lordfhip has had experience cDoogh to make an able oegociator, and, it minidert are fiocete, w " have no. doabt be will be luccefsfutn the prefene occa'ion. v'. '. Ofioiir It. We underfland that Lord Sr. Helen is to he the perfon appointed 10 go to Paris as our rniniHer, to negociate wkb the r'rehch dirtdory. It is mod probable that this is true. His lorn rc refidence at Parli. embafl to Madrid, his inoften five character as a diploniatic man,point hinvout for the nomination, and certainly he will go wlthji bet. ter grace than any ttthe other pci ions who hat ' been named... ' ' , ' "The mail arrived yefterday confirms the opinioti advanced, of Moreau'a defigp of retreating through Suabla ; and there isrealon to believe that tlie io- himn- which herleot inter Franconia ", has titeadr marched to '"rVjo?n him on the Danube. 1 e does not appear to be very Vefirous of reirtating; lie. . . . jeem to flrofle to mainrawiimfeltn:.-!).., nubet for he ancht undoubtedly have rraibp1 kht ' longfince, had his objed- been to regain the bank of the Unoe'r Rhine. Still. haWvrr. hr u ir, ycrittcal fitaatfoh. . It Will be feen that detaebn ents ot the archdile's army have entered ituugard. and Cut Off all his communications with France j and w drongly fnfpeft tharth aref duke himfelt ia now movrh towards the Brifgau, for the pur p tie of ef fectually cutting off his retreat to Ktanc. " , lwtfrotnliirroTthe that tb Pruflian regiments in South PrnlTa are tontpletiug r with tbe-greaied expedition; and a aft quantity o? artillery of various calibres is conveying thither ' This looks, as if the king of Pruffia were not wuirar erv.frfpecting hUnew BerghteugTbemprU 6fl TKirL.-. . Z.'r .-- - The French have fet fire to feveral villages in th Electorate of Cologne, becaufe fomc peafants of that" Country, afllfted by run-aways, have attacked fom rrencn etcoris, ana taken Irom them fifteen wai gQiisTadea with aoaiy?-tr'-'-- - "-7 PLYMOUT H: ettjL AffiViWColoiSt; ot f4 gijiis, capi . vjtihoaTl, - w learn, thai on Friday lad Sir A. Gardner de.' tached eleven fail of th Jin and the Trbferpin'e Iri-" gate .to Newfoundlanif. , . . - 7 ' - . - 'n 7 j-: - PARIS ' Sept 97. ; . r'wr f kAMBjtE. and muse. The dtreftory harpubiiflied a notice to the fed. lowing erTVA ; " Acqordingto tbedifpofitionswhicV have taken nla rP in rr nf.nmii . fif m .1 1 hi' TV.! " f i . a uravery niu the tame, tnatrarmy naa UlTru h art to the Rhine, and part to the entrenched camp oOuffeldorfF.A confiderable corps of the army of tlie North having fprmed adjunction with it, an o', fenfive movement will immediately .follow, which will enable U to -reap the fruits of Its firftTCoii-" queHs.'. . ? .7: .... : UA-letter froni 'Mnrrtw irnTTjrrfstJi. g tember, dates, that this d'rrtiv hairetirfjl.frti tfangefbus pofit ion tr occupied ht the troops which Jordered the lhff , and poflefled Bavaria and thetight bank of the.DaimLc, crofl'ed that fiver it - . . I . . ! ' 4 .. . '.; jjr-r '1 1 '.1- a ': " ":' 'A r.j.. - . a i 1 ( ' 1 - -1 r z7 pi " 1 1

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