-Pi;: Hi . J;-g'."Ji.V; . .11 4 V i J I . I. - j.ivater,had I puflelled abijtfy to render, them 111 A h imlnMvi . . A. . i 1 ,. .. L " v.j k. uui. iu tut uiiaiuiiwjus tans or my coun try ; and its approbation is my abundant re in1 f frftrvtlr A-r Vs .. ..... .1 . a-mcr me ipeaKin;. ended, theai- men among hom I relied on the- difr.ern- : went and patriorifm or my fellow-citizens, r to make the proper- choice of a'.Juccefior : : i Jii-vy.hjr.wouivU-eiua-e no intfuential ... ex-' - ample to infarct ihe United" Stateg art ablejupright and energetic adminiitration.'' ' loIuch.men,,I mall cheerfully yield the. - - " ; Wtm tjenius and talents, to ferve our com- J .!wy bcinduLred in exprtfljn the cwiihlino : r 'v tiAI-:-o . ...u::rx-rr? r i- r, t--t ivuttuuua wuitutuiijuouiiieis iuggeitsjand y. ....... .l ,,,.iy iUin, (,iit, mat none can U rVe it with purer intentions than I have done, or wiih a more difinterefted zeal. GEORGE WASHINGTON. l"5T.l.?icners, Ior trie improvement of their u i- ' VU1 iunttcea nonour on the former, but entitled them to the wanned gratitude h ojn the-latter. At night the "tra- geay of , George Barnwell was peri ormed 10 which was addlpH. ihmc rUnUr. n.vi.. . . 1 t-H i . "'v t.viui iyuiui'ucs, with -' Bucks have at voiraH.' Peafe. An 'Utter, per lb l.ard none, 'aeon rohe, Tallow, do. Bees wax. 1I0. Ier (kins, do rayttevil!e Prices Current." " - " fmp, per cu t. 6 ' "obacco. fr u. K our,, fer band, corn ptr; bulbtU 7 St 55 :.-$i.aUo.3d.UtiM6o. , . , ' - . -..v niaiawuj in me irageay were well atjd the perfarmui.ee tJidted the I 40 orthwarrl fir. Tijfccmiirry brandy, jMoIaflTes, (Brown Sugar, per lb. io Loaf do, (jo. ajkollee, do. !f "io irori.- " do. - '"lon, in lecd me. . - .vtlt, r .y7W, 2 jrork ,j 7 ;o i.rtf n. do. 5 - Exttact of a letter from a-member of Con- - grefs.- - I think-Pinckney will be the man-- nouutogether fromhoice, but chance." - i yefltl is arrived from the Bahamas tnere had been an nrriva th.. t - , - .v.jt. " " L"vm jL.ouaon ... - , uajo. .iccies were accommodaN 4i Britain and Spain4he privateers 7 M"ttniui4h', dnu tne apa- nie - feelings of the rpeciatoi 3, and drew from THE Ti.5. No. XVII. I'm ioreau, V ")V - until 1 '5oo men, arid If ; Pi ' V . . 1 '5oo men, a f jilt thf hrfn-h li-t4 .l t . ? al ? the defeat of the French army in Italy t .!!, 11 ' . r;'rw,r ..uao men. .... jwuii juuji.uii is appointed Governnr tti.c united States- trJtfiJn. L. 23hs tkmifhiriya:, .iCrSi 'tW? iVrth-(:aroli. wimuuujexingion, : in Kenrurk v" 1 X Be Value-of - nrnwn . I " . . ."'"". - dbllarsVwithinthree years! n- f ajtend to thefe facts. ."Has -m V NOTvlT 2ZOME, " A prr-ty xa.:c this to get rid of an unwelcomr y uiror ' - . , h x t" f rooke7inTi"irK:. ' . 1. . T!rr t .. ... 1 1,1 1 l' i.'j'ni a nipci t 1 a Indv is vrrv hn!vn..l...... . . . le!l J.tV.l'(I.LeclOftjparrMo n.i.,.f -t Ue a lri-nlnr l,. ' .l "... ... .. . ...11 ihu on inr par.ncuirir flrci i wliiih her pride, will be gratiheder, in f1,crrt m.Ms lolliux on iitijopha, antU-an't take tht tains lo go down lta.r.i.Si,; directs her lervanrs to tell, a. I viiitors tiiat Jhe ! dm !it l.rti..- . i . . . -,.".'.. ,.lt4iiil.l .iiruiCl truly! A he vr.- , if t- r-i- v . .. , t ri" no nidi wuicii mineft truth won d do 'n-.tr ti,'- ..-..ui. But it m fafliipiiabir -it is enffotnarj to teH fuch lir here is-no "1iafTnToiri'p15TnT with the fa 111 ion I 1 . :aytrttdamris-ih : & iiy : may nor practice Brow into - - ,, j . ic uu noi teacninc your fcrvants and cb.ldren. dangexous.Lnbns UXTr 'BSfft Frit. ... " rt- . Zt Th - j ' , , .i ii i the fafbion-it is a well icll tKSm . , .. .h,, .j utuiiiiruin at once. Uh no, S r?t ?0t d' u wou,d be ,0 ""-ftrou. vu!Ra; to Ipe.k the truib; wl the whole town'wouK! 7, . " n won t do i hot in an luitsfo Weft.'. Sincrifl kUii.- ...u... "" '""p HO tlll'lii IV ' t uiurir : U .-l. - - . i- " , ,. . -""'Ji nania coarie coniino VOJ i lliori aii't int. .,. .i n... : . " . : : - ' "wvnome." jt ra0Jfaj fcrpr -Point A -NEGRO WK NCrf of god'tharacter, w10 can waft anJ cook tnoiiire of ti . F,;. ter. " farettrv'.'e, Dcemr aZyrrt. 41 3 ' JOHN WINSLOW, uff opened at hi flnr K- T"7'.T HAS juff oprnrd at h 1 (re, fst; Vfir een II rTefT ticar thf Tnwn a ..l : . .. an MUUIUI tlir 01 U I r . i . , . aiiuiimtnj 01 J .uwtjs. luiiaTire thfnn;l.ilT;h::f; r "f v! 8 rH-ra, Profit, for call, or produce. - JUST PUBLISHED, r- . HODGE'S NORTh-CAROLINA A T n . ij-fvi ANA C K S. FOR THK War rt V.tr.' . . . . .umi vu UU-UJh I' IMT - rhaIeShi ,ul ili Icr, e wi.UutieiW' .... - ft - . ""i win lible error fbr-a 0f the States sdja.ent, LAjinjuuaauai-r ;Ri.'in ni-ci.r- ''".f.i"".""1 " ... ei Jt.inii. 01 tnff run RemarkaWeda;CF:SDSr ... . - A T A n ' . are, O INTS to p.ofWiors of phj lie , 1 Tiroiertur nins. New arid excellent hit tli'fid of Farmers exc! ancrinet-tMl eteTTedXlenatorTpr the fhtte ofMSd" the roomof John E, Howard, lj m . . il molt im?vrfanf ft;fA.f ;.' ' r r .-"aelirhu rrrrl'rejldcnt of- the Bank ohlTenn!ylvania rwho. unJ"l,tnK - . v-v. cic veil inouiartd do ars and ppropriated it to the purpole of h s private T)trfnrf 'Irir-tvri i iv. rHi1-' Patn- cuiation and were elected members of Prm -er they were dec,ared elected .Americans,, are your pretended: to depend 5onesS53fg lhe Gpn ".il Ar:.i.. t. ' . : - iheGenel-al AiIem-of -Vinrin elected lames W,i vl V, irma nave i -State " , overnorof the : .' ON th&(r5th Dec.en'iberconirnenrP(l tr frtua! examiiytion 0 the Bent, the PifrfhnrAK '""dents of ftafe Tf"n fll Paru of the l ate, lhe proqrefs made by the feveral cd thtannoff fangJne expectations. Qn th iA CiefiAman- of- niv ir..i:i:-irjr'-rJ'-" frte fern ton 1 hp h-. i.t.. - j rr- -i . r-- wilhfd not tn l .. ' ''. L i-r,:.,A V'r '"P"". tJe directed m . , c "ra ";l,e. :u '''orm(i,ors that he "i i ,ar ho',ie B1" to hi tliidyi ,t ,2 Si UH1""'3" r:,l1,cd at ,he 'AhV; was r r 1 , ? ' 1 a h,ng'W. who called to return a: vitit :JjV!!m th Clcrpynran.tt - "Jlmjma .PfeiJibLinflruci rrilSneTnefthM.carcl and deported; the lervant handed the ca.d to the UrrVy mat, --what asjtu tonifhntettraBcr regfetT KfHgfe tae exenfe of VnSS t.do w. extrS-1 t ' -f r?yman s wortitica- - 1 wmnn tnrwr iferri know. t r,"S " pW efy to it polite and era reel and delxate and well bred to tell tlJ . . gu "iuppofe the fert ant fhmil I . 1 A-'lZ. e -t.r.ulb ! or Mrs. , is Very much- en2'aCed K.it wiin I' break his chain." " : ' ,i0w-H we Thirty Dollars Reward. - of lavirir them nr. ... o -r.. Cuiuvaung turmps. ..A preventative aa (,nue '.'3..in:w.fteat. Reflexions on an einfiiy llUrfe. An ,rr, f TL.-1. . ... ..cher Anotht.r Lar Preacher. Coriovc8tcir dane0Tt,e L njtec States. ; Olficer of the i xcch rve Department of the t'mted States, wi.hif.eir Calartes.. . Aleu.lKra of the Foufe of hr, reenttive. from this ftate. Judiary-Judges .w'd WiceVSr ot the rederal C nunc .ai.i:n j . . . . ... Iters nf rliM rTr:J c . . 1,1,1 Uarorma. Xenoth. breadth. nn..i. .. .. .. everal tiates. BriefabfW ?cZ. North-Carina-diftria, and ..TTIT "i, cen Iudor f,l.- : "---.-- -sivj' V . V"' ' ,or;vourisot Law and u.ry. Jime of holding Supteme and tounuv O.lilanff. Sllninior. ,.f .k. J. . r-.. . ' "hi UiredcemrH Wn.xi.. . .... .... : "'"I -dSCS- J?n.ua7'.'9J. The annual exnen d.tures of he Untied Statf..leeh: borough,. o -Thorid-nrght tbeirinlf likelv SORRKL HnRVl " V."1 " wuha hh ; ru; zr:: ,:a? -w.rkt tr iU. having. Ima.ld Sw"' " ? fh!, white foot in his r;..i'.! "ane. flat hoof-l!e is W K.r... ,rtC and 'ge made-The f.ddle and hridl-l.!. ' .? anct elt red ,F with the horreWbo;W U horfe IW that I can get him again, fl,all r7cei!, fir dollar additionj on cnmJrtln.. ..Au. .i.- i mtee" f-i 'j ' 4 i r " , . uincuuie ci Hie ni i. ber of perlons in theTev-r.l -Ain.-.xt. Jr . ' T. States Abdrnrt r,,,,,,! U , ' U';Mel;,,' df deferip-ion Si, of -the value and weight of coins aVlhev" "erltng and federaL value, "fcta JJ Jjr agreeable ,o a law pf the United Stklrt? Wflfd th. otUt eb. , m Rules for reducing, l,e c trrercicl nf kils Punch the medium of ) i. ' KpiuTairs A "oCd i; vii. n conipoiwion tor nrerei'vhiw . . . t -- u'iiiea.ipirits olcul. aungppIe-treesA eiF,cta.method torL rn mice from ea;,g ,he grain in Hacks or nuiws orcheef. or othejr arm les nfualljr inured hytS1 wy, in -ior me nite t a mad dn for a rrrbrral AtinrA ii i . . . aoR called . wVlaWift foap. . Mam port-road throng the U. State. by the groce. y. per do. by ,)e halt gr'oi W Z ifiSSr- 'nd'Pi-PP"cir'r A,yarjety of-BL ANKS' for falc at the r Printing-Officp; "I 1 75 : f l : " fl il u -c- S M - 'v- -'I'll -4---- -t: it ..... 'i 7, , : il

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