ADVERTISER. FATETTEVILLE ; S A T U R D T, JANtjAY 179;, ; NuMfi, 41 V CON G R E S Sv. . " . HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVE Dec. 17. 7" ';The Speaker inormed the Foufey that the hour was nearly at hnl, which the I'relident had . ap pointed tor "receiving the uddre's of that Houfe in ranfwer to. his Ween. The members in bodyac- SIR. ; ; V : . ijXi IlUob fe..efRepr efeBtadtcOjavejiUeftded-ttt fiif .communication. reflecting the flare of' our". ; j country, with all the fendbility that thecontrmpla . 1. lion of tlu tuberi , and a fenfe of duty, can infpire'. -vrm We flrc gratiiied by. the information that mca -Jfures cilcut:iicdta cnlure ar continuance .of the friend (hip of the Indians, and to maintain the tran f" : qiiluv of the w,tftern frontier have been adopted : ; . ; anrJ weindulge the hope that thrfr,- by imprcfling : - - the Indian tribes with more corrett conceptions ol - the' jiiUic,' as well a power of the United btatcs,- " will be attended withluccels." While we notice with fatisf jclion, the Reps that " you luve taken in purfuance of the late treaties I with feverat" foreign nation, the iiixrrutton of our citizens who were prifoners at Algiers, is a fubjecT of peculiar Jercifation. :' We Avail cheerfully coi 1 operate irtahv further meafjrc that ihall appeari L-tmnuacoiwnyaneeipiuxr. v-v i 7 Jtf aTj'reJat tons ir-vtolii efnlfTrlyT'olif Hosiery annxt'.ep regret we :near mat any Intel rup----- tion, of rtiir harmony with the Trench has occurred j ylir'wf feel with you and our con rimerits, the cor." 7 dial and'iinabated w iih tamaintait! a .friendly under-1 - f . .. Handing irh that h ition. Y our endeavour to f'ultil r that wilh, i'nd hv alljionnurable means to preferve peace ann 10 reitore THa-H'onv and attection wHkhhae hemooie- fo lnpiilv f'ubfilted bet ween tlie-VencIi Rep?blit and the United Srates; cannot :vV-,faithetfn',e to tntereft our arrention. And while We particjuite in the full reliance (su lia.veexprelT . .d on the patriotifm, felt relpect and fortitude of our cfountrvmen, we ciienfh the p ealmi hope, tint a ;"w'?Hp?st"f:'luft'ce''"',T1 Tnrtderut ion will enfure Che luccefs of vour perfeverance. rS : 'The vhrioui tiivds ui our commtincation'w5i, " Mpectivelyk meet with the attention thxt is due td importance. . - , . ; V nen we ad. err to the inreninl Gtti2tion of te ' United litatei,. we deem it eipially naiiiral and be? jJfcb'niTig rb compare the pretent period 'with that ? rK)n)ed lately antectder.t to the "operation of the go ; vernment, and tja contra'.t it wiih:the calamities in -1 . 1 1 it 1 T b e f It ii t e p C w ar fl j t H n r o 1 v r s . fevcral of ,rhe - Ertropcan nation asLtJxerefle2tjonsddtVcfd:: borh fend to juttify, as well as to excirer a warmer -r Vd mtra tion:TfT)u rfrepnUtutJonand to exalrour . tn'nrh. to a' more fervent' and grateful fenle of piety Jhwatd AlmightyGodiior the. heneficertce ot h provident"'',', by "which its adminiltration has been 'hitherto fVemarkaVf diflirtijuimed., " ' Artd'whil: wt entertain a grateful convicllon that I'our 'wirt grm. ari( prftrintic- adminifl ration has lettts (uccefa and pobliceaimation t yet We con f likewiic, givc-an honourable lanclion to t he ao. . - .-M ' .-3' lltll l I f. n 11 : ' 1 r . . . ... ; . wwcu.ia) n, Ji.,gi'gj.ijggjrjp.ait x mmi. cqlaJyJcruLtJlU4yJUtrJ :caiiy io onrieives attr i our nation 101 ine lan guage of wliofn hearts we perfume to think ourfclves a this momeot'the faithful interpret on torlprefs 'he fentintents with which it is contemplated) , ' The-fpedacle of a free aTl enlieliicned ration QiAcringny itsreprcient avfjjnemuieiiiJimeign d apprnbation to its firtl citienk however novel -tnd inierelUng it may be, derives all it luftre (luf t re which accident or ettthufiafm could not beftow, -nd wTiftnduTatiori would tirflllUTff ornTThe" Tra ccnucui merit 01 wnicn 11 1 tnc voluntary teitimo- May ypu long enjoy thai liberty which is fo dear ro you,and to which your name will everte lo dear May 3 our own virtues and a nation's 'prayers oH tain the happieft luiithin for the decline of your days, and the rho'ced of future blejlings. Knrour country's fjike, for the fuke of Republican liberty, it is pureayndt wiih hai your example may be the guide of y tfr f.KfcefJoi s, and thtis after being the or,. naime nt- and falegrd of the prefent age, .: become". ibe patrimony ol cur de!cfnnants To wli'tU the Preilddnl returned the following anfwer, ; " '"'"' "" Gentlemhnv eunamlvUjouSi-wljhflt' VMvettomdltrr fincere and uniforni ditjofitiari to prcterve our nen pmtie fpkndor and fyheitHde ofelev?itd (lations ; aoMUjanvme-vuice Wjjiiymis,Coutu ryCMi silone hhvr drawn froiti his thofejr retrtar ; nd re ward for his public lervkes can be-lo grateful as piiblkappVobation, that 10 render thole ler kes ufeful to that country, iias been his litigle aim t and when this, approbation is exprt ii'-fl uy repreientatives or a tree . and en ; ; ill 1 tentd " n at 1 on : t he-reward will ad nut of no ad -1 dition. - Recrn-rGrn'Iettten my fincereand afFec-; tionate thanks for this llgnal tellimony that mv fer vices have been accentahle and ufeful fn tnv coiinrrv. The Wrano confidence 4ifim fellow citizens, while it anmtated all my actions', 'en!'o red their zealous co-operations . whuh tendered thole fervices fuccefs ll. ".The. virtue andHdjrtotmy fucceffora joined with tiie.patfiirtiim-andjnteJligenceijl the titinena py of the ttater and to cement the fee lines,' affee- 110ns ana lntereusjoi in ynion. " ' THOMAS Mil-FUN. rhiUitlpVii, 21 Jl Die. 1796. ; CO M MV fi ICAT 1 6 NS. trinr ty G a z e tt trtf-thrVmTxli'Xv. i'i. -In France they have demi Of half regiment s, who fight like heroes" their touttlr) in America we have demi or half-imencahsBa a nd ha,j French, ; w ho Jig hi 'like devils agaiujt 1 1 ie i r CdwKrr--and-fome of this mongrel breed ..have fo little fliame of this characler, as to announce it in their fpeechesin public places. :. 7-- - Who evef faw anyamong the brute kind of the. mtsngre brttd t hat w as good or liTclu I , except viu!es and .!hf)r re j citftd f'Jinate aniv;al -TV ft f u H a to ferve ow ft. alter at another t iufl io i; is with the.orfor7f fid es of the At lnnt ic for ttttacfo;.cnt itS ferv ice." at tl p Whdnow aej and always have bevti. as oUHt ae na . their jort'gn -tnajhrY could will! tl Hif e he, iti o; . pofing our. government our adrfTniOration Mir peace, our happin-'s, our tranquility and Our pn Iperity, by lies the mod vile, and by flahders the nioft ttnfriHcifleJ. ; i. .. .; s : -. ----- ' fl eetin is a s t ftliole a 1 ctho wled d f r u t h s o rfa f r- omt, which nnide men in other (ciences, miilcad . our democrats in their politics. -The. protiet.rls of to ncertioutneis no one denies- arid trc-ttr- ot rfli rirffiiallv coiflncive' to' the fuccefs of the m efent 'JFbrfn: of government - we cannot forbear to exprels rnc eep lentanons ot regret ,wi;n wnicn we cjon template your intended retirement from office. ''Afiiri therTuitable occafion may otdir, we can itSf llirrertlie'brefent to oafs Wilidut attemot inir 10 ""diftlfe" fo'me of the emotionswhichit , cannot fail The 'gritttude and adtnVr'on of 'yoar country tneri r are ft 'drawn to tlie recollection, -of. thole yefplenderif virtues and talents which were fo etni. -newly" ihftrt'trtentl 'othe itchievement of the revo- 7 11 I QW, Ji ntC.w hiclt t ha tigl or ious i venty :1 C'cvijrl - - or: the memorial. -'Your oieclience' to t he .ice of - 7 ' du't y" a nd yoii r tountry j when you c, ui 1 1 ed re !uct a nt-': yly V a f etmd Jt itnet here,Treat yotr-ha d rtrnfenVa lid '..""5firir' awVf l1!?' preHdenr'y, adorded a n' w proof :-r:'joftixf' dcr omfiiets oiFyour zeal in its Tervice, and . a ah.earnell of the pStrlptilin and lucce(s r'hich'h'ave" i',,-arat.erifed'-yoHr admtniftratioTf; As tlve'uf '.. Confidence of the citizens in the yirrnes of the c'?i?f ' rMgillratCjhaTeil hiccels, perfiade ourfelves that the millions whom we re- who compofe the" other-branches ot goyernrtiepti" I firmlv trutt w Yli ed them in" the adopt ion' of inea lures, which by the beneficence of Vroyidfnce; wilh giyc a Itflbility to our lyitrm ot government add to its Tuccffs,-and fecureito oorfelvrs and to poller ity that liberty which is to all of us fo dear ' While 1 acknowledge" With pleafure thefintere inH uniform difpolition ol the Houle of Reprefenta tive to preferv oiir' neutral relations inviolate, 'ndwith-lhemtleeply-iTgrenydeg ruptiort-Ot our good underltandtng with tj.e French repirblicrI beg you, gentlemen, to reft afTured that my endeavours will be earned and uncealing by all honourable means to preferye peaceTand io reffore 1 hat harmony and arfedion Which have heretofore lo happily fubfifted between- our two nations ; and With you ! cherjfh the nleafing hope that a mutual fpirit otjulicead moderation, will crown thole mination of licentioufnefs in defpotilm, is tio lets a'.' greeable to and found theory." ; "iet the di n o cratsfay, and fay to,a nian'j' the r rench are in a e volutionary Hate, their, excefles and w'orje were 10 be expefted that is impofljble; but thty willrra- - hifh-libertyr--Now pray what rhrha.,.lrie'ri!t -ef'-aTiarchy-ro affirm; tiiatyiWrwilieonrkr a e. . . .. . r. c. "r."1" ' v v. . rvuer nccntiouineis comes wnat : Jetpoiitm. :. ! iT berty is the dajughter.pflionift parents, not ofvke ; ana violence. . hjs inference is p lol's of libertv as the probable conlemince ot ron?T7 fulion, are wifer, fafer,7anore wa ofJt (ban thole s hb'"ai' oejijeye'i ha licen'cto'utftets anly iringl more liberty ye yaif-aa are-noneit,-asjome ot.tiioie-HHfi pirULeiiL endeavours with" fuccefs. I ftiall cheerfully concur in the beneficial meafurea- wnicn your deliberations lhall mature on the va iou s . fubi eels demanding yon r art entionl : And ' While direct ing your labours advance the. real inte;-; rells. ot our country, you receive its bleflings ; with perfect iincenty my individual wiflies Will be offered ' tor your ptelent and ftiture felrcltys G KORGR WASHINGTON. General .tiubiyj 1 the Commtnv?eatt ej J ennjjl- faith on the fleeves of wicked leaders, mav f e si e: dangfrous-tn their principlesand unfit - to bt- in- ' trurted with federal authority, They cenfurr, fear and hat-e'our conftitution, or, as they will atknowr ledge,feveral very important parts of it, and almc(l all it's adminiflration :- its entire overthrow io, far from dangerous, much Jefs fatal, is only a n'-w-, . mufflmgif theackofTaf the people to ?hufe a form of gorerntnent, more . pure, ree and. amiable, . 7 r .. This idea is charadlerifHc of the party, and it is " ntujf aiv. n off ex :'a gger at'ed in the lealf tor thofe'-; now charged with it, mainraia with the zeal of'lec taries that fact and experiment, no one can fay how many times repeated in r'rance, have proved nn v. 'tn,ore. Jiavcimadelt , ay. article .of the .political, f. ' pel, "that . reolutioit"tna "-iiDerty are fynoninu.iis terms. The queftionis ferioufly repeated, "ate Inch men proper to be chofen to office, at any timehtn their eleclors do not wifli tor a. revoiutrotK ""'" " T.qu alt hta j! You have not thtfe eKottrh., . It is with this .virtue as with molt others', thofef who 4ia ve il moft ia their mouths have it lealt in- their heart. prelf nr, part1p7ue"w'trus uf theianxious lolici . "tSde of tiie'prrftnt occafion , " " rL '.. - Yet we ennnot be unmindful that your modera ,vtion and ii;p.gnanin!?ty, twice di!p!aed by-retirw . 'V' inil ; f ft;nt Son f: exalt ed lratioris,r"afford examples no 7 7 left' raii? and' ihftroflive to niankind, than valuable to republic. . , .; 'Although we are feTfible that the event of itfelf, :: completes the; Inure nf a ctiarafler already am. ; fpi:ucun"arr i vd l)y the coincidence of virtue, ta- Gfntt. PM:t, .'"' --; 7 . ....... ; " The cainmity; bv which the greater part of ti e city of JJavannah; in thf ftatiMSeoTglayhas prerr receut Iy deltrnyed , excites in t re boloms of our conftituents, t he pnrt ft fentinie'nt s of lympathy and forrqw and, from its. magnitude, emphaticallv claims an intervention of -the public' bcuntv and be-; fiKnf'nr'r.'" iWmlt. nf. therrfnt. in (nlimlt tn ) vour confideration. a letter which T have receivrd from the major of Savannahfon this intereflingfub. ect ; and toTfiommefld a prompt "and liberal con tribntifmt for the relief of the ahTicled ihhflkitants of that unlottnnate citv." . - The pleafure of indulging thofecenerous . and humane difpofitions, which you have off en before manifefted, will, in itfelf, yield an abundant re ward, for any pecuniary aid, which you fliall be. pleafed to beftow, on the prefent occafion mt, we -m ay-be confidentgeoilemeny Ira rthenEiordta Pf prvuaiifovi aii ym wwMtia u p vuiiiivajiiB; win, 1 Gritirude! The French: and the pre (Tes 'e'evot- 'ed tothemri'Se macle a conilant 7'dri'iliborif this fa- . cred debt. When our peace, cur cover limtnt. and our independence, Iwere nearly facrificed, thefy - eeiversmandedhe-facrifiee- lin of ingratitude fhould not lye at the doof of our - nation; To whom is this obligation due Not to Wafli ingtoh, yoiiVtell us, hecaufe hfe,did no more than; his duty, and it would be dangerous to Jbe grateful. U him. : : : :? : .yi 7 ..,47 - " . '' "'- Is it due to thr King of France, the vefy man who did the- favour he ttian to Whom wef railed. ttatues and lung arr-.nems f U no, we owe nything. a King ; and it we didr the guillotine h i . a off the fcore. ' ; ., . "' .. , .; .'7 .. 7;:v7.;-. ; ':fr-x ShaJfWf thank .the late QueVn ? O no, "r is y:( as bad as to thank a king. It is irue mevwaK I'rie ffirft mover in the whole affair t hut nViriattrr ; file is as cold jn her grave as the fentimcnt bt" firtitiide , "I t , !.. . .. : ! Ei ; , -in-t aeootB-neaiTsr Shall. we thank thf La Fay et tet t he, Caftinr . j I -r y- -' - I ft. . --Ai:."-- tea t .J: ..." 77?r 11 .,"1 7'77'vT-'M;f '. r ' ,. .Ij.i ..In 4l I V J ' " i Ml)