fa 1 T A:-7 ? ! - . V i 1 i J V IB tlon on the 1 7th near Kemt ton took 230 prifoners, and again defeated the French on the. 20th, in a battle near liny, in which the lofs of the enemy a-, mounted to at leaft 1200 men, 10 officers and 500 men were nude prifoner and ihe reft of the whole corps killed, woundedAor difperled. General La touir write! that, ii thednferent a&ions that have takeo pi ace-ift-Bavaria, l jpo prifonfS have been taken frbln 'theepemvV'and their" waf chefts. 1 The Gazetee th;n proceeds : V j After the troops under xgeneral Latonf had .palled the Lech, thpeatants ihewed every fign of hatred to the common enemy : Uicy every re collected in gr-iit numbers, rang the alarm bells, Armed themfelves with mufquets, pikes and every kind of Weapons, and offered to join the van guard to purfile the enemy.. Major general count Vaillet, who commanded the v an guard, defirous to profit by their ardour, put 1206 of them under the direction of the captains Mefcry and And re fly.' Their zeal is4h fact enthufialm, and fhews how much they rtuft haYeJyiFej-edJ B R E M E N, Oetobety. The enemv not being able to cope with the brave Amtnans. are now trying in tne environs 01 uunc -TtnTffr-wh.it rhev carretFea among thefflfelve; fcarcelv a dav oafies without fome bloody rencontre; an latterly, as n tfr hefni-e me ttates; COO of them were killed. It Is well known that the greateftani- -iirofitjrhaslongprevailed among thofe fons of rapine and anarchy. A plunderer of the Sambre.-aod Meufe army has the mod rooted averfion to the fa vage citizen of the northern banditti vice'verfa. Ill Ilj?J jhatBuonaparte na experienced a total ' deTeat in Italy but it ii Very much to be queftibh ed, whether general Wurxnfej: has as yet ventured to march' out of Mantua. A letter, however, from Aoglburg,' now on my tablerftates unequivocally, that, on the 14th ult. before Mantua, the French Iwere beatenwith conGderable lofshad twd gene rals kit led.and that gen; Maflenathough dangerouf ly wounded, fell back, towards Verona and Baflino. Buonaparte, it is further ftatedthrew himfelf into the finall fortrefs of "Sanqumetto, where he was foon after, furrounded, and finally taken prifoner by the -Auftrians, who efcorted him" to Mantua ! This let- rer bears date the 20th bept, country, from which lie drew formidable reinforce ments ot a thoufand robbers, and thus defrauded the., gibbet of its due. The grand end propofed by geueral Hotze, fecnis now to be a pbwerjuldivVrhon, while,, the, imperial Duke attacks Kehl in military form:" Som (hells l ave been already thrown into Landau by the Auf triansThe 6th inllan't his royal highnels had hj head quarters at Rafladt. oreaur9 friends on your fide ot the water, have reafon to ..tremble for the fateot their porUgt who continues in jeopardy ; (hould he efcape from the Auftrians, how can he a Tgid ilirgtiillotWi - r-7-- - Venice, 5 't.'aj.'Another fevere action las tak en place near Mantua. ' which ended to the advan- t rary , , pr cor re fondt nt fi ates, th at ant ef .we wa routed, be Oft olr lor the Milanele, to expedite the march of reinforcemenis. , -v ... -"Yeltertfay Jilp"atchesere received from Robert Cfaufura, dated Sweitzengeii, jQctober 2 & , by which it appears; that nothing inarerial had oc-" curred in the army of the Archduke fince the former accounts. .... : Letters :were. likewife.:rece:vcd : yefterdyi from Mr. Drake at Venice, by which it appears that there were 30000 men in Mantua on the 13th ult. when he 'eceived the lalt accounts. There was alio 'a conli . Arable.n.amhcrjDjJLjaXbgifo fo many as in the French army, in which the num ber of fick was daily increalino;.7 The Auftrian tage of the Auftrians. On the 23d, the advanced troops were, wheu the accounts left Mantua, under guard of the Auifrtan reiniforcements, amounting to. fome alarm, left they fhould not be relieved, a they I8.CXX3 men, arrived at I reu , ... oen Moi eau con tinues his march through t M bTilgaw towards the Upper Rhine. Milan, .Sept 24. On the 21ft inft. anotl er ob(ii Tiate engagement took place near Mantua, in wliich "The "" Frenctrtott4Sco men and a treat quanrity ol artiSJery -Wefixped-J)ere-abwt 3;X30 wounded French. -The fiege of Mantua mult now a fee n time be raifed. ; . Stutoard, 00. 5. On the 16th of Sept. ,cn. Kroliclf, compelled the French to abandon their pu fition near Zcll, and retreat to W urtzach. The AuftrUns'bnlns "occaTtbn booty. The lofs of every kind w hich the French have, faffered along the lake of Conftaoce from the Auftrians and the armed peafants, efpecially in car riages, and. baggage, is extremely great. - Trftters-frwnBnxehtr ofthe-2 5Jth ftidKHneipojadea Infpruck of the 26th, fpeak, but hot explicitly, of lbme recent advantages obtained by General Wurm fer's army in Italy. The Dutch poft juft arrived ...here,.ktQtally..JilfinL3si.oB ders it extiemely probablei that what I fent you in j my laft, a$ merely a report, is"' novw. foundecrupon facts ; it is pretty well known, that thofe who, in Holland, ; drag the reins of the ftate in the mire, are not very expeditious, when there is queftlon of announcing the non-fuccefs of the French troops. The 7Vif--p9?f of Nieuwied, was formed and carried - the 1 ft inft, at three o'clock in the rnorh logand - the whole of the enemy who defended -it-were made prifoners of w'ar. I cannot enter into a circumftantial detail of that brilliant affair, in which the Auftrian heroes, as ufual performed mi racles of bravery. . j. . , . . r On the Upper Rhine every thing goes on to admi ration. After the aions at NenJfadt and IngoU - ftadr, Moreao fell back byway"of Bcrghaulen and Frebach, towards Martenzelle, where the Imperial . Rivalry furprifed and drove him towards the -Lech, after having taken from him. 16-pieces of cannon, J S ammunition waggons, and 46 bagga ge waggons. Moreau halted at Erufting and OberdoriF, to make head againft the Auftrians ; hut the Imperial Gene- -rals Frolich,-WoltTrandT with fuch impetuofity, that, after cn action Which lafted two and twenty hours, the .French army was qompletefy routed ; 2J,ooo lay dead on the field of battle. It is ip confequence of that battle, fo difaf trous to the encjiv. that Morjean attempted to make nis appearance in r rancoma; aa inai you iecrwnar I ufual ly tranfmit to you as a report, 1 hate foon the iai.isiaci.ion or alluring you oeyona a aouoc. 1 nope I ihall foon inform you that the French have thought L O N D O N, Odtober i 1. ' The king of Naples had determined again to a5l with vigour o&enlively. He had detached a conhde rable body of cavalry and infantry from the inter ipr of .the country to adt with the Auftrians, and a part ot his fleet had again put, to fea. The three Hamburgh mails thrit were due, reached town this morning, f hey hi ing a vaft variety of interefting matter, of which We (h:ill endeavour 10 lay before our readers a fatisfadory ubftr;i(ft.' Qne very prominent and important pa t of the intelligence is, the repeated account of Buonaparte having been taken prifoner, This event was ftated in our paper of Monday laft, in a letter from a cor- le bnb of it which came to this country, An article from Vienna of the 5th ftarcs, that general Wurmfer had frequently attacked and re- pulled the enemy with lofs. A letter from Han'au of the trh inft. fays, that the gazettes there aflert, that field marlhal Wu.mfcr hadisn theydfack to,:aud defeated them with the Jofs of 1 5,030, men ; and this is further Urengthened by an article fro Ratifbon of ihe 3d ial w hidv fa that-Worinfex after fix days fighting, had entirely 'defeated the. .. . t 1 1 4 1 r , 1 1 I . proper to evacuate DufTeldorfF! Ottobsr 1 irit is now well known that, in the late " affair before Mantua, the French loft, betides a con - fiderable parr of their artillery, 6000 men three generals killed, Kilmaine, an Irifli rebel alias Jen pings : his being cut off f r 6m the face of the earth, -will, in fome Ibrt, atone to his refpeftable family for the diferace under which they have lone labour ed7 Tamed with the point of his lwdrd : the iecond who - r :;.t-5 -I.-- 11 1 r..- :nri.. . . icu lav ucrtuicr, wtu miuu iui uis iiuuiciiluuiiviuus Htajfent in to thcgajlarit-g "liifdrSeWurler, whom Buonaparte aTwayrpraifed in the moft hyperbolical manner.-- Maflena received V a wbun4, whicH ii fappofed to be mortal t this mart js a sarauiian luojecc, ana, lonitcnjr wn toipurai of infantry, The French commander in chief, has thought- oroner- to calbier ceneraLAngereatt. for Lsq wardiceThisIfelQ h a s Jh i m fel f . nnba p tized , and modeltly aflumes the name ot 1 lector, as iiout. nonville ufurped that of Ajx-li- ,. After Buonaparte was routed, by what heimpu dently termed the remains of the;Aftria'n armv, he fet oii for -the- Milanefe. to: recrnir ijbut Tie; found none to volunteer their lives.in de Crnce or the French ;4oilriHc4-her-howevCr ranfackedr-tl-jaiirf-lha enemy on the 2orh ult. whofe lofsin killed amount ed tooooo.men,-and in prifohers-to 7000;- Among the latter was Buonaparte. Moreau was continuing his retreat, to.wai ds Switzerland, but not without" being frequently at tacked, and as often efcatedjyhejuftn thliTl'urrounhTm. We refer to the variety of ar- vvere at that time ignorant of reinforcements march' ing horn the Tyrol. . - Jt does nor appear that general Wurmfer had been obliged to take ihclter in Mantua, but had himfelt chofen to go into that garrifon withliis army." Ge. raf4iaYeraidheifietpa4-eem in afld-under-Ge-a- Wurmler. The attack at St. George, was much more fatal to the French than the Auftrians, the former having loft above two thoufand men in that affair. The garrijon wereXnJiopffhgrr-ffy Naples a(li(tingin obliging the French to raiie the lieger lifpatchestwetc fea ty for admiral Sir John Jarvis, wliich were ordered to be fenfofF with a IF poUibfc expedition tothe7 iVItditerranean. 7 An exprefs was received at' the fecretary of ftate's office yefterday, from Dover, which announces the f ife arrival ot Lord Maln;fbury and fuite at Ca lais; from whence they- let forward;-whh the ap pointed efcort, to Paris, where they were expected to arrive laft night. .. Letters irom Copenhagen of theift. infl. announce that all Torts of Laft iiidia or Chinefe goods belong ing to the powers at war may be ftiu in foreign -bottoms from india to the harbo.ur-of CopenhagenT without paying any more duty than the Dan'iih (hips. We hear that an inemoiis artift-has lately trans ferred to thc.Admit alty iioard, a propofal for njak ing a maihine, by the help of whicli perfons may dcicend with iaiety into the deeped water, and re main for hours have hifficient litrht and aftion to inter thehdlds of veflels, and perform fuch necefla vy bnfinefs as may beVequired ; at the fame time be enabled to commtTnicatex their fentiments to thofe above, and like wife rcceivt-inftruclions from them. frtriflneceHary to Jay anyTnTng a'boiVt" 51 ?tiiy of fuch an invefition in the railing of funken veflels, 1 lie recovery of wrecks, &.e. - - ' -"':"". ' at Cow s r - The. following par liculars refpeciinc: the motrny 1 of., the foreign raiment at CovesT are "given in a ed as caviir)4 agreeably, as they infilled, to flipula It ion : they' wtrt ordered batk to Engla'ud by the generaiai.iddifeiirbarkeLirom-tranfports at this place about fix weeks ago. On Sunday laft an order was received to draft tliem into the diiFerent foreign particular detail of the circumftahces of his retreat, iegluieuts,how tbout to f,itfor"St.rDomingo";-no and the fituation of his army. foone'r was i he report made known to them, than tides which we have taken" from .the mail, for a The A rchduke Cliarl es.. w as continui ng his r 0 u te into Suabia, and general Petra fch was advancing to the Black Foreft, to cut off the retreat ot the French by that route. It fetmed to be the defign of Myreau to get into Switzerland but the Auflrian; will doubtlels follow himhltheroi--quit-hinvLtiU-lns I'cui utiiou man oe complete. -v On the LowerRbine. there had been fome affairs of pofts, whjch uniformly ended to the advantage of the Auftrians. S ,. -.-The difbrder of-the French-t rmies trotrtinued rrr abated, and the-troops of-ike routed armyi and thr reinforcements of the North; had brokenintoopen rupture. . . .. ' . '. , ; " , . Oflobtr 22. We preient, in our paper of this day,1 fome further extracts troth the Hamburgh mails, and" which the late hpurfeiivery of the letters, pre vented lis from giving in oar paper of ; yefterdayr" "V On the i ft intf.he Auftrians ftormed and carried the important poft of; theTete du Pont of Neuwied, making the whole of the.French whq,defehded if, prifoner s of war. f ' , General Hotze had pafled the Rhine near Man heiinj-wrtlra detachment of ten or twelve thouland nienfihe prppofed olijedt of this manoeuvre was'fup pofed to be a diverhon, while the Archduke fliould attaekKehk letter from tiiat place, dated .i,!ie joth inlt. The. mutinous Hula lis went out with Sir Ralph Aberc r pi bi e- to t! ie - Wt-ft-1 ndies 4 afh Glinlhnasbii r refuied to ait at St. I. ticie. unlefs thev were mount- they unanimoufly niaiiifcfied the tnoft daring fymp- ioiiu or reimance ana noituuy, a guard ot iixty men was called out, arid charged with ball, on which they retreated to. their barracks; the doors of which" they barred, and fwore vengeance againft the-firlc perTon who-dared-pproachtJfficer-of--tlw guard went near the window to expoftulate with them, and had a piftol fired at him, on which fur- ' ther violent. meaLures were., fufpended, . till orders' from the war office Jhould be received. The town ofNewpmalluhday great ''ft con ft erha.tion nor are the apprehenfions of the inhabitants yet allayed,-as thefedefperadoes perfift iiffwearing they wiJI yield only with their lives. They are for-the molt nart vounr men of j rt - nremcly good"appearance,'and it is fufpected thaT the French, of whom ihere are neaT an-hundred, are morelnclined to repubiieanifm, thatv. the -caufe rbey hve engaged to defend. . . - ' Anicles from Milan of the 24th, and Venke of the 25th ult. concu,r.inliatinrf that obflinate actions had taken place near Mantua.!1 Onthe 21ft a battle w iougnr, in wnign tne r rencn 1011 4000 . men, ana a great quantity of artillery, and it was concluded that the fiegeof Mantua moll be a fecond time raified-, Od the 23d ult. the vanguard of a"Veintorcement :of 1 8,ooo':bftrwl Treaichssl -TryWwitnii two or three day's march ot ' Mafitua Anarticlefrom Mihn; 6T'the26th olt. dates that the Pope had given a negative to the terms popofed by trie r rerrth SI OLN from'the-lbcriber's -wptigon on Mon day evening tine 26th Dec. the iollowing arti cie) viz.... 3 ya,rds ifriped coating, 1 large rofe blanket, 7 ydrds linen 1 and a halt yards ribbon, x filk handkV Fcolton d a half yds.' cottOn cloth, 2 doz. imall buttons, 1 and JlliifjjpjjjJare do q ttii ks tyi ift..i. .waiftcoat -pattern, 1 pair plated cotibh flockings,' 1 roll pb- ! ma turn, i do. black ball, half a pound fpice, and 2 and an 8th yds. dark fuperfine luoad cloth whd- ' vcr win give inroruiai ion 10 me printer 01 tnis paper, fo ttiat thcgootls nay be recovered, Ihall re ceive Five-Dollars reward, and all necefTary charges. We do not find the repo''t pf general Buonaparte laviueoeea taken pr4loiriifirmcd-Oivth-GOH-- COMMIT Fr D to the jail of ts-townr-on the 4th of, T;inuary. a nearo wench, named NEL- 1 LY, del ')i)Ein2iio Neil M'Alpin, on the Rhaft Swariip,..in RobeLon counry.1 he prnnnetocjs re qurfted to apply to the fufcriber, and pay the nc cell.iry chara-es, and take herawav. - iuv-ilier Jaiir yih - r-y. J ESSE-TrE :: i -

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