1 1. , B OST;6 N,--Decetr.ber 23. (twtMH 34e i and"1 Mf-from J his trhy itji minute,- vou fo much the more, as a fineular difcbverv has FvirjH-ni Mhtttr'KaututMje'ctMbLf 1 6.. which is nine miles and a hall, and at the ruteot a. natelv b en nude lefreciinc the place of his orioin v ........ v . i ,. .... I . . . e . Theic Will ntorm Vou. that la(t night the flu ft AI- mile ctery me minutes ana a iiai:. ,v:r. nic.Kett,. tie Happens to pe a countryman: ot yours, and iiance, capt.Peafe, arrived herefrom Woolwich Bayf Mqme momhure, vvuii as great a d-iitance m near I eeu oiie fl journnratftr Jnltead ef being a Corfi-; tail (rourSt. lleleiVa, whlcn he lei September 28, in I as (hort a .time, oy tome was thought .incr TCyH,"'as hrXrej Ofted, Buonaparte js an aflumed UlUit l(J I Hi. 13 J dllU IUIII Hl.lJt UC ullliCI the taf.c as .In on batulday," in company With the New York public. li ge.from New-York to PhiU- deJfiluah-.paUaigcii n whicu tdUhv to the truth compa ny w i t h tiv oth?r wh?rie ihip's, for this port (.apt. Peak imorn.s that a lJdtcii fleet ot t wo 74' two.frigates, and a fluop of war, were at Saldanr.a bay, and that the Eneliili fleet laying at the Captoi Good Hope, got information, and immediately pro ceeded againit them, ancl captured the whole Ujuadi ron wiihourdtfficully. Capt. 1. alfo informsjhat Mr. Leach annerchantjof St.JHeJenatoJdJnrna.. ipTJmgTng to 13oFon fhlr name and the cap td u'a he had forgotten, but Certainly neither Si-, gourncy nor Doble ) from India, with a freight for Kqropj, had been cad away to the northward and eaftward of the Cape of Good Hope, veflel and car go loll; the people were roughly Heated by the na tives, but no lives loft; the crew had taken paliact in the fleet for Europe. Capt. P. on his paflage,lat. 1 22, long, cx, Ipoke brig Army-i-rom aurrinani 101 iioilon, had loft her foretopoiAil. ,Alfo-t -fpoke brig Ann Coffin,- from iiirpaniola tor Phil adelphia. , A L E M, December 26. A gentleman of this town lias received a letter -frmTHrisreTTdlt A -uy-oeings-at bt. troix-amt;-aTr jved at this port a uiori time ago. - ji is aiioi.ua, mat two ot treie un happy negroes, who had not heen fold, were ioun.. on board, and 200 pair of iron ferters alio ! is mentioned the arrival at Halifax ot ApacketJroiu. r--r: i'f iingiand -which brings an account 01 me airrer- -lsthere-TirfAVf!y To1top i The iriipertiner.te and infolence of French hiinifter's.' - etwsith;Spt profpect okthe negociation with France beingja-, with Indignation, and lament that tl'ereissrrencli- - voarantstermihated. f he letter Is dated the 2 id ult. The pafTage of the. picketisjioLJiieniioned .'The above letter mentions, that a divifton ol Richery's fleet deftroyed property on the Labradpre fh'orc to the amount of 25,000 1. fterlingvbelonging to one houfe,.and burnt a 26' gun lliip, loaded entire , ly ' .it'll h(h. " The deftructibn on the whole coalt Wy the French fleet under Admiral Richery has been ve ry jjreat, and mull be tevertiy felt by the lower clai : - of citizens the property deftroy ed copfilt iog'ot-filb, pjoviltons and articles of the firll neceliiiy. ' r ; NE W-YORK, December 29. - Capt. Black, on the 27th. or October, being about 3Ple3 ufs from Brelt, felt in with a fleet ot Britiih men of war 18 in nimbfr, who fee hi ed unwilling to fpeak him andnexr day, lat. 46, was boarded by., the .French frigate Feiicity, one. 6f Admiral KicTieryVfq-jadi on of three 7 gunfiitps otie ?o, and and three frigates, bound from Newfoundland to France, Captain black infotmed them-. -.that e Jiaii juftleft the Brit-jflfjfr ; riu:cli-lf fmfl-m- .' we conclude that he did not junip inio t' c, lio.a mouth, but altered his courlf 10 a oid them. . . - Dec. 30. "A gentl em a nwTT(Tame pa?tengr in the . I turner, Montague, frodi Bii.lol and Hrelt, l)ci)bai. 2ft, fays about 15 fail of the line hy in brtlt waiers, nearly ready for fea; that feveral Veliels were iepair-. :Tftandhatiihre-'ive,ie jibuui : i6raTred"inEfle1.s7 r belides a number of privateers which were tittinti. -;TheIHonter-ahoardedthtee 'TdyspuTlD'riif'P" - fto by the PVench privateer fllip Buonaparte t.f 16 . guns, captain Raymond, w ho treated them politely, except potting on board tljeih id prifuners againft the will of captain1 7MHaHntliepTfb1Ters"on' board,caplain M. (leered for Brcft, where he debark ed themand repTefented the faffs to the admiral . . who highly difapprdved of the conduct of captl R! who had ho orders to diltrefs the Americans. The Buonaparte had been out three days, and had taken three prizes, one of which was the Duke of C lar ence, W eft-Ini ia man, valued at 2 5,ocol. ftcrlin vy the other two were deltcpye-1. ' . . Jamaica accounts were received by the barque of this ptrlot-mancc. . - ' . . 1 WCTnaturrPenrd TrieDom.p,m con.eence j r 1 r it- js iv . I 01 our loriner acnoaiiiiaiitc 111 luicnca. it faid, have pafled an act appropriating .... ,J . . Wdollars for the relief of the fiifrerer; by ux oa,c fraternity, , . C . . 1 PHILADELPHIA December 2r TTve te honour be nre at aavannan; . A veflel haS been recently feized Upon, we art in formed, in our river, uponan information laid, that fhe had contrary to law. been employed in fciz -ing and felling as flaves natives of the coall of Afri ca. The veflel is faid to belong to New-York, rhadt a voyage to Africa, and lold a cargo of theje onliap tinman in a cct.'UtiLtmjJew-ihard.: man to be feen in the United State,." Extrafi of -irhtttrfnw a ' gintlevian hr.4nniplTis to his frieHd in thit city, dated Dec. 27. ' Laft everting commodore Barney, and a French gerieral fromT St. Domingo, arrived in this city,--fh(? commodore's fleet is at Norfolk, The Gttii ral is on his way to New-York, to goto France in a corvette, to 'fail from that place as fo'on as it (hall be officially declared who is the Preiideijt of the Unit ed Slates." - Barney (ays,, fhould Adams be tlefftd i'refident we " fhatl certainly beengaged in i a war with France in lefs than three months : ard he knows riot how we coiildhave Avoided that misfortune, b 1 by electing Mr. TefFeffon our Prefidenr, wlio fiends much higher.with the French nation tlian any other manjn-our country. He fays he has pofitive in (tniftions to take all American veflels going to or coming from Brit jm portsbjie4l4 . ' . . , f L r'f r l ' r " . I KL... tl -Ln.i j. goes are not to be dllpofed of -till further orders BALTlMOR E,JDeceroberj2 8. YelferTay arrrivtd in town, we are happy to f,y in pertert health, commodore BARNEY, who let. Mpe rr:rncojS. on the ad inft. rn the Medula, c companied by another frieate both of which he hit at "Norfolk, and took palfaee with Captain Gould up to Annaiiolis. We learn lroto him that the irou il' es 'th1 lome time fince broke ou t'at t he Ca per f.n l in the loiithern dfparfment of the ifland, hac lubfided, and that order is sffain eftabJifhed This.. remainder Of the political news from the Cape, is ratner or a oiugreeaoie nature ; namely, that in confequerice of the reprifal orders (if fo they may Miermedfronuthe executive-directoryeightor ten privateers were fitting out there, to take every American bound to or from an enemy's port or hav ingJlrltilh property- board s and rharihe "Arne" rican veflels carried into the Cape, have feals put on their hatches, and are not futiered to depart until decreeo of acquittal or condemnation are received from France t during which time their cargoes are polled, and their bottoms knawed by. the. worms into noHey-combs. Six or eight Britifh Alios oF war Were ' cruflintr ofF Can Pranrnit uhpn t-r.rr.triJ NeptHnjoejdDe, tfie Indian Oueen, Euglifli Eaft-Indiaman, had been carried into Cayenne. That1the'Cert.Volant--a French brig, had been fent into Port Royal, having difpatches from Rigaud to the Executive Directory QllbQardl-That-accouo'tshad been received of their bci ng 1 2 flii pso i " the 1 tne at-HavannahT" a llolhatv AdmiralPyingl ey-wi t hout firing a gun, ' h ad taken the Dutch fleet, bound to the PJaft Indies, and Car ried them into the Cape of Good Hope, confiding Of 2 fail of tllf linp iini- cn: 9f riiTJt nnA' ltinn f war! Thar a Spajiifveflelljaid Jolliave-aooo dollars o;nT6arJ,haJFeen carried into Morarit baV. :That Geh. Aber'crombie was dail'v mneftrA m Sr -Uommgo, wuJi 4opo m,n-. That the fhio Ilooe. Koter,; froniXiit iiuna.; i iiat a prig lull loll of water and deferred wis feen at the northward of Ca; manes lth " The Sally ; of New- Y drk w rit ren on heriffcrn: That orders-had been received from Sr. tames fr tV ' taking and detention of nil Fpanifli vtHcls. - That. ill Bririh veffeis in Spahih ports had beehiiherat ed I That Coimt'de Bruges h-d penetrated the re-' iWican'.ferrifoy twHhid n mile of Cape Fran - cpwf That S SpAmlbprizes had been Told at Mar tinique, and i he rponey lodged in tlie Cuftonv houle. . V'i.T ". - ."at the furpiril VP-' RTf citizens fi a ve-o t en Jbertna ftbnl 'heT ingrqueftrian abilities oC the celebrated STcItjL JVe think the foihowina account of his pedrft ri prfoiiiance,-e'qu jlfiJlkleiisuufaifiirian ran, on toot, irom rnnceton to hhabakunk hrid .TIB to vigilance, he arrived at Cape Henry on the loth in !a!ey. -" ' ' A T XT V A XT TV T T a -n. ' '. -. YsWfit dated-Dec. a An affair has taken place here that has caufed Much 0nfu$on3toojo. lhetobaeco holdef men, who were. fulpeaed of having ftolen tobacco his family name is ShaUr. from Middletown n Connt-clicut. You will no doubt,, be able to judo-e of tre truth direclly i and not fail to afcertain the i act .""th cae the people of - Americatrisy have - any Joubts about it. - 1 expect they will rejoice at an e vent which has afforded pleafore add procures jne :i.c anvaurage oi receiving rrom nim at inis very " FAYETTE YILLE, Jan. i4i -The Houfe of Reprelentarives of the UnitedStates have it in contemplation to ;;granr as lurii ofmority' rbr the relief of the unfortunate fufFcrers by hie in the town of Savannah. The mercufyTnT Farefiheir'sthermfirrfet?r. on vionaay morning iau, jn tnis town, itood ht q a ove o. '- - : ' " .. ' Tnander in chief ol the American ftrmv. WeiiiiderffandThaTThe vote:JbrijeJfide4r-ai Vice-Preiident - in- Kentucky and Tennc fl'. e, ha v e een for Jeflerfpn and Burr. ft a spears, that" the votes in Nevf HamphSre were for Adanis'aird Ellf wort h, and, not for Ada msand f'inck ifey':, a "lias be fore been flared.- Thenurnbers t herefore bet ween JetFerfbn, Adams and Pinkney , (land as follows : Tenneflee, Kentucky, Georgia, South -Carolina, North Carolina, Vi rgmi a ,: ----Maryland, . Delaware," Penn(ylv;inia, New Jerfey, Nfw- York, r Connedicut, Vermont, Rhode-!flam Jefterfon 4 .-'' 4 ' 8 II 2a 4 b 4 Q o o o Adonis o' 0 o o. 1 T" JS- 3. i si 12 9 - 4 Pmekney o o o S . 1 . " - 2 ' 7 " 12 - ;4 ; 4 . New-Hampfliife, o' 68 6 -it. , o Fayetteville . Prices Current. ddl, c. 41. s. :. ceo, per ewt. Flour, per bt-rrel, Corn, per bufhei, I'ealedo. hWheat. - JlmI.h:.pcrJL f.ard ncne. ftacoit none, -fallow, do. " Bee wax, do 5 6oFem'p,'fi-fw.;- 6 8 i j Jam.-iica Rum,.4th " . 6o; proof, pi-rea.i; t " 0 -7 : w - iva ra cro. cl p. I I O i icn 1 4 TO 20 Deer flcins; do. Cot fo n, in feed none. KfaxSeedp' 2 Vret 7-75!Greeo,do. r.ortiiwi'.ri co. i Cot m t ry b r ai.i!y -'"t .MohiH'-s, 5 Brown Sugar, r ib. I. oaf do. do. 2U do. do. 20r Jron, Salii bufnels fork t AO . 7 75 FO R SALE, . A FRESH ASSOKTMENT OF GARDEN SEE D S APPLY TO Rr"&7TJnRAU0SONr& Company. CAME to my houlc, about the latter end of I; ft $ November, negro Dick, the property of Geor- e Skinnei, Fiying near CharleftonLThe ownei-gii" paying marges, may taKc luni away. Fayeneville; "WICLiAiUVANN. III. T I ' i . - J every Varehoof. in townrand,.beK . arc lent iu iau m,ironstana will be trxM fit ill tlPvf rr.iifl- kut- rUAV-iUlA ti. -V x n " l VWUI 4 9 UUl 11 KJ u uit JL Will CUii S H Conceivable. V - , ' " v JPTERSB U R G, Jan. 10. Lall Wednesday night, an attempt was made by Tome daring villains to get into the Trealiiry Of; 8cc'of This" Ttat'e. I'nemade'tTieTf way good thro? the outer door, bv cutting two holes fifar the upper jjmv i! juvriai mwoiii tu auuill UIIC Ol i.flCir hands by which mens they' got out the t wo larrte .. uer getting into me pauage, tney drove a tolm - M'Lerran, fohn M'Alieller. Andrew MuV ,arge weoge oetween tne to ding outward door of 1 phey, Duncan M-'Catlom;-Kornian M'Leod.-Fred the f realury, coniideraWy above the lock, and fore- Miller. - William Norris. Georee Opit. Efo o ed. if wide enoueR to cet a crow bar in. ' Beino a 'armed, (as they conjectured) they defifled, atid left lire implements flandingln the doors as above de f " " i . 1 .it1-." . - i -i " -rtrnved tn i nexrmoming,T A fa Bebee. Archibald Carrol, Charles Carrawav. Charles- f.9n.ln . Sanuie! Campbell,-Bedreadtlon Carraway, l.ocliliii Currie, Findlay Campbell.. John DickfoniGeore. Dtiffe. JohfrGraham, Neil "Galbrath, Tames Gee Smiuel Houfe. John Johnlfon, W illiam Jficklop. Sames ALabahr -lame8-l,ittleDortald MFatlcrr Murdoch M'Innilh, Robinfon. Momford, Dugafd C3 . . .'. :.J , - ... ' II, TV 1 1- g:is MDonad, Murdoch M'Uea, J hn M'Dowell Uuncah M'lhnes.- Keil M'Leod. Tolm MIf, k,Li r . t, Extied of a:; letter' frorn a gentleman of refpeC! ability in Vans, to his' friend in JVew-Yirt, dated ytk Ther fitdor, 4tb jea'r. ... I he likenef come out, 1 fef.d you two conies f; one tor yourfelf, the other for myJjiejdJEijrUurt Georee X)fv. ETn r iuy, nacuei ruraon, jonq rJiares feri John Robert srljEevv John Robinlori,: fohn Reaan jamea Robci tfon, -MarkRiineirnc iuua.u . oie-arr, , janies proul, Jacob Smylie Robert TohnlloiKSteele. Saimrel T! vlor . Tbomfon. William "TrapalL J.'eury UrauWt' CaprJohriAVallv . Cornelius Winiat era"; T wright, Jobn Willon. .. J t-- .M. . . , . ; i 3 , JUiiM SIBLEY, Pod Mallet t

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