- i M 7-7- (I 1 1 if .7: ill t5 r . i . ..... . .JT"-. .-. "". . --. y Sf'- verdant oak ftrejchihg out as it were his bare -;: arms ; to implore pity from the-boirterous OttlVWlK 'T?') MY' PORTER..' " fti".-- livfk fnrm nf .jfnirinrr rnril 'Alld wa.V- icK wheat, we. fee die dry .ihorn itaik,and the (FfcOM THE :fa'enc.0 ... , r : I IU IT - . , - - , TH-MJ faithful guaVdiaf. of thele happy wal', 7hofJ horieft zed protects thy mailer's gate, If any ftrahger.arjtlHSfmanfion . caH V ; ,,1'lt tell thee Who (hall enter, who null waif: mould chance.' to kaock, If Fortune, blindfold "dam,?, 'rroTTinimTie-ii wuri k" . . .ti ,,jc oc nt thp LiTr hm-ires m a funeral fhrivelled itubble. Inltead of hearing the gay- birds in concert, we fee -them on the wing, - migrating to the South, and eager to -warble under a Softer sky; Whether - our walk is in the foreft or field, we receive con fidant warnings'of the decay of the year; and And hide-thy .matter from tbeir lyr en charms For ii their clifinal train, black s mg'il, -Cotti- hidcojs Care, and Sullen M.-ranchaly, o And Son?, and Joy, aid Lighter take -their flight, Nor leave one precious moment to deaf Folly; . If at mv door b tjeanteoiH bov be feen, V. . . . . .. :'j . I.-.. 11. - U ...... J V (Hi little leet pave.ofi ray i.nc.uu.u nuu You'll know the ofsprbgiOf the Cyprian Qjk neen, 4iiraTi7tbo-4 His is nngn: Voiles a.duii.Tion always win ''"j j?h oft "dfWiv'ti,. I love the dear deluder;. niwMf. dp wre-te-tfe-fmw-ii 1 I t. no's:i. in Kor .vek;me.L'ove is never an intrncier. NwTenier in. nar drive; her qaiteawayi Bat hope ihe'Jl vifit me another day. ; From tkt Tanner s Weell) Mufiuvu WE AlL FADE, AS A LEAF.' - THIS morning, when I opened my fludy fhutters, and faw the brown oak leaves flying through the turbid air, heard the rocking winds piping lb'udrWdlmark-' ed tliat the frozen ground was half conceal ed by the fnow and fleet of November, I turned to Ifaiah, and" copied my text. Tho' naturally of a lively temperament, yet the flate of myJpirits is regulated much by the; feafon, and by the fky, and my gaiety, like Mercury, in tne pnnoiopinc iuuc, nics in ;the"wopds, as at tKeTaTlTTguTeslri. aluheraT procefhon.. In this mood of fadnefs, viewing, the defo late ftate of nature, how natural for us to feel the fentiment, and ufe thV expreflion of the prophet, " We all do. fade as a leaf." r.rr-T.t Frail as the leavesthat qui vet otTtbe fpray, Like them Man flourifhes, like them decays." -NotimtyiifeTihTops, battdrrtopesrjts" fchemes, its enjoyments grow fallow with years, and though we" may bask in the June .of joy, for a time, yet tfye mouTnttuoTeTiF bpr off our days " follows harih and fhuts e4cene.l4hink-as-InowleeH:h-h'akes V?en fervicf able to feience. (A dt fire, rc excel in the tnilitafy art, have p"iade ttie,r"'iulnenis.tic-aiHt. 'itie. ciianic pi inciples of,pliii'op.liy 011 which it is t'ound Cil a f Fit' f t ipittollrt ii iyu.? ero t p e r fed i o n . 1 hey llo;nans where "they cai ntd iheit srnis carried their -arts. The name o! C iccro was" rev crenced and his, woik9 were read on the remote ba::ks of the. Da nube and the Rhine. , . ... allow and regret the ini tries attendant upon it We mourn that if often, aiifss from nnjiiQ and trVyia.1 caufes and is often marked by a profufton of blood ' THOMAS HACKET, BOOT D SHOE-MAKE R, F RO M DU B LIN," ' EjSPECTFt' LL Y, intormu the, public that he, has taken, that llore lately occupied by Whea-, iton and nfddle, where. he'ihakevgeiulenich's boots, ;and fliaes, in the neateft manner and ihortefl notice. '" NB. He alio makes ladit s (lioes and flippers. 1-Enti4vil4- J.i't 1 -tq, 42-3 :- .1 1 ri.,:, u rru i,,.,!.. udiure warm weatner, anu ihiks in cuiu. ajic uuuy pvprv r of a fedentary valetudinarian,: like expoled vegetables, contracts and is impaired by the is a well known lympathy, his mind lan-guilhes-, as autumn fades. - -At lea(r;? if the intellectual: powers do-not- lofe their tone, they have an impreflion of melancholy from the whole fcenery of nature, at this dull and tempeftuous feafon. Nor is this the peculiar infelicity of the hypocondnc and the inval ed. -Many of the robuft of my acquaintance, who in fpring can "join in chorus with' the robin, and in fummer dance like Ariel " un- aeQhweeaiQilcOTTtnatn houcrh " will moDe during a day in Novem !jer,- like'folitary birdsr-Ifffaa,;fuch is the law of our, being that we are generally ani mated by fpring and fun-fhine, and generally depreffed by cold and by clouds The yicif fitudes of the weather affecl: certain conftitu tions much more thah-others but we-have Rhakernear's authoritv that life itfelf is " fer- vile tb every Ikiey influence ; arid Dr. John- m i-p - t--f'rr'i 'r"j-?i-,sr-3Ttl- eKwtkUl m-A -mo.t - ion, in lome very lecuug aiiu iwwc "ucojl declares that, not only: the blafted plain cori feffes the power of the gloomy feafon but that its reign fpreads ftill wider, and that he feels its power ufurp his brealt. ' - - - of fnow, faft falling 3 1 my door,that they too, Jlematical -'of-'much-of the friendmip, much of the love of this inconflant world. The fnow feems fair and prorhifes well, but try it, and like a periured female, it is faithlels and cpld. The laft month of autumn pite fents in every driving gale, and on every dif coloured leaf fome memorandum of nature's change; and if,, after the firfl: flum of life is over -we-enquire for thofe once foremoft in . attachment and prodigal of profflions, we fliall find in the emblematical language of the ealt,- that the love of-iriany has waxed cold;" and that man as well as plants, -alters with the;feafon. Thele reflections though melancholy, accord with the time of year. 1 is in fadV hallo wed time; it is the lent of A penod. or dreannels, in . which every one feels unwonted uloom, which is manifefted aloud riotnly bya fedate Lay Ereacher,ibuty.au even by the fprightly Mils Seward,with whpfe defcriptive lines I fliall clofe a fermon, already pronounced too long,, by half, for my gayer- readers. - " 'Twas here, even here, where now I fit reclin'd, And autunin's lighs found holiow in the wind ; Load and more lod, the blafl o ' eveni ng raves, And (trips the oaks of their lait liiigeri;ea vesi "The eddying forragefl the tempefl flies, T" And fills, with dufkier gloom, the thickening fldeSj Red finks cite fun behind the howling hill, "AncKruOies with hoarfe ftream die mountain rill ;' Ahdliow7wTtH rfafflTiTg BTIlolTd WdTei"-" r Rtms, fwoln and dafliing, down the lonely vale ; While to thele tearful eyes griefs faded form Sit$ on the cJduct, and tigns amid the Itorm." : The LAY PREACHER. WiEllES. my wife Rutir-lisuth. wUheut any jufl: or lawful caufe, eloped from my bed and I l ' tv r.i -t . . i t. . . i foi'e given to all merchants, traders, public hoii'e. keepers anj others, withi whonriifrmight have"T:re 3 i t on my accou nt, that I w ill t?y-no-debt con- radLbyJiejrjbiejuenit to the date of thisLadverj titement Ann I do alloi lQi;ewaro ail perlons what-roeyerfrora-harbcMiriBg or-4n anyT'wiiejafRfliagof r furniihing her with any article, whatlbever on my credit,-as T a,na determined to pay no fuch debts. WILLIAM RICHARDSON. ' ' Richmoni dttnty , Dic.ythf 176 42 " lusYraiLiiED, . An$ jcr Jnle atjke IrniUr Jfye;, in Fajetttyie H O D G E'S N OH T i'i-C A R O L i N A - A LMfir.N. A C K S, FOR THE YEAR OV OUR LORD 1797. Being t lie fir 1 after Be fcxiil or Leap Year, and the - """" af It 2 2d of, Mmericnn ln('ependept-e. -;-" C tlculated" for t;fe State of North-Carolina, heing precifely adapted 10 the Meridian and Latitudeof tils" C;ty of ilxlt-igii ; but will ferve without len- (ibJe error for any of the States adjacent. '. '. ..:o NTAI.N ! N G ' .. .. ... .. The Lunati. rs, Rifi. g and Setting of . the Fun Moon ind Sven Stais, Solnr and Lunar ECliples. Reina r k able da) s, TV fi tv a I.v" Sc&c. "ALSO. A variety of ufeful and amufing Articles, Among wnicn are, H I S It o proft flbr of pi lent advice.- The ufe of turnips, and methodr of laying them tip. lSew and excellent method of civlrivating turnips. A preeata.tive againfl Ihiut for blithing in, wheat. R efte&ions, on. an empty Enlivening hope and" fond defire, Refign the heart to fpleen and car, Scat 'e frighted love maintains his nre4" .. . And rapture fadJenS-to defpatr' ., , " He adds, pathetically, that man ftilf changes with the changeful year, and is the Have of ' furi-mine ' and of gloom. ThomTon, whb waa a diligent obferver of. every peculiarity of the feafons, remarks that the power of What ue terms rMujopme mefiutuiuiy, is in c very breeze of autumn ; arid no feafon is -inore favouableltolwoo 1 quiet in her Vilptit walks' In fpring he calls tor gay com- pardbns to rbye from the trooK, or nowers irom uie Dans ; 'hiit in autumn raoft of his lines are in a pen- ; 'five tone, his images, to bqrrow a term f rom n nt tiff. are-mueeDdnaaow, ana ne taiKs pf" the lonefome mufe," ,. .afiut" molt nen, nowever . jnexperr 10 ae fcribe like the poets the ruffian blaftj" of this ftormv feafon, feel their baneful iriflu- - ence -uponlthe'.lbody,';. and J mark, gloomy thoughts rjimgrin me ,mm., yv e a round us, and difcern a great reyolutioft m theegfitableaiaMoriivyg leene-atejjc drives inavkUvUr from nations and often delivers them Iro n oppremon. Could men nave reitea cairn and iiiidillnrbed in the bofnn of cafe, cour?ge .had never beenminib'red in tlie l'al of virtues I lad our countrj' never bcn a 1 1 a ked, we n? ver had fel t-a nk rtjoliry, nr'ext'Vted our. vafqur againlf. its lots. He roilin would be unknown. The love of our coun try (il it edified) with no perils to try it, wuh no rewards toi;xt:ttttli'nvelatl cotnianr-aiui macjC:. jlf ; Xbfr huin.A!jLjnindLci)old m agn a ni m 1 1 y uth ej e fu 1 ts of dangefsind exper 1 e nee. purfe. An account of Thomas Tophain. The Lay Preacher, Another Lay Preacher. Cffflous calc.u" lattons. prohely. ; Situation, extent, and boun-, da.rics of the United States. Ofccrs of. the Ej;pcu ttve'Depaftm aTfTfies. NrehTbefs : oTthe rHofef ReprefcJtatnaak 1 rnhjol aleTZj ad the Supreme Coqrt of the Uwited States. and of the- Diflrift Court, ot North,Caroupa4 with.a.n account-, of "tlie Federal Courts eftalIi(hed by th,judi;iayV laws. Time of holding the Supreme. Court Wdl. . the Circuit and Dlflridl Courts in this fla f'tiw' iter j of tJietliiitsd Statesi-ta Wrejgn,pow!evv. ficers of the CnTtoni". fn.d oJ tlie k ci ft ih M'octn "'.' -' .' "' War has, Us Benefits. tI mjnd where fytnpathy ment. and wherei the preflurt of feelinaauells the voice ohildfoDhv, war wilf be looked upon as the I Carolina. Length, hi edtji, . Donulatiott, &C.Qfithe fcourge 8B1 calainlty-of mankind, Guided by-a4iu----eeraLilatei mane, out anwittaKeirprmcipie, men or oenevoience rMoriii-aroi.na ami ici ?no couhtics uiu have feized the pencil of enthufiatm. and delineated I cers ludees of tlie Super'or Courts, of haw. and the features of war. as hlootfr and difcu(linff But 1 Eouiry. Time of holtlinsf Supicme .".awl Cowty the nhilofoolier who rrace the elEecl from caufes., Courts, ftlaibr Genetiijs of the Militia. Rate ofl whofrom apparent eil extracts fecrer good, whofe rpoftage. . Summary of the debt of the UnitediSiates, hand unveils the, bofom of oature, a"nd wTiofe. eye f unredeemed,. January r, 1 795- The aimuarejcpwi. penetrates her operations, can difcover real-.tirility, real adyantagBs, in war; can dilcover that it gives exigence to niany virtues which fupport and adorn fociety. that itroules the noblelf fdcuitietof man, .. J r. .,. -a... j tv- ,i-i:.... ditures of ihe United Staus. Schedule of the tvor. .her of ptrfons in the feveral diifrids of tike Uj'iteil . St ates.: AbttracT: contaiiiging the aggregate amou.rvt "of each description of pet fons in North-Carolina'. -A table of the va'ue and' weight'.., of coins, as.tliev-' pafs in the lel'pejtj. e ftates of the Uuioii, with, their flcrllng '-and -feci -ral valne;' A t.tble ot pold griin'J, agreeable, to 3. law of the Un't-Vcl Sta'tts pride d ttiej 9th Feb. t 79'. Ilul.ejioJixe.d ;.ii the enr reficiep of 0e difFc'tenf ft .re's ino c;u!i )d.e:r.'r"(le tofrnd-. Hit p. The. turtle and traveller, a dialogue , Tl.e kifs. Punch : t.he.me:!iunt f life. E'p. crams." - A- i need ot cs J-A n r.xc ?4 If. c JL prfcU: r 0 !i orj hi ron i r..p-,r-. Thus we (ee that war ewes exiuence to virtues. Wars are of fervjee to a nation --a armies- olfer a fuhfiltence and aa-afylunv for poverty fcnd wretched . nefs, as their lifcipline reratnthe luxnry. f the rich, and renreUes the defirct of fheJiceu ions ihar fet pf men who prefer plunder to labour, an I wl o t.ion. A con, poll lion for pre -fVi ylr.g '.weather bo?rd tng.:; :jiec'cipr for perpetti.-.). ch!I' or baking,. . Mode o( irsi'jnz tlie m -oof cTcTiiliirfd fpTntP pfj .:f-- Mode ot tr.v ngthe proof cl cliitiiitn iiint. Tv'ViYgap)1e trefs1.' An .efT:rttial metl.od to pre--; vent mice irom eating he graia in flacks or.mow tu orciieefs, or other a. Ucl I'lualry inuvred r.y tl ei r- r t : 1 . 1 ..." 'r . .. M . eriilin. 1 nrc ior- a.iot)jfi -taw .or a ruiu,.iii i t ' , r "" r . . 1 . 1 .r ...'. ' nro uie nin;i..or ro 1 -ior. t :f itf or a rt.rif- '0r- pr'ey upon fooety, are by the niennS of jrm3is:Joi: a mortal -diforde.r in hogs, vtry previtlpi t a: this r drawn from its bofoni and tnac)e ! lW!'K 11? nri s.i tinie, catled a fvytlling in the tUroat f foap. , Main poll road tUrougir the L, 'tatcs, ,,;c. " ; " Pr tck4 C per dnf 11 by .tl'e thaofapcl, .'lijAr- defettcc. Thus wars have: ; thrhngular r hikI .ufftVi iecal intvZ-oij!--reteriBg '. vice .itlclt u(el.7tt,?uu- j eace introduces luxury :ancL luvury is a know 1 lymptoui o me aecay 01 empires, by the firorie ; jf,-. "pet do.' by the h.r.lf rr.ce, $f. 1 he liii'gle-ddzen, and if. a plecc- X -y. a dot her. j aper currcticy, : rrranur as uie noiuiun man "Pi-w 1, w.- uan -.jt --.t -L...- - f- . T ' . ' r : : 7 " . . . . .. , - . . '. .-. . . 1 ' . " . - - - ' -

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