r Vt'i' i ' -"V - 4 1 V ( .1,- MC If V if v ' i 11 ill; fFlPr-- -4- 0 F cArn tn'ttie iflhcortatiorl of other p UUIIAIIUU VI m , 1 . I'll vifions. - The price of corn, it was true, wasttill fuch as to warrant jHifulonlbat eortntiori -would be prevented bf ; bUt as fa a particular dit trift the Mctuatiort of the tri'sfrket might tonfidera bly reduce that price, he thought Jt for the general interelt ot the country-that.tnei.aws .uu Liu Lr Ihmildlid cdririnued. .left this local -xeducVwn oUa value :'&ou Wj j-jnjf s exportation: ?f AU othrr piHviiion9 wereat a which would render the other part of the act ftitloi nO. W,. rtimild -therefore movt a rctoluuun ....for. ouToi!the -mtftwo clsrofc-r-wteichr when -the tarmr had . been able more iultlv to eilima. the neit produce f rh Mr after feed time" ni relit be found uecel-. fary. The fir ft w?, thata pcmilhon.hould.,be inferted in 'thehilllor repealing it during tins fri .fmn, if t'(huld'Bs;touiid inconvenient ; the other a limihr permitfidu to his majefly in council, to fat-. pend or repeal any pirt ofiLdanngtheJyation oi '" PiirliamiMir. ' 1 ' ich .ThcuWn'Utce Vgra3'tn:ihis rcfnliirtonrwhr Was reported to1 the lmife. and leave obtained bring in a bill conformable to it - ' ' - sli;k. jit co.imdcf tin; bill for permit-- -MrvRyd er m op ting thiportatiort: ofirnmnnuhichircl litk tral'bVtoms.'.w.hicu was agreed to, and a c commit- tee of The jvliole hbuTe"ot3?TS morrow. P A R T s.: OBober i f , ""J ....... Much is faid of the muneitte preparations makinr for anVinvafi.on ot Kngl-Jiul ; we mm!, lain" v.a.o, ue (Iroy Carthage ; we (hall never conquer the Romans butmUme, faid Hannibal and Mithridates. Mar fhaf Saxe' often repeated, that the hnolilh .would never be comiuered but in London;- we think, that if the Britifli government refojes to accept ju.(t con ditions ofpeace,- and if they permit in arming Ku rope againU the Republic, we-mutt carry the wr to the banks, of the Thames, and force the govern ment to accept the dive. branch We do not dii femble the multiplied d-ingers oflucb an eilterpiize; fuccefs is doubtful ; bu: perhaps, it is necefTary to hazard it. Hot thcpblerfOe and the glory of the French Republic. nouncesithat -thjMnhabjiants Ba(tjainftiiitl of the departure of -the trigHfli, aiid that they wife tn'aklhffdifpQfition'J.to blow up the fort by two mines, took up arms againlf them, and detained the governor as i aprjigne. ' The Dey of Algiers ii exerting himfelf in the mod fpirited. manner to maintain the independence of his ports.! The Eft glim' having infringed that fn, he Telegraphe to Lille, a few hours before the fail-' Jng oJTrveuei irom.vaiai amvcu l,,v.". . ;. engagement had taken place between ihe Huiiriai.. general rAlVinzvy nd the Trench gpfltval Maflfeiiy, on the ioth ult. near Triefte, .in which he former were defeated ; the Frencfh haying made about 5000 , officers orifoners. . The xa noitand afl IheTpaggage'' of the Auftrians . fell into their hands - N.E W-Y O R K, January 2. . cant. Barnev. " tlle''tiatr6., fays he has or ders from the French nation to capture , all -American veffels bo'urid" to pr from Bnufji ports, and to detain them till further orders . . A pretty ftory for captain Barney to tell. Capt. Barney, an American, has orders from the French, to feize all the veffels of his owl: countrymen. It would be well if the Yan kees could hear that -v-am bl uttering captam tell this ftory they would teach him the fol-. ly of defertin fis country and joining it eti-r einies in feizing American property, IBat cantrBeTHarthe4etters,-declares thanoheAjnlred States clrooleMrTAaam ; lowing -gentlemen wef c tlcdled tin ?cl yrs.-.tcri current year. "" Thomas Willing, jblin I.aoraWe, Abijah V.iv.- mood, John Vauglian, I'hilip Li v t n g(l.m , '1. h6a'...?. Veiif. If, Gerard VValfon, KUa;s f?rulior, ru tl Brtck, jofep.h. Anthony, Archibjlii M'Call, l.yiert am, liaac vv n:uTon aniw-i. f!ui - G. Smith, William Hin Ii5r lauieVS."Co; JctoiVnljfra. kir. jf.lti VV ii trbfnuu lySalifuel Sfe t"ietrj-tvi a ' 1 te "ThomUs jtwing. Abijn i ;ivvts, Wiliiam $1 l?enrjlrJojiepli Sjiis. (.:,fr: f he. dirrctoii are to 'meet this evening for-the choke ot a i'relidtnt. ' LkoiaJti. i?xii Ud cf'-a Vtu. f'x'h ta'e-f rantais, Nov. set;, 1706,10 his received by the Medul'i" PrefideiitpthejrwHtx war with France, in three months : as Mrl- taking all cargoes 'by force, where the captain or rcgnngnee re rule -to tell to tlicnv. Teffdrfon would be more agreeable to France. If capt. -Barney has faid that, laeis author nfed to fof it or he is no't--If he is autho rifed, it is a proof of what has been fuggef ted, that the French have been, meddling with our election, or at leaft mean to quar rel with us for a legal :conft itutional act, if not agreeable to them. If he is riot authorifed to make fuch a de claration, he is a fool for making it, and the letter-writer is a fool for propagating the. re port : for inftead of aiding the French inte reft in this country, it will widen the breach, by exafperating our citizens in a tenfbld .de gree,: '. :.- ' y - -.7,". The French make war upon the U. States rfpxnorjchpofi lnlolence and tyranny:1. Generous allies in deed! ! There is not a defpot in Europe, ex cept the tyorrels of the North, that has at- kempted thus to dictate to other nationsil. Mr. Jefferfoms not chofeii rrefident- Thanks to the integrity arid independent fpi rit of the El-trs ! Sooner than receive even a conftable from the French Englifii orRufe fiahs, or any "other nation, ; the Americans will -rife in a mafs, and drive every intruding foreigner from their mores. It is laughable to hear the " patriots," in our citieswho '"ha"vebeim"ndriiled"toHh;eir fervice at home, and never went abroad e nough to" learn their ignorance of the tern per of the Arnerican : people, talk about a civil waj, a terrible bloody ciyjl war, in cafe the French Ihould make var 011 the .United "dependence, and taken .a Spanilh frigate there, the AigetVnes having r'eulatmecl it 1 and are preparing their whole maritime force ! . . . f '....- Novstibtr 6. Citizens Directors, . I halten, to communicate to, the'Kxecutive Direr---toryhe-ree infl.r brought by art extra ordinary courier, which announce that a general revoltitiou has jolt taken place liiTreland.This intereflin news came by .lsY.O-lhi.psl..brpjigjntj,iie'roa'cl t he" fame xvenuig by our privateers, and which lately failed from Li- ve r pool. -Tlie ir ca ptaios if ate: tlrat . the. I ri fit r a f t cr attacked flad deleatea 10,000 tnglifn troops Jim , .r , . , , f , Pj i the Militia joined thcjnfurgents, and that the whole country ;s jn a ltate .or lnlurrecxipn. The arrefts, and foine other arbitrary, proceed ings of whjch the Englifh Miniver isacculed, feemcd to have provoked this commotion. "". ' - Health and Refpea, " , TRUGUelT. -fcmirat-Bournwvict'" tht-&mirtteeD&&hty. " ll a n h e i jvf , 3 Bruimire. I had the honour to glveyou an account yelfrday of the attack of the farmy, made by the enemy in the night between the ioth and the 26th Vende . niaire) upon the head of the bridge mid the Hland-of niCTwjcu i uc, 111 projccreqiiotHtiig-4Cis-ininp make the ga rrifon pri foneVs of war? a'nd id .faife the works;; andTinally cut olF theomftmmcaojitlie" left wing with the right 6f. the army. This affair colt the enemy more tuan 4000 men." (.-". ' ;j .; - r BOURNONyiLLE. divted friend, in. PhiK-Tcieipliia, frigate, Commo.doie Barney. -v "1 would give jou a ikercli of politics$ but us you wjll loon Ice ai addi'tls " to the iiierciiants, & o'hers, whwtJi it mav concern, citizens of the Unit ed Mates,' iMibl'Gitd in.yoUr papei: fetting forth th embarrafled Ituu ot our Tuniiw rce th- unji.lt captures of our velicls the bad ro':eds of being pa 'I tl ie' cbnduct of the cb 111 n 1 1 fno uFr s 7&C7:&t-. renders an account from R)e unncceiiury.. I yill, however oblerve, 'that, they ieem determined to hiake iist:ike a part with or agalnlKtliem ; tie) will JeLiia-jiiiim njjjrjiolonar. ...-They are captur- . L O. ND O- Nj November i jr. . i.'-' - There has been a report in ciYculatVon, thatMii nifters have received accounts from Belfaft. that a yeflel bearing American colours had (food Into that harbour but feeing a king's fhip lying at anchor; had endeavoured to (heer off'; but Was taken, and if was toana tnat tne naa t 5,000 itancr ot arms 00 board;7' The Captain .had time to burn his papers!, and he would neither fay from whence he came nor -whither he was tound. We repeat the ftory, exact'-, ly according' tor rumour, but on the face of U, U is a . moft improbable tale. . If -there was any dehgh," e come to that crifis, which God forbid, that excepting among a re w members." of the clubs, who have been long disciplined by fac tion, there will be but pne-fentiment -one voice in our country to refift the iiation that attacks , us, French . or. EnglHh. They may be affured that amongainiliiort of thernorth--ern people, faction will not be able to mufter one regiment of Traitors. The"citizeris, - as a man, will rally round the American . Ea gle. The men who defert that (tandard will f be:in:the:pjcami ' our war for Independence, with tfiis' aggra- vauoiL orcnmi-rrjTr trteir-neaasj-oi-viotating their allegiance to bur governrnerit. The LniitedStatcsw'ill-t fteps to preferve peace they will commit no at of aggrefTion on any foreign na'ion they will throw the whole blame of war on their foes. .No fhadow of pretext will be left to apologize for an abandonment of the-American colours and woe to the Americans that abandon them. ' . - Jan. 7iZ -The rivers which farrounded this city are filled with floating ice, which almoft obftrucs navigations We are happy to hear however that capt. Dean failed yeiterday for t f he rplipf rif rnr liifFpriTio- rnnrinprs rin thn hej-jttnLiI or" the dilatrected.1 coaft, with a good fupply ofcloathing, prov' uci luiw ii w hiunii t 11 im-w'aic. auy Tcauj". nous aiiu waterj, togeiner . wun a large nuirir ,sF",uti6iv, u'v bi iii.-fiiiw-nmi. nuiuwuif niy nef oi leauicn. They have laid a very heavy duty upon alTgoods importedLintd 'the ifland -the duty is by weight, ahd. not on the va?ue, and is curioully arranged : all goods are weighed as foon as landed, on fome ar ticles the duty is equal to fi'tft coff." C0MMUN1C 4T10N.'. . It is in vain the French partisans attempt to. fhel ter thenifelves from the defeat the inlblertce of their miniftef has produced," by pretending that the Bri tilh treaty has wrong'd theij jiation. The fophifms w and lies di reel: on that fubjeft, already outnumber the cenfus of the United States; tlvy have made more than "one damning fib for every foul. ' Even Frenchmen poflefled of candour and good fenfewill feel,---though-they-may6tcki:o.wledge-.ihia.TacTJlI. The public faith of inie ica is at tbis niomenr the pufeltrand tmoft unfpott; d of any nation on the globe. Let our pairhti who wifh to fee a Fi ciuh -army marching through our towns, to coiloft pi;- . tiires, -&G. &c- - Our pat riots who alreadytiijiik of a place of refuge in Louiliana - our pat 1 iots who haye agents in Paris, and -who expect- to get thfc it.pp;-r hand by French help, and Frenrh' threuts i . jfg.S-JeLonr patf iot-s(but the w ord iniells of tilth) ileny this if t!u-y dare, f yes are openecTat lalt. - NOTICE IS HE RE Br GIVEN, v ' That it lhail and may be law fui lor the citizens .jsllthojnired -St St es-of Americato import into the Bmilh ports ofStV Oroni (ollcwiiio; enumerar'rd articles, viz. Flour, bread, bilcuit, peafe, beans, potatoes,wheat, rice, bats, barleyj and gra'm of any fort ; tobacco, pitch, - taf , turpentine, -hemp, - flax, malts, -yar bowfprits, (t a vesThead inginTberrfhinglesnd ail r forts of lumber, hoiles, neat cattle, Iheep, hogs,. poultry and live (lock of any. fort. And the following articles are allowed to be im port ed u n t il further pTiMictTtcei ven-8'' Claret in Juigfiieads and cales, hogs lard, Tweet oil -onions jr-a ppl e s - a nd-xuheiL-fertx:n fruit; bee pork and ! ill. : - '""-- No goods or commodit'es whatever fliall be mi-' ported or brought f rom ihe United States of Ame rica into any port or ports of St. Dojningo jn pof lelfion of the Britifli alter t his date, except the a- , bove, under the penalty of" the forfeiture thereof, . and alfo tiie fhip or vefit'ljn which the fante flial! be 'brought, together with her guns, furniture, ammu- 4 nitipn, tackle anoTappareT G. FORBES, Waj. Gen. -Port-(tU-Frbicey Auguft i, .1796. -BA.L T I MORE, January i. L-JMihsiiJK the . great effufion or numan Diooa, in leverai . parts 01. jcurope, -w-catlmrbua!dently-wifli- for-the-return. of peace to thefe unhappy countries : we fhall tlierefwe--belad - to? rumours of a peace between the Emperor and the F'rench republic grows daily; ltronT ger"-The news of all communication being ' impeded between England and France Teems to wear a different compkxion. It , feems the French general Moreau ili 11 continues r I his. retreat if we believe all- the papers fay of him, he is in a bad plight indeed ; howe ver there are Jone jreporis of a contradictory;',.. , nature; it is"acknpwledged that he hasfiad" ; I)1enty of retroga'dr iiian noc fo - bad with, tiini as I(as been reprefented - - -One accbunt Tays " that aiter a marcht)f Y : would hardly have fenl a veflel into 'a por fo public 1, ifis pciiaiu ,iue inu papers iay notningx)n uicn an CVCUl. Yjeflejjaynccouht was received at pover, flat- . ing, thajt intelligence had been communicated by PHII-ADKLPHIA January 1. ' -At tHearmoal meeting of the ftockholders of the Iwnk-'therlJnitedtates heldj eflerd ay Jtheibl.: 1 60" league! 'Wijliput tl?e Jeaof-liejtSok: ' from the cneKiy 1 8 pices of cannon, 2 pair : " of colours, an'd'neaf ly 7'bco priforiers, amongZT whom are So olliccrs Another account v mentions his 'having attacked the Imperial :r general mraich, and repulled him, with thc . . . JL

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