1 v l.Jjl. U-,j,lj .Ji- '..j .,- T . . . , F .AT E T T:E Y 1 UX?E ADVERT ISER, 1 1 THE 1 " ; . - - . ' vol. i. ;r5rT bV::HODGE. and' BOYLAN.;;: S A T tJ R D A Y,Vfsbiujay 4, i797 . -i Numb. 46 nCTin"lNOrUSober 29. T ; The army ol" Gen. Alvinzy, about 30,000 ftrong has pc!iJtrated-throiiph-Frioulj-andJ 'carried its -'advanced guard to Travifo, where i on the 23d of Oftober the whole army was expected. General -Davidbvich. with an ar- 1 my almoll as- confidcrablc, penetrated -thro- '; Tyrol; and oil the: 1 8th or 20th of Oftober jjt muft have reacheujheJakerCrdaI " the garriTcrfof Mantua make a fortie "while - the two armies attack 1 r.t-r--e enLyjrcs Df Caft le- . mm m m . t rmvo: Will 'Liave an excellent opportunity tor jlifplayinpuJiG diftinguifned his military careen COLOGNE, November' 1." Our letters from the Upper Rhine ftate , that the laft battle between the archdiike" and M6remjas.extremely bloody and decifive. We are allured that eight thoufand were left on the field of battle, and that the croflmg of the Rhirie bi this action. -. -. 1 That, which took place on the 27th ult. in " the Hundfruck. Was not confequential as to ; the lofs of men on the part of the Imperial- . ills ; but the poits which the rrench recdv erea on this occafiori arejof extreme impor tance. : - , roundedffiecWch7tn j&rhich the people had , aiietMfrdiidiatrplr paraded the 1 ftreets, forbidding any perfon' appearing at the windows, under paintit being fhot; The French foon entered the churdh, and feized the redor, his curates, in4 the crudnxTail of -whom '-were conveyed to the citadel. Ther grand duke's troops had received orders from. .the Fyench -commandant - notd-inte'rfere-ifr-- the bufinefs. . . .' ' : ;$L. Vilette,; the graM. duke's gavernorLofL .Leghorn, the 1 ulcan general, btraloluo, His head-quarters the 30th were at OfFenborg, and he, had .fent fome heavy artillery from Man- heim to i hatter fort Kehl. ry- " The cofpa 6f Hot ze who had advanced to Ger roerffieim and the environs, is to fall back and occu4 py the lines of Mundenheim, Frefenheim, and Og gerineira. It appears to be tlie intention of the Archduke to attack the remaining politions of the French beyond kirr'iof Tkm VaivA'ii.JatiJ.niir.Un.a lUl J . - the bridge at Huningen, mull fix the place at which He will eftablilh bjs winter quarters. : werarAetMfama - COBLEOTZ, November 2, ' ' .We cbntinue to "tnjoy the molt" "tranquility. ; :Neyerthelefs . gen. Kleber has put our city in a ftate of fiege, by a refolu tion, dated 7th Brumaire, Odober 28, con fifling of eleven articles. r : . MANHEIM, November 2. , On the" Upper Rhihe the Imperial arm "y advanced on the 27th as far as Huninguen, upon which the-French quitted their bridge ' baftions tHcre ; To that the FrenchTat prefent only occupy Kehl; on-the "right bank of the Rhine, for the taking of which the Auftri- : ins are now nia"king the greateft prepara tions. The lines round Kehl aie entirely completed, all meafures for beginning a fiege are taken? and the heavy artillery from Mah heim .arrived, there yefterday The bom- -bardment isexpecl-eda-eommenceTiilmoft immediately. 'The bridge "near Philiplburg has been deftroyed by the Imperialifts ' : It is faid that the French army of the Sam bre and Meufe. which is now aflembled on the Hundfruck in great force, is intended to - join the figbt wing of the army of the Rhine andlheMoJelIe. V. . " :" jrwprifon Ever-iince-this-unfortunateaft fair, in which a fcore of perfons loft .lheir Iives,Jthe, -f4adhayr4tei pointed agairjil 7 tjbejto wftjand the Tufcan garrifoh have ben confined in the barracks. The Grand Duke' haYbeen greatly afflid-: ed at this, event ; and'we aTe aiTured that he has. caufed the ftrohgeft reprefentationi to be made as well to the diredory as to the French generals on the fubjed.' - FRONTIERS ot YRbL, 6aober 22, "... A' Neapolitan courier, jit is faid, has been fent to Archduke Charles to apprize hiui tht 30,000 Nea politan t roo'ps-ha'ye entered xhe.Pa p,aLt er ti wty . . In a fortie which Wurmfer. made on the 7th itft. the lofs of the French is fta ted to have been very conuclerable." aeveral ammunuion wacgons, na-A gazines, and military dbells; were taken from them General Alvjnzy with the arniy under, his com roaqd, has entered the Venetian territory. VIENNA, November. 2. The troops yhich have marched frcmi Ty rol and Frlpul, under genAlvinzy, extend ed along- the-rivers Piava and Tagfiamenta, beyond Travifo and Aviano. Th e French ftill maintain their pofitions near Citadella, below"Baflafl6rWe learn this moment, that the Auftrians have already advanced? fo far as Sedo, in Brcfcia. All ftrangers who have neither commercial bufinefs, hdr per miflion to1 ftay, are ordered to quit Triefte within eight days. It is faid that the French have attempted a ftorm upon' Mantua,: in which theyxwere rcpulfed with great lofs, - : ITAkY, Odober 2 c. , .. The fequeftratjOii putby jhe. French, on the books, money and goods of the different ; tradefmen. at Lc'gliorn, was Noticed fome - time ' ago; Thismcalure was preceded by an event ;which gave rife tp fome difagfeea ' ble fcenesr- The :peop!eWj)airecvirt-a':cwad to a miraculous crucifix placed jn the church - ofurTadyrrhe cfoujl alarmheFfench" commander, tbe iiiorer becaufe a falfe report had .'been lpread , that the populace were armed with long knives, and that they meant ' BAtfJCS of the.MElN, Oaober 29. The corpS 6f referve under general St. Sztarray, ' which has .marched tip' the einfrrcement of the rny bl the Archduk whole of the Aartrian force in .Subia will novv amount to from 8c to 90,000 nVn. L it:;Is now fald Wirtemberg is goneto Vienna, to enter into a cou Yerence relative to tnc! treaty of peac between Wir temberff and France. ; A report is likewjfe cirpulat- ed j ha t Saoa-ofthe iv-oofn-o fWir te m i ierg, w h ich are to be paid by the Emprefs of Ruflia, will again join the Imperial army with the conttngenref Wir- rary Prince; 5n which cafe, the peace concluded by the Duke with Frarice will be annulled. F R A N C E. Con'cfaflo'n-6f --a 'decree of Ihe'CoUncttrJCfc! peeling the prohibition of Enelin jcoods, Oct. 26. I. Tlie importation of all Englifh manufactures U interdiftedl No perfon fliall expofe them for fale, or print adverttlementsof fuchfales. All figns announc ing fuch goods are to be taken off within 24 hours. . 2. Contains an enumeration of Engfifh nianufac tures. , t " " rNoftipwhichhasnsffboxrd tures, is permitted to enter the ports of the republic. The 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th articles contain fegulationx refpeclin the1 faarc lies, leizures, and confifcaiion '" - 9 Englifli fugar ndw in France airt not fubjecl lrthe above difpofitidossi ';."."" ,J : 'JJ.:v-i 10 All other-foieign-nianofafturesr but thofe. mentioned in the .2d article, will .only be admitted ring the attack upon Kehl. Numerous batteries are conftroclingonthel ahn; jhofc, atiLeydelclorif are providedith nurnVrou artillery. All theAultrian linagazines are there? and gen. Kray has 30,000 men under his command who are encamped irom Vallendar to Erlich. The SpaniOi fquadron is miRrefs of the IVIediter fanean ; but, ostwithflanding, feven Epglifh (hips patted under the eyes of our admiral and uittiy en- terea uiDraitar nay. - Nov: 16. -TheneWs of the death of Collot d'Her. bois, and his colleague Billand Varennes is faHe. .: The news of Lfird Maltnefbury s having pronofed an armiftice to the Direftory, appears to De premature. The Dutch convention has empowered citizens Levefton and Pafteuf, members of the convention. now no msffion here to afljlt, in conjunftioh with !rrtzen Mayer, the Dutch plenipotentiary at the cunicrences ror peace, wnicn are aoout to be open ed in this city, Ihe Jpeedy drmameat ol the Brett fquadrons oc ¬ cupies all hands. Several of the twenty-one ihips of the line, which make at prefent our Whole naval ' force in that quarter,- have their -whole comple ment of men In tire above number are comonied five fbips-latelyarrived ftorn'RocKfolfiiVOrteot It appears, that that fleet is to have provilious for fix months, which proves that they are deftined for" fome expedition in a4 remote quarter, and nbt for the improbable and ridiculous plan of making a defcent upon England. It will be commanded W adnitral' . VillareMoyewfeTWeeefii pleaTure iq pointing out to the public, the adijiirarwiVem tl? cireftory. . honour. fo defervedly with' their confi dence. - -.- . . - :i- . ' ; - Villaret Joyeufe cqnimanded lad wr fke flaies frigate, and diftinguifl(ed himlelf ib a'fihT jvitb an Ehglilh Irigate, in whkh he bad the advantage. He made all the naval campaigns under adniiral Suffreinv whp was. .highly fond vt hfmL He isCnot only-a good feamen, out-alfo-a-good-icbofar wto" can quot almofl every verfe of Horace or Virgil. He was cleft ed a deputy of India in the national canvention, but he refufed that honour. ". The encomlumswilh perhaps, be confidered as exaggerated, by thofe who remember the fates of the 12th and 13th Prairial, 2d fear, or the fatal the opinion of Villaret, and at the peremptory inlti- gation ot an ignorant and preiumptuous Ptoconful. Villaret had fent proteft after proteft againft that fatal expedition to which we owe the ruin of our Marine. , " -'--"'";t:;;, vui..:'.'.L-..t; ,.-v -' ' Letters from Bred, of the 39th of Ocl. flate, t hat the expedition in tbar harbour had langoifhed for ' a long while, till it ws accelerated by the arri val of een. Hocbe and a miflion. . Fifteen Jhha of rh whenQnipajiied..by ctifi they want Ttq rile. In- coniequenccph. this report on tjieg,? , ful. - Bcfides the aforementioned penalties, the names or tne orrcniicrs lUBJi uc poHca up, wiin tne jnicrip tion, "JErigHJl? brokers'and deftryetf of FrtniVhidiif- try" , '-- ' PARI S, November 13. . - -; ; On the.26th ultimo, two 'fall of the line, and two Spa'nifli frigates.,; arrived at Toulon. The remain der of the Spanifh fleet Is cruizing off the coaft of Toulon. - '- - ; " -' -' ; ' '' The Executive Directory has received difpatches from the General in Chief, Buonaparte, they are dated from the head-quarters at Vrefona, the 8th ! Brumaire. , - . . - . ' '. ' '7 . A letter from. Toulon announces, that the Spanifli fleet is cruizing off that coaft., It cotifilts of 36 fait' of the line, of which 8, are three deckers, three pf 80' guns C and the fed of ;7Jf lfidea 1 Ttesj corvette, arid a brig. : - r. ;7:..,:'v.,....,..; , Don fftfeph Cordova command? the firft divifion t Coqde Morales de-les Prios, tbe fecond j and Ddn Juan Joachirn,'the third. r -'-- n ,r , , "Accounts from tlie Upper- Rhine, aS tare as the 0thtOcloberiatelaiHee coniptetely fepaffed the Rhine, Prince Charles has ..jL'j : '.-'-'I . -ui :n, r many articles.' the crew are incompleat , and soldiers are to replace the feamen, wbpfc. immber is but finall. " ' The expedition is' fcefi wjth jnquietode at Bred al 1 the failprs difapproyed of it, fpeciaUy Vil ! a ret Joyrnfe, jthe admiral, who dreads thejame d: trefs whkh made uifuftain te.f,6 orjjr'of1 our Jneftj(his of theliney during the .famous winter cruifeof J794, the leafon is toaiar advanced and the (hips in the word ftate. ; , r If we believe the rumours circulating here, th irefl flerfailedlSn the 3d inftl v : , v ' Lord Malmelbury and fEngliQiineri were vefter day at the Copceret of the Opera. ; Tbey did not feenrmticb entertained with bur Gneera or ourmut were in the right. : - There were jk David'a, no Marchefias, .whom Englifli guineas brtngfronritaly upon the London Theatre. The bsUtt ttychc feep- ea nowever pteaie tnem. Lord Malmefbury.x and three.or four per fans nf bis fuite are faid to have been prefent ,at the fmi . of the Council of Five" Hundred, on thed V.m(rL .when the 0110 refpeftipg4he Jaw of the 3d orwnairc was xaKenv V 11 fa n H "7. t W r if 'ill - f ji - .1 1 -1 M- ' ' " . rtrn ' I 1 - t x: -ix. 1 . 1 vr" 1 " ' 3 7 it

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