precedence -.vyiucn tney enjoyed before the fUCxma from the reoipfthe deliberations of T " ' 1 r V'f 1 lAf ' MrT . I 1 Hi Urafntn-nnf. tL .l , 1 1 n .fc. an .(.... .. ,1.1. . ranbafladoroLfaniiiy vi-j : Io..F.Vfl"v Frenrti ritin onl" nil tTiAfo 'TimOfing' the" houlTo iKeTaniblllador br -f - t -1 i......,!...... -. or tnat or tne consuls and other J AWiAkj UUU UviUiU II ILUU xo Lilt v : VlJ vf .WVJ -.H" wyvjr- lll-'tilV ul 1 liis pajetty, the-' fame liberty of ' worfliip as .thofe which individuals of the moft favoured EOi&natipj a t i w u t j w vuiuiiih i is l l VV V, V i J III. I v j JJilVV" i ers founded on t he bafis of mutual bene&t, and fuch as will afliire to the French republic advantages e qual to fuch as the mod favoured nations enjoy in the kingdom of the' two Sici lies wiU 'bejnegsciated mrconc Hided wRIiiiTaslfliort a delay as p llibfe, -12. Agreeably to the 4th article of the treaty' concluded at the Hague on j.he 27th Floreal, 3d year t t,,e ""Hublic, (loth JYIay, r 75 ) the fame peace, theprei ent treaty between the Fretuli republic ad . ' his niajelly, the kinguf the two Sicilies, (hall hold good between his majeity and the Batavian republic. r l'Tn-e- 42fjdenLiiaiy flialW - idt-miauons excningea -wirnin lay; .yunpiu flnj .......... v. v,,,,,ii ipi i irl v y 11 mill l anj further delay, to reckon from the day of ligning tlu preinilcs Don'' at. Pa rlspV endemaire the 19th, cth year -. . ; 01 uic r rentn repuoiic, one aua.andivililiJe, 'anfwering 10 Oitober to, 1796. i-lzzilll !' Signed,,,, ' DhLAG'OIX. ' Urince of'pelmor.te Vignatetli. '. Th e?ffci:iive directory have decreed and lignfd the shovo treaty ofpeace with his Sicilian majelty, - nefi9!Xthgaine jhfcfeiich J.e,piibJic,hx. the!!iiier fcriofeign affairii, appoimed by "the Cxf tiuue. dircfiory, by a law of the 12th Vende malre, intiant, und charged wVth inrtfutfions to tiiat eiK-cl. . The. j)ove treaty was ratified bv the council of V.. tT..j 1 . i . - ..1. if . 1 ' . " "Cl 011111C24111 vennemaire, ana approv ed of by that of the Ancients, Brumaire the 3d - -BOSTON, January 6. - Can f"lnrU- 'jrriul fin mi lfl f . .y' 1 ' " ' ' - uui mil iiiiiii uporio, jei t-t n a t p 1 ace out t ne begi nmn o f Nove m ue r. He.intorms. that imelH(rrnr Ind t the deciaration ot war, -by Spain againd G. Britain ; that fever al KHlifliineii jwho had een. riljeafedJrpur " Vtlltl4"cpturcd-I)y the Spaniards had arrived there; that the Spanifli court had demanded to have the ports of Fortugal hut aga'inft the Exrglih j and 15 da) s were allowt-d the r'ortugucfe. tO-conlidtr of the demand ; but they anfwered immediately, that it required little conhderaiion, for they would not Ihut their ports againlt the Englifh; aiid, that a Spanifh army laid to confiff of 1 5 regiments, had appeared on the frontiers,rfiippofed with a deiign to- - jivade Portugal. : In -confequence-of wtici the ."" gieateraamty'was ufed;iirreTFuTtTnarQp6TtS7 and other pa its of Portugal; and a Jconfidei able army had maiched to oppofe an invalion if attempt ed Men mfrf A iV!v fni rir.(T,l .1. . - , -".! iu cuip intir mips - - - -i.-.-. v , wvii w f o v iwiJO -u, tlic cothmUiioJi rs-J itt d by the French uvem . meat to ibe Weit-indks. . riie cominrfiio.t r. :o. th'nf the captains cl ""iciitaii vcneis uciuutu ior u.iria.Jing rroni -x.i.g-lifli pji is. , . i f he vcfIeJ-5 already tikenor : thbieiichsMay lit future be tken, huj iVm aiirin'tlW.pBrts" of ITie colony, unfd it lhajl be other vite oidaincd. fi'th year of the French Republic, one and indivifi:- hi-. u Signed in the regifter of the Proces Verbeaux. V Le Blanc, Prtadent. ' " Sonthqnax; 7 .,r - : "Ilaimorfd, - j Comrmffioners., - " Pafcal, Secretary," "A trye copy, according to the fecretary general of the commWfinn ... ( Pa'jI i 4 lv.vtlLLi, letter-from a rnietaa-rfi4m a t-i he tl'.. l J l i .x o ivainian, aaien. tne 2tnor iJec. fj'y. ' - .;' " The Revenge" French privateer has lent in here two American velfels, one of them a brig laden wilb IlgeJVcmiXfajrieiioiilor, Jamaica. , , Houfe of Representatives of the Urtcd States Jan . 19 I he following comiMUiiica'tions was received from the refident'ortlfeffitVd Sfai wjiji very vol umiiipui .dacu'mrmil)nirijjjr top Which after fome debates on the nroDi ietv of " N the I 91 il tnl I u i 1 r Ka hri ri .1 w "O . . f.t ; " X fc, iijiiu di ruuuv ;u- v due-, a number of ft EC ROES, belonging to the efUte of Thomai England, deceaftd. - wiiuii.iuijS. me term tor Which laid nearnp . - iui nmui iiu iicyiiica -be4itrt7ntrcxpire-6n the jft day of Tanuar, - 7-, uv,.. niiu njjiuvcu iccuri'y win oe rtquircd. AUttcn t t-UL Nj- - guardian of William Eimbnd the meafure were ordered to be printed without EFWho beingread. 77. "' V November, negro Dick, the property of Geovrs ..v.t, near narieiron. J he, ovvner on paying charges, may take him away. . T WILLIAM VANN. . FayeftevillerJan, T4. -, - , . GeniUmen of the &eiat:, and cfthf Konfe f Repre- At the ODeniritr nf the nr?fnr-rffin f onv.r. - I mentioned thai lomp rirfnmfiano nf on nnmi. come nature had lately occurred in relauon to r r me: mat our rraUe had luitercd and was fuffer iiiti cxtenlive ininries in tin- wlt lJ; f,., crtiizers and aoents of thic VrtnrL n..ui:. thiit - cnmmii-nlraTlnns A U. it!." ". ; " . . . - ,t.'c,vco w lis TUST PTTRT muvi or fate at ihf l-rttiii.,, .fii,-. t .. .'-. nODG K S NnRTHriDAi A t M A N" A C- K S Ff R OF OUK LOKD ,797. ing the fir r afi- Rfnt;i- t . v- y. mihifter here which indicated danger of a further tj f f"JEAR OF OUK LOKD 1707. didurbance of our commerce by hi authority, and ?'"g a5erf Bextile or Leap Yearand the that were in other tefpeds far from aereeable bur r i .7 22d ofrnierican Independence, that J relervcrd for a ipecial meffige a mo. e p'arii- Ca,?;e,d for State of North-Carolina, beirK cular communication on this intcrelti,, fu'b& Pc& adapted to the Meridian and Latit ude of Ihis.communication I now make,-?- --: This communication I now makk hetoraplamts o the FrenclrMinlrter embraced hble error for any of the States adjacent u m TAI N1NC md "";. u: 'r.A- : -smnracea ...un u. iran.acuon or our governinei.tin jfla. . - u w i A IN I Nr. r if in rn Hfan. 1 , 1 1 nr it mot inna u . 1. 1 n - - . w . u(i.VMi an cany period of the nrfrt' " "" J-r'TZ'-r T 1 MnnnonH Q.u.-u... c i t ? - - 11 was -necellary carefiillv "" iais, ooiar and 1. war; Which there.ore it was nectary carefullv to review. A ml !" 1, in r , . " nvv.1 lull I4l.1T Lirril Iftl IllaD .1 . . I . Remarkable days, Feflivals &c. &c ALSO unar Lclipies. ." r " , ..v...-,,.,,.au men. ij;totma tion jus I tlvouiiht niifrht Jie ufeCi.l r,. d:..i . ... . " "ii. 1 mi-Micy m atJy !urtlier repreltiUEtionAjje might. End hecef Jary to be made to. (he. Fj ench government. The lii?LLtJ?imuiw-VHsro make to thai O fU P r nm..- r I .,.U .- I . : r . t- s . lent advice- Th m. r- . - . " -v miw ui ruin uk. ann nifl WiJ ot laying them up. 'New: and excellent method ot . i . ' V 0 llc attaint imuc forbhtlt; ' purfe. An account f Ti,.n,nv..i . ' J - 1 -.., . inuic ici riiar j,, yviu a gorrmre lucb-eXplanations of ilre-pPuTa-nd-t puH An account of ThomasToam The L9J conduct" of our own, as Hy manile!! ntT nL Preacher . ynotl. 1 i..:.. A P"ain; nc Ur faith mighf fembll jealo and 1 ,6rr, lations. A n 7f. :hUn0l!S4?lr maintain that . h Hv a letter lalelv rece'ivrA f - a aiuoi a- frenr-: .rromthe iJmrl Srutf t. ; r r fW 'ing the releafement of American feamen in the Weit Indies,, to his triend ituthis Rate we learn vifued Barbadoes and Martinico and had a cmiftri prf uirh nnr OmmI. i 'i j -.. - t-ijct rBydeParker, emy.LIarveyr H.Carberry XJirif tian. and Charles Mric' Pnli .trrnnWe J poudf .nceyjth the twa former ; the. refult of which rerminatedr more favourably than was affirlr r pedecl. Achniral Harvey, commands all the fliips of w ar darioned among the windward idaiulg, - and giventhe moll pofitive aflurance, that he wbuld "1 ' v "';, tin uoaru an ine mips of War. as thev retumfA I.,!.. .J-L L -r- ' T "inTirppn, alo mat ail ncans found on ' board Should bedifcharged and that he would give pofitive orders againff all far- j r, ?i ' mcncan ,ean and to pay riue refpea to, the protections With which they may be furnilhed. JAj. Talbot farther, informs, that ,liwerr Putting execution, and tint raore. lV?n uxt-y had been dilclwf'gc'cfTTTMikifwil mentions the gi eat mortality of the Britifli force both by fea and land, in divers parts of the Well Miesf ra net Jtm. i;df rs V0 i mved f o ftoi aII pat nifh pronertv v-bist nor tiinrne'iA-t .....1 . . Z 1 ; juihjcj ankly difplaye United States, Jan. 19 1797. Petersburg, Jan. 3I! Situation, extent and bcun epreienratkes and oficers of ates and.'of wth an account . ... , , wuiuinid, wiin an account o the federal Court., as eftablifted by the indicia, v laws. T Mn nf hiMVr.. .l,V ....... ' J ''-ai v 1 . . "V,'"R c onprc nie l ourt dnH the Circuit ami Diflridt-onrtsinhis ftate wt ZZ9ic Sf Statei loireign powers. Of3 M;, . , . , J J " . firs of , Th,,Ce',Hy?PPierce' ?f Federal a my. N.r.HiiCT EquirVi Courts. until fu7Therders.r-f infci u-.;". : v j . 1 ; r " " , i" 11 c conn aenc? in the future condudr of thci Rritih .orern. ljil.;6e ciommttted otr.;Qur trade or inhabitants; y PHrLptDEl The- Senn.t? vellerdav elecleirf SamWl ifirkie'Frx " Kearney ,Wi!artOj arid William Mille ion. Df' rector of the .Bank of Pennlylanb, by" a,, unarir' fays InVikid MrrMamfoiTTs appoint 4.tJ! r. .. -.tfUUUlIllCU unredeemed. Tnhuarv t fr 'r i.- . - . lar j.iivuv jLAirauriiiriarv in hnn r .. tf j .yi. i 11c annual rvnn. j : - -vv, oiiuta lugil dituresof the Un ted Srnt,s c.i,,i..i. rT. London, Star, of Nov. 1 immediately after f each;delcnPti0 0f , c f thelaft coinmunication from Lord Malmef- 'able.of the value and weight ol coi, .J htirv tn iht HrpnrhrrtirprnmDnnJ Dais in the rethprtit. iVf r.u. . . . . - j ,....fv..w.6un.iUiUuulum mcir an- . ,. ,7 " M,'"yi uic. Villon, with their r. , ;y 7 y y i . - federal valueA table of gold go yftprefcnt we (hall lofrBorron XrVb o 7?' rPxh- this very curious and important correfDon- ?h nSr,S a , for Tl,clD&,lie urrcncieof ' dence: We mail only venture oneaffin ftV"Vuff r v"vnu m unap- ui.n ine medium Trfiife. EDiptm A pointment. and there will-hf- nn nPio t;ir UecdotpsyAtr. . Mri Pitr ),Ar irej YTlliUl Will UC I'chfvf stlm fi;: ;i ,s -A"T--- vD aides will be received by T. f iiico s.rarc s. By te ickilf.ttuie ol fh (atnf : r ; ' - . .. .' aware, t tor iix vears ' i-imninr;n k- .i.:.i r -AkTch-Brxt. . ... - '. otAlenrfonffi tion. ing, , , . , MJC .ultiUinp A ComvolUlon tor r pi vin l neceint for a ni-mptn,. ,.i r. i . . wede ottrymg the proof ofdiflilled fpirits of ctil . nvaung apLfrees, An efaual method to Ore. V e n tjnicc-irom. extinct h nTlir in nrnprol oJ .tTTil fJ', "iT A-.- , ' v - r""-.'" 6'"w"" ijcir iricnas in oarticular. that thev nronnf Mr,.,;... .l. TAlKir. A niVMKk K&rW!.. r'"n. xure tor a locked iaw-for a nail tunning j- V ' ,r .,. V"VA ' m W,U"V7' J mis town, I into the hand or loot -for the bite nf a m' j j b and that-they Will give cam or leather for hides, olmortaf diforder n W verv r i!7 received by J. Fgan at the or cheels,, or articles ufually ipiored by theie' vennin. Xure for i locked jaw-Ua n.ilVunnS Two negro women and two children for falc l IP . A itm. . .! Ji a a. - - . . L- , u for ealhyides tircmintryproduceT SS? Snbflitute for by the grocer if. cer do l ,,- iVir ..'' Cr1 .;''-:-VS'-T :' 7-.'V , ;-::: :.;,;:;:'';'-,'; Ml 37c7 1 r: St V 7 'A - 7y,f.i .... ;-tAm 7ti

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