IP .X px &i,ftSri. rtr.af.v ottes inhabit-Jornef bccdniiis of the fern nature;, ami Lis ajP ;uk WKiiiii any ui mo. wumuw, -&e tiu.v t-an mve jj, all Europe, of their .mam. and dominions ; and that iuch powers and ?J delir4- ut tl .A (oon' as rofIil))e to jhfi, clades belhTefted IrT'fhc KEfd' tttltftmihaiiias--. .m'tiTM f TfaTnTtTtf w ithmirdeljv-'' lhave been dual andaccording to former pre- Cvlanfo . -iTri tR iro lit'pwife tr nfp.tia.re and My before his majefty at this board draught' i t i i. K .-. lor lucn mitructions as may piui iy uc flent to the ' courts rtf admiralty in hi Svmajef- W fnrWffn governments and plantations, tor bfinitruaions-for fuch JhipaUbU?. miliioned tor the purpoles aJorementi tilled "Thomas Paine tp George Vahmgton," V'us rrproKating-thgT-f-k-er, U' prefeVcofa-yonPg 4JrTftiMfl'""'''''t nn iht iiyiftrioos cha- mfier She fed led ' " When the Ape of Realon appeared, Sir, you were not offended" with the free-? dom with which Jfatn; treateri leturCbflttt-biiyoa- are fo good-a man you cannot bear the lead reflec tion on George VVamingf on." L OND OC Nov. 12. At the Court of St. James's, on the. 19th of "fT-.: Nov. 1796 prefent the king's moft excel lent majefty in council. ' WHEREAS his rriajefty has received in formation that divers unjuft feizures- have been made, in the ports of Spain, of the. mips' and goods of his majdty's fubjetls, arid that atts of. hoftility and unprovoked aggreflio'ns have been committed by the1 hips of his Ca H tholic majefty. on mips and veflfels of his majefty and his fubjetts : His majefty there fore, being determined to take "fuch meafureS " aFaWneceflary for vi " the crown, and for procuring reparation and: Hatisfa&ion for his injured , fuBTe&s, istpleajk cil, to order and it is hereby ordered that ge neral reprilals be granted againft the Ihips, goods, and iubjects ot the king or bpam, lo .1 -. L .:iH;!. .!..ft.ifln-nJA:no o 5 a b.dis ofcomhined rWgociation, and to invite tlitir' allies to participate in it, in le hfl manner calcu lated to accelerate a general peace. j " It-was wan tliis-view-.tue.ndern.gnedjiadi& .. Chatham P ' . DorfeU Portland. - Wejimorefand Xiverpoo. Macartney Falmouth. Stopfdrd. 'Z W. Pitt. Spencer. . -Ntv. 15. -In- yefterday's laper-we Uated-upon odd authority, that the wiopps ftatjoned injhe har bour of Breft hadbeen feht into the interior of the ountry ; and by a letter from Dover brought over in an "American veflel, we learn that the trpops which had been colleaed at Dunkirk, and the otlier toM ns on ihat line of the coaft. have been ordered to march to jo!n the army of gen. Bournonville. From thefe correlpond !ng m o wmentsri t feems-v i - 3 . -I . r . 1 n .1! J a'fn ti f rin. Qtui iDsLlf iinc ivireciory cvcr uiu j ivi.i - tic defign of an invafion of-Englajid, they, have pr.u-. dently abandoned the interprifc. Nov. 17. Lad Saturday certain printed forms, which had been tranfmitted by the Duke of llVch- moffd to the captains ot the yeomanry cavalry were iri conimahd to propofe, at the ery lommentrmtnt of this negotiation, a principle w hich hismajeft' genroStyngnod.faAth.CiCdaiojietgU, 1 f . . 1 - . it Tjzi :o indemnity rrancc, oy proportionate reitituv. tloris.IprichjrrangenH ius as fhe'will confent d in order to latisfy jheitlaiitiisfiheTa'Uieiofi the king,, and to prefer ve the political balance of Europe. The executive directory has not. explained ltleit in a preciie nianfver, t uner on the approbation of nbis principle, nor in.;ihe alterations and mdifi. cations which it may defire, nor bas it pre poled any other principle tending to the fame tnd. The un--d e rfrgned "is-l heref ore-erler ed a reiume this. -lub jcCt .'...and to depisnd on this heacLan open drclara;- " tion, in order to ftiorteiv-tbe delay, which mud o therwite refultfroni the diiicuities railed by the di retfibry withTdbecl-to--the4brm-of-hi&.pwcr5:ije iSjqtniileiLJfaaQ to..tnisr!emand the exprels de- ).,-, claration, that whilfl his majefty fliatl acquaint his auguft allies with all his foccelSve Keps relative to tnedbject ot this pre tent negocTatron7amMum-fo- wards thofe fovereigns in the mod efficacious man- ' ner every duty of a . good and faithful ally, he-will at thfc lame time neglect nothing on his part, both todilpofe thtm to concur in this negociation, by all fuch means as are mod fitted to accelerate its pro PTefs. and infure its luccefs. and to nreltrte ihem. in didributed to a number of farmers redding bear the ! difpofitions favourable to l-.is wifii tor the return of ' Sullex coad, the forms contain columns' lor the"j a gener8l peace, oh jolf, permanent and honourable Durpofe of enterincthe names of landliolders j num bet of mils dtdant from the iea'nrtdTfrom tbeir ieveral faims ; number miles di'iant from thofe farms, on a medium to the place fixed on for "driving docks , namber of horfei, cows, oxen, young cattle, deep, deer, and pigs ; quantity or wheat, barley, oats, peafe, rye, buckwheat, pota toes, flax, and hay; number of fervants that cari be mounted' on horleback to aflift in driving cattle; number of men on foot that can be furniiflied with pick axes and (hoyels ; number of waggons and carts 5 number of men above 70 years' of age men between ;f and 70 ; nuhiber of Women, and girli Tan.4; bays u nd e L 1 2 y e a r s ; xpf age 3lJibet";o t cirf rr water mills, and corn wind mills what bridges ij and an account of flock, &c; in each parifh. N O T E, conditions Signed, -that as well his majeftys fleets and mips, as alfo - all other ihips and veft'els that lhall be commiflioned by: letters of marque or gehe- ral.reprifals, or. otherwife, by his majeity's commiflioner's for executing the office of lord' highdmiratofreat-'Britaiiirihalbuid : may ieize all Ihips, veilefs, and goods De longing" to the king of Spain, or his fubjetts, or others inhabiting within the kingdom of Spain, and, bring the fame to judgment in any of the" courts of admiralty within "his majefty's dominions ; and to that end,-his majefty's advocate general with the advocate of the admiralty; are forthwith to prepare the draught of a commiflion, and to prefent he fame to ;his majefty at this board, autho ifmthe ' commiwohers for executing thq of fice of lord high admiral, or anyp'erfons or : X" ' "ST." -W- " ' - j . i-, I ,-. perfons by them empowered and appointed; to ifFue forth and grant letters of marque and reprifals,; to any of his majefty's fubjetts, or fotheHlyhbW deem fitly: qualified in that behalf, for the ap - Tprehendingv ietphgT1 veflels, and goods belonging W Spain, and t ne.. eueia. ana j udj qzh nLm ejmgo r o pain Delivered to the rninider for tl:e department of for". fclgn alFaif s by Lord Malmefbury envoy of the Britifh cabinet.' . : ' . "The underfigned has not failed to tmnfmit to .his court the anfwer of the executive directory to the propofitions tvhichhe was charge'd to make; and which were intended to ferve as overtures to a ne gociation of -'peach u MALMESBURY." Paris," November 1 2. 1706. To,ihe above no.te the.French minider.for foreign affairs, Delacroix, returned the following anfwer:-f Anfwr of iLZwhiifler jbr th&JepJtrtweut of joreigti a--jairs to ths jtoti oj Lord Mabneoriry ; ; u The underfigned is ..charged by. the executive dtrecTrbry to call on you to point out as j'peediiy as poffible, and noininaijvely, the fubjecls of recipro cal compenfatious which you have to propofe. . " He is decidedly charged to alk of you whatarc ' the dilpdfitions 6 treat on a iud and equitable balis o.yh!ch filmed 10 conlpicuous a proof at the commencement of the pretent campaign ? The Executive Directory is ignorant -of them. It was the emperor and king oy wnommc armnttce was oroKen. igned, CH. DELACROIX. " With refpeel to the injurious and oflenfive infi- nuations contained in that aufwer and which are on ly fit to'throw'new obdacles in the way of reco'rici liation which the French government profeffifs to detire, -the king has ihoughpt 'r beneath hi dig nity to allow any reply whatever to be returned on his part. ; The pfbgrefs and. refult of the negocia tion will no doubt evince the prinples on which h fhall have been condudled on cither tide, and it is neither-byr:reproachesas :.difgud:.ng as they 'are without foundation, nor by reciprocal intuits, that a fincere intention is (hewn tit further the work of peace. Paris, aad Brumaire. F A L M O U T H, Nov. 7. Letters w day, dated Nov. 4, from h1s'majefty'FllhlpTiry Ajt'0mxmer- of addiiral Thonipfbns fleet, Ulbant bearing E N. ThnderfigrkproceeJte objeft of difcuhlon fet forth in the anfwer of .the e xecutive direclorV. viz. that of a leparate negocia tipn, In Which it hasji without thejead foimdation, fupppfed that the underfigned was iiithorifed to ac cede. His credentials and powers, drawn up in the ufual. form, fully authorife hTni to iicgociate and copclude a peace, but they prefcribe neither the lorm arid. nature, nor the, terms o: tne tuture trea their fleet have their cpmplement of any quality, r i hei'e pallengers did not hear, any thina of the by- tended invafion, until their arrival here; nor doe it appear that anpr preparation indicaiing fuch an- intention, are going on at Brt-ft rthe people inge ncrpl there feem yry dtfi"ro!r of-peace. - j The Reliance on the coad of France fell in with two English Iquadrons, under the command ot Sir5 if fcllvlJ aim lUUJVVtrt lif.VJVf!"j3Lbl, S. 1 I f- - --"-i - ; 1 o - 1 : - - rahy inhabiting Within: his Sir Richard Strochan ( he for - A 4 r.,u long' edablifhed and acknowledaed, conform him 1 i:.r-Li -r "j r , felt to the indruSions received from his fourt, and ana ciauies ucra iu uiema 5?u"mT" he ha confequently not failed to inform the rninider as have been dial, and are acCording;to for- for tbe de ptmeDt of foreign afeirs; in their very , -vpcategertemlj Withjhfljidv miralfy, . are alfo J. forthwith to prepare a drauKht of a commiflion,-. and prefent the A Tiveeociat ton which embraces the lnterefts and theXaid cemmlffioners . for executing if. SZc U-U 'im;M1 n A ra.,4dk witb the kinin this pte ent war, is therefore - fice 6f16rd high admiral to will and requires - the hieh c court ot, admiralty ot Greapn laintandthe" lieutenant and-judgeHofth ::faid courtrhia furrogatc or furrogaf.es as-alfd - the - feyeraUcurtxjDf majefty's dominions, to take cognizance of, and judicially proceed; .upon, an manner of captures, feizures, prizes ; ahdreprifals of all mips and goods , that are or fhali be taken, and to hear and determine the fame and, according to the coune' of "admiralty" aniHh? laws ofnationso adjudge and con t , i i.-f-.w7ii-Trr--t--ate:.Tl-r 1 I demn aiiiucn -belong to i tii ns ven eis.ana cooas as irraii Spain, or tus vairaliandiubjectsis :Zzi--ZZ5 UZZi;fZ''X.X': '::':' Z-Z;:"., fir d conference, that the king his mader, had e prefsly enjoined him not to 1 i'den to any propo fa I tending to feparate the Tnterete of his niajcdy from thofe of hi allies. the only one which carrteWe .'place. In the courfe of fb ch a 'negocia t ion," t hiirterycnll6h7-orTJtiea(Hh er plfttclpationtb dome abfolutely tieeflary; aud hi majefty hope lo nna at au times inc tame uupouijoh j,ojri on, a juld yindi -eqiii table tos,"1ofTwln emperor and king, gave the French; government fo ftriking a proof al thc.very moment of, the opening or toiK .campaign f But to wait for formal and definitive authorl- ty on i;he part of the kinga allies, before G. Britain and France ') fbould begin tQ dilcul,.ven provifion allyTihprinciplesif the negociationfwould caufer it? anoearsrvervoiel fTdifferent has been-purfaed:1hcwoowerMll 20 leagues, which date, that the fquadron had cap- tpred a very fine corvettd of 20 o pounders, belong ing to Richery's fquadron, with her prize, a .brig. iaaen wiin lait. rrom mtormation ot tne crew, there dron connot be far ff. Arrived here thfc 2d ind. the American fchooner Reliance, xf Bolldn, Tohn SefFord, matter, (rom iired with Erglifb men as pafiengers, who had bceni carnea into t rance wnen me leit: ereit; tnere were 25 fail of men of war in that harbour, chiefly of tljeVme, five of them 3 decks, but with yard and topmalts Itrnck, and in no condition for lea, occafion- mei' Di eflird a lnilcir nn'r nf hot ' Kicherys delKjia tion i was never. Known tBre'.' until the Englilh papers conveied the-. intelligence, ibcie of .ic deva!latiens headVcnTiitted;i ihey.: bippdltcthinfto be gone to St. Domingo', 3.. Tyv(. 1 5. In the.Krenf h army o'Vthe Ldvirr Rhine, t he "gr ea tt ft diltdnt r 11 ts ar r It i d toJu i 0 il. : G n. ; bournonville is Uai'ed ti have declared fris intention Ot n dgning bis command of the army of the Sa'nilre 1 . ana ivicu the appo lej andKleber ia alfo laid to have refufe, int.ment. . " " 'ZZZ'ZZrr:-rT '" ST4LE1S Ifrom xbe JutMcrioer's waggon on Matv ayvcnmg-Vhe-aolb Deche ioilomngarti clcs, 3 jards lUriptd cbatiugvl largeJrofeir blanket, 77 ards 1 i pen, j and a half yards ribbon, r a half yds. cotton cloth, 2 dozrimall buttons, I and a half doz. large do. 3 Hicks twift, 1 waiftcoat pattern, 1 pair plated cotton dockings, 1 roll, po- matum,- tdou' black ball half a pound (pice, and 2 and an 8triydj.,darkfuperfine brpad cfoth Who-; evjfllrgtve-tnfOTn! ation to-the-printer-ot-thH: paper,. fo riiat thegoodsjiiaybe recovered, fliall re- ; ccive Fiv Dollars reward fiVittfiv. -Favetltvile, net: 47 3 JOHN KIKK, 1..- ' . , 1 . ' -- -S ,.vv. v "tm t. 1

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