pointed, not only tor every; county, but for every -di(rtiftand Darilh. whb fhobid hve the power o.l rejecting nini nanuusu ""i ..v -r 7f ------ ; evidence, (hall appear to be luipicious, tutu men 10 pay a lum ramcieni tor rue purjwiewi u'6 It men are taken without this neceHary difcrimina .. tion. the eountrv. in place of deriving (trength from 1 ne projected tnearur c j- -T--v tional means for her own de.truct.iop in the hands of her word and molt dangerous enemies. t . Nov. 14. It is whh lmeereafHrtiotrthat we. feel oorfelves hut tooweiRBTtiDTltd ta m'virm tnr:,pni lie, that the illnefs of Mr. Burke has recurred with men violences io mi ma .'-- Z- " lancholy apprehepfions. Dr. Brocklelby tears that Mr, Burke 15 fcarce 1 1. - 1 .. n.irntfV Rath for the re- . covery of his "health. ' Aei at. According to Utters from Vienna, it wus the unive. fal top e ot 'coaverlation at jhat rhce, that a matebbetween the emperor's brother, the archduke Charles, ana tne princci or rraucc, ( --the only furvi virrg ihae ot the tmr.irtunatc LOUis tne XVlth,will take place at the clofe of the1 war, On the Wa council wax held at Dublin Cattle at which no lefs than., snerlons were preienr, ana a - proclamation wa-ifl - able aUociations exit Downc. Tyrone, Londonderry, and Armah, tor the ' '-- r.---- r- : ?r , rv. : 1 n P'trpofe ot .fubvertmg the eltatminep government or. the" kingdom ;-,nud putting thole counties under tftarttal law. ' " ., ' . " Nov. 12. A more extraordinary correfpondence thm the whole of that which has taken place be u . . n .mU.iiirlnr inil rhe French rlireftof v. 'cer- ' III W'll a 1 l r t uwv - - " - 7 - . iamiv never was made public. All the fecrec? -which r-.l u-x ft, 1, I'm. id u nUferveJ in negotiations. hasT liHH H- 1 'i f.. ' " ' o I been here dettroyed, ana u certainty aocs not ap pear tha the interefts of the French have fuffered ty rhr expornrp. . ' 1 , ft is now- orobable tliat a fliort and fpeedf end will be put to thc-theatrical fceue, : His excellency .:n 1.. : n rl.. x J mniAn Kie innnrsnrf nnre niore. 111 lV 1 1 II 1 1 Vfc-v v ' ' I vith a declaration that will announce his final exit ; nl that it may be capable of any, and of every poffible interpretation,: belligerent . and pacific, it w ill be a compound of all the difcordant opinions qf the cabinet, "nicely arranged in an unintelligible . D Der. written bv the matlerly hand pLMr. jPitt . , 1 w - - m , himfelf. " 7HE AFFAIRS OF IRELAND. We are extremely forry to notice the very ferious f itturbance which have manifelle.4. themfelves in Ireland, which have" arifen to fuch an alarming height as to call for the following Proclamation, iflu?d by the Lord Liemaaht and '28 Privy CdUO- 1';' forewarn all fuch.-pfifos of the dare? .they in or bv iuth acts7 . &c. c. &c ,v , ..v. chief, i? gone into the interior ot tne wuairy upon hufmcls 1 of importance, , ', 5 BOSTON; January 14. . - We are iiifortiied, and tioui an au'ority. which we reTy on; tliaV Mr." jeerfoii lias writter. tq Mrr .Madi(bA;'M.thjs'..rubj'ectjf the late ele-ft ion and kiven it as hiiopinion.that Mr. Adams was thionly perfoii who ooght to have been eleded Prefideut 5 : IH .I '.I 8 1 1 1 I .' ..i':".uJga:iiotr and farther, that be is the only perlort under-wb6i he would acc-pt the Vice-Prefideucy. If ur infor mation is accurate the fccepiance of Mr Twill be unqiieftianaie The event, we hope will- " UniteTihe Tofes, red and white together, aJMtbr:meJun& trutli dubtlefs is, that the Frerch do 'nock as :!:.cr . leafe io Spanifli ports io the W elt'-indies, as.: hfy Ql in Italy. They taue ncljconuejTvn American vfci Ids.- It, will be reeollected that the treaty berwc-it, Frapcc and Spain, tho' orreniivc and flclFenlive, ir, In only in regard to certain powers.-it does no: re t'Hre Spain to wage war with every powjpr at war wilh France. It does not require Spain to be at war with the United, Statn.-, even Ihoald engage in hoUilities tvith us." our recollection extends, as ttie tiRMKih t lance Tlis-ai far al- fact in regard They both may flourifh. ' ' ' - . January 17. Important, ihovgb Melancholy News, from Cape Fran- CQtS. DiC, 1 1. m.:;f .- immediate :itt in the counties of Antrim, hirveI, and & after fighters lent along Tide- ana tae wnoie or nis cargo rorcioiy ,iawcu oui, nui " Whereas, we have received information, that ivers ill-affecled nerf&nrhave entfcred inta illegal ind treafonable adbciations, in feveral parts of the counties of Antrim. Downe, Tyrone, Londonderry, - ' - r 1 i. n.t.itrt 1- : Vi na n roiau, 10 iiavijci v mc vbui gn ji r.ient of this kingdom, arid for effedine fucli", their treafonable purpoles, having aiialiinated divert of h'a Maje.ly's faithful and loyal fubjects, who have rl f hr-irn nfTaffinare all others who 13 H'-4T..yivwii.i".v - - v.? ,, - . tfv r 1- i r rial endeavour to oetect or mpprcis incir ircaiuu: ari4iiliiTtner proieeoHon or tneir ocugns, nave en n-avoured to deter his Mijelty's loyal lobjefts from nrolling themfelves under Oaicers commilUoned by his Majetty for the defence of tnis 1 igdom, du ring the prefent war, by maiming and rieftroying their cattle, and by alfaulting and wantonly woundf 3 rir oneperlbn, avowedly-becaufe he enrolled him felf, and by threatening aflaffiaation againft all pcrfons- who flifiuld fo enrol themfelves i and in further profecution of fuch their purpofes, have by Ilrlpn ions and bthcj TnegaFmeans, ' endeavou red Xe -cretly tq ' procure ammanuion and other" warlike (lores, and particularly that feveral evil difpofed uerfunsJatelv broke into one ofliis imaiei'lysJtores: in the towu of Belfatt, in the county of Antrim, and .;t.here.aoojpk---apd, .carrtecl. aiyayen . bar$of, gin powder. '. -;-A:';- 'J!'VV!"' " " And whereas we have alfo received information, "that on TeulUay the 1 ft of November inltant,a;con ' i'.derable number of armed men allociated in the a I orefaid treafon able coirfpinacies, entered he. town M' StewaVtllowh in the councyof Tyrone, and cut " nd maimed feveral of, tbe neaceable-inhaUlicanKS of the faid town, who had retufcditp jpin in their rif foci;Uions, and who had agreed . to enroll themfel ves in corps under officers to be cqrnmi(rioned .by his mniefly for the prefervation . of the public peace, end for the protection of the kingdom againtt .fb-, wgnJunyaRon "And whereas we have alfo received '.inforitia tiori, that in further 'profecution ofthe faid treafuii" able purpofes, niany ' Urge : bodies of men ayeafi iembled and array f iLt!ienjfelyes,'and marched jn imlitary order, arin'with mtUtarr rnai leveral oarts ot tne uxi aiiincis, unacr tne. pre- On Saturday lad arrived in town vja New-York, from Cape Francois, Capt. Atwood; late of the fclir. Jane, ot this place. He went .to the Cape, on a common trading: voyage, on. his arrival there a iy uiatcu uii ooaru rvenxxepting-t owirndhe-rorfeamen ventures the molt ruffian fury marking the plun derers daring the whole operation:' On euuiring the rea tons tor fuch conduct of the officers of the government be was told that they were author-led by the French Directory ; that they were diftrefled, ftarving, and would help tbernfelves. as they could ; that orders were ifficd" fof the capture of all Ame rican veflels, bound to Pritiih ports j and, that they Qiould foonbe at oden war with America. Petiti ons to the administration were treated with the mod illiberal contempt and indifFerence. Twelve other American velfela were there which had been treated in, the fame way . n ' Among the veflels that had 1 fuftered under thefc unexampled atrocities, was 'a brig Hilman, of Portland j btig Abigail, Scot, . of Kew-York ; and brig -- Hynbids, of Savannah The people of colour, were averfe to thofe mea fures, and appeared much attached to the Ameri cans rtbe prfecution originated M ers, among whom is numbered the notorious .Son thonax. '' ' ' The American Conful had written to the Secre7 tary of State on; the fiibjpft, ,erclofinc; the orders which' had been publifhed, and placarded. An embargo bad continued there during the whole of Capt. Atyropd'a' ftay a. temporary fuf penfion alone enabled him to leave the Cape, in a veflel employed by. the dovn'iftration. .- Capt. Atwood has entered his proteft againfl the treatment be received. to that treaty v and It preclude! all' dobt on iiie lubiettof a war with Spain. etght-latr-ot American velletynpe leizd- carried into Gonaives by French cruizers. We ua- derftandjhe JJritilh tnips at Port au-Fnnce protect the AmeTica nntTader and often Tori voyHicrieaar veflels out of the reach of the French cruizers, .rbej.aft fentenceFtbj!jrr boufe oFfepftientaTifes7 ment relative to French affairs, is-remarkahle ;uid deferves notice. After- afligning his motives fur Jendjngfvlr. Pinckney, miniUer to Krnnce, he fays. a governmenfZwincn reqnimtoiiiv a knrrwiec: of the truth, to julhly J t s naeahires, cou Id nothit he. anxious to have this fully and frankly difplaycrf.'" That cautious officer, the Prelidenr, would not have let fuch.an exprefiidn Jail from his pen, with xiut fatisfaftory evidencerthatfome peM'nns, hofUlB to our government, have been attempting to innleail SALEM, January 20. : By the fchooner Raven, Capt., Ambrofe Martin, wliich arrived at Ma'rblehead on Monday evening latt, in 38 days from St. ftatia,jwe have the fol lowing intelligence. On the 4th of December, 3 fhips of the line, anoLa frigate under'Uritilh colour; came down -Statia roadr-and commenced an attack upon the town and the Medea French frigate and a floop of war, and after firing two hours, (inNvhich time they were well anfwered from, the fort and tTe two French fhips) they returned, without doing the lead damage to the; town or .the French fhips, ex cepting lodging about 60 fliot in the empty (fores. But in their progrefs, they eommitted an aftion which will ftand recorded an eternal di fur ace in Theirnaval hiftory. Capir Benjamin 7 pi amond:trr a floop belonging to -Salem, that very morning car ried in by a French privateer, beina bound to An tigua from Charletton, tlien lying in the road," was wantonly run down by oae of the Britifh fhips ot war ; and bis mate, a ' (Vilor, and a . black' and a wbite boy were3drdwecand therve .were entirely loft. r;J" ' ' : "?r"v;" Another (hip endeavoured to run down Ciptain Martin's fchooner. The mate only was on board, fthe crew-haVing all d fed J and perceiving their n- tention, endeavoured to tut the cable, but not being 1 able to. effect this, he lobltned it, and the fchooner fell oTF, the (hip juft paffiag her. : '-", 7:"---Z One of t he cre w as (he pa (Ted, threw a billet of wood at the mare, from the.foreca.fte and an offi cer, looked over the quarter, ordered the " damn'd Yankee rafcal to haul dwri his colours which was immediately complied with. . But not -.content with this, veering his (hip, he fired abroadfjde, into therHfcbdoner'-'and there were 19 (hot boles in ber maiiifail. fd ir (hot in the main maft. two of; which remained' there, and a ?2lb. fliot palled through the quarter a barrel o" (weet oil whicl (hot Capt. Martin has rente of favfng corn and digging "potatoes, (tb -ugh I preferved and brought home as a lalting memorial t'hfy far exceeded the numbers neceffailyip be em ployrd in foch feryices) to the. very great terror of the loyal andTaitbful fubjccli of his majeljy. - And whereas luch trcalonabU outrages have cautea welt grounded alarms in tne -minus ot ins nraieirysiaTmnrrtuoieasF-anv are-01 uie-inuit ant ksiuuj auu p;uu.i ui itiim.iiv.jr. of the Amity of Grear-Brrain to this foumry N B. Capt.- Martin's Ichooner is exactly leveuty tons burden. .v.V' The merchants in Philadelphia have petitioned the legiflature for a law to make notes oi Uan.f ne gotiable. All the banks have alfo lent, in petitions tor the fame purpofe. ' MrTteib riipved in tlie legiflature to introduce claufe into the bill for making notes negotiable, prohibiting the taking more than one hali pr cent, a month for difcountirig jiotesr . Referred to a com mittee of five, 7 It is aftonilbing, at this period of the world, that fuch prohibitions can have advocates. The way, and we aifrrt,- the only way to prevent the monftroov premiums now paid for money, and which actually draw all the fpare money of the country from re gular bufinefs into fooltjh projects, is to repeal all fuch prohibit 10 u, Annul ail rellralrits on theuffc of money, and the common rate of intereil will not re main eighteen months above 5 per cent. What did all America fay of the folly oiregntating pruts du r hg thelwarFjortuirately the jsws were foon vio lated, or we (houid all have perifhed with cold and., liunar. France had recourse to the fame filly projecTT" in their law bf themaxihVuirr"and that fof enforcing' the circulation ot oflignats. The confequence of thefe laws was, unherfal want and d'tjlrefs. France; was upon, the verge of a famine. The caufe was difcovered the regulating laws repealed, and' r ranee abundantly lupplied. The laws againft ufury in this country, are the n w cipzY caufe of high intereft. They create the very evil intended, to be remedied. ? i . . When powder was.fo fcarce, during our, war, the dates did not fix the price they bid a bounty. Im mediately mills were built, and velTeU loaded with powder, entered our ports. Powder was as cheap as ever. ' In regard to money, people, who want it, bid the bounty. Legiflature have nothing to do, but to let it alone'. - : : We underdand thefales of land by the United States, ha veproduced about 60,000 dollars.' . x Jol. 27. The brig Entxrprize, Fitpatrick, from this port bound to Martinique,, fprung a leak 24J hours after her departure from the Hook, and went downrThe bjats, were taken up by captain Conklin, of the brig; Jemima and Fanny, towbofe humaniiy they are in ilebtedlor. eitery- noflihle attenrion; dnrinRtheirJiaK lun board his veflel. . ? P II ILADE LP H I A,: Jan. 25. 1 lur a r orarihinks ithrhly prooablethat -!If -r-Pinckney will not be received by the terrible repub . UicT.a id-iher ttore-advifes, fending f vlr. Vladifbn is luggeded : TIere.isaoubtwitlK lie Aurora that he would be received with pjx;n vi 111s. - :': .v'v - - x..: r. ,. ': -:v-:--:? ' ' . I he Aurora is reqaetted to inform us Avhat ex i iingcircumttances would render Mr, Mjclimn r.Dre acceptable.-to' the Directory than Mr. "I'iiVckueS ? ' Mr. Fiutkney has been al way s . friendly to tt : :encli nation ; itm.true be is um: fri'.jj) to the ndeptndencc of h; United SHtfs. Will 'v.d fu - - my mm ior uic am icaoie- negotiation f so icems ,. - f; to lay the Aurora. . - : . - --- Metjnchtfy dni 'Diftefthg "'" Jan. 17. Thirt morning aboyt a quart erlbefbrt 6 o clock; a h re broke out. m the lower part, of t he n wellmg-houfe- ol Mr. And: ew Brown, Printer, of i his citv: The u1il3l foirited exertions of the cifi nwr Unm in I .' . . i a ' V. V; . . L . '. i.'L- "t m . I prwwHiw naiiwi irnni ftinming m.iiwgn. on,tng- houfes and Mr, Brown's Printing Office e I c a ped u ni n in rf d . EvefirTitffW'ieofoin niiift be " , Triinp wun anguun at tnr recitai ,or me nocn' - 1 - fels take American. We do not believe it. Spain Cj-tlieTdfUtenantyarid PrivyC cat ftrophe rn this event Mr. I rnwrt, his n jiuf i t ices, and (bme other domed ics of the family. Heap ed writhtlicir Jives, by r 11 ml rig through tbeftamW, or i'lrnninc from tbe'windoWs Mr. Brown is very Wia-beenpa$edly-iaidtbat NE W-Y ORK, January i c. is al' fo. burnt, that it is thought fbe cannotTccovcrJ A wottt theappreutices; were much: broiled by

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