M lok i itf i r ir, jmnti v.' '4 : t r .. . AH D. THE NORTH AR0LINA MINERVA FAYETTE Y,L L E, A;D VE RJ? I S.E R. FATET'TEVILLE .--Published every SATURDAY BY HODGE and BOYLAN. S A Tl? R D A Y KtrBRiiAiiY 1 SrryQT; .,, i n i 1 ..h -..I. - , , ' ..1 ! . - CONGRESS or THr UNITED Wfc,YiVJ"1-; . , i Congrefs tn the ir bait of tefnonnd wb?t i$.mar6 Housr: o'F Re present ATI yes. ) (-;43r, the mtnifter Kaplai6e4; that the'rW" I 1 4 I. L 1 . UW:ftvla 'Y L' - ". - .I Numb. 4$ t. , - ... , A . - . f Ian. 1?. The moit-ot this day's DUiineis doors. fTjitrThi:!a&a8aipied-.with pe- titipm and reports of eommittees chiefly, of -PaTpne natrecRheH i committee ot th6 Whole oa the fubjea of farther revenue. . Mr. WiiUams,Mr,WXyman,andMr.Har ner frxke as&inlt the plan of dired taxation. ley m favour or it, 1 he call tor the quemon was -very loud, but it was carried for; the l 6mmitteeto rile 44 to 5. Adjourned .'. Tan. 10. A letter was received froth the eciaryt or tne secretary or war on tne luojecc 01 tne ing the ports and harbours :oftlft; United, clalrfi'bf Georfcfo (0 certain IMs: in tjie S. -'VVeft pafkof tJelUnited States wjth the do ;uments relative thereto, was received and . yead... . , . -.. . ;.y.v:: -: -:' - z : Jan. 2oThe houfe entered upon cbhfide- ration ofc tne reiotution reporiea dv tne coin Frettcb and. iipariifli ininiltcT and he has requeUcd the Frclidcnt to 'ctliavotV ttui'coiiduflt oftlic printers, and frippr'ejs ' the pubUaiiOhu ' " ' "W1)ar"wiTl-ifif "world tWf.ftTot the Verent of a inittte.of the wholeon the iubiea of farther ' revenue . The propofedtax1 on (laves met ; jwjth great oppofition; and what is Cvary" exr t)rapiina,: it was 'chiefly from members wfrofe ponitituents would be leaft affedted by t Thequettion was finally carried 68 to jji, ' Jn the committee of the whole on the - fill for,iving.effet to'the laws of the Unit ed .&aje& in the ftate.ofiTerieflee-the falary of the diflricTt judge was after feme debate1, reduced from 1600 to 8"oo dollars, ( '""TSjjjBports from committees were read. A bill for the- relief, of INov'aScoria" arid Canada YeHKees was reported 'TKeliill ex- tendinfftheilaws of tjie United States to Te- jr m 1 . .1: .1 .'"!.' . .neiiee panea to, tne tnira reaamg. ":'?1jfStiee.i)f the whbledn th&iniEtary eftablifliment. It Was refolved that fo mnch 0f 'tKeaft!as relates t6' light dragbbn'ihould be4 reefed. , 1;B 0 S T Q N, January ,24. Capiain Stover, from Surinam, informs, that the nglilb wjce about t blockade that place--veflels if war1 for this p'urpofe had arrived ,in. the, river. The inhabitants; expelled an attempt would be mde tp get pQlfefGom of the cQionyft , A number,of ,i rtnemyrtTe lunx in inc riyer 10 oyurut sue yiag to' the towii. Provlfions were fcarce ifland pro ducehigh. ;,,,. j Captain HoUisr from CuadaToupe, fays, .thf Frehch at that ifland are a Ifo .depredating on Am- iricah ;commercer T bey ,bae .equipped a number of E- frviVeersanti rapturedall veflfils, belonging t the (.nite'd States, going, to or caroing.fromfiruifli ports :,fsr .;.: v.,-, j:. u su-.bU''- , ' , , , TV.ojrders for capture of Amenc.an.ve($s receiv ed -t Gua'daloupe, were frojm the minjfter ifl Ame rica.r They were not fufficientljreipticit, and ap tain Very,, who -arrived on Sunday, jsifocms, that he broiight' dirpatches ftom Victor flfughes . to citizen. . A'de't, o.n that 'lubjecl. , . J. , - f. - Capt. Colej who arrived laftevening from Aux Caycs, (lata, tliat American produce 13 Very high and fcarce. at that place but that the nefarious conduct of the adminiftratlon of that place, towards v Amerlqans, continued, atjd deterred many from en tenng the poit, ' '. Fort:ir.jts Favourites, No. iripoo, the fortunate number which drew ' ao',000 dollars" i1? owned" fey Meflrs.Reed and preen, of, XcCnej'N. H. They had been confined in prKon of fotne t jmcr for debt 1. and one of them, S:i cuRody of aibfricer, Arrived in town on Saturday, to claim thisboon of fortune.' Ir is (bid that qj,ooo dollars have becridrawnin the laft HaTvafd Lot. tery, by tWee tickets owned within 8 miles of their oy A02in?'an ne ym,ngft g,r' Of feven j'tara of age)lwefe convey ed In ot Major Rohcrl Fatton, to the grave-yard of St, P:i nl's !hnrch. attended bv the clerirv nf all rlcnfr- '.vj'fijv-,'" " frr-T I - 4 ev --- 7 iii this city, J he tympathy in this mournful kciit, wa fincere anjjihiverialfand many ri.clr-Sjatgri over the decealed by "all dabes of people After reading the funeral iervice, the Rev.Donr Ma gaw aicended the pulpt of St. Paul's church, and addreflTed a few p4thetic words to the audicflov His fympathy, and the agkation of the audience. pro event next Sunday Mrs . B r qwhwjl 1 1 eng bt, rem embered a n d la mented by ail who knew her, fcr her amiable do medic, and foCial virtues. aHartMijieeSatw5hatheeer& (.boyJuppoJed. to be burnt, efcaped vmburtr:jvir. thrown is inocmea; unaer rrovicience, tor ts utc to the n'dt-Uty and exertions of his black fervartt j who conduit ed him on a ladder from the third llorv of his houle, ta whlch he bp cafe, while it was iiu flames, .in order to fave his wife and qhijldren. - He was much injured by ihe . 1 wo fery ant maids, ana three apprentices, who were likewife a good, deal burnt, and fent to the Fennfvlvania HofoitaLare all it is faid upon the re. we hear that the Philadelphia Gazette wjlj be continued by Mr. Carey, Mr. Brown's ailiiitant, du ring tlie confinement and indifpofition of Mr. Sr.ovvq. ... Feb, i. A letter from Cape' Nicola Mole to a gen tleman in this city, mentions, that the brig Pinah, captain Rutherford was taken by a Britiuii74 ptin fh .pon her ws7 from i the port of St. Domingo to Jacmel and carried into the Mole. . great nation, delceudmg tofuch puerilities? And what, opinion will be .formed of the mtnilicr of a n'i"nation, who can be' fo - ignorant of the laws of t her United States, as to Tupuofe the executive has he power jq jjtppi;J -a fApUapw, not-prohibit-1 prevented hisfaying 'wore, He concluded by d by lavrTriWins"as'ift1i agenfsf the f feiicb'fmifing to pfeachTlcrm"onluu uatjou taiie unwearieo, pains to mane tneir govern nent hated and ihemfeles J3jeifpifcd. t ; The hoyfe bFfepre'rentai'ives have refblvea to re daee the militax'jrib1'nWnt of the United States, Kvdfbann ik-elAt ;aroan44potMrtTfoired- c.na tne om; teginusnts, pt jniantry to twofc intror: a ate a oy JVr. wutiamr oia npi tucccyu... i,r is cai Tin r TLt-ATt' f U'.-Z'n!'.? j.1.-- .i"--'..v.--r: ciateo ov mr . w unamsr.-aia n afk mliltary depnTtVent,, with ra few Othe 'ykvrJM jaboutdcj 'dolfajAT ; Efy the laft mvals .fr we learn that die PorbgfteiW 't'ipM treBt fr Veacetarnvict-lrfar rTEaft-lndia companrih?y it mcontempjaugn to apply tO Parliament for leave to add to i heir affigtied by lh''c1rtirortoij)e' ,co,urt7 ofrectorsj to the batik or .hngland anfl jpeciaU the y alt ip creaie ot tneir traae. tones. VlpeciaUv Jthi War with Tiddoq had alfocVea would other wife have been dented from theiMfrri- reiidcncei On the 28th OcTkobqr, MtPrt.brpufr;totvvard bis 'pVop'ofiuonin 'the houfe of commons, for fund ing the navy' ahd eicchequer i?U(s. :; The former a mounting' to 11 99 j, 1 6 7I ( fi er I Ing ; . tlie 7 latter,, two millions and a half. The -navy bills fall due .at public credit andVtn'e trly&nr jommecc. At j . ,tii.t During the difcuifion,;1lr. Pitt made the follow, ing remarks on the lubject ot peace and the pend ing negotiation. . ( r.-.- ' Nor do Iconfider its'hiearure lebefieibleln another View of our fitaatUn in the profpeA of peace, it cannot mrciy dc expectra uiac at tne very commencement of a negotiation of fo moment uous a nature j and fbextenfive In' its relations' any occur, ance' motild takj place vilhin the (hort period of a weeVlcleCjKivr of itS 'ifliie. He piutt( indeed, reafoh at an extraordinary and anaccounta6le rate, who calculates "on fucb' an eyenti However fangulne in my own ' wifBes T for the anfpcfous rekurn of tran quility,' I cannot admit that tne difcuflions of .the freat arnl important Tniereft of Great-Britain and er alTies, and ' of thslfc ' WeTghty' and ' complicated points which neceflarilv involve, are likely to )be fp fpeedily dfecide'd dr brought within' fo fliort acorn pafs as tobave any influence'pn the prefent tneafufe. There js, indee'd, brfe'jpb'ffibie 'calc,7,which 1 reluc tantly notice, and which llincerely truft will, in the prefent inft'ancejVaVfcrted, which might, render the refult of negociation matter of fuch fpeedy iffue, namely, that fome occurrence fhoald , take place, or fome pfopofitloiu be -tt at1 ted in its very ' outfet of Hrvu 9 iuic u' i uiiwc iu put negative on dm our hopes of peace, and to put a flop to all fufthei proceedings, v Pot if we lharl be ultimately Wcc'els ful in the grand objeft of -all, our'jriflies, it is not the fpace of a fingle week whicthcan give any defi nitive turn to the tbmplexion of negotiation, far le s decide the important iUue. But if from the magfti tude and importance "iff the quefiions ta,be'difctilTed it fhouid beneceflary to adopt a plan of negociation more extenfive, and likely to be protracted for a con ' Sderable periodrit is rejafonable'thar during all thT time we fliould fubmir to the pefliire of an evil which fo loflgexitts," mull continue to weigh dowr our profperityi -nd which we pofrc'fs'the. means in -rtant iy 16 "remove; if we have only 'energy- 'to exert it p - 1 PIIILDELPHIA,;Tanuary3o. ANOTHER fRE . J t N E W-,Y;0 R K,:jamraTy 27. The 'taper. (rom .the Secretary of State' to Mr. Piptkny' difclofes fome curious facts. Among o ther'thinffs., the minitler of France ; has made it a v fubjed Tor ; formal complaint to our goverument, 7&Z u'Saturdv-eningJUi-lheJvUltJlooni -ot y Mr. Morris's" Brew-lioufiv Moravtan alley. The, fire was extihgilifhedj before it got to any confiticra ble height, which probably prevented fenous ccn (eqoences the "place being difficult of accefs. . On Satttrday trie 'rernains of Mrs.' Brown and; her three children, (e!4lL &t f-tfeirtecn-thc fecond - - , & I C H M O N .D, . Feb: a. -. . : Pjrji ADEX.PHIA, December 27111,1796. Gentlemen, . . ,.' ' tlThe addrefVpn the fubjedi of my retirement, which you have done me the honour to enclole, by diredion of Jhe General jAfletnbly of Virginia,. .as -received on tbe jth. , .,..., My acknowledgment of it is committed t your care and for the polite and flattering man,ner m which you have executed -tbe.lirecTion ofheJLegif--lature, I pray you to accept my befit thanks, and th : good wifbes of, Gentlemen,"" . Your mod obedient and . Very humble Servant, v. Go. "VVASHINGTO I Ludweii Lee, Efq.'ST. S. 7 Xr Joh k-Wise, ..fq, SH. D. JVirginia. To'tme GENERAL ASSEMBLY of VIRGINIA. Gentlemen, 4 , For y dur addrefs, Be pleafed to- accept my ac knowledgments'. . - , 4i That any'fervie of mme (bonld hare produced a declaration of tbe'frieod'tnip- arid gratitudef the Legiffature of Virginia cannot be as piecing as it is honourable to merwhbfe,high ambition bas bee n, by faithfully and zealoufly fervingmyr country, to ' the utmoft of my abilities, in all the public employ irtents of my life, to merit the approbation of my fellow-citizens. :J-. , ; It is with unfeigned' thankfulnefsfor the good jhefs of a.kind Providence, that IJooklibrward ta the period, Wheii the firft wihesqf my heart are to be gratified,' In returning, once more, to a private oc cupatibn in the (hade of rurarVetiremenr, . Go. WASftlNGTOv, ' United States, 27th December, 1706, ' , , NOR FX) VKt Fcbhiw C: On Sajfurdav arrived here the fchr. Telegraj he, CaptuPauIc5old, ir i.ai days from JacquiernCl"-nd to BartirrioreT'informsi that no Aneri.aus had been " carried In tlicrcj - - . Same day arrived the flwp Julisaj capt. Hay Ward, 13 days from Pono'RicO. " Capt.' Hay ward wason hispanage from I birr- burg to'Epltimore, and was captured on the. 4th of January j in therlat of i ?o, long r72. 5 "by the pme brig Aclive taken-by Commodore Burnev'j " ithen three days! out from Hampton' Rbails, without any.cbmmifTion. The'Ati.ve rounded ido1 under the flu pTt Hei inp-IlccillsL, gjina tJie r Ibrde reil Jc a j-r: Ha y ward to hoill out his boat, detainedrhe'cifptaSn "and fix hands, and fent nine French failrs on bt-brd the Juliana ; they then, proceeded to Porto Rk, ''where thejuljana wa.s given up toCitrt, Hay wgird, --after a fev days deteniion," and he obliged to pay all cx pClKCS, i f .. .: '' -. .; ; - . L ' 1 . i . a 1 1 V j : - I ' - u 41 1. . lit' I' ? I-.I I ! 5 1 tv - '-. -v ' 'an it ' !!i .. .... .. . ....j.. 1.,. ... ... .-B - 3. ' -: 4 7 - - : 1 ' ' "ST if '.'1 v. 1. .. . r;'3 ,H ,1 ' . T J.1J I

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