.it,.- I itc tern. ::tel krenC'1, .trdnlkltcu irom inTtreagyas itTeipectt the. parties-concerned te Chariefton. deriiian pape ; received by the fhip An-" Bi.-t'--F4J;,lCl"6 0t rhnnv Mancinf GaDt. Suntord; arrived at VMine Va-WW .p . KARLSRUHE, November 7. , Almo't cverv dav Imperial iroo;jas well caval rv as f-ntryr mjirchhrw'gti' quf City andneigh RYine. 4J partly to lve.li J ; t lie formal inye(lmnt ot w!t.;!i is (hortlv .- emtiffn'e, wmie me urn pnai 11 ready ; and :ue trendies will be opened, this. 3v." A Ur m- tntufporr of r"jvvart;IUry fat oJf frora hence tor l iaf porpo'e - Lntt Fruhy afternoon we-hearil iie'e fr n thence Vvery. heavy but fhort c !'ion'K nftcrwarda we heard.'that the r'rrrmh had ma le a fortie with a luperiur torcr, cnieny 01 arged that at the inn c the pet u Vum rec!v e tUir wfreedo;no law killed oV.ibWidgJt, -ran.J that gtvc atr extraft a lopn ta we 6rtl f w.Here humanity was lb trus ctiicfinet! hat the. L.i.'.'ii.-.U. .:f 'LL?.' I.'......'... 1.V . : 1 .S I k . 7. pcii:ion;rs naa reei apt icved. iiitl that it oulir 10 i)e examin-d into.. - We' are not attUoinfecl wnhth fate of the peti tion, but conceive it prohabie that ( onorcf will out interfere in behalf ot "the petitioners." & " " T . Amk. . . "Sooie of tfiemait'eft'eetne wedia!! room en.nus wrrei." public'- miiidiri JlVjtooritrt lrtry. rfovv.n,.the I wiftaW- It iuudernood that the friend of theconltltu- tnm pt l7J. and the AUJjrattjZ fa called toiieilitr If on r infnrnialinn is not rorrecVwe fh'all lhrairaii tonclpuud? ui ior imu mrt.ic a i(iii " i -i; , '. . . , 1 rrom ineir, orn'nooy- ana layering one intra.oKi cavalry, -imi the weaWefl adneftl polls ot the lobee&e by the people, wai, the certainty th! ,r in.,m .liilinirf wncreb low' Itves were- lolt on .u .1 ' ...i.-ii.jcv-... - .... 1 at tome tliltace, wimru imv ' I.01 h lide Aiicxeiipjun-tuc-t'Tf nclUtad-retorned-f-and tlws iuitciaut ag'i enteve- in theif former potitiop. STRASBOURG, November 4. , . The funeral he.idxpMrten 'affe Itift as itfhiltie; he m. Genera! Ief.iix ttjll on the Iflailds of the Rhine: hi head ntiacteK'are at" Ruorechliau. In sketi place yer. ir is micerrain rpre- the navel Krh not unit has t; wIt nthch rd :Vatf ler-tor -which both parties are tliemfcKea by this fortrel'a, will take place; . ft C -1 .1 1. 1 .MAMirnA fni ' fiirtunaro iffiifl I wuh-fiinu -l oyalitts, tonipofc iLc inajariiy. of ilie na tion ; but that the lail.coiiventtnn did not at:d the prelent leg'fbrvre r!nea"'not'reprcfi.'nt'that tnajbrity On the other jhjiflcf, fhe real reafon with, 1 lie- con vention forte-eleingtwo thirds of The Iea'-lt'iture fljor't Hlnefs, . FAYETTEVILLEj-Feb. 18 DIKO, on the 1 th itutaiit, after Col. William. Vanp ol tirisxown. The follavvinuMienrleien xwrrp rp.elftv.i rnenibers of cohere! s at a Hate ekttion in New-Jerfeyjonatlikn Dayton, Msrk 1 honip- j 1 j . w 1, cw Vat ' 'T v IWIl Willi the convention, and ihat-it-the-whole elediouwa Tublnuted ro.tue people, the teprelcntatiotjs wAiild agin change the tooUitutton,' , .' It is no proof that the decree of re-c!ecl!on wa agreeable to the ..people) that a majority fintillv janftioned it: for the allemblics were tumultuous ?nd, violent. . , . . . '-. tint a fad it ft ntirl fn 11a wWh if wll tn.mA edi.ia dec! five r the queibon Of partiet, and the i . i v v i life ui ic itMitu in r ra nee. 1 1 ts t.nd that a-mod all' t lie-one. third clewed bV the piinurv 1 lonT Mcflra.' JarriM TT. Tmlny3 man and Thomas Sirmickfo it inott mriuiuaiJic ,m.i.,i v.M " ""n ' I t Hucinuucs, were, men ' ot moderate .principles j or been l.'tnen on oomi- h . "w"""--'"- ann-ineouMis. , it ;is laid, that BoilV d Anlas, who ..j :n "j1 i lJ ,vfl",cu ,w u,e f, getting demolifhed by the ' republicans j and a i. kpnlahe.ol thatharafter, was elected in al. !? ?r J y,nnt a,ld Grenada, and the Wilifl asTotTjeiiibnce'l burnt down clear to the jMieryeparttiiettt-o'WOTcePtnefere- -SSI?5?-6-r,rL-C,S afc fearlyreduced -Tke ironr. The Auflrianshave on the.rTTde, demolifli, facts, the onchfion i, obialf hat the prefentle. fn T J f 2 Tf-r" ,arrcndercd arenow in the . . .i.i imJ tMtvi intrt Ki ttpi rli m ed Neumuni Bnorn., oi iu.ncu . -vn., Our troops hirvelnvefted Speclerback -artd the city of Specier. ' ' TV! A MHFIM Nftvpmlvr R. Yeflerday the Krcuch 'approachtd.wuh fomethou-i fand :(trongr "under favour ot a thick mht the envl.' rons of Mutterltadt anduheiogenhcim. . tt ci meto a connonadff and (kirmifhe that lafttd till midday. At MutteHladt the enemy had. taken port, but in the evening withdrew themfelves. ngreeauiy iu mini iimiiuu v-'"' n wv his royal highnefs the Archduke Charlea ftill re mains, the bombardment of Kehl was to have begun this day or to-morrow. LONDON,,lfoV.l7. Sir Sidney Smith' continued iprifoncr in the Ab bay at Paris. . It is faid our ambafla4or has orders to neaociatehis rehrafe. A . nn(itrV.I Ommf ?f l CalA Will fail iTlfirt. 1v rn nihraltir. with a reinforcement oF troons and provifion. Lord Howe it is laid will have the com mand. ' ' ' An army of cg,ooo tnen are to march immedJareTy "IV litn. ICB VH l vwmi... " w . to protecT: the fouth coaft oHreland. ' , -, The moll prefling orders have been fent to Portf mouth and Plymouth to get all the (hips in thole ports ready a foon as pottible. . NORTHAMPTON, Maff.) Jam 1 8. s Now kindred nierlt fills the fable 6ier, NoW.lacerated fr.iendflilp claims a tear, Year dialts year, decay purfues df lay, " Still drops Ibme joy jfrom withering, life away. . We have received the following particulars of th. melancholy death of Mifs? Lyniaor,. TThe'tfee which occafioned her 'death Was Handing on the top of" a fmall afcent about two feet frci ifi'e path. tIt h'ad been fingled out for a" place of timtwr for buildiue ' f. it -t. " il' ' J" . . ' o miiu civ Biiiiuii uu muui icii uaya oerore the cUi tit?g Vf which 'at that tithe broke' the axe. T he road was windW. fov that' the tM-rTon rnrrinir h tree cotiJd fee -but about three ;ruji fro.m theplace' whererthe Helsh Wa tippped by jheiajljot.the tree,- f Nif mAKrllHIt h.i r. rv .. J ..U-'.l ,.1. w.ju iiiv uiui iMN. .viiig iiiu uc -i '.aq Blip Mr. Lyman, their heatli bpond w,ith hanerciMefSj which probshly prevented thetc hearing each other, th tree fell along thi pa'th bearing jivth'e fronrand back of the fteigh, leaving the fides uninjured; f Mr. Lyman' fifft perceived the tree falling,. fortunately Iprungirotn the leifrh, antl the trunk inffaoily oc cupied the plate where he left; , There ppea;red no. externa) broife On' Ivlifs 'Lyman. ' Kfer' death was probably. occafioned; by a bVhltifttljeree pref linor oil trrr bowels" artliehorfe pretfed forward,, Jhe expired in about H- hours; .Tlius ?djed a J idy emi nent for her perfonaraccbmpHflimenU j, fbr.the iin. verlal candour ot her nurtd aad rhepuVity of her manners. Hf funeral was atlciided with great. 9 lemnity onThur'fday la!t. :. . . . ( ---:iNE'WY7 0 January 30. We underilanJ from sfood inrlmrirv thai- nnn.hi. and 'Swedim as well as ..American Veflels have been condemned by the rrencli tribunals in Spain, tojre- ' .. - . .... .... .. . ... ... iw nllMliira ( L-.n ...Ir . liv.X .1 " . I- ivif.vi r , -lute ia jutuci lorccu upon .inepuoiic and is nor a true reprefematton of the people. Of courie, at the -nextelectioa,) Which will take place in March enfuing, where one third ol the re elected members go outand-are to'be Veplaced by the voice of the people, a material chance will take place in the complexion of the jegiHaturp, The tntereft of the Moderates will be augmented prpbably in a fuf ficient degree to cphtfooT their" oppofera. Should this be rhecafe; Europe will have. peace. . ' ; The Dretent C'amnaion has hrf n rnrr fpoliUon to the wifhes of the 'Moderates, who are uy lar ine mott resectable ot the. republicans, in Ftanee hi point of property, ajid talents. Pichegrti is of that rartv. and this-! faid to be th roifnn his refignatton. - The War has. this vear. .been a mr v"nrlr nf Jacobin tnterelt. plaflned by Carnot and Barras, the two moft active members of the , Directory. It is declared by the editors of the belt Paris papers, to be againft the withes- of the nation to continue the war. -If. fo, the coming election Will Apply a reme dy.Europe will rejoice to feeepubricans'of prfnV ciple at the head of affairs in Fra rice . ah0 t'he U nued -States, with bean and1 tongue!, will fay, A . P H I L A D E LPH I A;, Feb7 6. The mournful cataftrophe which has laiely over whelmed the familyof. Mr, Browrr, the printer of the- Philadelphia Gaztttt7in thin Ciy auaintd its foil height on Satirday7.hiofn1n,hv tliedeath oj Mr. Brown hlmfelf, of an.raflammation of, the jungs occafioned by the large ouamlty of fniojt and, ne phitic air which he had fnibTKed ' Kfnr hi tnca ted from, the iire.- - - -. ' - -., This 'hocking extinction of a whole family, fur nifties matter, ror-feriouslreffeaioh, which the.' Mr. which the giddy and dilated ought to Jrrfprdve to. their reformatfon. W tn it tn-nt nr4.n. .i ranks of people as a cauyonary leflon to pecarefoi In refbea to that refidlefV element whVch haaocca- nunea ims uiretui calamity, v " . r The remains of Mr.' Brown-were entered yefter imth&lr. thpfe.Athj..0mtly jn- iul's gfave-card.. His funeral vyMcry jwmeioufly n4 rejpelfully fended, V'; ' . . ,7ls,. PETEk'SBtiRG, Febi.fo. A New -York paper fays.4ftbat general iciuyler is chofen with-great'tonanimhy by both Houle'a, a Senator in the place, of colonel JBorr.'; . . Thejcth ult.iMr. Swanwick pf rfenred a petition and'reprcfentation toConcrefs, from certain free men of frican.deicent, fmerly Velidin in North, Car6lina,,Tjiey bad been fetfree by their1 mailers, but afterwards,-by a new, law of the ffate, ir wa declared th,ar an owner flives had fikh a right J hey" were accordtngly hunted into the woods with dogs, a"nJ .9 ftf ne f the molt JJiotklng barianty enlued, -One man, who had been manumitted," Wat afterwards4fold .under tjie new law', and his mafttt oiTered by ad vert i Cement, filty dollars to anv oii who WO.iioL.brina hint home alive, and an Immlr.,! It ir rnxU k. ..x...J .l...U...j I'll. J . -. .j. .uvim MMrii luai Mc.wiij.Miitu, no matte ftfts in a very odd point ot view the political ec ..... .4' K1 . ...1. - . . ' . . . " - wi. ixorin-v-aroiina. on will hp. memuers. Ex.r.'ti nja H-ttt ft am ?rUttbstqn( dated the lih 7. .,ry, T797, r ctivrj Jy,t!e JdteiK.L.kitj,,cajr. Crane ami id ' ut Marcus Hook. . ' On the 5th inft. artived ar Kort Foval. Sir, R. Abercronibie, gen. llupe, &v. Uuui Kngkndyofte'f a p.riae-oi 51 days, in the Ahlhura frigate; and we hum that 15COO ineti nMy be teited .in the fihismonthJ- is rpoied to-nak uada" loupe although the inoft profound Ucrtcy is obferv ed at head-quarters. " ' , f Ti'anouilitv is at len.tlt tt nA tk !.-' tfl.r- econo- iilandof Ballifon. OnhethTrrrrrJ tngares failed, it is fuppoted to Trinidad, to cut out ibeSpanifh fquadron confiauig of 5 fhips of the line. Folticript of a letter frdm Jamaica, dated 24th of December, 179V " ' General Abereromb e and his artny are landed at St. Domingo, and weie within a few miles of t ape Francois, .driving all before them. Extraa of a letter,- dated, Cape Francos, Dec. io?from.Capt. Sray,whofe veflelwas carried into port in St. Domingo "In my Iaft I infnrmpd vrn thr T.' rvil l ' . . uiui 1 ' uau hopes ot being releaied, but the French mf Juiter 8 letter arrivtd here inon (t0r ; newfpapers from Philadelphia : and as fooA d me coiiimiinoners law ir: thv rK;- tone, and gave out the Orders to take all At meriCa'n Veflels hounrl tn nr a hnglilh ports. , k . . When pur veflels are. tried we mfghr at well be aihouland milps nff fnr th neat a word ;we have to fay." - . f CaDt. Stov's vefTel ter he wrote-the above, and he has returned extract of a letter from NeWYork, tjated Fcbru. ary 3,1797; AThe packet is arrived which failed die tth'of December uas yet nu other mwV has traWved, but that Negociations for Peace had ceafedY' txiract of a letter from the captain of avefTel now at Cape Nicliola Molej to his "owner itf this city. dated December at. : J- "Ji'l. liere tne inftant, and findiiii o eftabl.flied convoy from hence', either to St! Mark'?, LArchaye or Port-au-Prince, f engaoed a private convoy ,;uy paying ico 'dollars; which 1 . thought ir moft for your imutft to give, and wa$ to have failed the evening of the zotU; bat on the evening of the fame day, I had. two.Qf toy tneii p'reft: td on btWrd of u man of waf lying in the port; by which' means have loft my convoy.' J have bee'i ufing every means to ha e my men liberated, but to mjeffettr-I now warp(like many"oiherioTiiiF" American .brethren; fpr a tonvoyTaalit'feems there. s noPffibility of getting into the bite without ona . " I he above veflel was nav'igatedi wlih five hands A London paper of 24th Nov. baa tbefolJowW paragraph - :;;.r- ;' -.. ; ' 1. - - . - - general Simcoe was yeflerday fworo in before h: Majelty in Council, Governor of 'St.-Dominao. in talt,We(t-If?die ,fw nkh place lie let gif ,'mmedi. Samuel Adams, Governor of Mafrachures. 'has -declined 1 being re-Wefted to the bffice'ot Governor of that ftate. In his late communication to the lei giflaiure.ort he -27th ulr. he faS, "I think it duty incumbent opon me to acquaint you.' and'our ' f,llpwHizens ftf 3c rll2l hav1 arrjyed - f rage ot life, marked in holy writ,1 and verified by conrt-int experience, 35 atue of labour and for row -u is highly proper, both upon my own account al " well as that -of the pubtie,' to decline- the future" -..vw. 1117 icuow-ciuzens tor tlje oflice 1 have - uu-W the honour rn fiif', .. j. . ther wttli their cargoes under the pretence of In- The petition wis ubiecte to on rh ,V,nri.)t rFnrirr the trade at nrntr lcJ tWli Vni:n ...... ic .1. . . -. "x . 1 ,v -TK-lt lVMrKv5f-B!4nrU.,-!lt'.. ' 11- . terc excbide.the trade of their enemies from the ports f the. United -States, i beyond a doubt. Too.fUbje of peace in Europe is one that jurerv petitioners wanted redj-elV thv rK..i .1 ppy46bgiawfimb1ina Congrea could not Interferei.witU.the laws of par ctcular Hates, and that the petition ought to be fent oack to the petitioners. ,;Oa, the-coutr ary it wa The printers of the Baltimore Federal Gazette were' favoured with-a number of Hamburg papers t"p . the tSth November, brought bv ih a.w. Mangin The following, from an hsfly perufaf appear to be the moft prominent articles.' ' That the Imperiahlts were nakii gthe moft U P'!? PlePf!9n a bombard flnnirigen ftndXq

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