.ir-i :7:-.. p ;-rr- 77--" r '! 77.,.. "... I -7 ' lfcc7" r il X T. . . DIS APPOINTMEN rE fhepherds cive ear to im lay, They have nothing to do, but to ftray ; I have nothing to. do, but to weep Yet do not njy folly reprove ; She was fair, aud my paflion begun, She fnv.lH, and I could not but love. She is fajthlc6f and I am undone. r -Perbap4 was vo"id oCalUhoiigJit4 . t'erliaps it was yiain to ioi cicc, That a nymph, locon.plert, would be fought. By fwain more ergaging than wt. TAIrtov clever yb ope tan ihfpire: Jt banSnics wlfiiom tle whilei A;id the lip of the nymph w admire, Seems forever adored vcith a lmile. r She, is fattines, nd 1 ajn undone ;. , . '"'" Ye that wirn.els, the woe S 1 endure, LeFrealoo mltrt you to frun , ot to attempt to bijard herfli k hot beet! f ti fince. - The next morning tne leiiooner uiu parch,- Bates, from Bofton for BaUirnore, blown o,f the coafl. with lumber, &Ci run on the rocks but got 1 olEnd Voaght-fafe. into ! load in the eale' . . rrfcJ """ '7 mull unite vltK Aihe hanfted the, whole ktpc& of affairs. G. Britain evinced a defire to accommodate the exifting.. difference with America upon thebeftterms (he could.- " We mud ceaie, kms&taMthe idupegve Tt onfiot inlti'aa'j'ou tu.vtw- Beware how ye loner m vaur, Amidll uymphs of an higbet degree; How proud and how fickle they be. Alas ! trom the day that we metp What hope of memi t my woes I WnetH aot eooare .tajorget The glance that nodjdray' repofei Yet tmietrtay.dimintfly thie pain J fjifcflow,r( Tidthe.fhroJf, andthe tretr Wtdch rear'd for her pleHire in vain', In time they, fnjayihave!coiafort for mf. The fweetj of a.dew (ptinklcd rofe, - - The. found of a murmuring (Ircani,, The pfeace 'which from folitude flows, Heftcetorth Ihjll We Corydon'a theme. . . 7 HigR tranfports are (hewn to lc fight. But we are tiot to find them porjwrii " , Fate never beftdwM fuch:cfe light. As 1 with my Philips had known. Q ye woods, fpread your branches apace I . To your deepelj recedes I fly I I would live with the bead of the chaie ; ": I would vanifli from every eye.. Yet my reed (hall refound through the grpvc ' r-Witb thAam CaA cnmp1al-nt.it: hepan I ' er of, our ancient Rnergy who is the ortsHjl wiof burquarrel.,r ' :,L ' , '"" H:w&. then:France; law no;,UmeJhouId be loft. Inyas high time for; Loui , to antici pate the defigns of hiJ enemy. .' The intertjl of hi? peoTrwlaslilrwirg mitted, and lhingmorfwdi' 'ttcceff to deter mine him to take into confideratioii the o verturnis of Congrefs. . liVccordingly,' on the 1 6th of December, 1777, Mr. Gerard, fecretarjr of the Coun cil of State, waited on the American Ambal fadors and told them by order of the king, that after long and mature , deliberation,- it was tiveVof anndependenteopleahaLit was i . n .1. n. CTf a 'I pool, England, bound to New York, after about 6 days paliage, with borles, &c. And this day came in a floop from New -York, bound for GharleKon; w.ittt rum Entered at the Cuftom Houfe, fchooner Induflry, Hup, Irom Baltimore,1 witt the Ipfs of one man and (eaf How flie fihil'd, arid I could not but lpve, Was tanklcls, and I um, undone. From the Newark -Daily Gazette. - I do not fuppofe it neceffary (fays al correft pondent, vyhb calls himfelf o7? of foreign Inf uence) to apologize for troubUng you. with the following extracts, tranflatea frorn:ahif tory of the American war, writtenintFrench, by M. Hilliard D' Auberreuil, publilhed in 1782, and lold at Fans under the eye or the : . ' " . vr .1 . 1 - . -. -v..'i. ..... urtneir-autflenticity noxiouoE- government will.be entertained, jl we epnuder that the freedom Of the prefs was unknown in France 5at theiime ofp after it. , TITie free circulation of the work is thcrefore anf obvious proof -of their genuine- nefs-ilt involves a virtual acknowledgmeht of the hiftorians Veracity as far,- at leaft as relates to the'm'otives of the Court, and the fentiments of . the people. " The aKehts of the United States at the ur.tofJ!ranceand ; ind confequence" in proportion as the. Ame rican arms were vidonous.; r The agitation of the Courts became ceneral; Their fole obieft was tcrdeprefs Endand. and reduce; her:to a pow'er ' of the" fecond'order imhfi poiiucaif werarciiy 01 Europe. 1 11c jrcjf" of France recolledeil the nationaiindignitiei and misfortunes which preceded the peace, of 1763. They envinced ah ; ardent - thirft, for; war, and w'ere impelled with a ftrong de fire ofTevenge. ' The fame fpirit actuated ' : the Court. " r " - ': :;.'v " Lord Stormont,; the Epglifh Ambaflador ZLxoniplainedofjln by the" Americans in . French ports. He de manded that orders Jhould be iiTued prohi biting the fale of arms ; and ammunition to , the rebels- that the Amer ican privateers mould Hot be permitted to fell their prizes that they iliould be-treated as . pirates and-interi ZldicthepteTM mitted The royal order$g iflued 'Jncpnfe quenfie "of; IKeH,:C -lc3cute(: that.- feveraf: Aqrj!cans,j who juttrlnr fringe, them, Seized and puxyihed, not .with iftandiniK the rcprefuntations of -the. Agents of Congrefs, who rtrantmitf edTiherinteilipence toi Americaviaeren -neaion w'as generally; defpairedfi1--" " Matters were in this fituatibn v hin the ;o-ne s capture arrived, afld lud-. ohvioufly the intereft of France to curtail the power of England by difuniting America from her f that the king would not infift on Ameiicarefufm-peace with England if advantageous pfopofals were onered ;?but that the only condition required and on which he calculated, was, that no treaty ihould be made with England m which the United States-renounced their independence and acknowledged- allegiance to that poyernr ment.-THe' treaty was concluded Feb. 6 11781 . .Thus far the eKtraft.: The following remarks are not unapplica-ble.- . ;;-: -., The Americans gajned credit, in France only in proportion as their arms became vic torious -that is, while they were unfuccefs ful, the fcale of French favour turned theo ther way. ?Franee :wouldn6t-nieddlerin:a doubtful quarrel.: Nothing could be done for us in the dark year of 1776. Eighteen months elafped after the declaration of Inde pendence, before it was thought prudent to come forward ;pand'hen"1o6rraTTiews br Burgoyne's fall reached Verfallies-t-the mo ment we were thought able to effed the bu fefs witlwutjid, m fleps France ! lehayebee we areV apd efernally will be, deep in debt on the fcore of gra ti tuder From a felfifh principle France engaged in the war fo at laft fays the hiftorian." The bbje& was to deprefs Eng land;" and reduce her to a. power of the fe- cond order in the political hierarchy-of Eu I rope. He then is the onginal iource ot our Santude It . feems yery fmall indeed-Uur emocrats, however.think otherwife-fhey know better than the hiftorian whq declares, ' me rrif Tecolleded the national in dignities which preceded the : peace of 1 763 U ? 1 1 : .1 1 iir- ; 1 -uicj ciivinccu an araent wfrii ror war9 ana , defire. of Dec. 25. This week the Spanifh brig Noflr'a Serd'r ra del Carmani prize to the privateer r ortuneof yar, was condemned in the court of Vice Admi ralty as lawful prize to the captori (Sfng the firft t?ted this war with Spain.) Her cairo is crjr valuable. . 1 , The fchooner Tabula, vhichrrived Wcnertlajr lafl from Madeira.ypoke his Majefly ftvp Spi no 1' Capt; Evans, on Monday lads the Spencer hub ikjl aTtFaJcpamft iflands. - A ".' k. . . ; " " TfitdayTrTivedttherivateer Karreqti!nf cip taiii Parker, which has taken a Spanifh brig; ' capt. Beresfordt from cruize ;' flie took a valnaUfe revenge was not that were impelled by a .ftrorig, imq, lays ine. ratnotsi it it was from a morA maimanimous - princi pled-it was purely t from her love to the U- mted States, that me commenced hoftilities. Though . our privateers were purfued with as ffiuihacrimony inFrancertheV-cduld have been in England, it was,noming-it happen- ea .oniy aunne, tnatjonff oenod when, thev were deliberatinp: to aid us for their own inte- t n. . . ... i-fi f:. i.ic .. nr r . I Oi CO naurfthecbtntr (efVHfcby its wealthy and affla'ent inhabUsfts. '' ; Monday "cameon a'yiolehf;; gait, of'wtnbt nere which, continued: al I the5 day anoL fdllo wltij night hot w dpHot 'yet'hear W Iny mUchief T)jt fa at fea. It came on when 'tbe wtffd at'Eilfutat lafl got to the N. W. - '';N . . : .; ,. --. : . of refiftance which tt wad apprehended miaht 1 pervaae tneir ownrcpipniesrrr inaiiynower ver. they decided arid the grand condition, without which. nothing, could be ftipulated, was that-America ihould never renounce her Independence. Indeed there was no great. .danger of itw-- -.-' -. . The. faas is, had ' the XJnited States been expunged from the Univerfe, it would have lbeenho realfuW providedlany. other means' of reducing Eng land ; to a fecondary rank in - the political hierarchy of Europe had prefented, in order to raife France to the fiift. Infhort the whole bufinefs-from the beginning; -the 4on : and mature deliberations. ; the final ontion-nnd a fuBfequent: meafures---ail were ul3matelyj3e lTttte oncouifrf piuce cided on the principle of national intereft dnd revenge : And herewe have the.fyftem of our cbhgiuohs concerted to a points Spanifh' prize, and lent her for thefe iflands. Arrived the Spanifh fhip Pesirice, frbni' the Ha . vannaliT&oruffi Refdlutton, Lyhx, L'cf'perance and Spencer. ? , .; And Thurfday arrived the Spanifh brig prize td " the Harlequin privateer With abdve ipotj bbkfes of fugar, &c. ' ' " - '' . ; - V - ' -- Strong north weft gales have drove a nlMfcer of vefTels in here in diftrefs. fi'otft i the' coafl of Atneric The hard winter has 'prWdery dccttu&i eJld the cattle and horfes of theiflatiids. .There is great fcarcity bfcdrn here now; ievt cargoes wouM fell at a hiTi price, as the cchfump tlon ot that neceffary : article is vtty geaf in tl;efd iflands. . ,.".. . ... V-'. .. ''.;'. ... 7 Came in here in diflrefs, fchobnerXThetls, Latru Ite, from Barbadoes for Baltiniore, with the lofs of foremaffand brwrprit--Schoone from St. BartHolome ws Tor New-York-1 Schooner 7 Fortune,' Lindfay, from Grenada, for Wells in Maf? " lachufetts. "-7 X, V' :""'. I"' 4r Ye(ljtMf !IL dl.h1 icaieffy5tfcE4ih Refolution, captain Pender, of 74 guns ; and Lynxj capt. Hall, of 16 guns from a cruize ot about r.w'9 months. -f : ,-, v- . : Nctwithftanding the feverityof the weather th'i$ winteritt thexontrnfentVlLthtflmips "un Hjuduiun uavc iiccu toniiiiuJiij cruizing. fcarccly allowing themfetves titne to visual ahd wa ter, whiles He" fleets T Infie Wefl.Ifidief'are" jm& fnug in harbour, t6 the manifeft injury of the Bririflt commerce. ...... - Saturday lad the brig Three Brother George 1 Brown, tnafter, of and fr'otrt New-Haveriin Conneaii cur , run on the Rocks off the Weft, End, 'and knock ed her rudder oft ; the afterwards came to an an fihpr butLiti gettiogunderweigt to endeavour to get in, Wa$ 6brige"oTto eijt the an all her v1uable cargo of jcattleK live ftUk, beef. porki cortr; &c. not the lealt part of whtch Wat in Cured, to the grcatT lofs arid ruhi of the cafttain. whofe-whole-propeilyyasTjnjhel redaced him from a ft arte ef the greatefl' affluerice to the, greatell . mifery it one f aWl flrokiiiwe' heaf i fublcription is fetting on- foot for the" purpeffc "pf relieving fo worthy and !refpelabhi a fchairar, whdfe'beft endeaVonwere-iired-ti ply ofpro vifions for the inhabitant whici Wbolol have-rell ved thecouhtry nfUjch at t,hiufccrdre,r had not t he misfortune happeWd; as there J'sr not a'bft f&ej rn. anv oorK or teet tor taie: 10 let inch a . THOMAS WHITE: JOHN. INKORM the ub'ic in general, and their friends .riincwirticnlat1,; 1 that. 1 be V proiioleca miBgaiftpe- TANNING aod CURRYfNG bufinefs in this town: and that they wilf Vfve tafh or leather for hides; of ' tan by the mare Currying on realonarble terms N. B. Hides will b- received by J. Egan at the houfe latthe property of' Mr. Reardoon Tljrr I wo negro women and two children for fale We have 4iad'.oc IcRoCTtttub'-ferV'Wav. g ilea - of wind from the, north: weftv : 'Many vefTels : Jiave teen feen to paft byTforpe apiWitentlv in cfiP trefs, particularly a larce armed fhipon Sundv e- tfqiu iau on ine norm imc, out toaieafcjrtoran v l"ajettexille, fjamiry 21.' . $f '..' ' BOUT tbe' tuiit-eHbeOclobef fuber1drcourf held at Fayteville; i7Q6; th fubtbnWoft a FULL' BOOK, Mt-was formerly Brank"Book .1 jaomber bf-Tmaft lytr'vv H tniej:iri(iijjr icr wjire oineFwrurngs anq receipts'-. flny perfort findinU nd delwering it Wfclier fubfcrlbfer (ball 7 dc 11 anaioinciy; rewajtreo? 1 i ' ' v. t. ' . ; 'f 'Feirnarj bthi 47' 2 JAMKS CAMPB2LL7 Little RiTcr.; "":;;5S i

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