... . .v - ' r - r i . ADVERTISER. T T XT . is V v 3- uijL4. 1797 """' " -r;----- : i- - i r --jif i - - CONGRESS of the UNITED STATES.- House qf Representatives - . January 24 ' On morion of Mr. Venable, the unfinifhed bufi fcr ofjelkerday was pottponed; in order to take up the report of the committee bi" elections', on the e lecHou of Toreph BradleY Varnu mt which was, as we have belore itatea, in tavour 01 uie uiuug mem l-r ," r ttfgtl nolldnly that his i:otida.t- been fair ant! regular throughout the wftple ou vis, bu: that the obiett of. the petitioners was ra ihr tke efertof inttltvfiUfice thatf-a'ibtjn 6J J romoliug Mr. Coit moved to ftriRc pnt the words printed in Italics, tfe doubted the propriety of; the houTe pifflig a cento re of the kind propofedypou 'tlie jp'c nftionWsrwiattarte ' .This motion caitfed a debate which occupied the remainder of thisday's fitting, Which as it was in fome degree of a private and local nature will eot j-oegiy c n 1 11 uetaii Hroirren 1i Ik Tu bes .nrupvu 11 other fives alio upon children's (hues imported.,.. , .... v . 1 v:-" liXliilJLnaitipLiaiuiy pljents-perJb cents per gallon, be laid Opfln all beer, ale, and por- i ter lmportco m .canes,. . j?- , ,v That an additionaLdutv of - - cents per dozen bottles be laid ujjoo all alej beer and porter I hat ;rq additional duty ot . cents per pair, latron, ait bout imported.. .. 1 jut an additional duty ot cents per pair:beIai4onall ..toeoVei.anA'flSppcra .afaopn. be laid upon ql I foucbong and black tea imported. "That an additional duty of . tents per 1 -on -a 1 1 hy feaVmperialraftd and on au.puicr green icas ujjuoi,cu,.( . .... ., -- '--.-y.-rr- " That 911 additional duty of pefcwt.'be lid on alj unman ufacurW (feel imported. .-..; r '' jrhat an additional dity of - per wt; be Ui4 on alt bar iron imported.- ., ; :j LThatan addUiona4tycifC . cents per lb. On this point confiderable d6bate took olace . The mot ion. Was oppbled by Mr. Parker, Mr, !Waii wick, Mr. Coit, Mr. Murray, Mr. J. Smith, and Mr. W. Smith on the ground that a law hud been paf fed for building the frigates, and that t abandon the object, would appear like inltabUity and folly, and degrade the government. It was iaid alio that it was belt to finiflj them, even if ihey meant to MLlhrac-sBtlides a IthoU le-4nited sWterTmild not.cobfenf.to a great naval eUabiihment, vet thefe C' ' - 1 1 ill . . J ingaies wauin. ne lumcient 10 protect our trade a ainlUtlie.moltitufle df little armed veflels that ho w capture rtur veflehi' ' i If wfis however determined to ftrike nnr tht The motion to ftrike out the wprd ifl queftidn, as fupported by the mover. Meflrs. Thatcher, sBradhurv. Sitjrreares. Craik. N. Smith, Coopef, Mrr raySewatl; Harper, lOS.er, ariit Wttliams"i jod onDofed bv Mefi'ra. VenaWe. Swanvick, W hy Wn, NicliQjas,-'DearWorn, iRutherforl, Baldwin, t hrsftie Holland. Madilbn. abd iirent: ' Therihcipal ground npon whkH (he motion was Tgppofted Was, tliat the'comnnitee of efecltion had Jid bofinets "to fcrutinize the motives of petitioffers j that their motives had nothing to do with tholega- 41tyNbrSingllty report that a petition had foundation,' or .it had notj that that boufe had no fight to take upon them to judge ypoo motives i'and cbarajiers. M'$Lfi &ftnhe"6tTierlia rte petition were lo Jiotoriouliy lie and malicious as to can idr fome other notice than barely to fay they were fofoiinded, and ih t was neceflary Jo put it check 4po fuch outrageous attacks upoii m "lioure,; Dy Kme U T" 4er to prevent them in future. . . " rr : The yeas and nays were called for upon; this quef ti6n. and.all the papers relative to the bufinefs were flread. This t'ook place toward the cpnclufipo ot Ibe b(iBe4i;n W nd negatived for adjournment. ' - At length Mr. Coit offered a fubjlitute for his for mer motion viz. to ftrike but the words in Italic, in order to infert thefe words, that the conduct of "the fitting member has been fair and honourable throughout the whole tranfaftibn.' -j-Tfils motion v mgi pu c and carried hi yeas and nays ,441028 . . tit menage- was received from ih (enae, inform "llig the houfe," that -they had difagred to the a Wendment in the bill for enforcing the laws of tbe United States In the itate of Tennefleej ' 'The hpafe'on motion - of Mr. Dent, fefolved it (elf into acamm'tttee of the yrh6lcpti',t;te p)ll..fp,r regulation of pilots wuhtn theoay nd riser Cps peake Mr . Muhlenbefgfn Mr. n'cfc'bHeflyJtAte ibis jtntibn1 atjjj $r lTati6irdfntnttrt to glyeeqnal wri: vllegei to Virginia and Maryrqd pilpts, yb,Jf-. foicft6 bringing, in nis application was touqaea n ius d.rcunuiapcc. be laid on ail nails Imported, ' That anadiUanaj : dut of . . per lb. be laid oh all glauber falt&lmporte'd. ; . " Tbat an additional itaty 1 1 cnta mi-lb. be laid on ail manuiactred tobaccerinipbrted. 1 mat an aaamouaitiuiy 01, be jakt on all fnufflwpor,, ' ' That an additional 'Mtpt be. laid" on all Cocoa hmtn;te6, worp, 42 to 34, until the general principle of fi nifliiog the frigates (hould be fettled. - - " " The UUowinreWutiotr nailed aii 9 rnimit qf. fire appointed o prepare a bilK ; " Retblved, that, ptovifion ought to be made by law, for a renewal, under fpecific reftriaions, of certificates Which have, been deftfbyed, of certain defcriptions. - . The following refolution was received from the Senate, viz ; -::c ' Befolvedby tbe .Senate and Houfe of Repre. fentativ;spf the United States, in Conefefs aflcin- cents per lb. . .... i. tents per4br r Connecticut, New Jirfey,, Pennlylvauia, jR?thtfMf yland -pilats yenVfltanhertp'ea titftn Vlfgtma pilots to jmpeiT aaently calledon to nilot vedeU belonging to Vir einiai but not being allowed any thing for thjs pV lougeV the" VirglniipUbts taking pnlfefilonof any . vetfels brtibght ih by'fuch a Maryland pilot into the . Gfefapealfe, and 'receiving all the advantages, of the pHotagef 'TJits praJticeliad confcqHehtly jiad this eetS, Maffyland pilots, though yellels were in the greateft diftrefswonld tiot come on hoard, f that many had been loft, for want of pilots, as the Vir ginia pilots fcarcel y e ver went out to fea. The bill uts to grant, licences wqnt to Hiricct tnebbard of pil n equal wrmsltoJyry land ahi and Virginia pilots. That an additional duty of 1 ... cents oer lb be laid on all cbpcp)ate impor ttulk - That and'HU tpfr.cw.ti per. IbFbelaidippnBiiiepper - That jin additiop dut;of: v cents per ft. belafd on' aU pimento Wpfted, n fTJwtnotiorialdufroPT be laid on all cbocoUtcroaiufaclared within the U- nited;.Statev..-'- ' ;:. 'i -r-'$i paaran lb. be laid on all fnuff manufaaured within the United States.?'- - '" :'' '-rn r-- -i- JAr$tifwyi flisd t fie fexrefol yitions to be.re fcrretj to the committee oft he whole, to whom was referred the refolution of Ihe sentleman of S7Caro- lina (Mr. Harper) and thfrenprt of the committee of way s and meanA naahJ-lubjcct oi indirect taxes. - ? A confiderable debate took place ron the ltibec. of this reference. . ; ' - : The. queftion 1 for a reference was $t length put, and carried, there being 51 vptes in favour of it. A meflaige wasTeceived from the Hrnato, inform ing the houfe, that the Pfefident had approved arid figned aii act for enforcing the laws of the U. States in the (late of Tenneflee, Alfo, that they bad appointed a joint committee, yi Mefll's. dgwick,-Laurence Ind Read," f 6 aft In conjunction with a committee to be appointed by the Houfe of Repreftntativesy to afcertaio-nd fix the mode of examining the votes of thelfdtors for Prefident and Viee-Prefident of the.U. States, Maryland, Vlrninla. Kenmckv. Tenntfiee and Carolina.whether they have ratified the amcudmeut propofed by Congrefs to the Conflitutlon of the U bited States, ,eooeerning the fuability of dates ; if they have, to obtain proper evidences thereof It was read. a ffsontLtimev when Mr. Smith (aid he thought this Refolution would be beftYefcrred taaTcommittee of the whole,' as perhaps it might be amended, by propoing fome alia. nil....'.... .11 . , . Mr. Dent tfiouaht , this DUTDbfo would be beftn- fwcred by a reference to a leJeft committee in the. firft ioftahc.-r7";,':;32:' '.. :..' , . Mr. Smith withdrew hie-motibn, and the refolu tl0B Was referred to a feleft committee,offive members. - '. The refolqtion receured from the Senate yetler day, relative to the appointment of a committee' to flShe jclclion dCtberefident and-Vice Freydent , and to appojnra time and place for ad- Mr .Parker confirmed this fiatement. wiiether they had a.rightto directthe i affairs of a flate govermrienc to do pertain acts. M rS, Smith thooght thefe pffjeers might be dk gtejand tHat e jttds ami jnftice Hates are dK reeled to do the bufinefs pf the United States. Mr. NicholaVthofTght the duty mighras well be done, pot by direiaprfrhe officers to perform the ltjr, but by permit ting them to dp it. -He thpught Jbu mojiepld fteef clear of (the oMeaion. Jamt.vj t:' Mr. Henderfon propofed a rcfaltitioa ..w " (ii'k.Ufclj(C luiiowinjr cucci,-ti. 5UUloledrtbat an additional duty uf &c. and to regulate the ime abd mannef of admit nifterftg the oaths of office to the Prefident and Vice-Prefidenf of the United States. , On. the fubjeijL ofpproprUtiona for ?a7, - the Houfe of Reprefentaties difplay jgrept jaeal edor UVIUI4S iuc piuiv cappnouurca. ipey nave ex punged the item. fp meffenger and office-keeper to the truiitpfUheJUnitM ftaterandtharDHlirk: tothe. pnryeyor of t,he treafury." The falary of the office-keepers and mefiiengers is' reduced from 309 dollars to 350, ' . ; '.' On motion of JMr GaJlatia, -form of the re? folutiob making appropriations was altered. For tnerlj it ran thus t-i Refolyed tbat for the military department, there bf appropriated a fom net ex ceeding .' Undej- thif form of appropria tion the officers of the treafury have heJu it legal to apply money appropriated to a department ge nerally, to any particular objeft of that' depart rtifcnt Fpr inftance, if the eftimate fbf "clorhinc . thejtrpops fell (Wortr-and. a furplus-rmiained in the hofpital department, that lurplut nas ttetn applied te make op the deficiency of theeftimate for cloth jng, tJWfr. Oallatin w Jibed thi licenfeto be abridgy ed, ahdUhc appjication of money.on6ned ftrlAly. tp l.H.C, 1 amen it appropriatuMt fpr each objeA; He offered, p ! id the-refolution by- wbftitutinghefirwordsrl That the fpllowing fumf be refpectively -appro priated' wbkh was carried though' It was ob jected that this limitation migbtHop' the wheels of government,1 in certain cafes. ;J:r:: 1 SJu vln debate on thye appropriation for the military and naval elUbUftmentV Mr. to ffrke out the word 9i. .. , His , reafon was, that the houfe bad not determined pt finifhlng the fri gates andjirwjedt -tltd. '.,v.;,.i;-;.;x- .r-1 minitteritrg-the oath of office to the Prefident, wa taken upxeiditJedUim'er'nd pmmittee ap pointed of ttopea members, vit. Mr. Sirgreaves, Mr. Jeremiah Sfbitb, and Mr. Parker, to aft Jn conjunc tion with the committee appointed by the Senate. 3 O ST O Nr January "3 u Capt, CiilfiTpre rpm- Barbadoes. in 5o days in- forms 'us of the capture of the (hip Ganges, capt. ni&mm ims piacerom; tne uie ot r ranee, bound ( home. She bai been beating on pur coafi for a cpn?. fiderable time j till being hoi t of provifions and very leaky, the captain was compelled to put her before a N. W. . w'rnd and (leer for Barbadoes. He ' bad enteretHhe haTbpnr iikuur vfuu me po'iu 01 dicing qroppea when a boat was jep frpm the flppp of war the Fa Pq?.l'" y tQtAriosapt.yqo4rr. andihe was taken, pofieflTon of as, prize. The go vcrnor andinhabitaqtsof the ifland reprehtode4 the tranfaftion -1n warm and pointed terms and thfe Vic?f A . Ju dVe reft fjdr td , libelbe yefTeJ. W qodT then -tbpk hi? prkeTrpm the port, and proofed d, with her to the leeward in hopes of finding as great a rogue --a'.himfl'io'ajnft him in hr condem na tionCThis (PoeirigTtbelaWefl (jwotllimHiF captain at7 the pface. was commander nof the naval force there, and amenle to no officer then at . Far badoes. The fame commander ha'd allowed the:m- , prflmept pfmahjr' Americans at the itlhd l.c'd't.i ito pick out the Enjlftmen -bntmany of tlie poor -ineric?pfeneyer 1 capt. Uilmore ' Was u St Eufiitius, where he as f told by the COIT mander of a French nrivfltefr. Yr hJlAyen i Jndiaman belonging to the Uivt cdl States, arid carried WnttfSQsrihplome'-trat demnified he belonged I to a perfon who had been. in tiy the ,jjngli(h for certain lofles, and fh: Would be"chde"nined7,r!r? : -'"N Er-Y O R kFebTuary & ' . Advices frcm Genoa menUpft thai a trea ty is to be concluded, between that republic p and Franceby Avhich Genoa js bound to pay to France four millions and a half livrcf A . cheap purchafe of peace ! ' ' ' : .. . lIJIl I m It It' :"'1 L : - V- ArTli - - 111