jr.' ft-.' my guide, to ciiobtc if men of his c:m patty 10 at!- vunce aiu.i ll.c Adi'e,- 10 tile d 1t-H',e t half league, tu turu alt tlienirihcs--whicrt;TOTTjjirl.rnT -'' '' eftcmys'i'e. t,' aii'd' to fall afterwards in lull gallop .,-:iiaa-ttc....iv.uiy'A reTr, And-.wccral-.tTumpeTv found "i'lijvtjiunyyre was perfectly J'tvcejiiuf;. the hodi'e inlaatry gave waj, and ncral A:ige- iftiiu totik tunuie of the moiAeiit. but ii Uii. made relittunce, though it was retreating, wiin . -; final! column ofbeiwten 8 l and qqgq men, wuh-4 pieces of canriun, whom I had made, defile through enemy, and tu fall upon their backs during the com bat, tiuidtcd by completely putting, them to the - route. Cjtn. vlaika, who had returned to the centre, marched ttraight ro the village of Areola which' he took", and purfued the enemy to near the village ot lioniiatioi but night prevented our going farther. u The fruit of the battle of Areola is between iand 5000 prit'onersXfwur Hand .of colours, and tH rZ pieces bl can notiTrhe eriemjr ioUaT:iealt 4000 ' ki lied, and as many wbutided." fiues jt)K. getici al " whom I mentioned, genetajs Robert and Candaritte were wounded. The adjutant general Vandelinhas been killed. I had killed, twof my aids de camp, citizens Elliot aTfti MuilottT-tvr J eac'i country, but the neceflary duties df'eich bmii'i ' tiyj and ;WerfQveran;V"ii'aiaJ""d'Io' the iahnbi Tahts 61 tr'-ic li ton rj 1 r jv ' 1 sieie mutual duijo ait . Tii? exportation if-Fe3v 'mersltmd'.zi-vkr" the t llates ot liie ciiikc Uiall pay' only a dut ol iranlit or pailatV.-, una not ol importation. aIi'p UeiiiM; intended tor the nianuenaiKe ot bridges ami repairs of ruado, "m iic.cs. trai.iiuktcd b) livers or navigable canals (hull pay dq duties. - - - - - - ..'i- In execution of the( it article 01 the Hau-.'trea- Ayondujdtl.a.id lent peace is declared, alio with the Batavian re public. "" " - -' Signed, - Ch.de 1 a Croix. ' Count Politi. Louts Buu A. Paris, i5th Erumaire, (Nov. 6,) 5th year. greateft ditimdion; though young, Itill they pro- mifed to gainon day the higheitmililarj,iaiikwiili glory Our lots, though intonfiderable was very Jevere, because it included all the principal officers. ' ieanwliile ten.Vaubbis has been attacked, and 1 - his import uncovered the blockade of Mantua. We lent the ca valry to Vicenza, where 1 had left gen. Krimaine With'3000 men. , " At this moment I have rallied the diviUon of Vaubbis 'f I tofced it ; arid it is at Caltemovo. An gereau is at Verona, Maflena about Villenova. To triorrbw 1 wiil attacklhe divifiori which beat Vau- - 'bbi. T will purfue it into Tyroawd then wait the (urrender of Mantna. whkh cannot hold out a " fortnight longer. The Kitillerjr has covered itfelf . With glory. . r.t- "iilfli- J:r..i- Tht generals ana omcers 01 inc uau unpyiycu " , . '1L TV I Cf teen were killed ; there is not one but; what has his clothes pierced with bullets. I Wi (end you the colours taken frbm the ene. mv Sianed. 'BUONAPARTE.' . TV " to the RHINE and MOSELLE. TheGene ters at SchUikbn Nov. 2a. "Citizens Directors, The ga'rrifon of Kehl made this morning a vi- rorous fortie, to reconnoitre the line ct circurnvgl. ation of the enemy. - -r r- - -77- : " Gen. Defaix was charged with the attack of the - right Gen. Decpau T was inthe centre, and General Sice on the Jeft. ' ' - . . ' " The whole line of the.enemy was forced, with ..qt a (hot being fired; the enemyabandoned all their artillery, which was inftaritly fpiked. Could we have anticipated a fuccefs fo complete and had art il . lery & hortcs, ready, we might have taken 20 pieces , of cannon. With the horles we had could only vbring off ten pieces. We nade fi or 700 prlfoners among wnom are 30 omceri, mciuaing a coionei ajidajnajor. ' ; SEPARATE ARTICLE.": T His royal hiuhnefs wives up one fourth of the du ties of entry upon nierchandz.e coming-trotn the foi." of the repUblTc, its colonies kridmcriesTToTTiTs in terorcoiifu oipliunaiid-to export-on-t he-articles I ot his produce deigned for the Republic, upon :i reciprocal advantage allowed him with ihena. namely, oii4 their im portafions t rorartnstct and their' exports intended lor ids lubjecls. NASSAU, (N. P. ) Jan. 27. .The order given by the c n nth iyirectury for tak ing Amei ican veflels bound to or from Britifh ports, 187 i 11 al 1 1 i kel i h opd , the caule of t here be i fig 1 bTe w arrivals from England, during-the lalt and preieqt months in the American (fates. Unlefs a getlerat peace fhould tike place this wiri fer in Europe, it feems almoft ceriain that the Ame ricans" will be obliged", by "the buirageous conduaN ol .the 1'rench, 16 relort to arinsfor reparation of J injuries experienced, and for defence againlt depre-1 aatins iq tuture From the favourable bias towards the French. oianifefted by the people .of ihe Uuihern flates, it appeurt not improbable, that they will be averfe. to n filch a mpafnr: and thus - bv onnofinu the willifc II - : . il.' tv' 1 - cr . . ' " - -j -ir.-.o ,an unexampled avtyHj ao ?rac northern and great commercial dates, haifen that leparation which has lo otten-beeu.UoUed- tui -ward to with dread bV every American patriot. "Thfe recapturing ot -American veflels-by-Britilh flifps of war and privateers, under the aftual cir- cumftances of the . times, is rather a novel cafe in A-(ooiras it-was thoutfhtthat the enemy's , orpide referve was ready to attack us, Gen Dafaix 'caufed the troopv to return to their4ntrenehments. To wiflj to maintain ourfelves in thofe of the enemy was an operation which was net amonglt our pro jects. " ... -y,,, . This battle was one of the moft violent of the war anl mull have occafioned jfo.n Werabk Joia to. the'enemy.-" They; cannot deny that tbe-advantage was entirely ours., ,.. , t Geu. Defaix hadliU'Korfe killed under Win, was Rightly wounded. Gen. Lacombe bad his borfe wounded in two places. Ther0Oodcofidoa of the troops upon this beta Jion ought to perfuade the enemy, that if he is decid edly to attack Kehl, he will; not carry itfafilyas . be may have been led to believe. " T '; ..." Signed, ' ! MOREAU." Private tetters announce, Mat Gen. Moreau was .. (lightly wounded in the head by a baU, ani that one , of his aids 4e camp had the lower part of his leg carried away.'; " Treaty of petce between the French Republic and the infant, dnkc of Parma j Concludeduuder the nietTiarinnl)f Spain, ; ' ' ; " The moft im pom ni conditions are the following: There fliaH- be peace and amity between ; their ftates. ' :' ' V'..' 7 . ; '., ' , . .. ref peftive' powers (hall not affift in ariy way ach others f-nrmies. .' . " " .l 11. The French e'minrants (half neither ' l"p nn J ATthoueh the French capture American vrflels trading to and from Brit'lih ports, is the moit mani fell violation of tl treaties 'exiifing between the two nations, (till they have ho'- pi obliged any de claration of war they ytt keep up inrercourfe with the American republic, and aftecl to conlider her as their friend and allyr " '" "' " - Were the two powers at open hoftility, there w ouM We. lit t le-t r oublein-afcert a in me : w b at a fal- vige Thonld be allowed to our (hips for retaking A4 metieairi'elielsTuf'asterr althp it will not be difputed that fonnething is equitably due to the captors, (tilt the fixing the quantum of it, is a bufinefs of peculiar difficulty. rW have heard" of an arrangement for a tempo' rary aajuitment ot Jucn matters, hjs inistne re capturyd yefleJ.and jcafgo to be appraifed, and on fufneient fecurity 4eing given for compliance with what may be the general practice at home infimilar cafes, the matter allowed to Lproc.ef d.on his royage. FAYETTEVILLE, Feb, a5. Mb racket s-Garteret,"Ca nt .Tavlori ar rived at New-York, the Jffinit. with the Lnglifh December mail. The laft London accounts by this rnail are of December t, of which the.Argns gives the tollowing iummary. , 7 ' dwell upon theduke's territories: - , All feque(trations-of -property-are-done away-on either part. f. . , . . The ftipblation of Buonaparte on the 20th Flo lreal are to be iTrioily arid lolely ohferveiS. 7 . e Republican troops have free paftage through tuc ierriiories or the duke. aa fLT vwut J 1 u sa The fuctfeltes of the artriy of Italy have been un- ' . 1 f n . . 1 1 . r vt 1 j renmica rrom inc 111 to tjie 42111 or novemoer, du 1 rina which rim there were taken from tl- mm 8 pieces of cannon, and a,cooprifoners ; the killed are not numbered in Gen Buonaparte's letter, but mentioned as very numerous. V - '; The Germa' accounted iffers wioely from the ge-. neral's,,and is nut fo late. ; ? -Gcwral Gcn'.iii, commander -at Cornea, has b Hli'jjcd the Knalifh fleet to evacuate the gulph of Florence, and barnt three nglifli IbipVof war at jaccio. - ' ". V- The divifion of Richery's fleer, which had been Iftached m a fecret expedition,- had arrived at the Ifle de.Croix. ... :..LJL u . I,,,,'., .".- .!;;',.,m; John Alfan, one do. in do. No. 77. John Martin, one do. in do. No. 79. Robert Muter,; two do. in do. No. So, 81. . John johnfton; two do. in do. No, 90, and 94. William Kutt, one do. in do. No 91. """JPJifiJnda,: Ni)2r, &06. Jelly "Potts, two doTTn do. No, 40, and 62. I -. - . 1 K - . , 1. xv. uaurier, two ao. in do. No AA. and 7S Eftatebf William Hill, one do. in the Old Town of Brunlwick John Fergus, two do. in do. Eftate of Capt. Quince, one do. in do. Widow Allan, one do. in do. Eftate of Parker Quince, two do. in do. mutate ot -Mlrs Gold win, -one do in do. Eftate of Richard Quince, ien. one do. iiTdo. John Walker, bnedo. in do. THOMAS LEONARD. Sh,rifF T Sth 47 6 . ., . Of Brunfwick County. TheiBritiffr7Primer in filling up his LOafo-tbe amount of 15 "millions, OMASmTTE V. JOHNJigAN, 1LNrwi(u inc puout 111 general, and tneir friends in particular,, that theyprepofe carrying on the " Neither. pnwfr-cn. penwit thispaflage to the CQOUSOI Tlicre 1 The Pbfte-has-ifetermmfd-to keep a uerminenr Minifler with the French Republic. : v -The treaty with t lie-Duke of -Parflaisiratified by- he conned ol . elders. (. . ,. . The French J)irectory have announced the pro pofition for an armillice with the Auflriansp but ii poes not appear' to have taken place, except in re gard to fomeiut-poft?. ' ' ; 7 - , . ; '' Nothing detiuve on tne moect of peace, but it is no rcitiiclioi), upn the commerce of a. cerTatrTtbar neoociattons are on toot between the Emperor.and txe flefuifC TANNING and' CURRYING bofinefs in this town ana mat iney win give cam or leather tor hidesL or tart by the Ifiare-ttiirryinff on realonaMe terms yN."B j '.-Hides will be received by t Egao at the honfe lat? the property of Mr. ReaYd'on. , Two negro women and two children for fale for cafh, hides or country produce. Eayatcviile,' January 2 1 i . Y "44 6. CER7IFICXT$y0$AZJ&-r A Few " hundred pounds AUDITORS A CER1TF1CATES may be had, aP-' pliedYfor-imrriedmte?y-;t theftore bF-v "7 John 2tu-art,,one ao in do. No.. ' j j 1 Edward Inne. ntu- An. n An Ni tr ; ' " ' "' ' II I ."Fajiettfvile, Fib. 11. 47 3 f-A-BOttT-tbe thii.e -ofthe OSoberfnperidrcorr x a. neia at. rayetteviue,.i 790, the lublcribrr.lolt a FIELD BOOK, it was formerly a Blank Book ; a number of fmall lurveyi he made are fet down in. :. it,; with other writings and receipts Any perfpn finding It and delivering it to the ftKcribj "ft'aU JAMFS CAMPBELL, tittle RWcr; 'I 1 1 1. -MA ... : I if v:::. . - i m - . ----'-!. ---V j ' V. ' : '" . " '"'''''':' I