t!on in one garter ov the ithcrniorpartitalii Iy m the fouth. i . . Various accounts have been received by the; lair Lllbon mall, relpeaiiig a reported iafurieclion in SpaiahoiUle lo llie Frcih interei and a war wiu. "Kneland: Certain it is, Lord Buxe-vho. bad btet fbr-fdaie-rime expefled at Liffion, oivhij return tc j nr orrivwl when the iait aCCOUtltS ihiscuanrrv. . jtne Avkviandibe .fjiiii.uu.r-..Dr.raiJMihal LehaO . 'J - .. . I....'" not beei tattered by the people to popart, tor inc reafons w.hich have ben before Siveii ilicir deter mined bbjeciidiii to a watr w ithEngliir-,1,-r- -4"-oripftiMbm bir ofitiely:rre.Mc ce'de td the irifulting propblitJon made to it by trie court of Spain, viz.-rtolbut eat all EngUfb veflels 4 rem -ht-ru-4rte Headquarters ot his -royal highnefs the arch duke Charles, OrTiNBORG, Nov. 14, 1796. ' My. Lord, It is with the greater! fatisfaction I have the hon our of announcing to your lordfliip that official re ports were tiri day received by the arch-duke from iienerals, Alvinzy and Davidovicli, wherein it ap- pgars tliat.offenfive operatiops'Ta Italy bay been inoft fuccefsfully commenced. this fublect, were it not that if colonel Graham is, as 1 tuppole ne niuit oe, witn marinai wurnucr in Mantua-helcjuuiot asyet nave nao it m nis power 4 osJ OP OL JTT Mr. Williams' the captain ot an American (hip, who was taken tip on fofpicibn of being concerned In a confpifacy td fet fire to ooe of our Dock-yards, has been liberated, the charge againft him having been found to be malic'ioudy preferred by a worth ies fellow who aded as his mate, and whom he bod been obliged to confine. . , . , ; s The Ele&of of Hanover has pofittvely rcfofed to contribute any-more moneyiotiiedru calamitous war. We anxioufly hope that the king of England be induced to imitate the wife example 01 11115 uatiuv iiiuw - - . - The French have gone fo far in Italy as to pot even tlief ay errbf "the IrsH requifttioit. The biihop of Modena, in his paftora! Tetter of the f t th of October,' to the Clergy- of bis Diocefe; enjoins them " to implore the ,affiftance of heaven or, the invincible reprtblk of- France.'-The pioiif FrelatCoweverTtbTgol Td acqoalnt'thcm that heaven woold not 4iften to their" prayer. ; Cord Stanhope has declared he will not attend any more meetings at the Crown and Anchor,' ch iefs the Sign is (changed. The rowh molt cdrne ddwnaTfogefberl3 lay ohenoble Crtlienrbut"iHtf Anchor may. ftay, for the fake of the Rope.' ' Nwtmbtr a8. It i confidently affected, that AH ETendi is irointz to reftd at Paris as ambaflador ' ' - 1 , us.,. - , from the Forte. It anpears that the French- were, on the jth of November, Hill in pofleflion of the bridge of Hun'tn- een. witlv a body or 0000 men Nothing ot any moment had taKen piace on tne uae or jvcbi, or on the Lower Rhine, fo late as the 10th. A Flemiih paper received yeftefday of the date of the ifJtb ioft, . Speaks of a cbnfiderable commo tion haying manife(led itfelf in dirteTeint parts of Beiglsi in cbnfeqiience of tome violent proceedings of tne French, and which is not a little promoted bv trie late ill fucceft of the ltter on the Rhine.: A conhderable part of, the army if Bournonville, it is l. - i r ri , iii jtit IWrisieceTpr ofacTeoioarciTTOucirneiitTa; "To corTcfuoirdwithdarlordfhipT -' General Alvinzya report is dated at Caldo j'erroNovem, 7-Xjeneral Daviiovich! atTrente, the 8th intrant. , . ' ; . - t ---After the fecond operation, tmde r t akee. for the relief. of Mantua, thole corps of marlhkl Wurmfcr's army, which could not penetratei retired: the one under general Qtiofdattowich to the Venetian Fri bul ; the other, under general bavidoyich, up the Valley of the Adige, towards Neumarket. T v Thefe corps were fuccefsfully reinforced by con fiderable numbers of frefh troops i and general Al -viiUy was appointed to command the whole of the srniy, until it (hauldcffecTiu re-nioa jriih mari(hl Wurmfer. -.V".' " -y :. ''" ": After the arrival of the reinforcement at the places of their de(Uoation, general Alv nzy, who in perfon bad undertaken the conduct rt" the corps in the Frrou I, arranged a plan of the oratioos, of which the following Is a iketch. Ha corps was to advance throum rtn; Trevnane, towards Balfano,- and after forcing the paffage of the Brenta, to proceed towards - liic Adige, while geiieral Oavidovich Aionld defcend the valley by which that-river-runs down, from tlte mountains of the Tyrol, forcing the pofuion of Trente, Roveire do, &c. ' " ' On the third of thislnbnth, "upon of psrt of general AlvinzyS advanced guard, the enemy" abandoned Cafle r r 'atico ? andtjan3hel4th: the Aodrian corps advanced in two columns to the 6renta j the one to Ballano, of which they took poilcluon, and the other of nearly equal force, un der lieutenant general Pro vera, to r ontemva. GencraTTklvirizyarted on the ah inft. and f pent that day in reconnoitering the pofittoh of the ene my. JHe found the French army encamped in three lines Ik front of Vicenra. ' i On' the 6th, as general Alvinzr was on the point of pufhing for ward bis advanced gaard, Buonarar t, who had marched iiif the nlgbt Commenced a moft kvere itTack upon his whole line. The action be eiclit smtronuioh wapnns rd Ifido ptifoner. General lovidovicii.fiipport s the entniy lols, in killed ndwundrdf t4aieJcencon0tW dates lts own to have amounted to 400 men kilitd, wound, and milftng. - - . (Signed) ROBERT CRAUrURD. This day arrived the bwtdilh baj k juiicr, capt4 Schales, in 94 days from hirleilles in whom came paflenger the remnant of Americatrs lately-redeemed" by their beloied country f roni a ioiigVand, yainiul ; flavery.in Algiers,;LThey jel't A at which tinje no yedel cuuld be procured to carry them direclly to the .Uttiied btaces, they were pblig. ed.;o embark, with Ad rseaoolitans Ciltnied tor l.t-a- horn ; b'Ut a few hours aftfr their lairrag unhappily found one of the Neapolitans Gck with the plaguy we immediately returned to Algiers andjaiukd this man, and proceeded on our paflage, the day sdter Snotbier Neapolitan was found to have t he plague, and on the day following lie died j the day after which Mr. E. Bayleyof Newburyport, was found to have the plague; and the d-y i 01 lowing he died.Urider thofe peculiar circumllances it was ullan imoufly agree4 tor proceed to Marfell ies7 as t he wind was contrary for egh.orn, where we affived tne2QtETuTy Ttec: - .1 . gaii with generar Proverb corps'bdtitf (even in the wmance, aotiuies, and Human mornins;, and yeryortlT afterwards the enemy al- J ftd fought : aboaMhejr genml r advanVed injptbiluynde rJSod) m 1 f!t : : . '1' : .4 ',' ' ' .' ' vinor matrv of their Iiv- itit th; bancet. The French papers, down: to the date of thenzoth 3 General AUinzy reports kbat tW ehemy!s at tacks, thormade-with-jhe-reateftii were comtantiy and completely repelled ;ndlba.t night pW a(n end to th tftTalrwUhttut either party bavW gained 6r loi1" gfo pro'eft hat Hhe-At iBllnsTaon iktnat wfien general Vtlvipitay' next mornjrtg was preparing to rrtew it, he foujnd that the enemy had cbmpletely retreated. ' He reppfts, that thty direaed fhelr mardi tdwards ITtBerl. ;t General PrpyeraVi ,brMy.1)eynie ntii'.hay jng. ;bi4ei(f6ye4' heour(S bienioirnipjg 6Qh: 6th; bis column coold not crbft the rei' till towards noon on the 7th, nd general Alvjinzy's whole corps arrived late, in the eveni fg of thaOay-at-the-isanip aJdo-errnrfe ; ;:: General Davidovich had the mean thfogdriyen back tlie corp oppofed to him, had -made 1000 pri foners, and taken poilelljon of Trente, as was men tioned in his former report. ' - ... z-4 On the fame day that the above mentioned fevere alion was fought on the Brenta, general Da vidoj vich attacked line enemy in the fbrpng pafs of C'alia no, a little to the northward of Roveredo. The French had entrenched tficif ponddn "and occupied," in confiderable forcefc the Caftle of Beflono and La Pietra, which, as underftand command the Paf The (Irength of The Dofiriori w'as. fuch that ' nor- Trchnboqtdj ln(.are ot tne. armies cmicr n uiu tunuc uur iwi; are there any ofBcial accounti.. Greatl appreUenfions are entertaloed at Parts of new infurrections broking in that capital. In the deoarttnenu. no day panes wkkout Tome conamo- vui.wi.i, vt'iuu' I Tori 'tK ' wthrfhtiriheTbPt'r'T ftrr ic(niewwtth Mttaclty The corps pi the f ight rf M AAtfL . ellablimed batteries on the heighof :Nom1,?w1!ch fired t f, onfideraWeeffect t the trdtops bn jhe let of th ri ver attacked the cattle and entrehmehta with per fevering hraverywd jhe enemywere-t lmoSu completely defeated, with th Jofa ol Be cannen, ry precaution was taken, to prevent its further de- v alt at ion cjeanfinthe fhipcontintiallv by burning fuHphurptarfed rope .yainSy-and wafhinjg the ihjp andourleiyes wtn vioear were the means pf pre venting Itsjurtherprpgifs, adding to this no otber pcrfpn was allowed to have atiy miercourfe with tH the effrftcd pcrli'PI but two, who bad been fo for tunate as to furvlve aftipr having experienced tnjt (hocking diforder, viz, Benjamin Lunt and PeteiT Page, who willingly, did every thing in their power for thofe unfortunate perfbns. Every thing belong ing to Mr. Bayjey which h had never touched afi;r his leaving Algiers, the" cheft was ordered to be ftni on (bore two leagues below Marfellies, un-opened and there burned. We fincerely believe had we have gone to any other part In the Mediterranean we (hould not have Been admitted to quarantine, as a Spanifh brig from Algiers who left it a fejr days before us, and who had led three of her people arrived at Marfellies, after having been in three different ports in Spain, and not admitted to qua rantine and the veflel ordered to be burned the captain preferring to try Marfellies rather than lofe hit. vefl proceeded there, where they were receiv td tpperrorm n jqoaf ntine of jog da j, n6 r believe from the great eipence they have been at in Mar fellies for. thts'reception of veflels, their crews and merchandize from the Levant and fiatpary ; their Lazarettoes & precautions they take are preferable to any in the world. We e. formed a quarantino of 82 days, during which time we all continued in good health. Stephen Catha!anr-juO. elq, Anierl--canc'fiirtMaVleiileff fupplyed us with mfort able necettaries and a fuk of winter cloaths,' which we flood in need of for our pafTage toihe .United States. thejate captains in behalf of cbemfelvet, their ofBcerT and crews .have much to lament that Jofeph Donald fon, ion. efq. agent from tlie United " States did not effect a general redemption at the time of his making.the peace, a& (even of : their uii fortunate number died of the Plague fiace thp peace, and feveral others of various d borders. On th approach ot tBat alarming evil, th plague; Joel Barlow, efq. American conful at Aleiers by hhi is tci aiivc, iaoiiuicB, aiiu iiMUMiiuv I or inc ONfrer- edemption, which was the means of far- ving many of their lives, as at that time the pJaenie jgedidvtuh yipleoc that from. 40 to b died yvithiD the walls of the city daily They ' teiiahed" at Gibraltar to fill up their water, , &c. j)he 25th NOvemberi----- - :r.: -;---r-r - iJaiifjinp..c.jn Bafafy. , . Anilfmgh"pf?efvK'gfat relpibffiry " mformed them that bur affajrs in Weft Barbery wpTerin a very ayt.and thr he ws daily tx peflio aeJTl;to arri ve ,f,rom the lint ted States, witlithe preint;s fpr thelEmperpr, Mr. Simpfon had his furnuufec. to the confil(hlp for the United States at that Re yW'jupiter n hs4tb December, lat. aS V rff: PPg- ao, V. boarded the hoik of 9 Oho, luppdfed to l long to the Eailern part of the United States ;" (he was loaded wUh larfte nine timtW atiA P'a"k, her mafts were onctbe main iqaft about 1 j ii auovc uic qi-vk, ner quarter deck blown op, fuppoi'ed lb have been wreckd as much as fiy month -(he.wa about 200 tons burthen; could not diiW ; ver any name upon her flern. Deri. a6, tai ao; 8, N. ong. at, 107 W. fpoUe the (hip Eliza, of and frpm Hoftott, Mof?15arnard, commandfr, out r7 days, al well, ound to Chinas - Capt. Barnard very jpolff e -lv fent his boat with a relent of live tfock, vegrj. blrs, f c. which were, ry acceptaSle; and offered ii-s'any-fupplyof proyifiotis,- fprbichjs;:fiirji 'bJtM1 uu riinc re thank r -tht trigr Manoan, ot rfavernnr trora Norfolk out" ysRolirft-roIlrnme Wi the Weft-Indies. ,.X: " In the above bark, can en tncer the two vnnncr. eitfomi of the puke of Orleans. v ,7 v v v Tifiothf NnvviiH, Mtfes AUrp. trj---,TSj-H5'"f",Wn"

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