. ; - 0 f , f - ,. , - - , 1$,- . t U:-- ; t fp- ' - . , . 3 i .. ' . - i'nr . f ---r - . di 13 Wwk JAl - - . m II v'' ;? '.V7- 3'!t.. 0 - . 'XV''""-' r t- . : On'tu. day' his Vajeit v V armed bng harlot: f Lieut. Douglas, came in from a cruize. The Char . lottee Teli Tii.'w fort, a-tet frnm Havannahjto wmdward "iwts op Cunder convoy of tw aim Kites, and cut off the hindmoft vtflel ; but-alte takrng:imc:faiaU..ariui; &c,out,jvas obliged b; one ot the friiates bearrn2qowTijrw.--. -r-. Adams Adams fell in with bevern Yelirrrdav the nriirateer FoUue Of W Of, it n luniio eH He neoo e were an ion, ring foJiii as toprevent the Severn's boats get ting to their . aifittanc Hralfo-mentioned, that rhe Severn had nken two ncn ouiwaiuuu rifh Tiipsand fent t'fcm into the Mole. - F hnmrv to. A Wrci-kinff'vrflel came in this morn ins with a load of flour, faved from the wreck oi a . . , n It T-l ... - d , ;.tnr vnn r-hnmor in t on neneapr uci t w no nerlbn w4th public cares . jiaLbur sJiaveJB; uM.T to rrj - wVtrt great fatisfaclion I re-tei've your additiona eftimony, that as.a public man 1 have hot lived t rThough my feekTng thai rcpore'wh'tch retirerheht and the. public tranquil purfttit of rural affairs a rt calculated to'aftcitd and which rhy Jfine of Ittc re uires,ihe love of my country will indeed luffer no abatement : its fafcty and profperity will be tllcn- returned fiom a cruize. Capt formed him that Capt. Weft.'had driven the r reach .privateer Re ' - ... .i. . i- f u.irr"i-r. where .aUCCJ-IOJflr iKtu "fcrTnTrficnrlio will fuccefnvelv achninilfer every branch ita i J B tial to the-enjoyment of my remaining y cars And ' cbuBde in the. difecrnment and pitriotilm of my (ellow citizens for the choice of a wile and virtuou- at or near-the wreck when ihe was falltn The William of Baltimore, was vTFat-Amtcans-frcrtn Ca"pe"Krancois;"wcre Jatelv fooken with in the paflaaes to windward, whn WA tfirrp have reccml v been Come very ferious Iturbances at the Cape, between the rrencn ana fJrigaiuls. . rpHILADELPHIA, February 20. ' On Friday taft the Houle of Reprelenjtatives of this coirimonwealth waited on the rrelident ot the United States with the following addrefs: - TO GEORGE WASHINGTON, Trefident of tlx United States, I THIi ADDRESS, Of the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Common " wealth orPe'nnfylvania, in General Affembly met. S1P,V --., . WHEN we .contemplate the near approach of your retirement from publ'c life, as announced to your fellow citizens, irk your addrefs of the 1 7th rSeptrrl aitr wr fbou Id. be ,lw anting; in ' duty to pu r own feelings, and thole of our conilituenfs, if we ciid not cordially embrace this law occaiiori, to join t'ie gratcml voice ot the .Aiflencan nation iu the ac knowleiljrment of your l ng fervicea and patriotic "labours, in the atc-liWvemenrof pur independence, ;ailLtJ)jrJttfbjiment anUfflainenance of our peacej .-liberty and M(ei v. ' . I i the houfe where we now deliberate, could we b- lilenr, its walls, if they had utterance, would telif y tor ns, that they beheld you feated in bur firtt CongreCs, "aiul. at their call, riling undaunted to lead our inf'.mt r.rmies to victory1 or death, in the caufe'-'of' liiierty.and oiir country ; t-hey-beheld-rau. -Oitain, after the ifluft of tiiat perilous but aufpici ons combat, feated in the fame houfe, and prefiding emi n "n 1 1 v i 1 1 u il r i o u sli in o ng t h e i 1 1 j It r i o u s bjtid p! ftajdmen and patriot who framed the prelent hap py coiiftituiion oF "tlie'Uhton ';";fbfbeaF,"Tr7'""a detail of your fervices, as Well before, as fince the" ccinnicacement ofithe revolution. Were we ade t;irate to the talk it would fall mOre properly with in the provinces of fome future hiltprian, who can rot be (uibeited of perfonal aiFedlion or public ore- It is our prefent duty only . to exprefs our grateful I Itijic of your neneral fervices Prnrlenr. firm mA,' rf D 3..-, - " F " UU ot the government in filch manner as. under divint provideiice to eilfure the g-neral happinefs.. For your affectionare wifties tor my prefent and future felicity, accept, Gentlem my cordial thanks GEORGE WASHINGTON- February 23. who Tsto fuccerd fr the ffat'on 1 row 1 are tl-e ho nour to hold, w ill leaveyqtr-nb roeui to regret my ietif?menr7 " f"' ' "For yr-fFecttoiute-farewelLn(liupplkaLipnf or myljti accept, gentle, men," nvy warmelt thanks :; "and liucti ely ..pray that you may collectively and individually enjoy un interrupted, honour, profperity aiid felicity. GEORGiv W AbtllWU I UN. Y ESTERDAY being the anniverfary of thebTth I 'iie.n, on your leavlni; a darion day of tfie ' rehdent of the United States, in honourably filled as their Prefid wHFHi-mmiiergn rn pejn year Of UIS age. U , W3T. obferved here-asa Jay of-Te(livalndlieoicioCT- It was ufhered in by ringing of bells and firing of cannon. Molt ot the members ot Congrels and thi Governor and the Legiflature of this State in ; bypngratulated hi in on the occafion. The Of ficers of the IiTuTalrieTaTtevenrTclock at the Srate-houfe, and niarched from thence to' the houfe of the Prehdeo . to whom theyprefented an ad drefs, and received his anfwer, thereto. They, then returned to the State-houfe, and accompanied the bociety of Cincinnati in their viltt to the Prelident, who klfo prelentetl to him an addrefs and received h s anlfwer.f At twelve o'clock a fedeTal falute was hred. 1 he procelhon was attended by the uniform military corps, who performed a variety of evolu tions on this occalion. ' l his day ias always been oblerved in this city by marks of joyx. arid feltivity : . but this being the lalt birth day which will return, to George Wash. 1 mg to m, as Chief Magittrate of the Union, it was not only honoured by outward marks of ioy. bui by leniaiions or a peculiar Kino, wnicu are oetter telt than ejepreffej, they were -1 hofe ot gratitude - and eiteem tor eminent lervices, . In'the evening there was a ball on the occaGon at Ricketts Amphitheatre, which for fplendor, tafte andelegance, was perhaps, nevr excelled by arry fi TriilftTiHiertaifiritent i The addrefs of the Officers sof M'd'tja of the City And County of Phkaiph'ia. ,. , , TO GEORGE WASHINGTON, President of'-the jh if ei States of America. o-uv. -V- wniL.c oaermgio you our. congratulations ofrr the return oj-this aufpicidusday, we cannot retrain from mingling an expreHTon'ol etrehienregferat the approachine dole of your political life. 1 WhlelrWirohetd too arrtomm a tid e r i n e hie f of the armies of America, leading us to victory and the eltablilhnient of national independence ; a nd. at ter having-accomplilhed this grand object, retiring from your cxalud ttaiion,y;tand embracfai the un- d i 1 1 i n gu ii flied tharact e r qt t st pryjte-citizeii, we be TTeve the mealur e bf y ourfanie3 Senate of the United 5iaies, February 22; "The anfvyer to the'Addrefs of the Vica-rtlident of theJluited States on his retiring frbnTthc Senate was yelteiday, agreed to as follows, " - bi K, The Senate of the United States would be, unjufi to their own feelings, and deficient in their jJeiloriu , ..nee of a duty their relation to govtniH.eiit & their . couitr. impofes. (hould they fail to exprtls their regard for your pei Ion, and their refnect for.' your characrer, in anfwer to the adcirels you prelentcd to : - . . , . which you liave.lo ent. : 7'- f'he motives vou have been p.taied to dirclofe whiclM4uc4-.yuH evicc, at a time when yo.ir experience, taleus nd virrues were peculiarly defirable, are as honour '.ble for yourfelf, as from our confiderce in jorf Sir we truft tlie refult will be beneficial to our bc- loved cbuntry. VV".-' " . When yon retired from your dignified feat in this . Houfe, and took your leave of the members of the Senate, we felt all thofe emotiorts of gratitude and affeftion, which our knowledge and experience of your abilities and undeviating impartiality ought to infpire ; and we mould with pajntui reluclauce endure the feparation, but for the confoling reflec tion, that the. fame qualities which have rendered you ufefut, as the Prefident of this branch of the Le giflature, will enable y ou to be Hill more fo, in the exalted Itation to which you have been called, From you, Sir, in whom your country ha ve for a long period, placed a tteady confidence, which has never been betrayed or forfeited, and to whom they have onr fo many occafions entrufted the care of their dearelfs interelts, which have never been abirfed. - From., vou wha Mldine tlielfecrihd fituatiiin under - , g '- the Conflitutionpf the United States, have lived InY' uninterrupted harmony with him who has held the From yon we receive with much fatisfaeYion the t'eclai'ation which votr i.re ideafcd to maktof Hm - opinion you entertain of .the character of the prefent . Jenatorsand of that of-thofe -citizen who hav been heretofore f'enators This declaration, were other motives waij't n?. would afford rliem an1n..l c ntive. to a virtuous perfeverance, in that line of condui3 which has been honoured with your appro anon. miitn -.niinAna ii im f n aAM J-i1 t - I. t I y "hi"xy iil y at "xvr' "cairiug 01 inepuonc faiety in the worlt of times, nor elatedly fuccefs in the bell, confi :ed in, and confided by your country, iiiisLtejaieIl.AdvantagegloriooflyeltnqiiilhinF your1 military charader, when the ereat n .tional pui potes tor-whieh jitzwa(Iumed left yot4iber J . . 1 I t . 'A. - : - - I rj"Ttj leeic your oeioved retirement! and with equal glory quitting that retirement at the call of your -fouSLriJtoexe:"16 its councils and command in time of peace, the faithful guardian, and intelligent ofganot its laws; maintaining its freedom, afler- -tinsts honour anditideoeiidenefr7wh1.r.-t r-irt C7 4 j IHLi 111 vot.r bell judgment, without any abatement of love loTJroi,r conntiryj you conceived' that iheltiiutwas come, when you might be fafely indulged in a final return tfr thatetireiiient, whicXyouf-years afid fet v ices merited,- then bequeathirig the frohs of our wifdom .and experience in a farewell addrels, the maxims and precepts of which we tru'fl will be re garded as- the richelt4ega'cyT)f"a : father to his i chilr dren and latelfpoUerity. The fame ardent affec tion which leads us reluctantly to acqaiefce in your approaching retiiejnent, : commands our fervehr willies that you may.enjoy in this world the utmod felicity of your heart, in beholding the perpetual prolperity of your country, under a fucceflion of wife and virtuous Itatcfmen, and rulers animated TJyybuf examplepand thitwhenyou are.alled from this world, yon may be' rewarded by the un- bounded felicity of the world to comcr ZT- ftEOllGELATliyiEaSpeaker,, . To which the Prefident gave the following an- lwer j , t, : f ; To. tht Houfe of Reprefentatives of the Commonwealth 1 of Jrentijylyama. The kindnefs of niv tef low-cinzens Has erven me Trequent occalion to make my ackhovvledgTments for their expreffions of confidence, attachment; and 'Affection; and for the honourable teltimonies that But when the obedience to the voice bf your couri y yougainrelinquillied the tweets of dbmeitic and we beheld the Iforms winch threa try retirement tened our happine s difpelled by the juftice, wifdim A vigilance, and hrmnels or your conduct, public crc "dit m.dtatrieaVbuTiaettiniabTe conftitution protecV ' ed, infurreclion crulhed, and the national peace pre; ferved Language was-wanting-to exprefs the ful "tiefs of 00 r feeiirrgs Under (uc h i m r fti onajira t . as our confidence? isf-in your, fucceflor, we cannot but lament the' reloluti6u have taken to refiun the helm. " " '' V And now, Sir; in our capacity as citizens and fol dirs ; "everready bur iouhtry we bid yoq a tender; and aftettibnate" iareweii .while-we off er.bur.earhe(t . fu pplicat ipni that every hour of your remaining years may be as peaceful and happy to yourfelf, a the mqft'fplendid period of your publie ftations have been i beneficial to your country, we red with perfe confidence, that the cloWr of a life, of virtue and of glory will be crowned with an eternity oLbiift ineffJIde. a ol the City By order of the officers of the JVliliti d county of Philadelphia. ; and county Philadelphia ...Win. MACPHERSON, Brig., Gen. Feb. 22. . , . I To which the Prefident rmrned the following aiP TJthe OfjiarTonhetfititia of the City-and county of WWpr- 1 ' -rr- Gbktlim.sk.- I RlElVlvaaf oughtrwith-great congratulattonsbn this -day of fo refpectabfe a body, as the officerslof the militia bf the city and county fPKiladelpjyia.,.- . Vr: :'Cf . ; Your'fayourable fentiments f my exertions to promote the profperity and happipels, of our coun try, cannot botbe pleaflng to me: for be a fliired tbe apprihg'voi grateful reward which can be offered. i' ; ne patriot im, uprigntneis ana abilities ot him In your future courfe. we: entertain n7Tdou5t. that your official conduct, will be meafured by the Cptiflirution, and directed to the public goodyou have therefore a right td entertain a confident reli ance , that you w i 1 1 be liippor: ed , as wel I by t h e pep pie at large as by thtirconflituted authorities ' We cordially reclpocate the wifhes which yon exprefs for-our honour, health and happinefs, wV join with tears, our fervent prayerslor the conti. naatton of theijtte and TibeHteof of fellow- Mzens; for thepubl c profperity and peace: and or you wejmplore,the bell reward of virtuou deeds, thegratef ul approiortof your conftituents an4 the fmjles of li"eavnV H ."77.7.77373 Cappin r?arper war caftied InTorrjagtj by a7 French prirateer. After a detention of 30 days', & J'?JP.? rle ver y tnng they gave up the Jj'efle becauTe nobody' would purchafe her. ' '. He leTt tnT.BlT6wing 'V eflels therer"1 ' ' .Brig Woolwich of Philadelphia from Port-an-Prince, Schooner Polly, do. do. Brig John, Tuck er, New-York, from leremie. 7.' The above all .condemned. 3 The bng Lavinia, of Salem, from Aux Cayes was fent in the day capt. Harper TaiTed7-73"'r The fchooher Harriet, Captain Shields from his port, is taken and carried into Port-de-Paix, where ' ihe was condemned. Thirty thoufand dollars were' ihfured on this veflel. ' Extract of a letter from Cptinorrrof the ftipT" Andromache, arrivedat New. YorlcTrom Cadiz. ' We were boarded on our pafTage by a French privateer, who robbed and plundered the (hip of every thing they wanted belonging to. the cargo, fiich as wine, brandy, raifins, lemons, &c. bepde robbing the fecond rnate & people of their clothes, although they knew that the (hip had been out a long time, "and was coming on the coatt at an incle ment leafon, when mora than we had would be wanted.' . . The fcfiooner Kitty, Harper, from Jeremie for P,hUadelphia7is taken ty the French atid fent intff -Cuba. '3.,y,. v 3,7 3- T7V '3 ' ' :7JThe Ihip-, Capt. BuIl,"of New; York arrVred there or. Xt x from Monte Chrifti, where me had been fent in by a7 French privateer, ibd was;ta: keh to the Cape for condemnation. She howeVefi had a very narrow efdape from a Britifh 74, which endeavpured4ocuther-off-from the bai4our;i,ii17 "There was no French' fhip bf war at the Cape, except a corvette ; but there were four Euglifh 741 conftantly cruizinit off. one of which, and a Bermn ,v.ff : , : 7 ,. I'M 1 . 7-. -- , '.---.-77' 1- ----- , .-. , - . .,r 1 1 ' 1 '" 1 r T 1 iTr mW f 1 ".-

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