". " J'i-viv- 4 ' : THE ART OF tSAKINGF-r: A Gran J Tragi-Comical, Dramalba. deal Kpifode, In Une net J HE Taken do wain Short Hand. "V ' ' Scene . L 0 u S t. u i'i . debate. i3U.nie.itJ'.' j " " 7""'" n - . 7 J . . I... f ii I'-'V t.M l. islMDlc. Uiu'.i Slaughter. HamWi Ji.-:rc. th thVfcpdft-yciLlfreJ-iird Tcl I move vctx, that the furrier consideration of this qHeftion be pofiponed tor immediate dttiuflioti by the ether gentlemen 77 -S lor liiVWite, nr;. oy in- iwi u ni ; , "theirs i lie" kvmlelt crathiir Tver knyew r (he was ;i hl'ty tho'os and ponder i and then her eye were iu iaiiguifhing .... ..MiVltJPt- UT''Hk: llwMydj trcaJslu h'xstoe Oh ;' ah ; fa chnllie ; oh my toe non- Mr. MAGPYK, hrsfids'it.. Present, Order, order; will gentlemen come to order ! You mutt know gentlemen, it is an ind.fpen lable duty incumbent on us to.be ready cut and dri ed for the grand harjv-.imentarion that is to enfue. Are v our mugs all well primed . - All. Aye, foaming to the ori.ns. TV. Bravo, bravo! we Avail all have fl.ppant be read ?' y : Aft. Aye, aye, aye, .ay -j, yes, yes, yes, no, no, Vr The nves I believe have it. lliole m the - .' "il ,.l..r !nU nn rlifir lianas axMrmaiive win picjiv ... . s have h. 1 Kea.ui ftrreTrncmtn. wno ire- are conlidertd ie a nieraWt'for the "ci'W wterpeakS'&rit--my Ia(l: but nobojy elle. You are to hooierve, V Ann-Antettfn is de tlrd time dat I luHike io be kilt vid distem rabble. (A great, uproar ) feel plaguy fliamed, 1 v'eow you how, to lace Inch a dueled fight of. folks; Howi'undebber, it is fartin that I fine tofueak a eood word in (avor of thegaXls. I'fe been married to my Dorothy this three years, and, taniafhun feize me, ef there's fich another ii the land of the living. Why, 1 veow.you, flie milks twenty ccows ever day ; flie fcrubs the handielt you ever feen, and as for making molaiies cake, dukins Pre. Mr. Saal -leather. - - SgdteaMerrfe with his hut on,) : " - ' ' So ;-. Mr. Chairman -if, a great blowing of r.ofa ' ; i'n: ileiue,Dfderi gentlCIllCn " "3n lnourable nifiiiiier is iij). " aSo.;-. 1 fay, if 'we confide r the queftion in its wideit 'txtent',.it will appear the molt important aueltfon ever a pitafed even before Congrels theiiK 1 lelves. I beg leave t diifef entirely from thegcil rtleinah in the leather apron ou my left. He has I "liiter.d to prove to you, nr, one oj the benches' breaking. down canfts a g eat. laughter) to provelo you that the " yard flick'.' pf my honourable colleague-- (a loud rear of laughter) my colleague who was ' fo much hen-'ptcked (a great horfe laugh which ccnti-. tines Jiv.e minutes : c-.oai-iramtr vnaines nts teem, us 'tfjon iu a "great pafon end Hatafar rijss. . V Xt re. A member up. take hWf-mel tuf n herljaclc tny I ' . ..l.a i..n tuon nnt'tn geiulemen, mat you arcm iaMgn ikt '" didurb tlw harmtviy, derorum, and regulationths of this meein -no hallowing, pounding, kicking, hWin, clappjng, fcratching, elbowing, &c will be tolerated. 1 Vill now proceed to read the quejtion. On motion by Rheli'm O'Kbgherty laft Wednclday will be debated tWighr, viz. ' Is the joys to be en dured iu the old iWhelorfliip (late gteater nor un der petty coat government: ins rwJM 0FLAHER.fY. mat k. Mr. O'Flaeherty. as tlw prppoier, win pieaie to neu the debate. - r ... . . .v, . 'J' ft. I Will Tile aS VOUr HWUUHI mua.iuv, fliall beg leave for to be fpakito'the bennefits ex ulting from fitch mectins as thete. liere. . Prl You mean r'Mr. GTf lagherty, dont . - - - . . . . i . .. (VFl. Ave. all's one tor - tint now as ap ou fee -for argument fake,- and, asJ waVgoin to lay this evenin, -to fpeechfy is the molt awilaudablc th'nw in the utoive'rfe ; becaufe, do you ee perhaps, lnnlH be after tcllinor you, this here hauguU "b5dVin71niap'Cometo contarms or tne nation now a . uw.v. 7wu, r fnu afrer a (t o u i flvi n 2 y o u with my hellequence ; -by J -s that was a bold pufh for an orator (Afide) or if - ., . ... Mn vMces, He dont fpfak to the point; kick him lown7kick "him oifnanririmutrtorirhTOr l.t 4.. t t ; ,.-...;...,-----r-r -r-vir W....,,--- Pre. Silence, filence, order, order, gentlemen, oh, gentlemen. " " . , - ,7 r O'Fl. "By my flioal but I will fpake; I II fpake iji fnite o' the praltielt of you. Arrah be quiet there - The d eel burn O'Flagherty but he will fpake, and you that are lb noify hi that there corner, will' you pleale to be afy while I bjeave-to Ipake in praiU hf ttiitfvi'.ftaFffolrerirmelff . r - v . ' Sialmtker.- Pull .htm do'Jirn ; he dont fpeak a word of fenfe. . . , - . (XFl. Arrah,. dear Soalleather, the dibbil : pitch--fcirk me, an you ant the grcateft liar that ever Ititch, ectir"Qi6e7 the punkin patch fbe comes to me fo loving'and ; 1 i i- , n" t . - . II . .. (Jomeboaj pneks ww UICKS a pin in nie ( a moji un xonfciotiabts laugh jitencss Jonathan.) Meinheer Vanfpunk. I dings, Mr. Speaker, das te- flientleman mat te tow trowfers dat fliprakt laft was IT molTumnaTTbirfbbls : mine Lot, ourie hat nieih .fife flie. would foon fpeel te teiyel mit him !' -(Ifc Tiniid get tpw hand, containing the heads of kit difcottrle. ) . Timid. I conceive) Mr V relident-en -tnar en fa v eh (looks down in his hat) give me leave to remark that eh eh that my colleague hem is cohclulive eh tn. his argument eh--he has told xoi-H-ei--( looks dole tn his hat) that he was-en v-the happielteh-ot air. men.- uy--en-cnau-lifliing thiJi--eh old bacheloi fiiip dotrine-eh-it would be-A-eh-w mouth becomes terribly parched and then fpils dangerous to the ftateand eli-1 would beg le a y e . thio t eii v pu, (his throat leenis choaked up, he. haws ana tnet: jpns j that 1 fav-A-eh--fopfi down in his: hat again) that-- rhI fav; Sir--Y down confuted.) . Pre. Oh Mr. Timid, dont be difliearteDedl try-4 again-pray finifli your harrangue, Mr. 1 invid. tm. J lay Mr. Kreiident--cn--it is a marter, nr, t-coughs andpitjiihii is to fay-eh--1 have nothing more fo fay. He jits down and twaney gets :apt to tbinkit is a jnatter.of great conlarn to- the unitect oiaies in point oi population, ana as 10 wnat the genth man in the red wig has laid -Slaughter. Interrupting hbij move you, Mr. Prefideht, that the gentleman now upbe ordered to comb his hed, to wath his lace, and to pull off his apron7lefoTelie is allowed to Ipeak before this il- lultrious aliembly. Sawny. An ye wad ha a fample o Ipa king, gen- tlemen,l wul geejt to ye- In guide ti eih, I ha' a mickle deelto lay on the fubjea, and ken ye,, moil, wha was the prettieft laffie in a' the warld? ye din na ' ken, 1' fuppofe. ( d craping, of jcet auia loud Mr. Currycomb. Second that motion. r Hamr Mr; -Prefident; my face is;3S tlean, and 111 " " appeal to your honour if, I dem't look as decent as any of you. . Zounds to be plain witn you, I neyer faw fuih a group or ragged coats, greafy night caps, and dirty'iaces, Iri hiy We. ' - Slati. You're a liar arid a fool. a (hUmmer darts at hi?n iid clenches him : a terrible battle enfues, a dreadful uprur in-the hail, and fcperal gentlemen are tr'jd Under joo) Pie. Silence, hknee, order, order, for God's feke. orjler to be made orators. on. '"'Slati. Fair play, fair play, letup. All. Poriri a ring,-foi m a rintr. . (The uproar eiureuje ,'aud the lad.s fcrtetvt : mugf, 'Jtgs, t, mciubexs, pc, are twnOMig together- in a heap,) . Jtian:. . dare you into the dreet. S.?r (.'iitiif iifi I'm wrtur ninil ' Pr e T W niyitlf, 1, adjourns this Society to meet again at the lih of the Cabbage italk) on Tl urfday ncxtwiHe- - vrno clock, P.M. Exeunt 'xmuess. talking.')'. Gad zooms, an ye wana ha patience to hear, ye may talk youriel , and tne mucKie cieei take ye a'. 1 wad teli ye, mailter Prefidenr, 'ti, a great difgrafs to ye, mon, o hi them kick up fic a dnft ; (loud bur jl s oj laughter) what the deel are you about, nion wi' your long face r ye kmna kap' pacerehrTff TTwrrf an ye-fltanna rha'- nae maie o' my eloquence. - 5; clown.). " - Chifel. Hikes, Mr. Prefident, the notion of im proving in oratory. I ant prepared tblpeak; but 1 think in time tlie.city oL Philadelphia w ill hoJcLa. feizes the honourable member, which prevents hhu jr on. proceeding, , and unjortunately having no handkerchc.j , he is oblipcd to wibe his nofe on his coat tail : Mi . Sim . :.o - , - ..m,..- TtT TI t3 rl T' X T T "V T I-' O W Xi O 1 -1 IN JLJ 1 JL, O. A letter f t orn Petit Cuave, up the Bile of Leogsxk, ' t)th November, fays "A mnlattn KvtliA rimf f.'jllfin t a t tVi A Ail: Pu l him dawti ; down i kick inroruuiro? wh e w (whiffling ) vvri ng liisunofe ; nofshifs s s clap, ciap, ciap ciawje, y .wj. ' Pre. For God's fake, gentlemen, do, -1 o-bft -a li tt le m or e quiet , pay, do try, -m rr A I. uUTsa o c IntiT ill T vp nair rF v Ft. Arrau ucai uumva, j - - knuckles, do you fee, I'll be letting you know that Phelim O'Flagherty arnt afraid of, the. prattiefl of youw 13y my ihoul, was there ever'fucb-ioipudencic; under the un ? A let of raggamufHatis, with leather: aprons and -yirty faces, to be tafing a gentleman in his fpach, is a burning fiiame do you fee ? (all quiet) but as vou faim to.be bodd.ering nie no more, I'll beg lave to be tor going on wun my can, i nc go vernment of petty coats, Mir. Prefidenr, as I was a going to fay, do' ye fee, is" ; I fpake from experience is furely more honourable nor the bid batchelof hip ftate. .Arrah 1 fliall be bold enough in telling J- you. by the bye, that the old bachlor rs- poor, lou- fy fort or being. iUY,i ."t "" """- A-,fv-wife and 1 have, been thr very bappiel-eoa rlp in all the kingdom ofFenniylvania, do you hear, JleTaluugthdvmtage rfhlsaTJcoii,Jiiuret rija.) t - Sim As I ant ready, MrrPrefident, to debate tbit here tjueflion, and a great many of my friends pre Cent here ant ready nut her, if ,1. ant out of order I'll make a motion to adiourn this here queftion till fbmeother timer-but asrto the-gentlemaVandle-(tick 1 would obferve-- " : Pre. lnterrupting hwi Sir, 'you are out of order IMf. Simple pis down. j-v ' . .. .. . Mr. Buckram. 1 mult confefs, Mr. Brcfident, I had: no intenti o n s.of ofFerlng my fentiments on this --1 . i , ... - - ' i 1 -' ' I 'TT. of adminillration in this place a mofe artful, infi nuaung'tiian '.'l.never taw, and a more complete in fcoaird re 1 thtrimr never ifiewrrupoii. Theie arenow lying lvcre leverai Anicricati vellcls whuh were brought in, "id ccnlequercc of the order iflucd by the conimiflioners !t the Care,making all Ameri can tile s bound to or from Br'uim ports lawful priz- ! il ey-have been lying here from two to -three inonthsuriogAvhich-timt -rhe- cargoes-ha be-n taktn from them without, the toi in of trial, iriore than three fourths of the men, Ci plains and laiiors, nave tauen a iacr.nce to tne rever. ano-tiie hbnies' We have lived-now this le veil years upon --rtaTaturra p.- tender jade i never beat me therdeel a ence except then do you fee.aud ; tor ; becaufe v as I would acquaint you, flie once give a black eye with the tongues ; but both of huz were foon as fweat again- - as lugarcanoy, ooyou i .w.v.y Fuoiea, and to face this refiieclabh audience where all eyes are agape upon one, puts me all over in a fweat; but, as circumftances prove to me the fallacy 6f the arguments of the gentlemen m the red night cap over the way, I fhall beg leave to differ from him in opinin.. 1 matt fay, fir, that I am kicked and called a loufy Tafcal by my wife every hour in the dav. Wbuld vou believe it, Mr. Prefident.! don't you think (he had the audacity to call me only half a man ! 1 Pre, As to matter o' that, Mr. Buckram, flic, may have fome realon. . Buck. I beg pardon, fir, but, Mr. Prefident, I call you to order,--! Jay I call you to order, fir, and jou needn't to nape your eves fo wide open at nie. 1 was going: toTelloxrrirrT-fheinstnmeT-d: Twears it takes nintf tavlors to make one man Zounds oundszoundsgtveieiy"yaT -gHf CTrtttc-inyaTCrH'CK, UCJiiyuuuici Mil uic a black and blue: remaining fourth or n ore like walking ghcfls than ... lirg men moft of tlit m dcflitute of n ont y, and not able to give their men a decent burial w hen dead. But judged yourfelf of this Gaflon, this inhu man wretch,, he has been round to the people whp boarded1 the-unfortunate-Amerieaiirand -adviled thehr tlTtuFri '" theW: ou t of doors, felling them f hey ' had not nor would not have money to pay their ex pences, turn the poor devils out, fays he, and let them, die and goto bell,' this was a fpeech from jhe rrian on whole will depends the property of all . tReniericaris who come to-this jj'oitT""' Under:Jl e -name of purchafing he takes if WtoTcelf noTvoiuiW tartly delivered what he' pleafes, and pfomifes to py witnout tneiean -regard to hts word and honour- A" few days ftnee he enticed a Philadelphia : fchooner here With flour, by promifigbe:capt. (who came Iere froni Leogane where ljis vefle) vas, lying) upon his (acied Avoid and' honour, tar be would take nothing from him, relying on thilie came wun nis veiiei, out Dud no toontr arrived, Irut L albn ofdered a guard on board and takes all hi flour from- him 1 here are now lying at tj' feveral ports in the Bite, 51; rtmerit'an Jail, brought in by jhele lawlefs urates, and 1 believe i fpeak mcder ittelyylien 1 lay halt their crews have died with the fever." : "" ' . ' - ' - " , OAlMITTED;fibiesiii (he was the finelt body- m all the world: to. dam ttockings1, xomrnrpr Speaker this wlnfky has made a woeful rompreflipn about nry' bowel 'jtgg-''" me a fma11 fit of the ;E,J&&$oj weTs ago,;fa. negro man by the name of CJ- where votfare. . Your wife is not near vou. f bAU I' lays he belongs to William Sinclair, liv: ' . . . i . . v . I '. - c..i. rz-: 1 . Buck. I beg the company's pardon, and lrom thele 1 ing near s-omcr, ouuiu-varoiina, ana nas obfervationsl wpuld infer,that old batcblorfliTpis the happielt ftate; 1 if. j- r j , i neen auicKt wpwras ei a rar inc owner 1 re- qucfied to apply to the jailor, and by proving bis A great noife of bijingf clapping hands, pounding on property, and paying tne netellary expenccs, hg and Soap-boiler boil rtjt 'together J owe cry boal- r " . v J i?' &pf Jailor. leather,7flrSoap boiler.l : :: T "?l!i:iL ai 3A .

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