1797- v i S ALE February 17. " - WAR 'IN:INVI V--'.- Between Tippoo Saib and the- Englijhi- , cBjCrfprr Derby, in tbe brig-Cadet, 67 days from the Cap of Goo6VHbpe, we are informed, that a fewdys' previous to" his touchlng'at the Cape,; two Brhilh Vpackets toftd arrived there, one from Cvt: ;tsand:ne ftawgTa 'profound lecrecy was obfervedTefpeding iht intelligence they broirgbt, It had tranfpired that TJppoo'wa 'making fbmidahle; preparations lor Wajri-that the iVIihrattas were difattecied, and were -atDt to join him. ' '-) : - 'Ulraahcortiidtfntly reported tlm 4 or joo French e&ctrsihad been Cent over by the way of the Mdi lcrrantanf toferve in-Tippoo's armyr It was not r: rtain that JilllHfCA hLitttlVj5mtnieiced bat. " that the Britifh every day expected in-attack, :1m, acsets, tqur pri- oatwarjd bound icaer con?oy of hipdl war and a trig WUateiy atej tnqarjiyat or me tifh.teciments were .Tent :on in the Ina,fteoifi(ling-ofn fail 1 ac thiboi war and a irisate. i. V Tippoo can with eafe bring; an army, of 200,900 re11.e;uVpKned men ipVb the field. Hi foldiers (Seapnys) are equal to any Europeans in that coun try, w)o are foon after their arrival enervated by thjjr. climate. He is 4rded by the EnglinVjind ii tge r mortal and declared enemy. He is a, jwince el kno'wn. courage and addrefs, and very powerful. His avowed plan" is to drive thele u fur per (as he juutaiis, ine tngiunj, rrom me wuian ,tmtor altoge;berd he has been once near effecting it, and may do it acain. " His fopply of French officers iava valuable acquiuYton, and what he mod needed ; they were undoubtedly fent by the Executive Direc tory of lrVarice; 4 Indeed this bufinefs Was always a favourite, xontemplation, of that government j bur wjhTch the revolution for a time has prevented. Ge Dundas has; arri vedat the Cape, to fuper je3e"gen. Craig in Yhe command of the garrifon at that j place. Lord Macartney was expected daily. GipB; raig bad . receive an appointment in India, . W'waMQ lacartrieys arrival. This circumlrance is joyous to-the' inhabitants of the Cape, and aufpicious to te; Americans who may arrive there. Gen. Craig trjejate, tcm with inefFable contempt, ..whenever . they foliqted the leaft indulgence.wheri they en. teed his apartment, he a (Turned the air and dignity of a abobj Hrutted like a conceited player, loon . their (pra ytrs were made known, damned the A merican flag, and invoked the vengeance o( heaven it their ctirjed beads. 1 l is redoubtable general was an off cer in America during the .war; andwas ojMpeH ed to- be prefent--at -York-town r-wbetr viirii" "I'ft"'" J,IJ ,nul iu tuc - HiUirriOUS ingtpn. Scorchmcn have good memories, and the old general's wi 11 end-only wi t h his 1 ife.The inhabitants ahticipatedwirh plealure the arrival of I.nrd Macartney, who is a complete geni eniao (the fry reVffeof Cr.aig) Vnd ; uijd'ef, wjiofe govern ment ibeVa no j doubt : of renewing thejr former. craue.ana yifrcoHric. wuji me Americans, , -Tlbe-eni"nl;waSi r. u..r r A.io'i.n 'With r. 1 lpefloi ip.fecQnd poiit vtiebter yiit that refpec-,. lug the unity. and indivifibjlitjy pf the fepuUf-rjtbc modifications of the plan, by the eftablilhaieot of Department .Aiwwfirat.bits met wijtb a many opp- lers as advocates, by reaMn otttne qouof qijucmjy; of making the debts of fqiTfe of the ftates common l6.alWand-fafcer jJatie means "of eacfTproy ent refou'rceV and means'lubfidiilgtheir inbabi tants)to bear their equal proportion o( taxes aiu. iinpofts. . The 2oth.wa fiaally fixed upon to d..ci undejrtefe Adenc melfveh. ,TbT$ difn'cult ,a.ttd; important queffipn o,i , which a number of citizens of different towns had petitioned iataxoor pf all ro this ilep has jfQca,re4ibeiittbe:tiffcation of a,hotiovrjtiu neniiok; withttV aproyybe teiior of theirad 'Ar&fliyh--. :--v , v ' V; '.' ". :,:" .. . r Some members, propped , to make jhe p'an the bjfiV pi the dejtberatioqs, od appoint a comniiffi-jn iwhich; in Jpur, weeksould; bring in a repon on the means of alfeaipg the affilutg unity . wit rcfpecl to ?he general tinances and, taxes, But the conciliatory propofitiotv, hpt being adopted, a'ter lome diforder either in he aliembly itfelforin t e ;gal lories, the nominal appeal decided by amaori;y ML63jto5,vote,s,4jbatjhe pr fVitution fliould form the bafis of the .national air lembly's deliberations. , , ' : : : , ! A letter from Vienna of Nov. 26, mentions that a nobleman had arrived frptn Italy, with ,thf new o the murderous bat tle,of which, we have had the e tail s i On acou n t of t ne ret reat. of Ajyinzy, the eniperor had eternjm nicnt of 1 ,000 men. . , V ; . r I Em'prtfi'ffy tyjia. . . . Under the Hamburgh head of the 3d December is the following 4;By an exprefs arrived ' this m ruing from Rigo, wTiave' received ti e account, that her imperial iriah$y, Catherine I Id. died on?; the T7tK November,- and that his highnefv Grand jUykePaul jPctrplwjtcl lis been prbclamed-Empe. 'ror." '" " ' " . ' . n the paper, of the . 6th, are , the following re marks on the ab jve' intelligence " The mcflenger laid to have arrived onjp'rid ay, exprels from Riga,7 was not on his way to: London. . Since that time neither the Uulfian Charge c'Affairs has received nny "official hews--h6r has any coui iff pajTed thrd' this city, to London. No knowledge. o f e deatb of the emprt fs was received at Berlin . tho' fome private letters received at Kouinflbcrg mkc 'mention of it. It is therelore probable, that this :4 w r maiuiv 1 jfland arrived at that port, while capt. T. lay ihere, laden with, oxen, fowls, &c. the admiral purchaiid the whole of his cargo for the u e of the tied, and paid biin in cafli with. Which he caj t. was muth pleafed,and tailed a few day s after tor the Havanna. . The following important Arret, received by capt.; -Gibauii i romGuadaloupe, is jult -har.dtd us in ill original .French. 'ZZZZZZZHL ' HBSaTY. EQUALITY'. ,. ; A R R E T. . . . : 1 Tbe Ipetiai ageijiS of the Executive Directory io 4e Well-Indies, Conftderine that the ports of the iflands, at the vindwardi and IeeWard. ai well as thofe of Dema- TiT.fleQuTbb7ndBPr bicerdellvered to the Englifh, occupied and defended by the emigranis, l re n Hai ot permanent ege, and ouBht not to njoy the fioie advantages as the port of the dit . (erent tuglifli colonies, palled by that power before the war and by other titles, - , r , 7 , Confidering it to be contrary to every principle " to treat a Hprde of rebels, withoiit countrywichout government, or a flag, with the fame regard which ctvilized nations oblerve among themielves during war.. ., , . . : -, . . . .'. 1 - Confidering that by authentic' arts in por pouf. .. $Qi, Ti is jm oved "that divers places of the.colouiea "delivered to the tnglilli by the French and Dutch rebels, belong not to the Briiifli go'-ernment,' mpre than La Vendee; in wh'eh ti e ' Englifh minj(tcr had a(p the mercenary troops, regiments in their pay, waring lame uniform as the troops of the king of England. . " " : : . . . ; Cpnlidering that by virtue oft he fecpnda'ticle of. the treaty of allinnce, concluded a Paris, Feb. 6th 1778 between the United States and France, the tormer-powtr engages to defend the-pofleflions in America in cae of" war, and the government and " commerce of the L'niied States Hae itraneely abuf. . ed the forbearance of the French republic, in turning -to her detriment the f'avou' S which had been accord- ed to chem, of entering and trading in all the porta Of the r rench colonies. cannQt bow' tTiiTfled," wr a s treated with every tridTgriiity Vj the inhabitants at Cape -town, for his.dallardly con- dujSjt in delivering up the fleet under his command to, the 'Kpglilhy at a time when he might ave im- . moxtanzedlhis fatueahd -revived the ancient glory entity jiatavian nag. t s aliened, tnat like the Dutch governor of the Cape, be was charmed bv EjjaVTb gpld-finches, s.nd like another Arnold, bafe. ly betrayed his country. ' 2; r - - jTheEnglirti re only in poflcfllon of Cape-town, and TaKe aqd Saldanha bay, and the country inha : bfuntsVefule Jp gt re ujpai4 arcja relpecluble force. ' NE W-Y p R K, February 23. . , : : Tranflattd fr the Daily Advtrvfer.- Hague, December 1. . The dcuffipns on the "plan of a new confutation for tJiJS repUbne have lafted in the. Kdtavian Ma Pv letters from Prefburg of Nor. a J, it appears Vio th nir r Prfhnror hav orranted-to the im Wror,the followingfupplies for.; the profecotion of j he war 50,000 liu ngar 13ns, exciuuye ot tnote requ'ifite to Complete the regiments already in tlW field30,poo , oxetir J P,OQP horfes 2,400,060 WtelaN?v grwnfioOcjO' do. pats. And in xafe the numbers at prefent granted, ate riot fufficient to obtainTao-bpnourable peace a generalxifingriien faffe," will be determined on, 1 7 he Audrian official account of the battles ia I italy nearly agree with the French but the former reprefent the lols'on each fide as nearly equaK A jnong thprifooejsakciLby DawdpyMatkolo were two French generals, Florella and Valete. Anew convention between the French republic and Genoi: excludes the gte ports during the war, and the vellels of the lattei are prohibited to xarry provifions to the Britifli.. Genoa is to proteft herxjwn.fortj and harbours, but V cafe ;of "neceflity ihe is Jo beaided by French troops. If Genoa Ifhall be inyblvCd in a war with Fngland, France will undertake to potec her trade and navigation' 'arid will aflift her with (hips of war .and intercede for her in negociations for . peace Genoa pays to Kranre 2 millions pf1verRin advanCi !and a. million to be re unded after peace.. ".. Feb. is.' Yeftexday'arr'ved the brig Ffperanasa. a pt TX-Travils, m t8 da vs from fori-au-rrince. tlonaV-AffembTVi until -the ath Nov. - Never-pe BapCweVe bpimons fo decidedly we may even fay He informs, that the Britifli give cpnvojMoall A , aualiv-dvldedr MQbnu-ititgitgmaintainjf i rnencan geiieu nrmpri ra i ane iicnoia jvioiCjor any: . - . . " ' : r tUt ' m. ' - - M m - b. mat It is aoove criiicmn, or mai u ecs 1101 jrcumrc iiiiuu puii-upinc jm? i l 1 lie uniiiii : arracu . uny jiuuhm, luuryttvi- .ayi. Kerneyconvoyed. capt. Travifs with other Arae ricans from .Port-au-Prince to the Mole. ,On the paflageja fail was difcovered to leeward,-on the jih, of FebaVy, o the. Platform' t hif the Roman j ,Emperor gave chace to the proved to ho a lugger Drivateer-flie maintained a ruanins fifiht for tWo . oifii materia! alterations in feve'r'al fefpecls-(u ; - efjpecially4 as an aflembiy of feven'perfons whi V- under the name of Council of Afctfrwould not on -luch lich J V . . m i t . a a 'a uncer, the name or Ltunaioj Mate would not only 'mioV. executive, but 'Ktb refpeA to the promulgar ' tipn.and execution of the la vvs would-be veiled with prohibitory powers powers of fo much the great er!, m'agriitnde, as aTthouch the authority of the l eqtiye Direclory of France, yet the legiflative body is not to nave a permanenjJeiUonrLdvogJo-t3r- was carried into the MolfJ By permit ting for a longer time nsutf al veflcls,to carry provifioas of war and of fublilience, to men evidently in a Hate of rebellion, we fhould be the :meansof prolonging civil war, the cahmitjes anof crhnes which proi.'e'd dierefrorn"brder asv follows : I Article L The- trwps of the republic and trench. uwir i v a t errs - a re au t hor i fed t o take i-nd. cond uct, into the ports of the republic, neutral vefTelstleffined for the windward and leeward iflands of Ame"ricai'-d"e"--'-livered up to the Englifli, occupied and defended by the emi grants. . ""hTe" ports are1vlaTtin5qffe7"S uetnarara, eeroice, ii qui no ana at ine leeward, Port au-Prince, St- Marks, PArcays and Jerem'e. Art- U KYery arme4 vellfeH' baving a commiffion from etheir of thofe ports, (hall be reputed a pirate, and the ctews adjudged and punifhed as fuch. 1 ArtVlIIr-TieveffeUxandargosV defcribed in the t ft and 2d articles, are declared good prizes. and man be loio tor tne oenent ot tnc captors. Art.! V Every ueflel taken wb'ch ihall be clean ed out' to the Weft-Indies generally, is compre hended in theifl and ad arti.le. ' t. Art. V. The order of lad Nivofe, 4th year, in purfuanoe of the decree of the Executive Difcftorv of the t4t h Mcflido rr 4t h y ea r , (h al 1 be execu fed till further orders, in every -particular not contriv- fhis order thali Be trThted7 tfanfcrillw inrn f r' regifter of the cfWrjinal tribunal and 'of, comrnerce, Tent to all tVe "ports of the French colonies, teady, publithed, and polled up wherever it may be' ne'eef-"'; fary. - : .. ' " '..;:': ' It (hall be notified .officially tathe neutrat go verrimenfa of St; Croix, St. Thomas and St'. Bartho-. Iomewsi1-;'- k -;-': !;-.: ...,' " Enjoining on the' criifliraltrlb'uhal. 'and of com merce at G'iiadalttape tHeir- de4'egites,4n.tfi'e.lEltfl:er-1 !ent French coloniesi and elfcwhere, on tfie' idmiraf comni aiidantcniihei3Y eftJiLdiaatio"nvjn.don'thei chief, of the adminifh ation, ftriclly tb executejthjs 1 arret each in his refpedive department. -Done at Baxter re. . GuadaloupettJie-ith-PIu'--viofe, fth year of the French republic, one and . - indivifible.' : ' .. (Sfgned - ;i -VICTOR' HUGO ES and'LEBAS, PHILADE LPHIA, Feb.;2c. ' Thexr'eply of the Vice-Prefideiu of the cnited States, to the addrels of the Senate Feb. 23. iimJ An addrefs fo reteedfol and afiecliona'te as this Trmnnin?Ic1n xeepWreArerrrtlW . "A hrig. from Rhode- I verexnent of the country, atid great confideratioo' .-y nf .ujjbJigeloJl PIfiii0 eqtiye Direaory of France, yet the legiflative body was carried into the MoleJ j. V . ' Irom genfle men o: (ucnwpTrleTtgg aniUbTTniieTr" " ,i luv 1 is not to have a. 'permajiertjeffionn 4-PrPvifions -oflf kino,xeeptreftrre--ery- Trfiaracter in pnhlir affaif7liigrrftatfon.frt1he go-, - -rm4r-i3i- f.. 1 i '.J.:--,-.-.-. - . . ... n i-. r.. ..::-s -Lf J.. - , 2t" ...-' rr" r ' " ilreP''entd dunoi us two vacavions ;Dy a intau- ae- l plenty at rort-au-rrince. n qrat irom nncat- i.uitui wy vwauaeraiioa - : , . - r , ... , a; 1 - -- ... : . , " . V- . .. 1 .. j 1 : t .(- . : i. - . ; iA . , l- . ' ' J : r 1 r a

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