. '" tr. ." ' ' ' ? . r- r---vrrr,--f--,r-;.;:-. " - r - LHuW,i-i t-t t w rds be, .'i.bo.U' ''- :?r! t.'up'l "'...A'?; 1 r;rny i fi rf-V-vt ti 'W r:V' ! iMitroti J it ivli j n - th-m to Ue.mdre trie.idfv to us, and U' o d. v-r Vn tiontomimnm peace aiifHioipie r.m, wi:b aU rfatUn inJ thai Jienx at ueuiraliiy an j unpart'ulay, am the bcl'ierem powers of Eii. Tli", which has been adopts P thii government, ' and o role-nnly'fanctif:iedi by ooth uouk of Co '.". grejsy.andapolauded.:y: ai'l the p-iWKc opinion, until it 'hafi he pother wit ordained by Cbngrefs ; it a perfonal cittern for tlu- chiefly among fhem, and a fincere delire to prelerv tufr friend fbiojyhichjias been fo much tor the honor and tnteretloTboTHTiiThjn ous Jionor and integrity of the people ot America. and the internal fentiment of their own power an- energies. mud be preferved, an n neii endeavour u inyettt&ate every j'l.t caule and remove every co ' louratde. pretence of. .crm plaint ; H an intention to p-jre, by amicable negocialioTl, a reparation for "; ' the inorfas 'that" harvr been c;f ye.-ety.l-eetHr ees of debrs dae, drawn by f be colonial adiuintftr tinrt irtthe Wel'ilnd-t: ' - ' merce -of 4aur .Tellow-cirizcns b'v wherever nation ; a'.v! if' fricce.fr cannoTbeT "obrxvie d.-to lav the fafti before the legiilature, tint they m'ny coniHer, wha; farther --meafures the honour and intered of the go- v.-foment and Its cq;ii oentsmind : . Jt a rctcdu tion t sdo juitlce, as far as may depend upon me, at ail times and. to all nation-ahd maintain peace,- :" fne'hchhip and bericvolerice with all the. world ; IF an nnfhakert .confidence in the honour, fpirit and re fource of the American people, on which 1 have lo often InzarcTedwy all, and never deceived ; It, ele vatedg ideas of the high ds t'inies of this country, and of mv own d-.ties towards it, founded on a knowledge' of the moral principles and iutellectual .improvement's of thprjp!,?, deeply enr,; avi-n on my mind in early life, an I n.it obfeored bu exalted by expcrieiu:e "a:ul age; and, with humble reverence 1 ftil it to be my duty to i ll, .if, a veneration tor t!i? religion of a -people, .who pre fell and caM them- .' ' Tdy.es hriltians, and a fixed resolution ro.con'lide-r a decent refpe.t for chriltiaiilty, among the bed re commendations for the pu lie fervice, can enable m?,i a degree to ce.nply with your wifh.es,' it hull be my dreiiuous endeavour that th;3 fa gadous in junction of the two houies (lull not be without ef- .feet. . ' Vnh thjs great example before me ; with the . 4th. The feWrer toreed es o'f'iH farhe iheir veflels, a;id -appropriating tbem tojbhc ui UImhu. a yhysn-thrm?-xu- pay ug ihadetpva t clj A or delaying payment for a lengtb of "time. ; jth. The non performance of cjpntradts hiade b . fVe flgt s :or IK g ibs rhe Condun nation of t lvr EVeflels at)tl car goes'uildcr Tiich of the piarine ordinance of r'ranct as are incompatible with the treaties Tublting be tween the two countries ; and.. "tii. The captures landiooetl by a' decree of th .uiional Coiivcution of the otfa A'ay, 1 7y TA wliichm ioiation of theTreaty of Aii'itydtd Com mcrce, leclaied tuiny s' goods on board oixiiu VVfleis iawidl Jiizes, and idireftcd the Ficuth fbips otvar and priyatecU IU biing iHfo uou. I mentioned. The foUpwfj tji? decree fjthi com- tilciv. ot the iSth ol Tauuarv n.i'c - N"1 ' ote'rd;: eaTytepal mgtne S t ha t iclenf he decree oi wc i.jih voember preceding, and io , frect,.tneart uj esj n the j;rigndreer ot t he 9th Mav, 1 79T. by "'which th"c ; IreaTjT"witri the Cuitcd "fates had been infHnged. It is not i;eceflary (ur ,rliern:ro(4df:thMbH5i ee ot -1 he-4th of Jan'uTarjlliAs'beeri ' realeU by ihactie; of : e Executive Directory, of the. atl of July, 170, under rolWur of which ate commiti'd tii uutkiug depredatiohs 011 the commerce- of the United Malts w hich aTjaiiy witedirl'thB 'newrjfpe?sTrne ' ' ' agents ot the tcutive directory to ' uie ;ict'ward ittawd rTrtaTie? amtiiotixr'mwi'"1rie-'"' Z7th ot Noveriiber,-1 790, paired -a deliee (inafKtd , C C.Jforcaptoring aU American veiieli bound to or trom Bf ittih ports. The.fccretary 'preilne8-tiiif velfds laien with pi ovihous and bouud to the ci.e .ny'i port. - It nuy be proper io rema'rk here, tjjat th s decrt of the Covention direcled the caj'uureof neutral ve fels laden with proyifujis .nd deffined for enemy' hx tsrpi eeede44j-one-iBm nr hed-i-f-4ie-Bf tifli governm nt f( r capturing " all veflels loaU( witJL.Lj. flour, oi' meal, bouud to a.r-v pof t i;-. rame. Such was the nature of the claims of the citizens of the tniud otaies upon the French ftUpvibl it fenfe and fpirit, the faith anJ honour, the duty amU . mterelt of the tame American people, pledge! to " fupport .the coii'.titJtion of the United States, n i&tmxio'db"t of its cohtinu mce in all its energy j 7and:my inTn3 TsTpr epi red i:yv'i t hou tlhe'itat 1 0 ipro I ay inylelt under the moilfole nn o )ligat,iotis to fupport it, to. thje utmod of '.my povver. And may that being, Whj is f ipremeover all, the ,patrdii-ot-order,-theiou it tm ot jultice, and tle proteJtor, in all the ag-.-s of the world, of virtnons 7 jiliyon'welF bteffi nfru'pmths nation, ana1 its gover'ii.nicnt j ' andve 1r;iiTFyMibleTuecefn4 djratioiieoiiultein witb the ens. of his providence. After. which' the oath of.o!lice wa read to him "b the ciiief j'uflice, whiclvhe energetically repeat ed -he refeatevl h mt z I "aa n f t er- a paufeof -a - fe w n(.;n -nis, us role aadbowed to all around him and .retired.' The Vice Pre.ident f oflowed in abont-a miiyie, and George VVafb iigton moved on ' after hi ti ami jit reiterated liuz,as, and' a dilcharge of ar tillery ; thus clofed -a fceiie the like ol which was tuver be f o re w ) t fie'fet 1 ilTt I lis or any o t he r cou a t r y Avhich f arms a new epocha in our hilfory, and in 'the hilloryf re)ublican frtcdom, to which we '.mil it co:uiiiit jfie glorious labjeit. v;--:- ---: - it not, an x'ruiti-i y, unauliiorileu au oi their own hot that it is contormahle to the intentions orihe Executive Directory: the privatecis. ol ricnclt Republic in Europe, having aptured ,ome American ; v Hels on tbelnme pretence, and lie con lid of the Hf ttblic at adiz having explicity 'uvo'wed his de t im ivjtion to condemn' nmerican vellds .ou that ground, pleading the decree of the Diicclofy ior M p uLiJoriiy- : i ' The (ecietary has already intimated that th3.de- crej ol the 1 Jth ot Novembc r 1 794, was not toiiow- previous to the drpartute of Mr. Monroe as Miniltt r Plenipotentiary to h'rance in the iuiiimer bt.1704, and fjnee bis refidence there. - To hlVn vverchf riiit ed - the documents which had oeeu . collected to iiib'.tahtiate particular complairit ; aud lit ir flniftv'd to prels th K'rencb' K'Overnri:-nr to al certain and pay what might be found jly due from time to time; as addittc.nal c.les niie, iiicy were tranfnitred to fiiiuS'ifb likfvi. -v , t ;, j.. feniher. of that ''ear- he alhgned to his lecretai'v Mr. Skipwith w thhe pj o'tjloiuil . ppn'm. ment t f i conful at Paris) tjje charge o! ifatb the i'i'':1', and fuming mem m me j'nipci 11 ui Ol ICll JL'H'.tlll ; referving to hijiifjlf th? du' v of f.xin - general pfir ciples with the government-,'putronizu.' and lu c-i intending his proceed ngs in conuii mity with ihe'.direftion. ji ;y.cjiHHitfe!'i Mr. Sk'nvith '"fhoniy af . eT"iiiaue a "general report on this injuries anu d'ulicniiics hiki 'vexations' to vhkh the iontn.r of he Uu ltd Sta'C4 was -ub je'ied y 1. e resrlations and leftraim o the Krr ec government , o r iy tne ahme piactiie 1 by i ; ' :;s t a t e fap er. - v Tb fbl lowing document was preferited to the Houfe of Reprefentatives on Tuefday the 2?th lilt. . with an extenftve appehdii, ' . " . -R-E rP-Orft-TV The Secretary of State, ia nurfuance of an order of the Houfe of Repf efehtatye9vHof the 8t h of May,. 1 79,"on the ,mejnbrial3itvd petition of fpudry citi. ' zis M the United States, refitting' In the cay of Philadelphia, relative to the lodes they have fullain ed by the capture of property. by Kreuch armed vef felfon the high Teas, or in couteqifence of the forced or vohiiitary Tales of ilieir proviiions; and merchant' cliz?, to the dtficers of the colonial adminiflrat ions . ol the French Republic, having examined the fame", ,' together with accounts, orfiinUar lofTes fultained by American citiz'-ns from the French, in the Euro- . pean feas, or in the ports of France, which in the details were neceHimy connected with the former j hat finee the com'nencemeTiKof the prefenr vnr. VTriotis-apcontinual con plaints have jbeen made bv citr.ens oF.the United grates to tne; department m Fringe, of injuries done to their- commerce nn- der t" g rs ilt.'Spornt' nr amftniy treatment of their 'veC le:s nt f n, hv erch,4n4r's tr war and. p. -ir et s. ; -1 - ..tr- ' . . . e'aathprtryoi'.vKe French-Republic aid by its i. Thwf:- ininri; "5 w ere, ; '.':.', r. T..j ' t 1 1. '. t it.- ir'! ,eius; to-wHich lie ad Jed a nu.'nbt.r of particular caies, ja copy ot the whole was annexed to ttie report, marked B. j. This rDort was laid befou the French ' novernmeiu'; and added to. (he tannic reprefentarions of Mr. Monroe and.his preckceffbi , it ofoduced a decreeTjNbe joint ronimittees wtjjiili-s; lie SafetyFinance, Commerceand Supplies, 'datdl 15th Nov. 1794, a copy bf which was annexed mirked C This decree apparently calculated ( reinedy many,of the ,e but a very partial, in retpect to cgmpt'nlition, u xoropa'rativety-feHalleUetT-while-it---co'ntinited ;iri force the principles of 'the deciee of the 91b May, 1 793 which . rendered liable to ieizure -,.i d . unfit' vat ions the goods of enemies founi on board ricotr&l veflels. Ameriiah veilels had been declared ex empt from that part of the decree of the 9th Mav which luthorifed (eizing of verte-ls going to an en'e my 's port wit h provilions, by the decree ot the tiorral conventjon of the 28th July, 1 79. i " ' On the appearance of the decree of the 9th Tay.; he American Mmilter at Faris remonltrated aainlf 'tu'?,,a"yif'i34ifH1f,''e reatyofcoinm!-rrrr between France and the United t ites. In onlequence there- Of, the coiiverttion by a decree of Jlie 23d ot ihe ame month, declared, 44 that the veffels of.-the" 0. "St a r ess "r wn nfc o&icttSoTtie regular 1 on o f Tfit 9th of May." Mr. t e Brim, the minider 'for Tor-; ed bv the exit ulhely good efffcts extedted;froni it. By a communication front Mr. Skipwith, of th roth of lalf 5pteriberf r(tfce laieltvrcommiiiiitatioi.ij'om him, in aniwer to the iecreiary's requell for infor mation) it appears that the claims ior detention of 103 American vrtiels by the eniLaigo at bourdeaux, remained -nrd-.term ned ; no funds having' beenp I ointed for the payment ot them ; and uiariiouw of the bills drawn lv the tolonial adminillration in the ,V fft-ndies bad" been pa 'd to him ; the neaiory having rendered pvinpt in atbfniaiS at their noiol--nalva'ue, fnd afterward in another ipecitB ot 'pa per, called m-aridat, which had lotfex d a greHt e ;'reciation even hetote they were put into cufuia.' ion ; both of which nudes f payment weie refuted 10 be accepted. - The progrels made h Mr; Skip wiih in th? j'djnflment-of other' cl in s io far as knrjwn iv. the ferret ary", will appear u1 the annexed latcnicnt !)J co'de ot which w tr .', mi t el 'eh months ago to the ofRcer of the prin ipal collect or ' of the cuttoins, from the department of Hate, ior ti e information of oor mercantile cin? ns -That Toth:nr-might bf-left titidone- wbicb could -ie accompiilhed by the executive, the attention of general ! ii ikoev. ihe pvefert minMler of the I nittd 'ns to France, was p u ticuiai ly di ecled to tne fub e t' t tbefe clanTm, bu the interval which has 1 1 ped bnce bis departure, has not admitted o: any intemting ccintnunica tion fwm b m -.ort-tUs Jvufirefs. . .11 oi-iv ction with orher Ipoliatiniis by Fiench cnixl vtfT-ls, the.lf,cretat intended 10 nienuon I!iL.Tffco.mmittv.d.junde.r;.adecree,.jilM.ted theJirftof 'V.iull7i -967 iiliVrd by Victor f iugues and i.etiiS, the fpecTai agents of the executive- lUiectory to the windward iilands. declaring all veffels loadeu witti contrah?nd articleii of .ary kind, liable. to. ieiuie and cohSlratiu w h h i heir eni ire cargoes , wish out making any difcrim nation in favour of thoie which m g Mb? bound to neut ra ( , or even to r renCh poi ts. fi ts decree has been eof(Mccd againlf the Ainei ian trade without any teuaid to the e(l b'i(hed, Innni otlesra 1 proceedings, as w i 1 1 appear-f rom tne nnm x ed depofitions I F ol Jpfiah f en.pllcad, m iller of the brigantihe Patty of AVeatherfield, a copy of the decree marked fr j is ajlo anjuxed. - f '" ' V" The fecretarv has received a nrin'ed ropy of an other detjT!i,knieJPiaJjl! 1 ward iilands dated the 1 3 1 h Pjrvo Vie, th y ea at?r . Terin4oJ!br4tarv ture of all neutraf veflels deftined .to any of r!ie e go afFatrs on; the 2nrh of May, commumcated i hav, b.rn dr,iverfd op t0 the Engli(h,;and -ccfpled u.,, m (hv cc, n,,r mmmcr, accompany .ng u or dfend: d by eminrants. naming Marfiniqe,t. with tlieF- words ; You w 11 there find a new con irmation- of the principles from which the Frenc p enp I itl ,ne v e 'riends and allies Uie peopleof rhe-Untt edrSt'ates k America. Vet two days had only elalped, befor thd'fe 'pr!pcile were departed trom ion; the 21t h T.vicie, Tobago, Demarara,- Berbice, and Ffequibo ; and to; I .e.wardfPtati.yr.ce,'rSt. Marc, U.Mi Chaye,"and jeremie ; declaring fuch yelTels arid tM,? Cargoes to begood prizeas weJT ai fa Rytflelifclear '-. eu out vaguely tor tne weii-maics, a copy 01 .' latVdeeree, will be added to this report as foonas ic captured'a very rich American !hi;v the . an. '-!,.-Vund means to ei'ct the repeal, to enable li em tokeep- toM of their prize. They ! Jiad. .fx en apparent hardinefs to lay before band, that the de cree of the 1 3d would be repented, the ill of Inly, the convention pa fled a fourth de cree,. again declaring', "'' that the veffels of the U. States are not coraprfed in the regulations of th- -. . I . f - ,-'- . - -. decree ot the grh otlaycjontoxniawyto-t4e-ft of May, the convention regaled rbeir 'decree pf the -all be tranflatedv -All whleh is relpcaiuliy fnN 23d. J he .owners- otn r rench frivateer that na: ) ,Mt.j - .. TivnTHYPU KFRl,. ' . THE APPENDIX. - . : A-i C opv bf a decree of the rational com ention 9th May 179V V: (B) Aimer and report of ;rvSkipwltl;; Aniericaa C"i 1 lui. on yy fids c a pt 6 red. (C) Extract from'Freiich decrees of I cthNpv. l$4-fJrl-jxtract from the relolve oi" the French vbiii in ftion at tiie leewiii d ,ii!inis ot 27th Nov.- X7'i' it mouTTTtTcailed fhe 22d1 article of the tr'eatv. concluded-. the.t'n of February, '.'t,773.."The'.new: .minider-for foreign affairs, JVt-Desforgues, accon) rjaTlsfrtsewcVe 4t-iV-l tit -2 70-tla jutrr- 4-twniclfwere-fettlei ) I'll fa IH iW.lW','.9 tti nr.'iUe-r veJcW atrt5Ti.irJj:at:x'ii. the'yVto .;ii'd - -r .; ''...;";", ---".---7 "rnr.j.... ;",'' .':.;'.' 3d The .non-"'incuf .:;bilif audj'0the-.e itin- following exprefiion: "1 am very happy in bein- aoieio give you tnis new procn ov tne irarcrral ten ti meats of the Freituh people ror t heir fllics, and o their determirtnti'ii to maintain to tliemmofl ot tliei power ti e treaties . ft 1 h fl I i i u g b-t'w een the two Pe . public I1'1' ?et 1 liis4lyjree:Provftl'"ws,fi!iwnjijy'as Hie former ; op the zr.h or Tnly it wa r- pe :'r J. -he next decree on thisjiibjecl was that tf the joint committee of lh"e ' 15th '.Nov'. it 794 alrea'l' with the French rcPu lic and the remainder' pend. MiH, A lecbnd lilt of claims on ioi veffels, detained. by em ba rgfi"T7oiji rd t.a I7oi. and fmned by Mr. Siikw t ( K ) A u affidavit of t he commander '.of the hrigan tine lJattv7 ; ''"- . (F) A Placard of Victor Mushes, 0.1 tiering the ennrorino- of l!orfes com raband.- ' J - r - - "j- - - - -- ' 1 his-toilows the - tientioi; m thr t;iml;rnts''0 Philadelphia.. ."''. -.- ' . '- '" Aiid a fecond lett.er-toni the fecrttary of date dncicfiog a copy 01 u.c elect cc c. 'victor Jiughes. fIJ S i ur J '4 -J: -A f 1

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