- 4r. i- jS ft'i i 1 m L O N D Q N, Dec. 29. 'HIS MdlESTVi MJNlkE.sTQ. ing preletueu the following declaration trom his Majetty :.' ' ""....,...... . .,,.,. - .Thtr ,'wgocat1osV''whUlr''aiJ''aXloo''2cfir(t Fur the reftoration of Peace had mdoted his maj'.Uy ti-ipen. - at Paris; ; haying been brop French governmeotj - the king thinks, it dueTo hirrt- lclt and bis people, to lUie, lu.ihis. public manner, the circumltanccs which have preceded ami attend ed a tranfaction -of-fo much importance to the gene ral interelts jof Europe ' - J'.". It is wcu kiiuAu tiit early in the; Iprefent year, jj, .. .MrcuinU.UK.cfc oi utiucuiiy and ditcouragement, dc 4,ivrutincu co uke lucii Jteps.as were belt calculated to ope a the way tor negociation, it any correlpond II lug de fire rev4iledonjne-parcot4S-encnHesf At directed an -overture to oe made in his name, by his u.iaiiUi iu ovwiicilauJ, for the purppjeof alcei -Smiling the dilpoiitions of the rieiicngovtinnieni wita refpect 10 peace. 1 he anfwer wliicli tie rt ceiled iu itiui ii was at once baugnty and evahve ; it -aiiex'tedTo-tprdtiotrthe iracwifyTo thoie uilpoiiuons, I - - ' tf wliich ins majeity's conduct aituided ot unequivb cal a prool ; ic rancour rounrilels objections to the public dinner, at Riclcctt'sCircus, fo targe WsrJ) 'gtQu in teltiniony ot their apjMbatbnx.tbiiprK panyTiiiun wium wcU an ii i Yi re jil niihers, many of tht Menioers ti l oi ! .I'ciife xii u gi s, the Governor 6 ti e "ftate,- thf urine"' : I r, tr- chant of the ci"v""n7ti at Cells r's. Let I, ti 11 n irch- t ed in protcilicn 11 yin i'bi nte 10 .ibt p'ceot t mer; laimnenrr kin tntti enuunf; u 1 1 ircus. rg !Hg'i..Akrcb lekmndi l t iatfugi. the place, am. V ttf.: tain drew pp, hUh pjUr.fd to view 3 irri (parent fu.il ".lengih psiuiUrg'of ti c iaiie i rclcient. Wliom ( r ame is tiywnifcf: w ill) a V leathtl Lai. 1 el. taking leav 1 yh 1' Por'fnicuth, ave, afurjklivtring to liei hib vajcdJifUjiji ?UfetjifiBfr;ot rvirrerTCa, who is lepicicnttd by a ituif, hcltlint; ti.cCap of Liberty in I er ha, with an Alur belcrt htfvtufcribtd i &. a- 'itu.u-. In the paiiiihip a e mtrut'Uced lcvtialeMi- b 1 e n j a t ii al d c y ii;cs UwLotuua'iU-h e- h a tt-vqb ir ed -ryl.is puhiic Uivitts, ami a didar.t vitv 01 Mount fr'aat rf J rt??ld?r;: i. ri. tot lbt-L tyt i jcLisBS3jtotirc V. e l.ttr that a ditttt icn n i nicauci, u, tliuiflit i r, I j a lard pelt, between the iniitd Sutc s aV;d l!ali i.x in Nova Scotia, . Civ aii icsy the mh infl rt, ti e Tfiie of fitly I vi it 1 y , N p. 2; 'lie Dlu l:oi ci tujni mbu 306 . ii tlit 101 luiinie a!er.tuitr. ' t ' A rclolutiou pafied the L onfe of Tcrrrfeutativcs of tht- I nited irtes, on TuHWay il t 2 tl. nit. giant- lnj?: to General V iniontt .ii.iJL'4.UAiwt-'- tl e icii.i,ii.ct. oi iai l..c. ffoini mi:ni s By .tuthority. -ot jbuf,ow, ot i ouiteticut, cdrlul gei.eiai for ! LELIIH!- kingdonict Aif ers.- Vtinoti, the liei oil is n.iitnicni. Not leUtiiah jjo ve' huis w ere f rtffent. and a mi (I furnptuous tuterta 'nn.ent Mas proviiieci by Mr. bi charder, which confided of lour lu ncred ijjjit5-Ql 4ie-m(Wbictr-vTwd louid t urcha It or art prepare, clreficd and lervtd up in a mann 1 vs hich did liini tht hiyhs 11 citilit. A.r. W iiii g art: Me Mudeol ltier. 'i hetollowin toafj. general Loiiferel,, oy winch peace nas bten io of. wee given Irom the chair: r . leu refloied to biiropejUubut it Uuctioaftv-paiied: itr in fiance ii'u inajelty s delire to learn what p: tiicr mode would be ureterrrd by rraiice.' It at the lame "Time" allerted "a "principle which was itatel- as an uidilpetiliule preliminary to alt negociation ; a pruiciplr under witli the terms ot peace mutt have ,bcen, reguiaied, not by the uiual codlideration of jultite, policy and reciprocal convenience j but by ti) implicit tu JiiiHhuii 011 tnc part .01 ail oherpow ers to a ciann louiuied on tne intei nal and keparate coniliiuiioii ot Krance, as having tiill ait Hrrity t ) fuperieue the treaties enicred into by iiuiepenJent ttaies, to govern tneir iiiterelts, to cnoi rouLiheir engagemenis and to dilpole oi their (onvHMon:. ' A preteiiuon in itle t lo extravagant coiild in n,r initance have been admitted, or even liltened rp tor 1 a moment. Its application to the prelent cale leri: llQ- nothing -lMg- tluii 1 that r ranee Ih'iuid, as a preli" irjinary to all dilcuifion, retain nearly ail her cpn ouelts, and thole particularly in which liiVinajclt , was molt concerned, both from the ties ot tnttre M . arid,.the: lacred - .obligations ot treaties : Thar he iliould in like manner "been conquered trom her in every part ot the world : and that lbe would be left at lihcrtv, to bring !oi -' ward luch further demands on all points ol ne .ci;. tfnn.as luch uncpialified lubmiffion on the part ot d o with whom lle treated could uot fail tpprnduc . , On fuch grounds as their it was lufhcientl) evident that "no Tiegociati'jrt could be eitabiifhed ; neitlu did the anlwer of hW nTaeltv's enemies art old ai.v opening for continuing the difedfionj fince th? nuwU: o negociatton etf ered by" his rtlajelty "Tiaf W en 'ft? remptorily rejected by them, and no other had bem ja which they wiire willing to concur. " lis Majdty was, however, not difcou raged evt r by his refult, from (till purliiiog fiich meal'ure as appeared to him m oft conducive to the end I peace ; and the wilhes ot his ally the Emperor, correlpond . ing witn tnoie wpien jis niajetty had manitettcd, fentiments of a limilar tendency were exprelled on the part of his Imperial ina'iefty at the time ot opeii iiis? ti e "campaign r but the countenance of the fame fpirit and principles on the part pf the'enemy, ren dered this frefb overture equal iyjuccelsful.j : While thegdverdmeTnTlilTrartce tlius perfiiled ' in obftruclihg every meafure that could even opto rhe ways of negociation,' no endeavour vus omitud . t nftn 1 ea Hj the pybta witit rcipect 10 ine real cauie 01 ine proionguioi. otjearlaf)dJtOLcaftjidoobt pnthpft drlrnTtTTror: . 1 . . .r. . . . . wnrcn could nave dictated the Iteps taken by In mn'efrv and "his aiirgiift ally." ; . tn ofdef to deprive bis jsnfm'fs of ill potfiiSiluA of fnbterfnge or evalion, and inhope4.hat a.'uft tenle of the continiifd-caUmiries of war,' and ot the-in-, crefing diftrellrs cf franco herlej2n2jiiaxJej.iii. ...hae If d td m-"fe jiilt and pacific dilpoiitions b nnj-fty renewed in arother fornr , and throng.? tl - Hirer vention of friend Iy powerf., a'-prop,n:afoi--opening negociatTon for peaccfTrhr-'wsrft'r'r!"" ; n,cn rn,s "ter;v-nt ion was received indicated t molf hollile difppH';ani towards Great Britain, an ,, it the fame tinie atforded all Kurope a . tnoi'; ttfikin 7 jnftance oFthat !jjriuas..and . Te nli ve cV.u! ytl whi h - is obferved dn thpnrt of the f'rencii governme,. towards ill our ctniVii rjts. ; Tile rtpeaied overtHT made in his Mai'iiv's name were neverihelels of Foe n a natu re, rha tit w.Wt la-:iioiuLuufUflbte-to-perlilf in the ahfnTii?ff rei-ct',on of t' tni 'without t!.e Z 01 recta nd o ndt-liiileH-a v 0 "w at-;o f a :l- "ernuiation t r retuie to turone aH hope otthe reltoration oi ti an qo i I i t y, y. A c ba nn el was j here fore at.lejiy.iiiJ4Mli- 1 . 7 he Vuiied biatu : h ay a juft .-.pprecLtion of their pfofperous condition enfute a long coniimi V tion ofhappipcls"to the people, and attachment to I lie "gojveininent. " - . 2. The IreCident of the Vmled Sides: May the confiuebce Which is due to apprr yed patriotiini and fail 11 ul kivittB, guarantee a inm fupoit to his a-.'-m niitiation, and lefuie to him ihe eltesm and affec lion of his itllow -ciiitns. 3. Ihe Li.thn O.td tt,ih of I ent)lvan'ta : May the wilt and philanthropic fpirit ot its iounder tie ever ctfO piCuoua in the public acts and individual corwliiei : otTffrrilzensT"" ; - . ' - 4. Peace and haivnony 16 th? nations of Kutupe, 5. Civilization and buppinels to the -AborVginrs of America. .. ' ' " 6. Kreeilom and friendly iiitercouili; to all the wdiid. 7. The Mwrjitfts f.j the United States to Foreign ta tions; May the tail relations of our government be ihe only rule ol t heir cor:elnct...j s : ' 8 . The A 11 trru! Si j ?;. cs : M a v their nrop-rels ir M U , 3ot! 6r ?',' conlul tor ihe 1 crt of Gibraltar, in ihe room of James hin pfon, appointed conlul for iorftelo. Iroii.pio factJo Po.oik, of Fennlylvania, conful tor the port of New.Orleans -r-5fmiTTrrTiMaT lor the port " and jttfltriit of Aux.Cayts, t. Lomingo. Cturies Jnckon, of Georgia, dHtrict attorney. Dtvid the kingdom ofOeat-britnin. for the relief and pI QtfCi le.n r nirnc ?n-Uir-twrrj-v ir j'.lij) rrpi . . - ' - - -1 - more tne nappnu.s pi tusn. - 9. The Ag ii-ui-'t re cj ti,i L'tiihJ i tate: : May an a bondant incrcle reward ti e labour of r ur Kaimers, and a treeiiiliutficieni got ti nn ent etcr prottdf their indurtry,-. - -A.t(tr, General.. W,afl:in'gipn had wiih'drnwn, . Our -be tVi d -t'fUC--Citi:eti:" May the evening of his 'ile be as h pp.v.as itunorning and meridian have been gloriouiiy uleiul, and may the gratitude ot hn couptry be xoevarwiiirhrr exiflence. ; : '77. I' ice ) refuU ftt ol the Lhnhd Su.ies : M:;v h's e mine n talentti be long exerciled with i onour to nini felf l:d advantage to his 1 o 'inry' We are happy to Irani tlirit itie rrp a:ns of this fetttval were, by direction of t 'e man igen, giver to t he prifoners in the gonl ard to the fick in the holpiial, that ihe unforiuhate and afflicted might al fo rejoice upon the occafion. Yelterday the brig Lindamin, Tapt. M'l ean.was feized (on her applying to be cleared out lor Santa Cruzj for contravening the law of the United Stat es prohibiting veflels trom fitJtjngjButJfuAir.ericarfor the pnrpofe of Tupplyihg foreigners with (laves. She is fuppofed to be owneel by the fame perfons who owned tne t.aly VV alterttort, the fhtp lately con Uull, aj pninttd fifth con.u:iliioner, undtr the Briiifh treaty. ' ''Z'Z'. . r-" ::::' jLlr4fioJ'fi lefter ftctn'a ' rj;.iC. ; b.'. darnfer h; th: Javun..ah, duicd ttb. 9, to u eu.t.a hi h .aihl. It w as tit ttiK.ii ec! lalt injul t by this . g t rn nient tl ux tliis j. oil fieuld he ptnet' ler the intro duciicn of the i.i.n'Xtti atiitle; : a c j y bl tfe.de cite I have before nic in.? .auifh ; the Ij-ei if.it! ar lielts ait txei l.iianily Jngh i flit ire..fouij-" duly ol 01 e and twt!.t' percent.' ill e-t up iht prohts. for if a re-iiioi: ano beeai.le ihty aie 'iioei;tlin.ab., lolute .want oHthYnT'i as'iTTs inertly to piotn.y a. vent for the colonial' pi educe ; 1 fliOi.id ad ile not to engage unltfs to gain an tntry here. ' " A fn: all invoice ot buittrrtheefe, oil, beef, j ami, and tod hfh, wo ;lti ..ai.fwei well ;, the dry goods Would alio,' hist they might, I think, be deemed con traband in time ol war by feme of the Britifli Ciui Itrs i nder the denomination of light fail cloth, ti e nails w i'il aniwer extieintly'well ; the fiiiugle nails w r on gl 1 1 1 i-nd 1 ma 1 1 v rough t f n a 11 s , v e t y w e 1 1 . . ' I- iif-"u-K- jbone it'Hiieti -to.' Beef, falt fifli, pork, oil, tallow, butter, rictf, pp. tutocs, chetfe, corn, tiry goods, iirainanti s, edarli brown liiuns, l)j.incs, coietas, light cafiva5('a' h.rt ot wide linen cloth,- bavetas. L.-i7e B uf.e-s. Ti c j above uriici sire admitted into ihe Havgnna ur-on 1 ne toreign ouiy ol one and iwenlypertei.tr a.nd without any pai litutaf 'lornialitlCK' ":" " " f lour 22 and 27 dnih rs. ' Sugi.s,.brown, 6 dolls per too. VV iiite, 8 do. . " '.- .Molaffei 91-2 (fuppole leais) per keg containing i 1-2 gafls. -,.:.:.....-.:---.-"- Hides, 1 r-2 doll. AT a meeting of the Comniiflioners.ot ihe ttivvn 1 f Fayetteville at Lewis Harge'sr Efq, on Saturday evening 2tth t'ebmary 1797, ORDER E D that "ill free'negroes, mnlattf es, and otber perfons ot mixed blood, who are at prefent inhabitants of this town, fliall on Pr before pie.iflLdayfpril4iexTr-Bpply-tv t he-towrr t leTttT" in order to have their names regiltered and receive a bage agreeably to au act of ihe "General AlHinhly of this State and that every perfon of the - above- demned for the like illegal pradkesOn fesrehing anlrihabi. iir. ' .' .W . ? 1 f r;j -' . 1. . ... ... ' lam vi liiu iownj maKe ine iiko application withimhree 'days after their arrival, tiader the penalty by law prefcribed. . By ord-r, DUNCAN M'RAK, Clk. Fayetteville, March qth .50 4 this brig a great quantity of hand-rntTs. rlmins. an other lhackles. were dilcovered, as well as mufltets, words, (hot, (landards for net-work. fome con cealed in the well room, and the re(t among the ballad. . " ; BALTIMORE, March 11. ; A gentleman of veracity who came pfTenger wit h Capt. Smith in the (hip PrefidentJrom Saint J U N-A WAY trom the fubferibef on the 7t h Feb. 1 BarthofonTews, gives inf ormation which tends (till further to corroborate bur accounts of the holtile lilpohtion ot Prance." He Tfys- that juft before J .i.y..i.Ug.AUUartno.lan!ew.i,'. vjaptain iianibridge ar livcd there from Boimleaux, in 34 days; and that a i . Ncfbitt a relpeifalile merchant :?of That, place, .d received lettefsftaling thTf byii he orders; ot lie execmive direttory, lo'rd Malndbury had depart ! from Paris ; tliat ,;r. Piuckuey, bur minifter pK ;ij)rjteniarv, had delivered his ci.edehtials to thedi Te'oTory who for teveral days bad rrtnmed no ardwer iVd tliai heJmjji.io Jaffna , negro man, named DERRY " ahont -27 'o our5eaux,herjrjhi not been, he would not he r-teived t abd every (liwlit oared thro w h 1 c f 1 1 b e g e r n m e 1 1 r ot Kraii'ce pro cneo-ttieiyni I m7,'rn"rtgnf " tr " "" " " , " ' y reatfinefs was expreHfd (though in terms tat' te-' . 1 . j. e 1 1 l ' .. . : . ti nir ironi unv iniru ot cmrcri i:t 1011 yo ;receiyca-' - i .1 1 , - 1 if -""Hirer aptnoTued by 111s nnje'.ty to proceed to l'. m wn ior tnat .pnrpote; by the inhabitants of the place void of infult, was x Ii 1 b ttcdj owatds lnm. This malli.penchg fay s r -I -lie aoifvr r:u iti t i.- n i- . 111 riirr Ta Id tnat 1 iuimhj was irjarni iu iciuru io vujcrica. :U-6bs c-tno'i'tfJ in yrn?x1. . VliLjYnYAAUA, March 3. Oil Saturda ine Mcx chants ol this Zxity "gave. "a FAY E T T E VIL! L E, March 25. I8 ffolutiin piTep4r'iih hovireTthe- KegifiaVpTe ,;f Ma'l ichoOt t. d'reT:ing a Portrait of the illnf- trious WASrilNGTOK to be painted io uecorats ihe Hall of the NevFSfate-HoUle. - - years od, five feet eight or. ten inches high, blr.ck complexion.:thi.s iountty born -.there 5s a place Vii the top of his head a little to ihe- right fide; a ffze larger than a dollar that has no wool on and'ar-' l-rai s wpue ana icaiy ne commonty wears A bn;d k.erthief on his head to hide .laid place I exped he has a mimber pf dollars with him w hofoever will take up faid tiegrolind put hiin in jail, fo as I can jet hini again, Ihull have five dollars, Vml exptne- paid by .' V.'in.fAM M.HAn : . N B . Pi s back Js m aHteds?jiJube.jii p .if jtkir lTHrraTSe7a,T.wiireive''teq dollars. "' zangxwMjtjiareb- 52 2 COMMITTED' to the jail of this towna :few--weeks anOi-a-tieErcnnan bv the'nanie-nf-CJfc. aTfuTther confitmed W the veihiUlfmatttr.nf pAfie iaTs r to Wflliam iyinrlirr tiva ofner, South-Carolina, and has. been abfent upwards ef a vear the owner is re. -H-e pertyr rtd-pay ingrtheneceuaif y iKpences," he" may taKe mm away. JKSSE-LIIK, jallnrT yVaicry of BL A N KS for fa!e the

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