. ft V r! I- i.V v . If 0- III hh. - - - ;.. :'Jt:- I - U - . LATEST FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. den Gizrttes to the t6rh Dec.incUijive ; brought, by the Pomo.ia, King, from Auiltei daiu, arrived at Philadelphia A Extrattffom tk NjOo y, Ge,z:tt:t cf France. . E, .Nov... 36. d'ai-n a ieid the bt Id ce : B A S L 1: - TheAnftc.anv:havino dar.ia'ied the "br'ulce toingue fo as to-renews h iinpa'flanlc, great hopes were entertained by the prince of Kurttembei g T-T fnmmnnpfl Hen ' AKattucci to deliver up in tliC all th inri pnchmcius.- all the batteries, and all the tuition which were on ttie rigiujvfhe'me.- here is the 'anfwer wh'u;h was given: - . . - Whatever may be the idea you have formed, of the critical pofhion in which you iuppofe I find my leif, 1 have tne hOTour t a Hurt- you ihat I am ready ni- anv induni rn convince vo'i cl your error. '-This alfo wiii infoKii yovi,,-that L am as. little diipofel to accept Hie inametui-cajmuiauuu u -have-propofcd.V The count rv of Baden continues.io be ilUreated by the Anilr'nias,- the b'oule of the Baron de Reizen ftein, has been plundered and dertroyed by them'; TTJs is thTTal cd a peace for liis nrince, and is (liil at Pans. i , -s- : 1 r 1 7 TTTT mentTrom the underwriters, under an engagement i t .1 i ot prolecutinjtne appeals, wnetner mey nave irainr tmttcdhenee7 Tag,ements feco'nd to enquire to-wham they h;ut traa'fmirted tbct'e 'papers and if theliecefluxjLUcp iWvtj'lxfen tae.ea to bring thenr before the preset tr ibunal t hit d,: , to inftruct the a gent of the United States, VreTidtht in London,-to enquire the date and laualion of all Inch claims, and to have thdfe which may have been neglected, profecutrd to elFecT: with' out lols of time. WILLIAM NEILSON, ..-.' ISAAC GOUVERNEUR, TOHN B COLES. -The ftibfer&ef requeds-the. gcnjtleiiien whole iir terelU are inrpllcated in the forgoing refolutions, to give him the neceffary information with all paffi hle expedition, that he may be enabled to bring the bufinefs o asfpeedy an ilTue as poUible;', to efFeft which, be will, in .the courfeof the week, call on tni infill xnce brokers (or a date of the lofles paid by I them on accounl.of properry captured as above. ..... rJVjf.ii.T, Ui(iVU4lWI -PftfL-A D -E-L--P HlAr JVIarcli3J( D Lshi hr i. Yeilerdav at C o'clock a iecond Auf- ti 'unil .g of truce, . propofed ; the furrender of the Fort of ttttmTi2,iie; or at I e art its evacuation,, on a promife that it Oiould be reflored at the opening of the campaign, in thejame (late in Which it was ftir ren.'.ercd." General Abaitucci anlwered, " That to obtain the fort, it was neceflary to take it;" .'when the flag had returned with this anfwer, the artillery of both armies commenced a moll terrible fire, which is llill heard." . At half paft nine in the evening they affaulted he firft fort, which is feparated from the other by an arnfof the Rhine." All the French garrifon im mediately retired into the rear "fort. The artillery then ceal'ed to play on both jides, and in its place a fire of mufquetry was fulUincd which, continued an hour after midnight ; never was there a wore muf derous cdlifricty thofs-of-tlw:-Aullrians who were not driven Irom the fort pcrifhed there. The Aullrians lolUen times more than the French. The dead exceed two thoufanJ. Abattucci received four wounds : twp with a fabre, one bullet, and, a flroke Svith a cannon ball in htrmoulder. . . At this indant, the cannon are again heard. A courier dircit from Vienna-pafled this ytflerday, he is bound to' Par ' , ' Letter from Gen. Buonaparte, to the Executive Di ; rectory; Vcronia, 4th Frimaire,-(a4th"N'ov.) ; ' (x 1 have inforuicd yoff, lad letter, that Gen. VaU 'ois liad been obliged to abandon the poll of Rivioli, and that the enemy had 'already arrived at. Caflel Nova.- "1 improved the rouiebf t he. enemy at A r cole,, bvcaufing the diviii-on ."of Gen. Maflena immediately to rcpafs the A(!i,r, whj etFcftpd a unft:on, at Vil la Franca, With Genera! YVubuis, and united,, they' ivi;u-ched to Caild' Nova, the ill Frimaire, Nov. 21, w hillt the divilion of Gen; Angereau 1 afcended tl'i, heights of St.Anne, to cut the valley Adige to Dblcet ;a:',d in this means to cut off the retreat of'the.ene-" lis . . -"General ''. "dti'tierr," corn tiiandtng 1 1 advanced : Z gu u d oT."th"cl i v ifioai'of Mafletvai nd V a ubols u ni t td', attacked the enemy upon the heighis of t am para : after a flight,, ad ion',' we overtook and hir rpundcd a corps of the enenty's rear guard, & m i.le faeey-UjocuuLAaJiiong w hich is the colonel of tat 1 g- meut d'Erbuch. A booTfoTta wetr .- a' tempun;; to fave tliemfelves, were drowned in, the '".AdUeV ' VVe'.dld.'not content' 'aurfirlveawHh-fetafc"- iiiir llivoli and t orono ; we pin fued the ttietny to nujcicau 111 111c uirau iimy "v.r"tr t Appointments bt Authority. .-MorganBrbwn; ofTennef!L-erXolleabrJand Jn fpeclor, for that Dillricl. - v JbTTntN-aTry7MoHWtr udge. i homas Grav. of do. Attorney of that Diflridr. Robert Hays, pf dd. Marfhall of do. : "' Richard Rogers, of New-York, naval Officer of that port. v Matthias E. Sawyer, of; North -Carolina, Infpec- tor and Siirt-eyor , of Palqootapk river bridge. IfaacCox Barnet, of New-Jerfey, Conful tor the Unired States at the port of BreA, in France. - Eliza Bachraan, Conlul for the United States at Gottenuurg, in Sweden. . . Francis Chi ds, of New-York, Conful at Genoa. Conrad Frederick Wagner,- Conful at Tr "telle. L I S T of A C T S, Pafed atthefecmd fejfwn of the fourth Cottgrefs, be gun and held in the city of fhilaaeifma, on uuon- - day tre ah of December 1796. " An aft to amend th ait. intituled " An aft for the more general promulgation of the laws ot the United States.'' - ' . . An aft in addition to an act. intituled " An net An acl concerning the tircuh courts of the United -jrn cfei viagTeetT:op he Llawjrfcthe,,Uni te d States in tl e Uate ot 1 erntl'.ee. , An adl to coniinue in forte for a limited timet cbe -afti iii aw!u4on ts-he.act JkM P-Jiliihtnent, ot certam curies againit nie cnii oi. ica. - An act makiaj; provifionior tfeefopport ana. ac commodation of the houlholci f the Prefident. A refqlutiori direcling the diftribu tion of an edi tion of the laws of the. United Stateat By a document laid before Congrefs the ad inft. it appeal 4iat.jru w tr onv iheofEcfJ s. quir ed JbjL., law to flate the number of leatilen repllered, and impreiled by the belligerent powc rs, l ave been com paratively few, and itr.perftd ; the following is an abdradt of the numbers imprtfled, io far at yet known officially. . ' 16 who are called citizens of the United States S citizens of Alaflachuleus, v . 6. do. Rhode-Ifland, 2 do. New-York. 4 do. . li'f.nn.'vlaiua... : --:. '.. . 2 do. 3 do. I do. 42 Delaware. Maryland. Virginia. :tno a body of the enemy in the heights of St. Anne, and di'fperfed it ; lie made 300 prifoners, was arrived at jJOice, ournt two equipages ot -omoons.on i-iiquc- . ' 1 r 1. . '1.1 '. . ' ta, and took fome batreape. conce 1 ning the reillering and recording of mips or veflfls." and to an act. intituled- An adt for enrol ling and licenltng fhips orveflels employed in the coafling trade and filherles, and for regulating the fame.' ... . An ad; granting a certain fum of . money to ti e. Widow andxhildren of '-J-.-de-Neuivilledecea-fecf -An art in addition to the act. intituled An acl to eftabiilh the poll-oflice and poll-roads within the United States. .s- -An reoealincr. in Dart, the " act concefnino; the duties: on fpirits delliiled within the United Siates." palled the Stn ot 'May, ij()2 ; ana iiiiuiii., .an, duties on the capacity of dills of a paa-knlar de ter tpttorr. An act to authonle the receipt or c uu- 01 public debt, in payment for the lands of the United States. ' . An aft making appropriations for the fupport ol government, I'prihe yearpI797-' " TT"' An ict. relative to the con ; enfation and duties of ct 1 tain oflicers employed in the eoiiection cf impoll nd totiniige.- - '. ..... A i 3d to augment the compenlatian cf the Attor- An tnr raifiiKT ft further turn of money, by ad- . ... w .... ... . j i dhional" dtitres--rOT-cerfaitt-aiikie-,w tor other pwrpoles. t -An aft to' lufnend. in nart. the aft, intituled " An adt laying -certain dutiis upon fruff ai ii rtfined 11 Britifh labiects. 26 Foreigners, of other ottntries'lhan G. Britain, a 7 -whole- country is unknow bv '107 in all, exclufive of - 34 Irifh pafTengers. ' The follcraing resolution was laid en the table ef tht houfe of reprefaitatwes of the V. States : teb, "jth Whereas it is Hated to this houfe, in the report of the fecretary of the treafury ot the 13th of Feb. "f hat the accounts of Edmund Randolph, Efq. lat fecretary of flate tor monies advanced to him tor foreign expenditures, ftill remain untettled, and that neither the accounts of the foreign nunillers, bank ers, and agents of the United States,' nor the records of the department of (late, contain any rxplanation in refpect to a confiderable fum of. the (aid monies.' Rdolved, that the fecretary of the . treafury lay before this houfe," at their next feffion, information of tlie amount of hrnnies fo received .by, t,he laid E. Randolph, for wh eh there is no explanation as a joieiaid, and that uieafures have btn .taken to ob ta n a fettletiicni o; Ins acco ints. r" f'ugtr," and to. "grant relief in certain cafes arifing un ler ne laia act - . a .. . -i ..',Apn r.WtcTQtinar nr-remittitlf': the .ioj iiiui l u u is. luuib iiadw. - I ii& :aj :uiiu( iui huii. f? - - r.-tlifnnrml?? nenalties iiiid difabilitics, acuinff jn dayit 7 o'clock,. M. - The cannonade laded the j certain rales therein mentioned..- NORFOLK, March 13. Extraft of a letter from a gentlc-man in C idiz, to his friend in this town, received by ye(lerday's" mail trpm Charleflon, dated t . - Catiz, January 15, 97. ' Admiral Jarvis has arrived at'Lifbon troni the Vledirerranean with 10 fail of the line apd 2 fri gates; one of his fliips (the Bombay Cad le of 74 iyins) got on the rocks at the entrance of Lifbwn, a'nd they do not know if (he ever will be got offhe -lias landed. 4000 troops from CorGca ; and Admiral Brid'f ort Is daily expecled there with 16 fail of the in nd 8 frigafs, .with 8oco Emigrant -, and JOOO Euglifh troops, in ii 11 13,060, to prepare the war with Spain and Portugal, which they fay is declared in Madrid, but has not yet been publiflif d. At all events. the Portuguele ambaflador has left Madrid, "by order of the Cort, in a very abrupt nunner;, '.yhhout taking leave of the Spanilh Lotrt Yo may ju 1 ge by 1 1 lis wi r as i n e vt t abl e . ' ' . I he a:d ultT Lord Malmcfbury left. Palis for Engiand,without fucceeding in. his miffion Alfo ntera-iTnekney y- te iatr AtnericaamiuUlerHJUtfj it . w tb--him. -lam af raid tbere Will be, a ruptorp' 1 1 J .k. nM;.aj vii.e' oet ween" t t a nee- -aim -vw w h ini whole rl iv. fipii. Kilniainc made him return as u(u ; afj ;';' with ""grfafe'r fpeed than 4ie came our, with the .lots of 2O0 prifoners, ail howitzer and two pieces of cannon. Wurmfer commanded this (ally in perfotl. ' This is f Re third 1 1 tne,(Gen . K i 1 trta in e writes me) that VVurmfer has attempted a fortieand always with as little Tuccefs." Wurmfer is faccefsfu'l only jn the journals which" the enemies of, the Republic fabricate at Paris. ' ; BUONAPARTE," NE W-Y ORK, Marche: " Spoilt AT.f O N. At a mpptinor of the underwriters in this city.af feaed by filiations on American commerce, held it the Tontine coiFee houfe, on Friday the 24th of AnoA f'nrrhri. rpmWTlon otthe duties of tcmiag on theeflelfof James 0'ii1en anjl jstnes Aylw ird -. An act proviaing lor tenmu uuuj 1 . -in and near the harbour of Cofln. A11 aft authorlling anexpendirpre, and making an appropriation Tor the proteeutiori of die- elatfiis of certain citizens ofthc" Unit eel Sfates, for propel ty captured by the belligerent powers. . . j " An act' authorifuig the Prefiderit of the United States to apply a further Aim to the expedite t A ne crociation with the Dey and Regency of Alters. jwf 1 n revive- anu lu iimu "- - loth of May, 1 796, im itn 1 ed ' Au aA-to, rtgu I a Tii.w Vnrirs7s-in town: -that -rite French .have arrived in Ireland,! rom Bredand fanded aocco mea BearjCorkr-Tjbis news camcjrpm aJSwedilh cap tain who arrived here yefterday In 12 days from Cork ; he fays it is a real fad:, and believes they "w 11 meet with very little oppofition. . J it 1 u A a.- failedap2ni-!it..i3iip-jQf.-74 g'.T.Sn frigite, and abrigr ihe- rnnfM'nfation of clerks, An aft to amend and repeal in part, the acl imi staled ' An aft to atofam an'd-fix'jbc r.iiiiuryxlla i' r - . - -, 1 r - ' - - cargoes. hr-t he-bell teereHt-po'we r4aitbjQrltyton -'v.. jlny'pn-qynt at the fvpcncf of i he tinderwr iters. - Th'edco'nYinitfee ttk nc; the object of their ap- -poTtttment int deflfeati nh !i a ve- a p'pot n ted 1r. T shri Ferrerfi as tVielr ai5''ht'eriioinin2 on hini fird; i t cn'yure ot the auureu, wiu naye reccivto pay " ; . 1 -A " 1 . ... T the time for receivin" on 6Siv debt of the United Srutes.V, ; iiOvide more e ffeftual 1 v f o r the fe 1 1 le 1 ment of account s between 1 liC-Utiitcd Sratesnd re- ceivcT3of ptrblic money; PETER S B U R.G, March 17. . The lad Philadelphia papers give no information. of the; arrival of difpatches fi om Mr. Pinckney, or of the reception IfeVhas nKt with in France ; though by arrivals at Charlellon ai'.d -oirlo!k, we are in formed that he has-he-j-tt' ordered by the French Ex eeu'tiye to quit Francei " ; ;- -"" Extract of a letter from .Norfolk',, dated the I4k 1 '"' Millall". ' '- " ' ' ' ,'"' ' By a veflel arrived here to day in 14 days front Mart niq e, we are pin.ritWA'ly informed, that Adflji--rat Iiirvey, 'with (ix'lalmtrThe-fi ne-a ucLtiiree-fri- ga. e., had nwde-si n 'aitjifk, iipon..Trjnadala:a.Spa . n Ih Ifland, with ieoo men, and taken'it, together. Twirh-omr-fh'p ol B.;' t.Tunv flares, nnd 1 fhppjol An aft nt ikina Htwtf.iaI i.Vna for he military. r ' I :-'! A . ' . 1 ! 1 r ihr. 1 tK t.x4 annnavai citu riijiiTiti: ffjpiia i . j ?y f TVFa to al er the u of (0 and ;burnr?' ot t heir mips, one pi 'I.29 guua oug T ic Ph ladc-lphia pf-pcrs are filled, with addreffe! fnr-at-l'reMiW f rom .-tUflV rf t iocietictflljCiti 7ens." 6ii nis retirinTr .-ftvnr-ilr4.elm--tt goverunolntr ' . . . . i- . ti" .1 1 : ...... C. g!-mlc r.cn cf the t Ut y. - r.tMKi i.H ulii,uiKu.i; Itft-TlkTdelpya onuvsth. nilt.Tnt, or, hit w.vy A'.ount trnou. .. .....L:; .1. ... At . "it-- Pi 4 i 1 ft .1