IV; NEW-VORK, March?. : :r rorVipineVGazette. has. at-Jiitmade Ba cie a jar 8 iche in return TacknoW I edges him? felf nqjt a rrtftch for JPeter m that Tort of language, an f declines the combat. So tlut. the.firft attack Items to have driven feter antagonitr tremtne aeid. In drdeir to fpread his poitbn more generally, the P:wtelr of the Aurora has relolved to render it cheaper. He has tlierefoi ejnformc d the public tha t he intend! to puoliln a paper tor the country, tnree limes a weeK, ai ine prKP,-Oi nvr aonan. oj mis Jirojed we are to undettand, either that fubferibers all off, or elfe, fince the Jaiejdete&iou-f-trtain p.tiruuit uiKicmica, niejuuai tmn tvur, mui-tu five dollars in (lead at eight, is reducing the price foine what nearer the intrinlic value of the paper. Th:' deficiency of monies unaccounted for by the iatt fecretary of (late, is laid in therelblution of the houle ot reprefeotatives, to be a " conliderable fum." .-. f he i pacific fum of 58,000 dollars nearly is Ipoken of freely by the'inemberS of jh?Q)Pie as the deficiency, .ind two-members are ourTntor mams Thefe we viVL Qt fnoitc converlaiioH. - - ."' March to. A few days "fince, the Engtifh flag, painted on a Card with the American, was affixed to the fide of the Exchange Room in the C'olfee Houle. We cannot believe any American hascc;;- ihJaA - lite ttiiM rfv A t aatA !r i b n ltar 7, ' puttingupa French flag. : .. .. 7 Americans, do you not blufli for your fervility, to be thus bandied about between the eniigns ot to-. reign nations plundered as your merchants are by both flags, when ever it (bits their intereft When will the honour of, the American name be Vndicat ed by aifcarding fuch badges of faction I When, will ' fHtf AniJirinqno tf j nnJv jwitif A'trr anI lVatn a . 'I - Jf . . ' ' f ir jt'el omt ibparsinfr' . ft sfprarsjJnorUitl frejichwrlijUng : of-wocxkers ando- tHcTvefleU of dUPertnt cla'rethadenehorcd hfBan try Bay, on tbe24t b ulriaHAbaVe remained there, without any attempt to land till the 27th in the e iVeningj when they pitted their' (lation, and fuie nor uiKC oecn ncaioot. 1 ix wuia ai inc uuic ot tbrir failing blowing hrd at SS, K. . " " 1 : . Krom their tirlt appearance, every txertion was made by-Gen.-ljalryinple;"' of diftrift ; and a conliderable 'force was collected ta rnel tit nwmtt 1 i ii'.. 1 volnnteer ty in undertaking the guards in thole places rrom whence the regular troops were withdrawn; ano the uaiverlal readinefs (hewn by all defcriptions of people to forward the preparations for deftnceilch no doubt of the event, in cafe the enemy had ven tuitd to make a delcent. In particular, the fpirit, adivity and exertions of Richard White, Efo,. ot iseaheld Park, delerve the molt honourable mention. t:a! dc?pe ot two ytura men, who were lying contiguous to the place where the A- GEORGE-TOWN, March 17. . On tlie evening ot Tuefday laifl, George ft ingion, Kfq.arrived, accompanied by his family, & a parry ol gentlemen from this town and the city ; of Wafhint2toh - fhingrori On Wtcliiefday morninp about 1 1 o'clock, liavine previoufly declined accepting in iiiviiaiion to dinner given by the Mayor, our inoir beloved and illullri ous citizen with his domeltic circle drove down to the river to leave this for his native Hate. He and ?bis.-feity- were accompanied by a party of ladies ' nd gentlemen. While the whole company were erofhng the Fotomak, a large concount of rpetffa ; . tors beheld this farewel fcene with mingled euio ;tions of pleafuve and regret, . -As the barges proceeded the flying colours and the guns ol a veflel dilplayed and 1 poke the cordial good withes aud applaule due our retiring and ve nerable patriotWhen they reached, the Virginia fhore.the guns made a paufe, till the carriages iTart ed, when they gave a final plaudit which was erho d jYbm tlie neighbouring woods and hi'ls. Tlve eyes of the fpectatois followed as lar as ihey-could reach . and their wi flies to Vernon's (hades, carrying to " that feat ot true Greatnefs all the charms oi home and of retirement Greece and Rome! Monarchies and Republics, ancient and modern ! behold his long ciurle clofed bis h'gh career finifhed ! -and blufli before the Extraft if d tetter from St Bartholomews, dated wh FebsnQL io a rtfbeflable merchant at LhilaAtlhhia. , f w r . J 1 '. , : r " - i iic times are 10 precarious inar tne American eiieis Here, are afraid to vemu ifland is totally blocked una "Witrfan jEnglifli ifl.ind on pain of confifcation of I property found on board ; the "efFeft of a late refo- 4. All neutrals bound to the cantursd French or , Dutch colonies, will be confidered as prize sr.and . t heir c re w s t;e t a inetl .asWlfensrs-ttf-jsr-arl ' 'a f t, . vi muiiiii IVIIVU UUUHU V JVH".. ' will be condemned . . Prnrn ,:'U.. ' 11 ..iT.I- i:t i-"- K captuird, as Mr, inckney has been refu'ed an. au dience, and Lord Malmefbury ..ordered a way J -T" The above intelligence is corroborated byjhe.bt;g. .,,.-?ialli;-t.ttt-a4i-.rirTTr:-rt-rT7rTI-- o r.u f mews the day fter capti.in.Mti chant. - IkhteRlnR Itruck, ...hi, J . w eftrA 9 nimbr nf te -iiir. of Reprefeot ailes of tlie 'Uuittd States, in il.c-Tuce of lames clifUn, v!i0 bad.dccliiicdiervivg.'- Letters frym VieiitSa'lav, That I &ycite, h'u wife and daughters, w;iu Latvur, lauUuurg, i.d I ureau dePultyrare tff be tent .iijtoTiiberia.- This is a renort onlv. TV. I. Frein:h4j,.z '--. RICH MO N D. Mnrch At an election held on the 20th inft. for this city and count) for a member of tongrcts from this d'll trict to the .fifth Congrefs of ahe United Matesfat the 'dole of the pol the numbers flood thus for , jo' ''Clo;t(tn, , : . 2jft , . ' . Burwtll BaflHt, . 109 NORFOLK, March 21. ' -Receired hynte hriMth flor! of ar . Topaz, arriv-1 ed in Hampton loads, with London papers up to the 3rh of' raii.jfronu,whUh-wxtraA the-toi. 8 -- I ft. . lovviy,;. "FToliiTie" Ton G-AJ7 F.T-T-V AiiZX rfiiTE hall, lanuarv 4. . By difpatches received on Srtndav t vening' from the ;ot r ocjuiKi, tits majeit 'f principle iccrctary ot llatp .a;rKaft-r"Ti-i : T' Repealinc. in - partr the i coiuci nine the duties V.. J . . . . . ,. ' i I , -. Tr Ininrii Att-A within i li I . in f(i . 1 u it S' rnJ. V fed the eighth of -Way,-one thoufard Its en hun dred and ninety two, and impofng ctrtain tuties on the capacity of Aills of a particular defcrip? tion. - Section I. BE7t enaflcd by the Senate and Jkufe of .Jiei refiiitativet bf the Vt.ited States oj duerica, hi jndilliUjogrlpttJts Ir produce ct the United Statts, or any other place .lhan a city, town or village, at which there sre one or more Hills, which finely it only one, or toiietht r. if more than one are of kfs capacity than four hundred gallons, the option and alternative of pay ing a duty of leven cents, forever gallon of fpir'us, diltilled in fuch dills. a& Itemed auo allowed by ti e fidf lection ot the act7ihtituled l '.An AA concern ing the duties en fpirits diltilled within the United ' States,", palled cn the 8th day of May, one thouland feyen hundred and ninety two, be, and the fame is hereby declared to be abolifhed, from alter the thirrieth day ot June enfuinr, Seclf 2. jiftd be it juriher entitled, That iu lieu of the option and alternative afort fa id, the proprietor or pofTtflor of any fuch (till or. dills, as are above mentioned, (hall aud may, after the ill day of July entiling, be charged with, and lb all pay the follow- ing duties, to wit For a licence, for the employ ment of each and every fuch (till, for and during the term of two weeks, fix cents per gallon, accord- inn bi ih rma-iU' nf rum ti t l t.ri lurh fill! in. o 1 ZJ .J. V---- - eluding the head there offor a 1 ic e uc e for and dur ing the term ot one month, ten cents per gallon a aforeTaid or Vlicence for and during the term of two months, eighteen cents per gallon as atorelaid for a licence for and dutnTgjnhAJerDKjjlu mont hs, tw ent y four cent s per gallon as oforefaid for a licence for and during the term of "four months thirty cents per gallon as aforetaid for a licence for and during the term of five months, thirty-tix cents per gallon as aforefaid and for a licence tor and during the term of fix,' mouths, forty two cents per gallon as afordaid. ; . . . Sect.-J. And be it jttrther eratled, That upon ti e fale or transfer or any flill licenced according to this, aft, the right and privilege of ufing fuch (lill, during the tinie for which fuch licence may rtmain in force, (hall accrue to the new proprietor or p of feror, due entry of the fale or transfer being previ- oiifly made, with the-prnpa offiier of infpection.' SCT. 4. Aud be ii.jutihei iuaflfd) Thar ever) Hif- tiller, as aforefaid, who fli.ll commence any did ill - ation, prior to obtaining a licence therefore lhIl j..... . 1 . j. :.. i ot a licence for fix months: and no new licence (ball be granted for any dill, uniil all duties w huh accrued thereon, (ball have been paid and difchaig td. ..... Sect. J And be it further evaded, That the fee- ral provifions and claufeidlft a heretofore paff"-" --D U ft L"I N," January 3. The following are the exprelles which arrived (ince our. lall. Dublin Cattle, Jan. 1. By letters from Lieut. Gen. DalrympleJ.dated. at Bantry, Dec. o, it appears that the French frigate called L'lmpatience, was loft on tlie 29th, near the ivnzen head, boine (hips had teturned to Bantry Bay. One of the nTn of war in the Bay had her bowfprit fprung anothe r,hd,fer'itiaft damaged. Letters from Sir George lph)l)onedated on the 30th Decern, ftate, that Uie.ncV jrtare LMmjga tience, carrying 24 poubctei:, ;2 ?o "iueu, and 2CD foldiers was wrecked tbafWf fij-five tnen only iavcu, one 01 wnoiu is ine puo woo columns for mer accounts as to the failing of the French fleet from Breft, ftating the force on board, to be lefs than was before fuppolcd. tie had feeii a iue of battle ftyp at fea without her niainnufl, and thinks the wheje fleet was difperfed. ' V " Dublin Caflie, January 2. An ejeprefs from l.ieut. Gen. Dalrymple,jya$ re ceived ai 10 o'clock, dated Saturday "31ft Dec. -3 o' clock, p. m. It ftatcs there were then ahclioreil in Bantry Bay, otF Whidly ifland, two 74 gun (hips (one of which was difmafted) two large frigates & a luggar, as-has been bclore Hated, and that tout mojejailofllarge flvips were ft eh Handing in for the Bay. Firft Expvefi) arf.ved this Morning, Dublin 1 aftle, January 3. .. Advices have been received this morning at the Cadle, from Vice Admiral Kinfntill, dated Cove, Jan. t. Thefe flate that the Poweiful, Apollo, Do-, ris, Druid, Kinde, Unicorn, and Cainpcon, were ar rived from fea. alt but the Powerful much (hattercd. By -.the account:- they brirg, It is clear th'e enemy fuftered greatly ; one of their 74 gun (hips was fetn on 1 hurfday lad endeavouring-to weaiher Stilly, nd tonlequMitly on In t r turn to France, with no 'efs than tw (r rhoufand nieti h hoard rail her pumps ard at work, being in a leaky condition ; , another wis feen wiih htr rnaiinn.afl gone, and fevtfarof 1 heir frigates in various directions..""" - The Vice Adm. was going to difpatcb the Pow erful nd the Magnanime to join the Nlonaich, Di--ajr'a'ahd . Daphne, under Sir G. K. Eiphiulloiie, to crulze'ofF the M:zen. . By an accouni received from the American brig Mary, ai rived at Cialwav. it aortears (he had fpoke - ' . j gallant maftr 1 ne lurveyor nas given mtormatioo to jvir. wnii ney fuftice of the pea-cejhai '.rijiiail f Frerfc; !h;5 were teen Toft' the rVrTStmiAr.tbey have de tained a Pilot Boat and a Revenue ootcer who went out to reconneifre4 . V1; '.'). The Alcmene frigat5'is arrived in Lpughfvilly, n Sunday, off Cape Clear, (he fell in with a French frigate, bur foon difcovered a French linetif, battle .'h'P, w it h bcrroain ;topjnaftyonefr-lVlondy1he 3a tied another 'French J inc ot battle fliip, in good ; indj! ion,' lleering S. S E. . . "T"";TT;7"r Third lixprcfs. ; . ; J.it)t(try v It was ktinwii here thU evening, that t'r iiM-flengrr difpatched from hence at nine, a'cloik J?' i.hoH'day. 29Tb Drf ember in the tvening had readed London by five 0 NiHirday evening the lid and the fulled confidence is entertained that he Rr'ttifb fleet will dill be able ro getrond in lime to piekiip the remains of the (battered Barba rian armament. F A YET TEniiiE.L-APiUii, Laft Sund ay evening we .experienced a very fevere ftof ni, accompanied with acute wmcrnreif Tipon Mr. wiinam look s tiouie, tore off a great many of the fhingles, fplit two rafters,and hy communicaiing to three ojHerentZapartnients, did - confiderable- da mage We are happy to ftate the provi Jen a frigate off the if!e of Arran, jndOif.0 fecwingand collecting duties- on fpirits dedilied within theU- nited Srsites, and on fliils for regolatingthe expor-. tation of fuch fpirits,"and for making an allowance to he importers ot the fame,' by way of drawback, man exrenn 10, ana remain, in : :o;ccy wmi ici paHo"the leveral provifions and clauies of this aft, Mibject Only to the alterations hereby niade. . , JONATHAN DAYTON " Speaker the Hmfe tf iieprefenlatives, J WILLIAM BINGHAM, Vrefident t f the Senate, pro tempore. Approved, MarcliJjcl 1 79 GEORGE WASHINGS Fre fide fit of the United Slates i5K' W- KSZf KZZS sr VrvRv8- QapeFear Deep and Hiw River Cttnpam- VJOTICE is hereby given, that bonks of (ubferip- - nun win oc,opertca, as ine law ojrcaipHii" Rainfpy's and Stoke's mill, in Clintham County, on Deep River, mnder the'tpanagemerit of John Ham- Jay and J tonlas2oKe--1nKantio!ph Connty, under the iiannWTii,rt cA Hrnrv'Rrflhfnn n'nd in Oranpe . , J ' ." - " - . county, nnd'r the maoaement of Tames Newland r J he books will be opened on the tirlt day ot Mav- crihe. bv lnntelt or ins- nexr, and contiiine open ont jrextr Anei fen tn... fuhfer attorney lawfully authorifed fofoneor more wbule (hares Each flare is twenty-five dollars'.'? r On the loth day ot Auguft next, there is to be a mrrttnt f "' j ''i""riH' 'J!" of PittfboroHgh, in C batham, county, for Hhe '.piir pole! of carrytng he navigation la w. inro effect And at iheTaid-tirneTHiniaceT-raTh ' Irblc rlber is t o pay" five dollars, for each fhtiire by htm luhtcrlbj di-lh names of detachers will be tttuck ont oi the becks April ifl. r?pj ... f-'

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