'-4- 1- ' -'X 4-..' Atu , ...... . .. . ..; .. 1 -MV.r-rr-,: tl Vh r : X ' ' - ---- - 1inrf5OTftin!VTT)Mf(f:afe ?alflet,f. cpT. V a Conttlttition, iaptainoflicttVMuflar..a tH-;u roor- J e tTrW)taltt, ttrsi a eibt-poortd. field pieces, lo'oo&lnelU, 1000 t e Wattignie, irtTifkcti, 1-1,530 cinndge-boxes, filled with hall car- j a Uevlurion-- tridges, 3S0 barrels flour, a ' pipes branny, 10 uaic ( L'Expertme ntr ck)a.aing, 60 laddies, 5 boxrt Hiocs; arimci; - riageii '"" " 7 ""; When La Ville de L'Orlent and the Druid made foil Vii "-l t lio -I Inirnrn AVtA an other fricate rwcrrinalebT t Mrf tnatSde, r of he fleet ., - w hn h hi nf rletainlnff thetn hy La-Concord, I. a BravoutrJ Ilnunortalite, la Bellone, IViaoqiiijle. La Ciiarame, Li -ttionr?nTiitroffnjr 1 l.a rrarerune, w t, riot far off, f owes upwith 2 1 fail of t he line, j a jyiutine, I l.e Kenaro",-:- i r.e varour. Le Vol'tigorry T nonN. Tanuanr i. ' Hunlngueu lt.il continues to tic an object of viet rmITpur1uitron the 4Tl-tf.etnanyraHtt- liioJuie defence on that of the trench. In July, Juarfhai Wurmfer appears to have met with much fnecefs. The article from In! prink, dat 1.1 .m. :ii n"it,.t an account of a fortie made b - lilt iflll ttili. . - -- that feeneraUm4b -. enemy were cither killed, wounded, or taken prw loacis. - -.""""....... - ' . V We lafl nlftht received, hy exprefs, Paris Jour nals ro the 7t ii inclulive. Thefe we are happy to ar.iiounce, contain tilt important rmejligence oL the Sv KKKNOhll OK KriHL. No account appear ro have reached Paris on the I7thTelptinft":tbe fate of the main body of the French fleet. On the t ith inft. three ftiips the Pel-Pal ami Pinto of tkeJ'wcMml the lletolute frigate n board ofewtikh was vice admiral Neiljy; en-ered Breathe former much damaged in their malls and rigging, and the. latter entirely difmafted. They had 'not" fallen in. on their uaflage from the coatt of Ireland with any, Br'uih veflels. ' J ne Ka.peior of RufGa ha refuted to ratify the fublididry treaty entered into by the late tmprefs, thouvli he xpi eilVd himfelf willing to maintain a.l t! e preceding treaties lubiilting beiwven Kulfia and ' the houle ol Au(Tra. hbruary i. flepohs were yelterday circulated, iUAtIniiie.(!4enclKiii.p::wa flor winch failed on the Irilh expedi- tiirai chilli mt!fiugCnain4t-i ot the tranlpoitsot inat ueei naycyci wni duuuin. mA c ; , tin hri-nrh nanfrs. and ioine of the (hips qf war tial notajriW 74 " 74- n 74 ' 74 4 -4o 40 . . :: 40 '6? 40 40 16 16 16 m:PaHTln3"the nclghbotirhood. ' What is ; the objed f What dothey fear ? " . Hat r flona. of the 1 1th De " ccrrtber, jmixounce, that there has again en-; tered -the Mediterranean .a nrong iubuui lquacron; coniiftnig or 2 Mips or war. - BRUfiSt LS, Jan. S--II. ; v r If weare to believe-.) he account tr em the aitillery orTcers, we are' yn Vn4 hopes ot ktirg KchU au4 i:iir irooos ana 01 uui ai iinti i PARIS, December 21. - A rnnrt ?c in firrulntinn that peace 151 1 . J V- ' W W 40 AAA t c with Portugal : mean while the Portugueie Envov continues to refide peaceablv at i. ans. If we had broke with The court of Luibon, or ng it-w ill only run the rilk ot looling a (ew pieces ot cannon. - - , Tlie Ufi wing of ti e army ( the Sambre and Aleufe, vvh'.ch i. CQrKir.and.if.dJhy the general ot divi "ion, i-igneiille, lus tan its caiHonnrcnxTr-nr-- part, beca'iie the vSji arrenigtv.ttit ion- lucked at Neiiw ed, h, i ween ihevl ffikli and Aollr'tan Vnerals, does nb extend as far a-ie I undf, uck;vhert lloody on the borders of the Seel The i r r.th tnralt y ot ir.t A'j! rjj'1 1 Kcn liavfr-rrjiYcrp.ir.ifed s-liU'te r'Vis ritpr and ihe MundlrnckK Theie c'ttun. Mantes .. 1 u. , iu-it i r iL'ili vXwhi.h vas. to have I I. I . . .. .V ThTlaif1iaper wlncU have- reached this country . 1 ,1 .1. .1 i" ,u. I. - there is good re'aton Vo a,ficlddef therefore, that the h.ilcs of the r reLch by the eicinentS have been vry coiiuderab'e. . . : . A Spanish prize arrived at Porthnonth, reports that' (he learnt on her patfage, from a v.flel that had left Oporto two days before, thjtpain had iormal. ly decrared war :aginlV PostiigiiA ' Oiithe nihjamiary,.ihe Indefatigable, a 64 cm down, commanded by Sif Edward Pllew, in com pah'y with the Amazon frigate, fell in with a French , two decker, a.nd after art action of teii hours, were o' liged to (heer- ofF rrilich crippled. The French Ilim went ahSore after the adioii. . , V; fhe Spanifli Ihip Santa Trinittada, of 134 gnns, tlre largefLeverJauilt, is1 reported to have blown up at l ouion. - : ... . - : It is reporred, hut we conceive idly, that the Wo ' nv.n Catholics of Ireland, in recompeuce fortheir recent Idy al"aiid:fpifilfd rorurf7:arettJ receivc-e, tVy privilege that ifwaS live intention of the htz Uiiaiii Hminillration to have aramed them; and, h is'added, the duke of P01 tiand is 10 be Dublin to be agent ot their emaucipution. TT FRENCH ILEET. .' " ' The follawingishrinorf cTmiiiiflaritial andTrT .eitfate liftof ibeKrenc - ichleh "lisretTrpearedv-:--;-. . '7 r try, we wouia nave amnineu tne ncmpu- ttfiiuav: ..- ' t - borne agents fent by Hoche to Ireland nave returned to Bntariy, iince the ileet, put to lea, and have. talK&l..that very favourable tUlpolitions prevaiiea m a country wmcti ui -y caimot have viUted without delign ' Uar .hc-etTailea on the 16th. i'hy have, now Decn 1 5 uays at lea, and as yet nothing politive is KiioVii wiut refpect to tneir pro ceedings. ' . ' : r.iuk i'ry-: . : Citizen Munroe, minifter plenipotentia ry of the United States of America, coimnu jji f which he had re- mcaieu iiio icutj.w ------- . , ment to trance, to tne reviu . .... i..r . orh-ivir He added, tliat tne leiTdent-the-tJnitexScatest:harged-r - a ,mit Kia Mtiarance or the intereft which the'Unifed States take in our republic, and of thewiihes which theytonn for our welfare. - , . T, 'l he anfwer of the prefident (liarras; i remaritaDie. . , . c rn " In this day prefcntmg your letters ot.rc- r-:A u..,o Mr -Mnnnit, -ypu give to Europe a very grange ipectacle. " France, rich in her liberty, encompalTed. by ner train or viciui c.,..iii,vo t of her allies, will not abafe hcrlelf by emu lating the confequence ot the condeicenfion of the American government to tiie:li2&c. tioh-onrs ancient matters. I he;Frenct.rrej li:. u .Kof 1m r the fuccctlors c t puDiic Hopes, r , - i 1 1 rnimR.n an-H of Penh, always jealous 1 1 trieir liberty to France. They Will WClgn lli uai. wi.uvu , January-i:e mu...., . - lent to telle, will remain in the rnvirmisNjf Kthtiiach, of Stromberg and Hinke.Uld, , uid is k K - liifpcnfioii oi amis, which is pot litlyxat the freltnf .conjuncture.- . . . lichdes,' the fame letters from the head quarrers o f Kb hue , : w hicii gi ve us i he ( cj e i ail , a rdj;;tl -at get!" n -ral Houinonvitle; has juff . anio.uneed. tfar.tlje esecu'tive directory. had .appninied gen.raV 'creao, c 'n" mandcr of ail the aimics on '" i;.e :T ine, Irotn .' S 'rafburgh as far as .Pufleldori. in conn V,c,u'e which lie' is alout returning to the. n j ot the North, at the h ad of which he will be tnj loed at the hrgtnningo next campaign. ' ... - I he ai raiig iiKin wh en places Kleh r :n 1 he com mand of the army of the Sjmbfr and 'I uie, under Moieau, has got phed unbLnnd, cv:-n..;-nm.nfl tle moli tiilightencd military character, v.t o !rar,How the tahnis a A I eeoius of T'orean, tliat the b jrdt of the command exceeds i 1 1 c : i v: a a t i 1: t v . - -Experiehccvviii afVnohltratewbeifucTlAisrrpifltOAt -is Vi ell or ill lt-Lndtd.. , JVe. expect. are to take up thtir winter vfbaiifis in the ritigli. ' 0 ir o.d of this place. ' " -iicy .will Catuoiu d, ;,rmc pilly in the ii.a,gts, v-hub have .hewn a dit.' .joli ion to revolt." ' l.etiers fro n . the banks of jhe Rhine, announce h it Kleber and Barm dot t, "geneflils of djvifioni .iiid two o! the bell fliers of Ue Sanibre arfd Meufe, .eppear detenu inccl to quit the. fcrvicc, and have loli. cited pf rm flioii to rct'ue. V " . " Jf letters from the head quarters may be depend-r-i ori, ihugh we tannot va tch lor tlieir-auihentici--ryrrhefe jenerah ha vr taken this (iep cn account of be difcontent tea ived at the no.iiiiruion of gen.Mo- reau to j he cpnimand o! the army ot t tic aaniore ana Viuic ; they trull ed that thtir tervk'ts and talents wLtild haveentithcl them to il e prffei enue, and th-jt ii h r one cr ti e other wooi d h bet n choten in h ad of gtnernl Bournonv.lle. - t Pr para tons are nuking ' y t! e c.p mi.irds for the fi ne'ot C.bu-,1 ar. i h" tn.-ort 11 o ifatif 40 iH Lcs Droits de V homme, Le Scduillant, 'Le Scaevola, L'lnipertinente, 74 I V ' 74 -Am!" ToTorttter 5 Driven afbore by K, renew.. jfFWlrie Saintes, Foundered. Wrecked of Ire land. - Le Pluton, La Rorrtame. tarConcurdrr L Serene, La Reiolute. ifs, ' : .t i.e ratnotf, 74. ' "r-'Z: , I , - - ' t Taken by the iinglifli. L'Atalante. 7 40 1 1 nn-rillanr. 6 O Le ISicomede, ' 74 1 La lufline, - 74 La Ville de TOrient, 74 I m' CTr-Jn V t gttm Jlit VIII I ci taBrtJl but tn'jh-jkatterti condition, viz. Le Nellor, ' . ' " . ' 74 " ";. '.- - . L-Tourville, 74. . Le Foogoeos, i.' ..- ' ... 74 :.. ,. .. -.... .- - l,e -Redoubtable, J 74 " lhe magnanimous good will of the French . D . .1 -V. fT.P certain nir. people, witn tne crauy uicwv. w fidious perfons, who meditate to bring them back to their former flavery. Aflure, fir, the " 1 A.:Mn i.rrl Li hat-hke theinwe-a KOOU-AT.lllcin.au- yr"-, , , 1 i:u-. . au0a tKpV fV,a n wavs have our Gore lioci iy , iuai haw7 - -. , Ii .:u 1'4tt th.-l-rnt4i- elieem i ana irjajaucy wi jj. j:.: - people, that rtpuDiican ciiauiuj make its fevercigqty-refpected. have contended for principles, you have known, the true mtereus-oi . yuui wu.u. j. , depart5 with 'our regret. .We give up m you a reprelentative to America, and xvekee lNVwA : inf a-rTtr7.firi .whole perlonal qualities do honour to; that title, y - January zi. , . RETURN OF ('EN. HOC. IK. :" MinljlrS of Marint. : Tk fn'.Tatp 1 a' Fraternite; on board i Hi, a . iruiv . . . . i n t-a A An. I des De- feuieurs de la Pat t'w, of tie 161I1, cnntnins along i r t . . . C . I. i: .' f t. .( 1 1 Irtail ot tneoperanon ui i.ic iii.L i On the'th i Decenihir :6) tlie tecoud par; Ucl wag completed', the enemy, wpi keel till the oih upon its arnanient ; they f re'paml Hr' the. fapj although at ItirtrtSrireot 'Yf5"le7trelTwaTtbrirxircum Ipection.' . - r -I'-J "rni'Lf pLto w iiiji 'renctr in frequent f.'diiea to rrTaid the Tap. The clbatta. lion Of thr62d rialfr brigade diit4nguifltd itielf deilTojVnga jQixjhetzdi4 ja of Irous de Loops," and the 'fie of Ferlergen. The firll po!l wn unt. tiahie ; bu the enemy were lets for t una t e i n t he other at tat(ii k-n .1-actmrhe fee n,"r triinns vtf Itllnp' to numbers; fent-the flyin? bjTdge froni ll)oJtr banks ot tt.e lUiine, fuied htm jel'f a ftard of cotoursT raTlutf oUr bait uins mar." died at their head, and thu'led the en u y trrn the ifle of Berlin llhiue, alter their navug iuucicu confiderable lois. . On the nil.i of the i8th (Jan. 7) the enemy at Ut ftf Cimetire. and thi horn work oi the Upper Rhine, hut the. loth, 6;d, and 103 hajH)! igades, fucoeeueci in Yfpullmgtliem. . " . NotwiililtaiulliiA ltie,c icitic. mticnii.wnw ...... . ' ' 1 . 1 .11 1 which were admiral IVfotard de Galles and general Hoche, moored in Rpchefort joad.s; on the '2 5th (r-jthy accompanied by the Ke- VUlutlOll Ot 74 gUH3.. , A s..-rtv.l., S, al at Ian ohliyed to furrender.- A letter from Genoa daed tnrourtn ori --r - - - . - fe iift N-o(c . anio) after defence Kchl,': proloned-bf )i-nd all hope, ID- : uro.fdiedv KL.kt 1 vand taken in i thieer byth. batu ries or inc ( prniviis uimr i.u v.iviv A letter rrom vjguua - 1 . - r.1:: 'a-.. 1 .. V,dH thpr cind wp are 1 , . L'lndomptable. Le C a pari. L totej 11UU .vj.j?v..m 1 . . ftr.'.r..:'n u.ta Mr(heA thprp.'and-we are all'ure-that they have left fifteen thouland laliurealhat tney nave leu uurai uwukuw is maue a gaum uuonapanc, uu im news muft be authentic (adds the . Geneva ITjM"' , 7 L,- . f .. . r VC V. J-U r l - l -..v'.t.n, Urr th Prt, The Tableau de Parts cf thts d?.y,fp Le ' Diclus, news mult be autnentic iatiu5uic . vciic letter ) fincc it has been pubhfhed by the Porte iUIUJCi: , . . ". 1 . - .. .j i ; t ," j H,,i A iht-erv-ferious oenuriciatiori is made agaitdl 12uonaparte, and that lhe "T The Tableau hoftici of in I!' li . ' v . . " - can de Paris cf this day, fpeaks of prog furvecon, in Paris, but if dees rot ap- pear lhTtn7pioemcnr Jia ya aAually--uken -place, V I --.11