'" ' ' ' '''' ' ' ' '''' ' . . " " " t -' . ' V NEV-Y ORK, March s A general idea prevails in L.unlonj thai Hie cnvl per or 6i Gentian; would oe conurinea to cmcr ijtto'a treaty q"f peace "with" The rVencftTas"" frofn' the' good underllanding wjiich exifted between the king; pf.Fruffia and "'the .emperor of Rullia, a' treaty or liance, bfTeritive and defenfive, was expected , Jo &e eonclu Jed between tbo'.'e two powers. " T:- PHIL-AD EL PHI A, March 22. I - : -- -; VERT LATE; : "-"-- ;; eaptafn Clfy from Liverpool, which place he left the 5th of r ebruary. We have time to preient only the" following brief TcetcnW the intelligence by this arrival - --- . The French armament which failed from Bred, wasdeiUieii tor Ireland the land forces under the command of general Hoche they arrived otF Ban try Bay, v. litre they were overtaken by a violent fiorm and difperfed One fliip of the. line and louie -other oh tlte f.rtt?d-vt;fiyri:it,a tf tne Trans port' were raptured by The English. Gen. Hoche with the principal part "of the whole force, have re-turned-rcr 13ref-KirH thad (urrendercd. tpJIthe Aultri;ns Mantua was not taken. Mr. Pinckney was frill at Paris. Two reports were in circula tion one that he had net been received by the Di rectory, the' other that he had been received, but cool J. v. : - : " : rv .. . " Pirhoro had taken command of the armv. Sir 7ovndHVudt--tdefp ttcl aud declare tor im leir. .7!-r There-is tu objects mcvi t Ite-alway fcirdmore uniformly and lirierrely at iKnrr, than the continu ance ot- i tinie union, ud pertect harmony between our ii,vo iuVuoj IjAce to ule .ny nciiiolt trfurta u incrtaic and pr-moi. tliis objvft ;. and 1 now derive conloiation in a review oLmy condacu iroin the-kro.wUilge. ihai-L nave never deviated trom it. Permit me, tlierphue; itt witlidr iiWVhgi io vs pt elf' nti eurmltw ili,"lTili "t5 r.a" harmony may be -perpetual gznzral orders. Jtutlfo T J- i rcb 23 tn Or?. ALL, WMCtit ol.ker, vim exctjil uV?J.("jjl: on the recruiting let vice, under orchis f 010 thy Secretary- of Var," arc to -joiiCThen uec- -vue c j s w nh u !. lay. . ,- - - -' 1 l.e l.s.;id (.jU.i; tel a ol 1 lie. lit ami 20 rep.. menu will ic tAhijiui-.tu vitiiJii '1 lit Jiiiiiia 01 ihc "i o h--V c ftcm -i'ft 1 1 1 cr ) ibole vi t he 1 rl T'tiiiif tit -xtr hd.at ..Fortj-jM inent w'-ll take pnlt fit Knoxvillr; burltii il.c j itU tit i e Yiartm s. i mllev s. ana r.a ions conn . rt.es. rfeegTeverfo-maTreTnTmrr ,it'nReTi ia em-L on;e?iTrtra nrgtn5-r tVarTvrlTrrrX:n'r Ilowel Levis s, and 1 nomas Lewis' in i lit- Noi t!i W'eltern J crrltoi) -ot wii'uh t be gef.ljtnu n iute re'litd will Lit due notice, and gjvtm thin lehes sccoidingly. JriAihS, VV I i .KjNM;.V, lirigadier-General i nd Coaimaiider .m C hler t)i the troops of the U'nit'.d Srae, (Agreeably to directions, ihe Editors o.f' the fo! lowing NewipaperS :;rr :ef rtd to iniert the above ihrce i ms-j tlie-ac cohw s- to-be tor vy-afdcd-o-tl-. iny prtkiilar acknowletlgnienis torthe c.onhdence and attention, with which you have Honoured my million during its-'continuance ; and at the lame time to allure you, that as I ftjali always Jake a deep and hncere intercit in,whatevt i cone ni the profpe rity and wcllare ot tne teench Republic, lo 1 liiall never ceafe in my ietirenieni,to p ) you in return for the triendlhip you Dave lhcwn nie. the only ac.: jaahleeciiijieniQ-eJloIV ot a grafetul rtinemberance, . -.-PITERSBUKG, March 31. If the titws, under tile Not iolk head, of Mrrl?inckiie arrival at iaien doubt can be entertained a.s to the trench government-hayingluled Gsette Ed. Pel lew's mip, the Indefatieable, a cut dow;n 74 and the Amazon frigite, had run a fliorc in chaOrig, an 1 wretaik.XaLpt.-'Cv.brings--LiferpooL'paptriio.: lebruarj 3. n ' .. ; Mnrch 24. ; t The !ett-r! received at New-York from Paris, refpeciing Mr. Pinckney, agrees, we are -credibly informed, with the content of that gefitle.m;in Jttref slreceived yellerday by the (iecretary of (late. March 2 J. v,r jut ho r 1 r r. . Byxjic PH:J1DSNT ot the UN ITEU' STATE'S of AMERICA. -. AP R 0 C L A M A T I 0 ,V. .. ' WHEREAS the ConUitntTon of the UnitedSfares -of mefirrfwiderih extraordinary occafions convene both Houfes ot Con reTs And w 1 ler eas, a n "ejjraydi.paiy3ccafion ""eiiiTs for convening Congrefs, and divers great and . weighty matters claim their confiderarion'i Jjtiave therefore thou ght It neceflary to convene, and I do by thefe pre'ests convene t lie Congrels ot x!k United .Statev of America, at the city of Philadelphia, in t hex p ra m o n w ea 1 1 hjf . Pe n n fy I v a n ia to nM ondaythe 'fifteenth.. day of Vay next, hereby requiring ilie Se-J tiators and Repre (entatives in the Congrefs of tl:e -United St ites of America, -and ever) ot ihun, that laying afulc all other matters and cares, 'they then and there roeft and alTemble in Congrefs, in order "to conb.ilt and determine on- fuch nieafures;as in . their' vi!'dom fhall bf deemevl meet for the fafety "and wellare of the fa id United States. . In -Teilimony whereof, 1 have caufed the feal of the pi.ited States of America to he affixed (L. S.) to thefe'prt Ientst-raDoriign'ed' the famerwith x mv hand. " . i)ore at the City of Philadelphia, the 25th day ofv , larch, in thc year of our Lord onerhoutand, - v - . fivt'i himdred and niiiety-feven, 'arid of the ln- dejvend'nre of t'.ie United States of America, the Twenty-full.- . JOHN ADAMS. Kv the Pi-eliclcn-t. 1 IMO J rl l-rlCK r.KINU, Secretary of State. , , Knf .vrpnt rhiQ inrorm;inon. we have no later, accounts on this l'ubjcd:,..thaii what have already been pubiifheJ.. . Capt. lkthel arrived at Charledon, from Martinuiue, which-place1 he lch ab ut the 5th inltant, contradid&. the account 01 the Britilh having gone againit Guadalpupe. April 4. The violence of the wind on Friday the 24th nit. blew d iwn a verv lrvrge barn belong to William Joofley, o' York V-ounty;: which killed r 2 fheep, 2 Vxen. 2 borfes, and wound one negroe very tcvere ly, Ih'thar -his' live was le! paired tf. There were i'ev-rul others i.i the houfe at the time it begin to 've wav, who. narrowly ekaped by j-imping out ot War Office of the United States. . The Columbian Mufeunu Savannah t City Gazette, Charlelion i.Northj-Carnlinairierva," KayefrtVriTeT K tM-ltyiJM-ji-; Knnvjlle Ga'ze te Virgirit a Gaketie. and General Advertifer, Kichn.ond : da!- timore Journal ; Men". Adan'ii' paper, Wilmington (Del.) ; New- ferley State Gazette'; A;nif.va, New- Coluiiibian (. c litirvtl ; Gazette of New Hanpihiie- flriia&exls.pjper. Portlancl, djltritt of il ;lne ) . T The foreign . intelligence in this day's Paper and Suppliment was received by the lliip tJniejs arriven littwf orltt V omBotr'rioTt rfrcMw-wh tehrt he-re ception Gen. Pinckney lias met with is at length afcertarned and the difpatches, received from him, is, no doubt, the Caufe ot the frf:dentVPrtclama tion for fummoning a meeting of Congreh. . A.ccouiustroni the Well-Indus men; ion, that the French' ttill xoaiLiJiM;" re A:nr-rk.:in veffels, and tbatthe Adminillaitibns thete has palled ace- . propt.,. clturte of r eTpoTffi r the ohl or new debts due to i aifcipiiur of their relped'tve regfmtuts, aih.e.I DIVISION ORDERS. HE Rr'giuf.er-General of. the third and fourth brigades will iMiie the neceflarv orders for the 'purpofeof hi ving their. reflective brigades reviewed by regiments in the following order j - The reg ;neni of Sampfon county, tin Tufffdav the rPth day uf ' April next ? Cumberland, Thursday t lie 20th ; Moire, Saturday the-22'l; tnioii, Vionda the a atIi ; R'ahnioud, . Wednesday the 26th ; Kobe bn,' Friday the 28th ; Blade n, Thurfday tlie 4th of May ; Duplin," Saturday the 6th ; iOnflow, Motulav the 8;h; New-Hanover, Tuefday the . 2;.d; .and -rtiniv'ick, Wednefday the r th pf October. . ;:iTdie-:.i:.Cgi honiexof tneir rflpective 'eounticsT- l be rtgimriu of.cavab y of the th brigade, will a Ifo be i ev jeweo at' KeTtevtne,'on'riiiiu rfd"ayJ .the' 20th of April and file rciniei.t of cavalry, of the "d brigade, m U ilmingtoi), on Tueiday the 23d of May: As the fe reviews are ordered for the purpofe of a!ct i taininii the force and condition of the niiliiiu ot . ..the" citViiion, it is expecled that full acd conioie.f returns wiil loHow ; and that'the officers will feel a creenot to p iy. either Americans. The followinsis a correct tranfeript of the letter -Ae vei ed t b the "Frencli.Djret or y ,Jby.Mr t,Mu nJi ' roe, previous to his departure. CitizeiS Directors. Xhave the honour to prcfent you with a let er of -recaYT America, and which doles rnv political functions with the French Republic ; and I have likewite the honour to add, that l am indruded by.the refidint, "to a : va1'i ' mi fc! "Ihlif-SccafidoT-? new 'To you on jiis part, an ailurance 01 me loicuuac wnu "iiscu F AYETT E VI ILE, Apr 4 8. X0-f1NX-l,APT0JrKrcj;-iVre-eleed n-ember of Congrefi; for tlve dUtrict-of -Henrico.- Ne-w Kent, &c. "ANTHONY NKW, Flq; for the diflri. t of Caro :line, King-Wiliiam, &c, WILLIAM B. GILFS ; for..the diflria .of .Amet'ta, :ChcIterliet.t,-.6cc. A. li. VENABLK, Efq, for. the dillrict of Powhatan, Cum herUrd, &c, and SA M. T. CABELL, for .the' dillrict of Albemarle, ;)mber(t, &c. :;: J MATTHR.W CI. AY -Ffn- U re elefted fnr rhc xliflria of Halifax, Campbell, &c. and JOHN DA W-t SON, Kfq; for' the dl (1 r i ct of Spot f y I v a n 1 a ,- O ra nge, in tb" room of James Madilop, Efq; who de clined ferying. , ,'jL CARTER HARRISON. Prince Qt "NTchbTas TuliVeper; and loliali Parker, Norfolk ; old members. Walter Jones , Northumberland -in the room of John Heath ; David Holmes, Rock ingliam, in the room of Mr. Moore ; 'Thomas Thomas Claiborne, ; is , re-elected a member of Gonprefs, tor ferunlwick'-ifi-triftr by a very large majority. " : 7" ke-lteitxK?r't&t7WFlKc FfappTneTs" of tfie French H'tpublic. - --,..'. In pe:formin;r this aft, many other confederations 'croud t hetnlelves upon my mind "! Was vyitnels- to U tevb o.uan in my own cuumry . I was deVply pe- tietr-ied with its principles, .wJ.kh are the, lame ",-with thofe of your 'own revolution. I law too its iifILuktes, and renicn'-bering thefe, and the iiTt--jjorunc ferv'ues undeied u ty Fiance upon that oc,cafi6n;. 1 have partaken .with you in all the pe rilous -and try lag fituations, in which-you have been j laced. . It wa my f jrtnne to. arrive among you In amo- pi ent of coir.plicated danger, trenn yCjtivio ahc from Hh faclTorrrrat4rraktng-ty ahdthrdawnfTn-ofperity, upon the point of re lizing, under the aiilpices of a wife and excdlent "iUifution; aU"7Trie great oojtcis ior wncn, in "e'Ouncilaad lnllte field,you liave'lo longnd To" wobly contended. The intelligence I fhall carry with me to America, of this (late of your atfairs, trill be received by my countrymenwiih the fatne and a ct'oii-'.rcd "awr.fea1dy.to law. . It is req'ielted that the Brigadier-GeneraTs with their Brigade Major-., will aiteiid ')- revit - s o '" their rrlj Hive btigades, in order te makr-proper arrangements on the fcort of rank. -.' - . - - : r: i TIK)VA;i BROWN' . Njajor-f .fnVlrtiLofrtiTed, of N. Carolina Vi!. . "' " Ah-ri! 8. . ;'-::':".';'- '.;"' .'-- - ' X' - x ': '"- " ' AI) VERTlbEMJiN T. ,N the night of the 4th day of March lal! nafl. in' ee oe tvrov s-w er e taKen trom n y n t n t n t u , i in my aW'ence, being tn!d by the negroes which verr then pi'cfenrof t(ie-Tranf)ction, 1 . ohf a lied a war rant to fearrh the place where a certain U iliiari 1 uto'n occupies, although rny nvvri proprt-H v in Sam v ffn "coont) thc'Xc.oj4ijble itavwgfnde kn-fiirn h bu 'inel t o t 'ie fa i d Tu t otr ? t he fa id Tut on would not XaS e rJiiriioiicar :chrhe-b oafe,.-bu t-c or fR--d-he4Kf J- laken the negroes, he then was takfn before a. SiSjobiidl lt ti3L.w it h :f ur c t i e'M b :- (uperior court tor Kayetteviile diflrirl' fb.me.ti.m'r attrrwards the (aid T 11 ton w itha certain Daniel, Love, 'as'! am informed, (tole away the faid neproc: i.i the nibt, w'uh ive others of mine, which he had : : : F O R S A'L'E, rI0USE:tTnT7bc to 'Mr. 'M'Mi'j- lan. neatly oppofire to Mr. John Window's dwellmg houic 1 he lot confifls of ohe acre and upwards. For terms apply to ; " . GEORGE BARGE. " N. R. One third of. the payment will be taken in goods one third at January, next, and the other one year after. - -'.- r"'". . - '. - "", N Fayettevittet- AprlLS.- - 2 . ; ; ;--- -i tjAKirj 1 j I:J 1 ing agu'infl laid Tut on and myklf, This may !ore: 'warn, all pfxfons not to pjrehafe eitjher or any p: iXXJAlaniniijtedJCOJtlaft-iail in Jaaliflrv-tbi-da! . r-,. - . - ' - 1 v m ' 4vwj id(t"heifi-'4gft -V-Ta-nero-wanT-aboot 'thii ty thiTr'yiearrcif agfr cTrTinTeirnATNrLX, and lays .lie is the proper ty of. Luke Robertfon, who1 liveMielow Newbern lUJLUl..iLfly.i,,?llr'gT-- m era vtar Dit lalt Marcn. 11 fait! iiegrrie-jt7tfe purchafer cannot obtain "a lea?X lfrjL0k.KMny'r 1 rtfit r t.f if ieimTTT'Vlv f i'd Tti'on Their n-urt5 were t.ucy,a flurdy wench about 30 years ' of a-Poj,!.' licj d'augl tcr.'yf Mow, about to ' !.0P(!o'ti7brovn, q or 4 four years old and Tony, a (ucklirig-Pat, about 15 P.achael. a bout j Hilly, abotU 5 and Betty, about .3 ye?rs old. Any perl'on who w',11 fecure'the laid nonces, or .-rithcr oft h'etii, fhaU-have five d ljars for enil , and be paid the vniue bt his erpen"es for rhf ir n?r ;r. tainance as onv two of. them can at preient be of lervice, .-.,,'' .. r f,A VES SP!L';f'P. N.B -NofrOT, of the ;-l ?cf, ard the erf'n.'s nr""!i who wilt fciirflhrTsris.' e x'pecled w"tliall poffibl diligenee.f'o rrbrain the nl-nve rf ward. ' - jrj. I.IIUPM. I ToTnrpTrot weeks aio, a hegrd man by,jbe haiiic or MR he fays he belongs to William Sinclair, - i n n near., IN ', o r, k ' s Co r na x .. ..Wi t h JlLr,J. ', n t. ; . LAs. ie owner is re- 1, quelled to come and prove his property, pay ihe ne ceflary charges, and take him aw ay. ' - JOIIN HILL, Jailor. Saltbury, $th April, 1 79 7 been abfert upwards f a car t he owner is -r- quclted to apply to the jailor, anu pi:oving"hi Lrojeiiy, ana paying tne neitisary opencts, ma laric him away. hb ixjl L iS6r Foyeitevik, March 2. J! v - . .. ' ' - 1 ' h"; -1 . i ; M Hi y;':":' -yf (I M