i- 'V 3; T 1L is F It ... i .ti.ii- - i '. . ' ' ..- - V NE-W-Y ORK, March ao.c ... on bbard in Ipcc'ic,. and. a Spanilh merchantman yaloed. at, 20,000 dollars have been xaptured .by BrUtfh cruisers, and tent huo dtrimida and Grena- da ; alio a brig laden with saar ws icm. .... Jy'accoums from Antigua gen. Abercrombi had aTrivmT was in a fliort time to head ibme i itp tant expedition in that q iarter. Ten tbUanlirdjOlOLUiliLi'lL psyenrVtl vere ordered to-be railed in.ihai ifland.- On Friday la arrived here a veiiel from 1 01 t . a.L-lVmce ; (he brought letter, purpoi img Ufa the KnA!iih had embarked at that place two regiments ofin.aiitry 'and one of cava!', it vvaslad MU maicaV h,u poled in reality lor .he lou.hern dil trktof Hrfpamola. It padded, that general .Mi. ,..,iv.m..,I t,. driver uo to the hn!ifh all . fhe p'o'.U under liU control, ot winch he is to relax. Tiht command with 500 troops m wswnpay ; iTrT . V thole in oppot'ttiou arc to be dilWmed, toaccom plifll, which Rigaud has (tipuhued in a public edict. Ii.-. ft.u -rf,.nQ I wirli'm tiheen davs Ihull turren ii .... .I,--;, arm. mull receive one half joe re- c:?:i;WtfTl-raT-a 1 1 hlUC: .tiMidj.nlanfjyr i.vr.nrVnfMnlrs m rwhich other foreigners 1 ;.' ' r- .. ..... .r . ' -.7-1 aarriedJiimLiutt.liJt America on the lubiect of their complains of the J . "-nil! I 1 1 American executive. 1 hat ivir. rnicKiiev ic,,.,, that lie would not tarry upon thele. principles, but himlelf upon the litres ot na tions in thele cales and then, ifhe was ordered to fluid do it.. - We understand,- that be-4s toMarry until he re l ' tQ rt tihs to his dilbutches. ' fYi fu.""! Exltufi j tetter frtut a giutiemH'm I arus trkU fnendin this cttj, oy inr-anfmrraaica jamay 1 "jvii. Mouroc has taken leive of the executive ,r.rArv Mr. Pincknev' has not been received by Miem as'ininilter idenipotentiary from the Lulled Stutes. 1 lie lall letter ironi uie,ariiiv in nu) r 3 December. Fuonaparte writes, " Mantua oe ieed vv.tli the greatcll aflidwity, the garriion is at the "lall extremity having nothing to eat but hbric ileih," . . n Um rnhmi oi bis rrtibliMn srrn'ada pot into Bantfr-BaYi on the fotith wetl coalt of irelmi ; . T-J-friTT ' ' i . j 4 v w liere tlit military arid country people" collected in fmallefl coniniutrtcaiton v'iih the fliore." . We underltand that'fevej-ai or the tranfports had hv admiral Klnp'mUl's ciuiters t .1 hat admiral Gardner was ott Brcltto wait the ;e t ur iv, ot t he-l'retK h ftiips into t ha t port i 'and i. atv: .. -hour the vigilanc ar.d evetuons c tour navy, -it-was, confidently expected ery Uw ol ti e people eiy gauged iirhis-t:ttterprile,--vvtrtjld ---gecHiackrib the if-- Yelteiday arrived the lenooner v 11 gmia ana 1 ni lafleLina Racket, ni )2e to the tch.ooncr CauipbdL Coppinger, bt Jamaica. Sl.ewus boi.nd Ircin ill Kaaiiiu!iuu.4 tnxiiiW. nr tne nay or iior.uara with wine and flouri uncltr Arocricn t clours'. ' , 3yaJeJ.texJiiu.ndliiiJ.i3.rdlhsj ihat'the port ot Uavanna!) wuk oended on ti e Rt hf mil a in, lor the inn oirdt:.tri ot clrv goods and pro- vllio.ns in neutral l oiioms that period, may expect to be llmt. To cnlure his .. fidcTitv. it Js ad'.lcd ,1th atRigaud Jiagin u ias hoftaces bis wife and two fillers. idiv-vini extralh are taken :VrLreceived ycjhrd.h) the. Bnfilsjrom Ecu,. . .. . I . . it,.-... ' , ivr, and art from unquejuoiiaoic ammruy. Vvtr'Knf a letter, dated PaTis, Jan. 7, 1797. ' Without alligntng any reafonr but that they 1 :. ....' - '..;-.,..; ,. tn claim o. the Diredorv IltfVC ttnaiit i;i ".""' . . - - . . f hvi:retud: to. receive have done every thing b..t u.'ve him aiVoflrci;d order to quit the territories of the Republic. This, how ever he whits .10 receive in lome more unequivocal manner than they.have as yet been plealed to lign.uy it. The Mimiter tor rorcign miana, iytiav..., r cfufes t o bav C any em ituir.ka tion r i n riti u g wj Hi him, under pretence, that it would be an act of ac - -kiK)wle4gment, ol iwia?irv J'S1, anfretr1affy7: crwTili-H-: wrote" to him fome time liuce, tfelirmg. to know - wiiat:wa-'theilobe4)4miacy- as io:JiiItee. inr. as he bad not received tU cai'd ot.itluiMLe which had been promilecUhim. wiiUout which he was wJ.'r.o lx arrelUd "by every - corps as traded The Minillcr howevtrlent .a yernai m 1- Fro' th COURIER REIUBL1CAW: . PARIS, 25 Kivofe, January 1 4 Several ot rhe Ibips of war which compofed our Irifli rteet.'and general Hochej who commanded it, arjLg0''itinreturhedab.Brellwhat.:ve 1 '" ."..: l.T.v r n-ri:At"t Ivor" i It - I Hi or 'vuAt, nnt UnnwT :uf TrisTenaiitxhaT'tlTe.Paci tier of I a Vendee is actually in that port that he Intends to renetetare-eri tv w hich he has hrrher to been luccefstol and that he has lately adilr iled a proclamation: to his foldiers to animate their cou-" r..ge and their hopis. .If we believe the jttdafour, whole veracity is universally acknowledged, tlie Englilh accounts mult be egregioufly falle, when they infom u, that they have taken the auttrem, "wh n the only vtllel captured hy them 13 a lniuil tnintport of two hundred tons, whkh, dui i ig a .10 , threw hei telr amung theTneifyVibTps, 1 (owever, here follows an extract of geneial ord?r, iflued t.y .... .i r . ..j .1 1. Hoche to the expjaaiGUtiry aimy vj irc.i.u, uicu mc i ;th Nivofe. ' Brave Comrades, "The geneial. Hoche, urder whofe qrders you were accultouud to conquer, w as Conducting yuu 10 lelamfr-to fet'en ge 1 he "ni an y" inju'i lit i w liich t he TTTFiTTfeTdyYmorrr arrived here in 1 ? da)S from jainaica. Irrior to hef departure the7ainuaryT';i)Cket ai l ived aK'ingffoiV and brtrujiht hitetl.igciue to the lollowing eftect : , , . v 1 I ti.. JTP tai The rmnrels ot iviiliia was -aeaa. ner ltixccnor I' aire to him, by his Secretary, that he mult conlH.er himfelf in the light of any. co'ii-non loreigner ..to i -A I,., I lion re' tiled, and mu'K aiiree'i'.i V W11UI1I t IJIU nan - - 11 J - C- ... . . . 1 I ' .1.- -t.;v....- -rn.iT,m oi.it it wr.hour rietav - v.;,vriJtVii. iiitjfts iiromileo vou is only ot lay ThisTieneral r.ncknev re'.mtd to t o, as they bad j t,)C .oven;meVf wVthout doubt aol.eres.too much to W.-.IV. lv - Rvinilnir has ItiTereil Irom I he Knil h w;o jtonniMtnil' force that pronrl and .hangh ty iiat ion lo axcept of an honouraUle peace, which all Europe expects. x . The winds have, betrayed our hope'-- the -army has been dilperltti by ihe'lti.rnr aucl it has been ie- par a ted from itscl.irl,. ...,.;...-....,, ' c.i,.M ii,;t inon rii! prv re-e trance into trance lRi;.ll not make yon lanu:fli. in the uncertain expec- alreadv poQeflel themfelves.oUhe knowledge ; thut he was na" comii'bn.ftra'ng-er, npt'-anived n ieitir, rttorie in a pi ivte .capicii , bnt as a puclic cha. racter, and as ludl. riot li.bject to the Wai rrgula ti. is of Krance ; hut protected and guarded by the laws erf nations, which he claimed in his lavour as . .Una as he" remained ; if, however-, -it. w as their si;, that he Ibonld depart,, that he would obey the.n without reluctance,, but requetted io.neihing.rnore ' o'Sv'-'ut ' t tiafl'-VeTba r en m'ntonicat i-.i(---Sel-MW-"vie wi liaW'beeiv- tiad-vvltrr Mreti-iit r--in 71 ie hit-one, fome few da.s jigoJ 3 long come. laiion tolCnlace; he-.exprelt-d great lurpcue. at Ueuei-1 Pinckney s bem-g ItUHK-re. anon kk. ..7 to tell .him, that lie re he mv.lt re vwi;:;, i.!.ci. i v or.ld giv e him fome'oi ot r, under his hnnil, 10 jultt iy himieif to his own iovYtomtm for quitting a fpoi to W i.b it hadfent.hl ii. Thi. he .iclufed wh loa r 9rmtli. f t was o v en nroi tHfei r as; a hint-tbat .th'e.Miniaerof tb.e .iw Iruniui do ms' ' However, he is Hill unrr.o1eled, though not it out apprehenfions. T hope that every American will feel how neceflary it is to convince not only this ..gQvernmeht, l.ut eeiy bf.ign Vower how gieai it nhcHmll -atesiPt IwfpW" .nuyunct the- rxnution of the j loiious project n nadli.-iii tor the pxolperity of ihe republic, anc v aiu s j t-t,: lervices too highly not toptejem you ina IHort time wiih the means of exercifing yoiif energy and con flahcy. No, becaufe.an adverfe tlemtnt has for once ullrained your anus, on certainly w id not be li-.r.d-.. the'nath to clorv Is now know n to you ; we bve proved to the "cenfurers of -this niariiine r.... Ut nntit ft ridirtr the ritif ui s ofwin- trAt CUtllvril, nici. - r m t), ,t uitt,g( ,w a : .'m, pofl.ble-ftr-Fr'.-nchmen.. n nd it vi".Tr" npeWianc?-hai-aluDebeeufutfin-tiriirake-'Enolan'd tremble jiidgt wbat you may txp ft when wirhmore nun erod forces wc lhall return to the attack. . , . . .. . . ; Your chiefs app'aud the firmpers wi'h winch you iicTiunrnev'ed'tiiedangeiS that furroundctl v mi rt... v V litrWinrv' is infoi med of i r. ' V it h the" ttltimony of its fatislacTion you will (oon. re- orders w e an a r oe hi iy ut u; vcijuac m OT3isrwBTm-t m tiera-etuoi-jx e njawjrrs..coijejcea- againlt France. Sixty trtoulaird HulTiars Kiel1. 4uaixhednGaniu!a,to repjacet he Auflrla troops drawn from thence to reinforce the at Biles on the Rhine in ftaly, -:" t -7:--vf-- General Alvinzi attacked Buonaparte, defeiitecl . Uim in W'n Irvrrp hjllpS relieved Mantua and .111114. a j .ini-d by Ma; fh;d Wui niter, was chafing the French- out of the liiKiiele. 1 Dele actions were poucrioc. to that ot November 18. The combined French and Spanifli fleets parading the kdV:..eranean,''-.'w'as:'attac.kc:d'-7 by a violent llorm, in which thefe fair weather Tailors lofl fevert of their (hips. One of thefe, a. Spanifb frigate, was run down in the gale, by the Santillinia Trini dad. ' - n -. iJournonville had withdrawn from DufTeldorfF, a d retir- d to Coblen z. , A fufpefion of arms had folicitated.b the French from the arch duke. ouTyereuipYo VjCliei al .JlUai I, t, I 11 lilt. lUUUJI. mpmini "j reaiy , had gone tor I ift.on. c si r yA w a r d Pel le w-ar.iuyedal.rlyrnQUt h. w thac counts ol his havipg fallen "m w tth a large fleet of . 1 l . JO r ". I C . U 'm tn n nnP . rMpoits, eicoriea ny io ian m uk h.hc, . from Brelt, Iteeringto fouthward, hippofed ior-Pbr-lujiaV Adinir'al t wlpoys w ith his fquadron, in ccinv fcquTiite tl'"ihismeHtg'nceV1iihmediateJyro? - ed 10 lea. , A cutter from fir John Jervis a day or two aftef m inioj niiug that he hadqne from Qilraltartor ytf bon. with iq th'ipVot th 1 neybaving rece ved intel ..- . " 1 t....cl t..-. r..:iJ f 1 : iA ; -:CVi In-r: Aiir.. inlnf"relt'''bT'Wt Trofirftfi cei'vc .the ret iirnmg t o fonibai the moft bttttTr enemj to peace and to our iux riy. . f t;r i ; 1 he General in Chicf.of thefaff ' ; - CHERIN. u You . will" no-dubt-before iliis hear of JVIr. Pinckney's reception being ' fufpended., ;e. whii here until he gets fun heir i 'lili ut ions from bu r go -r veTnmenrTherecall fIr: Adet-Vveut fronr iu i f laft Augufi. This it ii'expeed will produce, ah 1 explanation "of fome.. things! this government com plain off, and that matters will yet be reconciled. Lord Malmefbtiry wilt certainly leave this without .,v..T. on ni jneiaiiotis: and the war wijLbe.copti- nued another jear. Every thing is'quiet he. e plenty of proviiions, ' and no appear ...ce ot want rx-. ceptithe Vjvernment Thej'rehdeuu pcecb. - has been fome little ti,ne rmceTeccivcd nnd pibiiib-- 1 1 ua ;. n.nUrfd as it on jhflo be to e ei y eu or re, aitu- .-- - r1 -.- , r U j mi J uf Ame ricai h fiowgclann ol .aiVJcau. a .ffiVv.r- v. d at Kahimore 1 torn the Fa(t-'In - .esi i X IVU-' T -. ( . the" matter-infoms tlt the ditrc-rence exilting be, tvveen TippRO &iband tbr Britifb, at the date of out. lull aonnts, had heen amicably a.ljolled. March fais'0" There are ho proviiions here -.sit-all, t: J.6 .theVare'eompelled to have recoUTlVfto thero dud ions of the llland. The commifiion have -Htued aW arret to Hop payment of all American claims ior the prelent TII.llJ.OI limnimj.- , . . , . . ; . a tt'ita-ntrvi-lenfoi liis-ti V 1'. r f I J . CV .''. lity and the opngbtnefs of ,v;s ondnil w. ( a 71f.. Pi tit .... inf. . ''. - . iObig i-nnnrilant,..fi.ibiCiSLjdAiBmglM .' - ... .nil nrr rr. ktasqatT, rN. P VFeb. 5.3. Geqeral biwTTre-as arrivea.tihejVlo1 reven weeks from' Kngland, and taken upon hinilelt the command of his marelty's forces in St,i)on.ui-o. ligence ot an armaiucni uin uicn ut.u ,B,1V7 Portugal. " i oid .Malmefbury was ftill at Parts. The direo tbry fiave ceded to tw bproporitibns made by Jiim viz. That tiie regociaticn (hould be lecret, and hat mutual rellitution on the part ol the a! ed powers and the French fliouid be the bafis of the ne- ociation. " By the fame vellel we likewife have intelligerke, ' . ... . ' L l. 1 ... M that nine thouland trocps were emDarhxu aiaw tinique, and were to be joined by lbme additional' !.rro trnin KnolanH and Ireland The obit-ct of this expedition, it was vatibufly conjectured. Front the immenfe quantity'ot ordinance (lore (hipped, il was however evident that fome fiege of importance tt'.ilo In ffr . mnla f mil While the Nootka Sound bufineTs was.tn agita iioiViLJs weHknown that governmenthad deter mmedrin- arrtnft Mexico ; and it was confi.iei ed as an enter prize in which little difficulty would have to bern countered. . - , Ti,-..,..vft,. nf-fhm nanilti force in Looa, ana tf.1. .Yr.iv,rla-i attemot in whichJheiPrelacW i.th.m lUl.lt K '.fliWOIlU HUUCl ill.; , It I d' lull uuiv i - v : . -A. illaiid aiieap .and eafy conquell to the iiritifh army. regular lorces in that ifland. are barely. 2Q0Ct men and the" tiiilit a, on whom any . dependence could be. placed' by the government,; rip not amount to ooo. There wej-e-in the Hav nnnah, by the fame aonnt.- thips of the line and 1 frigates, manned andriit for lervice. v '.. ... . . ... : , ... The injury already done to oux -windward uiancs, -from Gaudaloupe, and the ce. tainty of Hill Krftcr evils flowine lrom that peltiferous lource, fhould rl I.. T..i n li ti nnc n r HIP nrt'icni UWlKUi'i' i " - DC I CI l 1 1. ui- i.-iift.- i i i I forces be drawn Jrovi.i the windward, to be cm ploy- t.rf...i';. attaint m make a delcent on Ireland. IdiiLu it, ii , rn t fV The armament for this expedition confilted, ot i 7 t r -. - i d iiJ -.. - ni ij.ihiii inn. ji. i ii " . ' , 1 -r-,itve nre received and were ex pedited to Philadelphia yelterday afternoon byex: . r u th ft ib! c wi 1 doubtlels Toon be relievtd from their tedio.u Oil penfe. The near- ettthat we can come to tjic trutb. -from verbal ac ount sxiiiMJiiJOi! he could not now be received, but that be could tar llll LC9 lit .ui at " i. v I. - ' . j rruii alluded to. areve ftroiiB ly in favour of that-ifland being the real dcttination - ot :lv6 arniahi'ent t rlun i f i t uiquf- , - .. On this fubiea however, we lhall, in all appear . ' I M I !.. Inn lnct ioi - : . .... . , u r -It wa intended to land the forces in the north ot Ireland ; tht etfect'ed, the lliipi were to leave t hem to t be i r f a k- f-ric-. ..r,..4: Tk. d... iVintt afier leainw Brelt.attacKed . 1 IIC IIVll " o ,v,ft.. . O y . . by a fevere Oorm, in w hich. one of the largtlt lttipy and a ingaifwcrc iQHtr r The vefTel which arrived yellerday liorn Jamaica, bfins information of, the trench dbecioty havirK J itTued commlftio'iers l r crpturing American vflel, couched i'n'jjmiUr .laVgd'aw Britain.. ;r- ' " "'""" ' ' v :" g A Variety of ' B LAN KS for rale aUli

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