brought tQ a concTufion. But, on te 7th InfV. tv uiviiion of the 'cneiiYy ? which vaaj i'.titis,.ut it lelf in motion -on the din,' u a.iackeii the advanc- Jd gii a rt of ier. Anirjr-iut wuiciiw ai-atJie viijpq Uit before. Port Legtug', .After a (harp flcirmifh, the,,! adjutant general Jiitaux, who co nmanjed this ad- ; ard, retired to St, . eiu, and oil. the fq day to iJot'tu Leiiu'o, alter having hat! vuiiccJ iortlilg marching. " ........... ' 1 directly tent over the Adige the 2000 men whom T-luJ w'u.i rfrr -artlologn a;and'ife rulf tHYitiediftety after for Veretta. , On tlieiiiii, at 6th in the. morning, the enemy presented theml'elvcs before Verona, and attacked the ad vanced guard of general Maflena, lituated at the village of Sr. Michel. This general came out ot Vcroii i, fet his army, in battle array, and march cd d.rectly againl! the enemy, whom lie routed, took J .eccs ot caiiiun, and nude 6oo"prifoners," The grenadiers of the 75th took the cannon by aflault . . l 1 : . 1 1 1 1 r-i i : w nil U4 yifiici. 1 iicv iiau ncucrai uruiic ai invar jicau. whole clothes were (hot through with 7 bullets. On the lame day and at the fame hour, the enemy vrer Tioiijnettuatioli to Witngeroos to us. -vej 2 tpMes a-r ; wr d'viCor.i mircled so artl too tht iu the Jittt-j al. t became .ueccllary to halter the mr.rcli a&ainlt .ge neral Piovera s divilion, who had f ailed the Adige itju-t be4tlvatAjuiareel caufetl general Victor l9. JH I w M the bra e,- J 71 li, - itt rc ttru t q ge ncral Maticna, who, with a part cf his divilion ar rived at - tt overall da. I lett" orders, in parting wit U general foubert, to attack the enemy at the L bjreak of day . if ... t hey we re r alh, enough t o remain in VfOrena. General Mufat, who had matched all night with aliartrigadeTof ttghrinfanrry, wjw expeded iirtlie ' morning ou the heights of Montebaldn, which com anand Coron .. In tine, after a farm relittatace. the enemy were routed, and thotfe who etc aped the pre ceding day wtre made prifoners. 1 he cavalry could only fave thrmlelves by iwimitig acrois the Adige many of them were drowned. We had taken in the two days near Rivoli 130C0 priioners, and nine pieces of capnon. General ban das and IVeyer were wounded, hi bravely fightingat the head of their troops - : 1 Batue tt St. C FORCE. General Arovera at the head of 6000 men arriv .-..-..p. ' wu nun1 iiiuinvuamu,uvivuu' niv aunt av u iru ii in inc iuourDS ot ot. Ueorjic s ed by the infantry general Jouben ; the cam i and .attacked Jt erTeCtually all that - day. Miolis, batAvas fmart and bdiuaie. The enemyiiadtakerr7eneralrTrXga"de, defended thele Suburbs. Sam. Liiucn Lrciicin, ihicf ot the 4thJialfriiLade of . light inlaiiiry, Niaiqui, cliel. it the 29th i roui- cioy vhjtt uLthe 1 ?iii.k.rccu:cid, !':;..: v The Genctals of brigBde Vial,fcll !j:f Ecarid the aVTJiitant gWeral, Argod, particularly diiunuilhd themfelves. . - The particular aclt of bravery are too nameo.n3 to be heie detailed.. , ' - liignedi EUt KAPARTJv. - NE WY O R K, March 21. - iu lilt rtUI'll VI unl I tl' J A i L 5 Cdntraji between the conduct v the Aibtttcan and treiuk Governments. AT thecommencemeiit of the fiench Revoh'tian. and unilormly from thence to almtlt the ffiUrjfc pe riod, the people ot America, howtxer ciittinguiiiied uy pai i v, cauiicu ai iiic vi oiucct otriiie,i ! . . ' -ii- : . .. . . .. - . .. poqciiion or tne nru relounr,but jouDert put nimlelt ion, chiet or the battalion of engineers, had erect at the head of hiscarabiiieeralrpve away the enemy, j ed very If roug entrenchmrnts. -General' MioliC a comP,e,X ouled nein, and t6ok HO priloncrs. j active as bfave, far from being intimidated bv'the On five fitti the enemy haftily threw over a bridge I threats of the enemy .anlwered with cannon and hv at Anguiari, and made -its advanced guard pals over thefe means gained timej during ibe night between a league fro:n Porto Legnago j at the fame time gen. the aoth and 2 7th, io that I was ablr to order gr;ne Joubert informed me that, a conliderable column ral Serrurierr to occupy La Wavi rite. with the 1 8th wai nung o.T tor ivionragna, ana threatened to turn and 57th demi-brigades, and ail tl.e troops that WMt.WWU UU V V VVIU1I4, & I Will tion of miiliions of men troni the PalliuM siUii Da. very, and manifeUiiTg by civic iitlts, tiic i n girg of bells, and the found of cannon t iieir rapiui oiis joy at the victories of the new republicans over the vaLk -..-- i . i ' i. . ioinn i nations ot meu-cnermesr- ifferent loiir'ccs, I learnt the real deligns of the enemy, and had no ion Terany doubt that it was their main force, and thence to arrive at Mantua. 1 caufed the greater part of general Maflenas di- vilioti to let o!t in the night; and 1 tnvlelf went to tvali, which place 1 reached two hours after mid- could beranfroinhecTivM blockade: but before 1 give you ;ih account of the battle of La Favorite, which took place on the 27th, I ought to mention the two actions of An guiari. . ' . . FirR battle of ANGUIARI. - General Frovera's divifion, cOnfiti iug of- to,6oo 1 then caufed general lubert to regain the men, had forced" the paflage of Angoira. General siting poTuion of St. Marco aid I placed aftil tef in tlie Iquireot Kivoli, and put all m order. T with a view of m aki h g a form id a h I eo Fentive atta ck, and to march in perfon again!! the ; nemy. . At break of day our right wing and the left wing " f tlte enemy," met on the height of St. Marcothe battle was teriible and dbllinate. General Tou berr, at the head of the 5df lupported his light infantry, which acneral Vial commanded, but tre ..i ji..: "u- t. i 1 i i b ! at i-itvjiij, wuo raiu on nic i in mane jus ar- S c9ftd battle 6f v ANGVURh General Provera did nof loc a fingle inftaht, hot immediate defi ed to Cattellara.-. Gen, Ajieau attacked the rear guard of th: dtvifion, and atcer a evere aclion took them atr'uril'tfneff. and hiVrn rangeiHents to (hut up all the divisions of general ot cannon. He tookaoo 'vrifetnet s. Adiuiam i.-. Joulert, continued to put his detrgn into execution,,! neral Dulaux particularly diltinguifhed himielf b Guieux immediately united hi foices, and marched !9ya r d k the . eneniy Haying ,bu t 1 5 Co mi'ii,.. 1 hey, could not compel the eneniy to repafs the river ; but they flopped them a part of the day, and made 3C0 prnoners not apprehending thai I had durinc the c'mht. ar this operation not oh'y impolfinle, but eveadeltr ac tive to him. Our left wing was vigoroully attack ed.: it gave way, and the enemy bore on the centre. The 1 4M1 demi-brigade iultained the (hock of the attack with the greateft bravery. Genera' Berthier, commander in chief of tne General llatF, diiplayed, on this occalion the valour, of which he has lb oi ten given proofs in this campaign. The Auttrians, encouraged by , their numbers, re doubled their efforts to carry oifthe cannon, which .Was., placed befora -thc.demi-brigade.-l A-captain riilhed before the enemy : " What,' cried he to the fuurieenih, will you luffer your cannon to be car ried o7 At the lam:, time, the atad, jwbich 1 bad tent 10 rally the" left wing, appeared, regained for uitf.n their former p-ilii iuin, aid under the- com- ina nrt -or genera l-Matlenae-nt irely Tccovered if 7 :h'i$coorageike.9thand.t8tb'cegimcntsHf-)ra- rived with confiderable rpiiirrcemeiKs, tTderJ, :vi3l the 2;th o cbafleurl alfo diflinjiBirhed thin illiKr ot'lnr. .tn. nl., i,nlf.l U... Jfl.: 1 . i.' .. T-l v.iKiiiici ves The commander of tfie hnlant prefrnter? fi'mfelf before a'fquadron of the 9th dragoons, and hy one of thole gafconades fo common among the Auftrians, called Murrender !' Citizen Duvivier flopped his Iquadron: ' If you are brave, come out aPd take me, cried he. The two corps (lopped, and the two c,e gavean example or one of tho(e battles fo beautifully cieferibed by J alio. The commander of the hulans was twice wounded with a labre; the two cor pthe-n charged each other, and-t be hu lans were taken prKooert,, General Provera defil ed all the night, and arrived, as L had the honour of Hating to you, atSi. Ge6rge and attacked it on the 26th iiilt. Not having been able to force it he planned an attack upon La Favorite, and to pierce the line of blockade Fahd t hen, feconded by a for- mpy-wurnaier. tu w v rmiK-,i ino Mantna Althougli wt had now been three days fighting the enemy had not y et .;.1he w n us ail t heir forces. One of their coiumns -which" had'..fileci,.aloftit ihf Adiire, under the cover of feveral nieces of rannnn marcncd directly, to tne iqnare ot ttivoti, in order to carry, ir, and thereby threatened to: turn our right, ahd ceiitre. - J ordered, general Le Clerq to 'i'harcrff rhe piwm 7 with rh faiiilrw-r if ititi tit-mmA- IJ ttt.e: cj : Favp ' ite. ed in tralnini; poflcflion of the fuuare ot Rivoli ; nd 1 Cent La Salle, with fifty dragoons, to attack l he the dank, of the enemy who -were s tacking our centre. At the tame initant general joubert had caufed fevecajtattalions to defcend from the heights of Sr. Marco, which immediately took porteffion of . the fquare of Rivoli. The enemy, who had alrea dy penetrated into the fquare, was' trrifkfyratiAcked on ail tides ; they lett a great number of dead, arid returned into the Valley of Adige. Nearly' at the .fame moment a column of the. enemy, - which: had' been fonie time in motion, in order to turn our flank . and to cut off oar retreat formed itfe If in-order of ' battle behind us. . - I had left thefthlni rePcrve, which not only kept TlBeirliiiiinTiti check,' but even altackfd the Tett of it, and routed it; T he -I Sjtl halt-brigade arrived du'--. -rihff thofe tranfaclions.while" prenerah Aov hadjic ken: a pofitiqn : behind the coVumn, -!' alto cauficd the enemy to be cannonaded with lome ia pounders. I ordeced tlie 'attack; and in lefs. than a quarter ot an hour the column, "cbhrilhng of 000, was made The enemy were routed on all fides, and were phrfued with Vigor. ITuring the. whole nighrihey weTeToringmg ln prnoners i 1500 men who had ej ca icd by guard, wareitopped. by 50 meiof t4ie-t8t T3"dovvntlieir armi. ' Tjie enemy 'wcre.iliJl maflers Corona, but "they - On. the 2 7th, about an hmi r-t o? r the enemr made a (ortie, and attacked , the line of blockade by t. Antome v General Viclor,- at the . head of the J7'h half "brigade, overthrew all that eppofed him. -Wurmte r v as tbl'Ped-io-Veturtr-to-Mantua"afmo(t as loon as helhad quitted it, leaving the field of bat ' i U covererLwiihldeacf and prifoners. Gen. Serm. ,ferthen caufed Gen. Victor to advance 'with the 5 7th half brigade in order to take Gen. Provera in the rear, in the foburbR oPSt George and fo to block him up compleleiy Confnfion and diforder fon became yifible in the enmys ranks ; cavalry, tufamry, and artillery, all pell-mell. The terrible 57th half brigade were irrefita"ble. On the one tide they took three nieces on the o ther they difniounted a regiment of the Hutrars of Herdemly At this motren:. the'irefneaahie.'GeA. rrovera aferd to capitulate. Fe relied upon our genefotitv, and was not deceived We granted jhim Vapttulationt the articles ot -which are hereto annexed - Six thoufand prifoners Were taken, a-nionTwhom-Wefe the volunteers of Vienna -Thir- ty piece of cannon were the froits of this vi&orv. - ,The arm of the Repohlie lias tlms in four days gained two pitched battles and fix artion,have tak en ij.ppo pritorisrs among; whom are, one lieutenant generalrtwo generals, iroi ic colonelsjkc. 2oftani l - , ' 1 - ..-t . ... i euros 00 pieces or cannon, and Killed and Wound ed 6000 mttfir 1 beg'the fanlc of general Is divi (ion for General Victor, and that of eeneral of bri gade for adjutant gen. Vanx. All the halt brigades wnen citizen uenet arrived at LharJflton. leve- ral hundred miles from the feat of goverm ent, and excited and conmiiHioned our citkti.s to M ot agai'nlt nations w ah whotii we werr m a hate ot f face; and for a hich. the governor of Scuth C arolina wss bound n duty, by alt the laws of i.ations arc! common lenfe to hang him without the lornis uf trial, at the mod convenient tree. Ke ws.s, i,verthelcls, treat-' ed with unbounded holptfality at;d Iricticlihip. ' Alter having adel thus, t.d in all his tour front s Charltllon to Philadelphia haVing excited a Ipirit ot hohility and 'folly in our tit iztns alter baing by fuch coniiucl inlulted and degraded ti e digniiy of our Chiet Mugitlfaie, our goerrment and all t ll m anijj. 1. - . k . i 1 1 L. f.t . rvur:" nuivfoni nt; ti quartets. wiin a (raternal Iqueeze-and aliiliattd with ail his trea lon into the ve-ry bolom of the eitat and too pood VValhingion. V hereas, had the jtliihat le rtlent irent - ot the people bee if t xerfilef, l.e v t iild hat been fufpendtd at a lanippoll, or in.n.ctiiuitly have been tranfpotfed to his imtiv e land. When the lame miniller afterwards in variona )l abultd, our government, ai d endt v cured many means te -xVite a fpirjt o jtaifctly 01 inftn - - 'V i nn jaui it gititjii ijieir own legitimate rulers, inflead of being torn to pieces by the popu- lac?, which he jullly merited, or being fent home hy .the Prefident, or even fulpended, he was allowed iiOieArjljrXfjriJfe'iOiadi pica atlc ioxiit ions, until recalled by his mailers. Receiving cbaftiie ment but foch as it fell trom tht- rtriS tit a few in tiepnmrni ami noneit American. ' - - Wh-Q Mr, Kauchet was fanning the fire of civil war and reneUipn in conjiinaion with a fet of vil. .-ia, niiuiii iuiiic ra me inuy tnd ickedneis lo- dafs among the patriots of America, he was courU ed as the viriuous reprelentstive of the immaculate Republic. When Mr. Adet, the pre fent fo ft end ei miniflrr, - was employing his agents to perfuade the people of the.-Weltern COtintrV in (runt llwmUtrt VrnM . their brethren ot the L iiited,States, and from an un natural and treafonous coalition with Frrntl nirn he, alfo lived unfufrffted smongfjusiii one of our brethren. And although he betrayed his cloveft foot by another infidiou s attempt to fet op i he pee- : : pie againft their government, he is futTered iet Jite in'iiiiet aniongft iis, and retire with whole-ppnei'tQ---. the land of violence and intrinnr. S WnUft4he ri.tim -were-pTood latter more than they could expicl by treaty. And like more than honeft men, vihilR oar good allies were thus cheating us, we paid them a million of The F'rench wanted us to engage tn'their war w courted peace-for this at one time they flattered us, and at another time bullied us. And finally, be' caufe we made peace with England, and they have got all the-mcney we owed them, and at JeattJorty. million befides by plunderrog, they have boldly now1 t thrown a way the ma(k of treachery arid deceit, and' have commenced with a high hand the rnofi uppro-, voked and cruel hoflifrties agamtVoor property and the. lives nnr4 lllnrr men. '.....;.!,.: .-.v.'-'-..- - - :.'' Kor all I thefe infults and iipinenfe lofTes, otir go vernment has- been as harmlefs as LambsNay, more harmlefs dill, for thev have not ihemireJves.:t .be4Mt;andorit to pieces, byttiefe dogsr-4'-'r duc nave icarceiy uttered a murmur or a groan. re covered with Plory. ctpeciatrrrne iA an3 efiFT? rind the tfh of the ltne3v GU. Mcffeha. who in ..t h ree d ay be. t the enem v at St . Michc 17K 1 vol i ,a n d Ivoverabclla. Tke Roman Legions, they fay, nurch Homiliating I . toul-lnkini.,refleclion ! I would forget than I am an American -1 am aihamed of the cbaracler it once was honourable'." .7"T"v Rotiled, however, at lall by the deadly flisfts di recced at pur vitals, our government was induced ' -: to (end the olive branch by-a meiJengcr of peacer -barelv to afk for juflice. and require only a diieuf-:; fion of grievances. "TJr proud and indicnant five- hiAA Lrfimr lti rllu- ' -n 'j '. ' mtmvi 7 MtrTiniuir nun in felcnt than Nero, or the tyrant ot Syracufe, treat." the of the only- freemen on earth-! with c-d:r- f pd iUHrrny; Vfiraid to hear the ' "itth;-and too villanous to do juflice, 'ity not bnlf . refute to recognize 'Mr, I'inckey, as " aiubafladbr

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