.3- a ' but will not even receive from TiTiri, a line ; they liibjecthim to ml ulL-aud-,i in p rifoame nr t r o m i be r n t 7 flans, of Police they put" hU life in jeopardy " Whillt fhey are robbiBgoson the "highfeas, they - reflrte fo hearken 7)0rcompli3ntssi-tficy rejeft the lambaliador-- f peace with the molt inlbk-nt con tempt, contrary to all ulae of civilized nations their ovn practice at this vr ry ni'pmefttWhfea'n..Q... juftice, and neceflity Yet thefe are our magnani- JH. 43r JrendLand allies.!. . . Such then i the contrail hetveeir ArrifriraTis qtiJ Frenchmen f ' " That they may be defeated in ftnlffiafcl tipon the ' '"""Upper Hhine, and upon the .Lower Rhine, and all the world over, until they, are duly, chnflifed fo their infajuous aboles of the hot) eft republicans o America and Europe for theirtinheard of crime -and murders, and tor the ...depart re from the avow d principle the;) fet out upon, it the fervent hope of Wl L LI A -M W1 ftCOftks Tobacco Sugar Co tree Cocda Molafle : 20 to ic pbr cw'r. 8 to j ditto. 27 t sS Ibk. . $5AL23- do., f2 to 65 do.;.. - A'' March 23. ExtraA- of a. fctttt- front M crdnitfae, dated March -- . .v - J , 1.78 7- "; .. --A vdffel owtiid by 7ahcl j: SmTth of Bait ltn 01 e, has jiilt been'feflt inhere, as a prize to floi p of war Crow, this poru jbhe was ittkrn co windward of Defeada, bound toGdadalobpcy With a letter to Vic tor Hughes, tolicitmg the itieale oi Mr.itcharwt. P H I LAD EL PHI A. March 20. Extract ot a letter juft received 'front New-lork " ' dated yefterday. " I on'ti mv lerrer tn aAA thar a vfTl i tnf come, in from Portugal, bringing accounts of a later f 1 1 1 anjre receivra irom tne canunent o Eoropr ; which acenrunta lav that- Fpdn- ho" or Atnerlc'ai Lordhive ihercy'qpon out vtflels now 111 iiicir pons : ; . . The aboVt is an extraft from the letter of a gen tlemsn ot character and of information t what a batemetit is to be made for its being deltitote oi particulars, futh as the vfArl't nmi he th'r. der mult judge for himfelf. Probability, it muft br vuiiicmru, is Kamtr tne Intel liirerrce : lor trie f renc now .fpap all the advantages of a War with us. yui tAj'uicvi iu its rnus ; ana wnne ton can continue fo orofirable nim here i v, fon;to (uppofe they will never come to an opcnclecla y'' " . : April . - ; "' A The United Statesbrig Sophia, Capt. 0' . .Brien, in4d-days from Lifbon, is arrived at the wharf. . -- Previous to the failing of the Sophiaj a Bntilh frigate arrived there withlhe intelii- gence of an engagement having taken place about- the 17th of Feb. between the Britifh fleet, under.the command of Adm. Sir John Jarvis, and a Spanifhfieet, which terminat ed in the def eat of the latter. The Spanifh admiral's fliip of 120 guns was funk, and three- other (hips of the line, one of 84 guns and two 74's, captured. Ihe above information w have from a feemlanin who was on board the brig Sophia this morning. Letters. from Lifbon, received by the So phia ftate that the above enpagement took place oa the 1 7th Feb. in the evening: it ap Dears that a tlivitifw yf flip" Sn-inril "which had anchored in Lagos bay, about 20 leagues SL-E. of CapeStncent'sotnheif Biittirie fn fea for CnHiT: wa mot w thmH-: w- u ." mvi jjii- lifrUquadrorrrinderSir7ohn Tarvis, which Arrived yefterdaiy, ike fch'ooner Grace Auv, cap tain M'kay, 8 days from Martinique;. - Alio arrived, lchoon r H'igure, captain Bncnr frbtflTvlAriinique, which place the left on the 15th i nil --f three davs after rhe fr! ooner Tirade Ann and (topped fome time it St. ThoniasVtp receive a part i oF hrr parirn! WfiVii" tK F5oriW"tfr"A"rtTritTiTw tin t embargo was expect ed to be laid immediately; as, rom: all appearance of the preparations going for ward, an expedition agaiult duadaioupe was pre- in run a rea . General orders. . LL . abfclu offiLcii. w'im txccptlou to cic - - ........ ....... . the Secretary oL V ar aiieL to juiu . ihtir rclitLr tiye cor'a wiilib'ut 'delay'. ... 7 V Th liead-quarters of the'lftahdd "reginicnt, wilLJiLifliWiftkvkhmnbc Wcftril Tertjioiy thofe U the 3d icinunt art ltld at fort bidius in Grorgia ahd the th itgi nieiit. Will take poll jit K noxvifk, but lor tlrerrttftr Martin's, Tiniley's, and Eaton's ccinpatiits, iu ftationed in.Gorgia, and the late Sprinj.ir's.llfcllj't, HoWcl Lewis's, and Thomas Ltivih' m lie North. Ueftern Territory ol which the gentltnitn intt relied will take 'due notice, ahd jiovei n lhem ft U t s accordingly, - JAMES WILKINSON,. , Brigadier-General and Con.niahder Hi Chief of the tl-nnnt nf tlir ITiiWfVl Viat. LCAg'tteatlyliit T tnfci w .i VT . ' :: 1 rr. rr-j r t t 1 1 Bv the above arrivals We fulrtrier Tfturn ' thar tmrr of a large fleet Irom England . had arrived at JViar. tiniouer and rhar thieTiTlierrr harJ unnr tn Pt-Kd. does, haying on board a great nunber of troops'; that the fleet which failed for the reduction ot Ire ' land, bad alio returned, with a great many prizes and prlfoners, artiong lh$ latter theSpanifli AdniiraL Several Americans, who bad "been fent by Victor Hughes to Martinique, to be exchanged tor Krench PronersJatcenlHberated, andtouiid an. hoi pi-. ial reception on board the Grace Ann. Their tale rf woe would melt aiiy thing but the obdurate heart ofaHunhes. Thev reDrelcnt. iheir munirvmpii a tar worfe treated in the ptifon ofiiuadaloupe, than mijr vuuiu iihc uccy uu xwiu aqy pi lion UJip during the revolution. Coffee, cotton and fupar are oermirtd ti.Ke im lortea into r ranee in neutral bottoms, even Iron) A trait of imDortantHntelli trence -anwifr rn rlip l,Veneh-acwmts-from4talvvizr---Thnr Riinnnarte had determined to act with the greatcft rigour a cainft the Pope, as foon as a larpe reinforcement had . 1 a t Cj arrived from. the. Rhine, and to: treat his-territory as a conquerea country. l uc opaniin mintuer nzzara, lias :eit rlome, de larinff that he has elven 11 n his hnlinpU m th minagement of gen Buonaparte. 30; J he tine rtch-flnp Renrdvck, capt. A bori, of Providence, whieh the Britith court enr our ot at. fliartins, and carried, into Tortola. is con de mined, fay scap t &he Idon-fronv Stf-ThontasftiT & -unu, nil nun.) itun CTUgee. lowing New papers are dthrcd to infeit Ihe above War-Office of the United States. The Columbian Mufeuin, Savannah s City Gazette, 'arleftoh ; North-C aroliha Minel vti, 1 avctteVilie t TCenluclty. Oa2cte'F;koxVifleazfcuc tVVirginia Gazette, ahTGenerat Adv't)tilr Riclimcnd; lial--timore Joardatt-Men; Adams "pernriHinSbli"!" (Del.) New-Jcrfey State Gazettie;'Mintrva, New York, Conbedticut Coufant ; Providente Gazette j Columbian Centinel j Gazette of New-hamplhii e Mr. Bakg paper, Portland, diftrict of Alaine. ) d .DIVISION ORDERS. rHE Brigadier-General of the third and fourth brigades will ifliie the lieirfTatv nrA'eri ik,. 0 - w y t-aii. purpole ot having their refpedtive brigades itvifcwtd regiments in the following order t The reg.ment' ot Sampfon county, on Tuefday the 18th day of April next y Cumberland, Thurfday the 30th j Moore, Saturday the 22d$ A hfon, Monday .12 4th ;idimondWedne4day-tb fon, Friday the28th ; Bladen, Thurfday the 41b of May ; Duplin, Satutday the 6th j Onflow, Monday.... fre 8th; New-Hanover, Tuefday the 23d; and drunfwick,-VVedelday-the-t I th of Oflober. ' 111C refitments will Im: rniflvn ai tl. r- . iiouics 01 ineir reipective count tea. nie regiment 1 V- y ;s. had been prcviou fly reinforced by the fqua- k A . .1 Li n . .1 - x uic dccuvmii uo not ace tne number or vet- r ' ' y n ----- ""iiuwi ui i y.i,- as above dated, was funk, two 74's taken, nuillber ;oj mferlor office ;10 and a divifion of theBritifli fleet was in chace wounded fix thoufahd ; taken fixty pieces of or tnrce otner 74Jenjthe,togate.;w hrmi'Krfi55?'?'Mnf- tiT' A.:.nr j -r-T arid the whole? nftRp efmrt rtf,m A--- yj Vandeput rtixjiiuuii, icii 111c ueer. Yeiterday at noon arrived the Britifh fri gate Squirrel, of 32 guns, Capt. Hardy, in 42 days from Portfmouth, (Eng.) with Melfrs. -McDonald and Rich, the commiffioners ap poihtecT on the part of England to confider, adjuft, and determine all claims of Britifh fube& for debts owing by American "citi zens previous fo the revolution, according fo the treat y.with Great-Britain. She brings nothing ntw. - ."' , B AL TIM ORE, March 29. i' . .., I ll I V l I I, Aifitg-r ff'ow refpectable gcntlfman at Martintqne th tcj annrhcr in this citvr Hh i-d MdliTir'rnn;,;;. "ie foTiownfttiiHereftiiifMnfoVmafjony n Jare neet ot icolail, havintr on board too PE TE R S BUR G, April 7 B V tP nrvlv'll f flip (KI r M nnf."i"im o' " Baltimore, from London, arronnfv hav lwn received.to.the 6th February, and in the Bal timore paper of thefirft iriftant, letters from Gen. Buonaoarte and Berthie containing accounts of a brilliant feries of vipones gained Dyrne irencn over the Aul trians in five feperate engagements, from the 1 2th to the 26th Jan. in which the French" has deflroyed the fifth Auffrian army iii Ita 1 y having taken twfenfr-three'.thpufanrl prk. loners, among wnom were ttfree general of- 1 vuilklll ot cavalry ot the Ath bripade. will a'Ifn a tFa vet t cville on TJiur fd a v t he nth .A ...-;! and the regiment ot cavalrv' of the 2d britiuut at (VilkVtnn .. -1-:. M' .1 I , i jimiiigiuii, uu 4 uciuay tne 23a 01 May. As thefe reviews are "ordered for rl alccrtaiuinir the toice and condirinn f ot the dtihon, it is expected that full and complete viu,na nrui miiuyr ; ailCl loai mc OUiLCrS tVlUUtt H proper oegree ot rclponlibility tor the appeurhnce - . r to .imvu and accoutred agreeably to la vi' . h is rcquelted that the Brigadief-Generalg wijh their Brigade Majors, will attend the review of their reipective brigades, in ordei to make t-tuncr arrangements on die kore of rank. ; ' THOMAS BROWN, Major-Gcneral of the '2d D. of N.' CaoIina Mil. : April 8. ; ,: r , t. y! ersye xolurMOenTm ADVERXISEMEKT. . ON the night of the 4th day ot March lad paff, three negroes were taken from my plaiitation in my abfence, being told by .the negroes whkk.m-r! then prelent ofthe tranlaCtion, 1 obtained a war rant to fearch the pj ace where a certain U iliiaIi inton occupies, although mv on property. in Samp onutytl)e)iW wjhucjs ,0 -ipc lara .-.-luton-i ttic tava tmoiT Would iiot c l r..ff.-1, and the whole of the efmrr nf crr im therpvifioaseftihed-f brficTrelieFoT lyianiua i ne remains or the Aufthan army were flying in ftraggling parues, after having Jolt or thrown away their arms arid Mantua it w'a fuppbfed, deprived of all hopes of fuc cour, mult capitulate Tvith the victorious Bu onaparte. j -rn rJ-v vt'tt . u ttTA X Nothinc ' is ..mentioned hv thi arrli ol rf Mr; lincKney, our MmiUer aJto. ; . K N 6 X V I LL E, (Ken.) Feb.J It is reported, .that the SpanTarclsTiavc re fufed to deli Ver-ut)thrptjitsTvhieh tne ut viiujl juuuiipui wiujia me iiinirs or troop-,; have- arrived this day from England : nd 'very exert ion is tTraking' to.; attack; GiiajUloupe 10 tail ot the line. Trs.nr.n (i-Wiv nin i.-,u xei cn , tofc-i-erwith innumerable flrot and flielU I",?aKf:!",erfaillf but tbat. a cpnqueft :eft!iat taatid will take pLae. . :. T Flan r Beef Pork J : u cs ' Cu'rrtt.'f, IS to 16.dolh.fs 1 5 to 2S -to,'.1.;-. : purpofeioCreceivhiglKeiii )fficer-feni taken the nenroe.hethen was r.akn iVtV,r. a mf , tice of the peaceandbound-witli-Cureties-toTtTe' trtpef iBOou rt for I I'ay ettevill e dill r iclt --lorn e t iiiLe 1.. .1 r 1 -i" . :.. aueiwaius me iaia 1 uron witn a certain Baud Loveras I inrinformed7lble-awyTdTcrCT in rK nirri-ir tLfrli (, Ujm C .J..VMJ1 - r't. i " . ." o nyutuci a vi uuucwi)Kn nejiad- in his poiltflion betore, although tuit s v e depend ing againil faid-Tuton and inytelf. This may lore warn all pcrfons not to purchale eithet or any if laid negroes,- as the ptirchaler cannot ubiain i"a legal or equitable right to any cr either of them from the faid Tutou Their natik-s were Lucy, a liurdy wench about SO V,eais bf'a'tie .--roli her duunhicr. vrll,.w . .. . , about 10 ucncoii, brown, 5 or 4 loi.r years o:'- iind"lofrf;Vi(K;i;liiig 1 . ti '1'1 . none 7 pitvv anout y.-and Betty, about 3 yea is old. Any peribn who will frcure the laid negroes or-euheF,'atLdiem lhal! hav.-iivedillaif? for each -and ue-jd-t b4 -vlufrit4ti4 es petice fof-tiieirrBaJn taiuaiive as only two c: ..item c- ut nrefent be cf in:I-5PiLLER7 "'cii hrv: FA YE TTE.VIL L E, ApriiI' iV A gentleman arrived hrrr nn flip nth irift. direel from VViimmf?ron "rpfinrrcv tht r- - ; - T . . . r-, '7'fwi. W. i.liUk 1 wu urrwniUJ HC lCIl lliar piaCf:, a lJOO ajri-Ved in. 1 6 days rrom bt. 1 hoHHtSi-wltte i Jul-. t, cn Lit i IS UvW T1. ;') fervice. . L' i r . " -a- " . .. - . l ror UIC lervicr. . IHAIKS SPiLLKH- f ..c- . . w I 1 r . : ..l '"NB NoticE-oI' : licoIa cf '.siA-xlif-t ffy' -o --- L u, wha witl kctire, tcn.is exrrcred wirail poflibl "1- p. frrtv.-t-:jilri J-.r f.; I7c7.. . f brouchtintellit? ' A ' -'i -en pollellion of excepting "B retains.: WAS coinuutted to the jaii In Salilbury this day ' -a m gro man-jtLt thirrv three yearrdf 'ae. llrhunlHrDASlEL, and fi,Jie is' the proper- . y of l.i:,kc Robert ion: who lives bflow. NAlrnA ? in Thh'lbte ; and fni s .'.he haa-hkkiwii If' ui. 10 nays rrom at. 1 noHHtHi-wlHch jw i t.awwca-eiit-H-omr r?;s 1 Intelligence that the Britifli Had takVtn n rt rar P.,1 March. The pwnerjni rt- flion ofevwpart of;Gtia'da!6W; LVTft; ,' ivt VIA -V TT, V) m ! . 7"-41 S"3,snd. Jake h,mrawny. ; X ;. " f I r if. .jTliV;. 7V 'if?" ;,!r ) v

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