' l 1 , , Wl- V " A 'N D s r ,. F A Y E T T K VIL EE A D V E K T I S E R. yAYV;T-rP.nLLE .---Published i: vlr y SATURDAY, by. HODGE asp. BO YLAN. Vol. H. : ' --'' . - SATURDAY, May 15, 1797- " ' " Numb. 60 '" -. .' - .-V V 1. "J"- fmrSTT A: LV1'B: T.Ei V EUROPEAN. ADVICES, ... ' Bnflol. LONDON, March 8. , THE bunUiiaVr agcccdjto ilTue doilai t.49u each, inftead of 4-!. 6d. as at firft propoled. I he number which they mean to ilhVamounts 10 400,000. On Sunday 80,000 were llamped at the mmt, I ne mark is the king's head, which is placed on the -kino ,We have to ftate upon the authority ot letters were out in poueiuon or uic iaci uy m. eerllut arrived in Sweden; the very important in- -3 ... . 1 A nonir.ili'v la tf (reiiL-e that another naval armoujii"ur of which RuflliTs tThethe Ilir IIA. III IIUI Llli head, and to furnifh the largeft quota of hips. pable miniller from the pott which he has , too long L.l J j' " I I - ..11 -t I . It" 1 - " - o . w ;c,,rm ihir ncm' ice loreiy inc. people- muii now ice wat jj Krnm the Ume fuurce we are alio intortneo, mail . . 11 '.1 c vrom iiie mii wuj w.. . ,,., -...i ,.-. vT they were truer to theinfe vesr it wou d not be necef Uer tne mediation or. rruuia, a vui.v.v-. f . - '-imlr the mediation is .negotiating between Ruifia and the French repub lic onA that rhe nartial adtriiinoii of French commo dities into the Ruffian ports, is to be looked upon as a preliminaTy ineakire, which is to be umowcu uy rreater on inarch 9. We unaentana inai mcrmi Jy'to'be convened 'throughout ile kingdom, tor the purpofe of petitioning "the" throne for peace. The 7 preient is an awtul rid alaimingxrif'rs. -The pro 1'pect that pidents itlcif is dreadtul and reri ific. the country is intended to be Caved, it tnuft very fbori be relieved from the condition in wliich it now it a nets' there is'no alternative but peace or ruinF The Diredory; defuous of put ting the French ar- 'i mies on a resectable tooting lor the next campaignr has given orders lor all the military 10 jojii their refpectiye corps before the 19th :ot March at f'ur- ' thelt. ''rT: - On the 11 th 'Phivlofe, there 'arrived at Milan, 67oo"AaftrianrironeTS," wkhljcrfficers. Thr number of priloners on their march to France, a want cd a i togethertoQ,ocor 1 ne ma mg-raoo ora - vcers. 1 000 of which had already parted through Mi lan. The French government has allowed the Lom bards to weir. the Italian national cockade, which : 'is gren, white and red. The French Flotilla on the take of Gafda, '"'has taken r2 barges-loaded whh provifions for the Aultrian army. J A lift was taken yefterdayHjf the number f Frfnch Emigrants refident in the city of VVeftmintler, Mary le bone,, and otlier places, in order to be prefeiued to his Majefty Vminifiers, and it is expected an 'der of Councif will be Ihbrtly ifliied'for their leav ing this kingdom. . , . t ' v .. Jttarch 10. A corps of 20,000 Auftriansline the banks of-the Piave. ---The-ehicf- foree-df-the-FVetH? in Tyrol is at Lavis : they.will not attack general Alvjnry before Buonaparte rctut us- from the Fa-pal territory. '"" . .' " v Letters from Italy down to the Tjthinftanf, an--nounce the rapid progrel's of Huonaparte Tpwards - Rome, His holiftelV had fentCtwo couriers to the French general, foliating peace; but Buonaparte fcntack4ii - would come prefently to treat with his hollnefs in General Clarke is jiniyed at Piacenza on his t'ay to Rome, but the Pope had left that city. " :L Xb?, k!ng of Naples continues to obferve the Ariel. jclt neutrality. The recent fuccefs which attended the operations of the archduke Charles, in the Tyr6lef, has, ax irexpg3eti7r" ar"reftedliaonaparte-n-hisfdgfiRs: r 7 to Romer "Previous to this, th republican general 4ifmn1erl the envoy of the Pope unheard, declaring, that in the' capitol alone would he treat w'uh his ho ' line ff r On receiving, however, advice of theolferi five movenipnts of the Aufliiatis; apdpo(Tih1y cal ; cullttiig on fome pppofition from the command of ... ...'general "CoUierlnTened to the renewed prdpofals of-the Pope, and concluded a harty peace .'A' court of common council was held yetterday at """"fJrrit u to 1 IrTieu'-'the 1 hahkTb1heco If f fW eretinTiT . ni m ou Qy-voteoV t a it- Job n JerV is,-K:Ra.nd r o i 1 L . tbe admirals, captains, officers, feamen,' mariners, .-3?ldfoklier5ia4-hjeLikejui the 1 4 1 h of . Febr-u a r v a fword v aloe 2000 gii!Ticas"vvas altd voted to Sir John iTJjervJsT ifimefolvcd. That in the prefent critical ftate of .thjLCQUujxy mote a more economical expenuuurc 01 . juuu nidireyi -,!' -. -.I--- . ' ' 2d. That every effort be made to an immediate reitoration of peace. . - The number of members who compofcihis aflo ciation amounts already to thirty-five; they are principally country, gentlr-mcn. ' We applaud the motives upon which this atTuciatiori isitatcd ro have been fbrmed i ihaugb WfL,Wuft be permitted to tx prels liune fui prifeTnTa"fTfie tacmbcis ot It have mil that it may not only reduoe the epcnditufe.iiiu'. which we groan, and redone the blelhngs ot peace, f or -w hi eh w r nam but lh6t i t mi yd rive an ina lary for this fet of men or 1 1;. , to uWe tor (he pur pole of refcuing iii- c;)::i.rrv from perdition, becanfe it wmild be impol'it'le k ii 'inmilhir rv dire tt. adopc fuch fy firms and ici.e:ne.:! as wouM bring the country into difficultyr danger -and-difgrace. . -In confequeiue ot the aavei tiltinciit of ihe itlue of dollars at four tuiiling jjud nine-pence, the bank was yetterday put into a (knt of fiege. The crow!' andtpreliare exceeded even that of Monday, the 27th ultimo, after the alarming order of council was made known. Before two o'clock the illue'of doU, "lafs was Jiopped. They were lold by Jews at the avenues lor five fhillui. . It is luppoleu, that the manner pf liiing tiitni muf agahi heehanged. March it. The rrport whicii Hated the lailing of the fquadron collected af. Diiitkirk, we are enabled;! to lay isjuntjounded a cutrer tn-longing to Yarniouth (ration, on t'nrfclay -.tattlodkcd into.. that port ; there 1 entreat your holinefs to cuard ataiirft the ner fons who are at Rome, whri are fold to il.e courts. the enemies ot France, who fuffcr themfclves to be guided Txclufively by the paflloh of hatred, which j the Jofs of ;rritory cortjlantly engender. " All Luropc-knows the pacific incliijatimi, and , the conciliatory vmue ofyour holinefs. The French republic, i hope, will be one of the trwelt friends of Rome. " I fend my r.id de-camp, chief of brigade, to tk- -pieis 10 your liolmels the perfect eiteem and venera ijon which I have tor your perfony and -to tfltreat you - to confide in t lie delire which 1 have to give you on every ocL'aiion, proofs of the refpefi and eneratior., with wnich J have the honour to be. vour mod oU I ... - '1 .....- A dient lervant; were leveral vellefs there, tofns cf them anfweiint toine.iicjiir ipiiiitLjoi uie .laree-naunotiomea tvarps-f condruftcd to run into fhoai water, anil e-.filv (U- bark ti oops; equal to immediate lervicc. At Ulteiid all Was in active on V' edr.efdjy . A neritral vcjf: 1 arrived, ijT Bt'jdlin;tori,"wis or Wednelday boarded by ihe JSe'-igullbng. a tew hours sfier ihe had been ..tAaiuincd by a Dutch floop ," thi cpnvmander ofwhicll"1t'iTcd,-that the I! u . t F'ftTtT was ly'yig at tl:e .Tcwrl-,' ;a lingl - hvr, Availing the til It tavourablc w ind to put to U-u 1 hat tin y l:.7o been joiiud by levcraj fiigaies floMt FJ,u thing, and a thip of the line from liotteidjin. - Paris journals of the 4U1 ami iUl, arrived yejler' day, they bring an accuiiHt ihat peace is coucludtd between .the. rope and 11. e rrenvb from Lieut etra n t J hrxw e 1 1 -jo f"iri s ni ay tt ys l). ip'TF rejiUable, . dated Lagos bay, the 19th nit. hich llates that-tlie Samilliina Ti inidada, the Spanrth ad- miral'sijp.jpijo had been; takn podeHion o tliy t wlol x tl on t-t i ga t e i)u 1 1 hat,- tr e-ni- her fha r tered .andjlifabled ttategre.at fears wct e entcrtahi ed for her fafety- " " .; J. 'e Spantfh fleet-is. fi ill exumng-to the weftward oOt!3Qji'cent!s,.-it -is'4u ttpoieti,-to protect thevery xich convoy coming home from South America. -The convoy is valued at ten millions fieri iug ; and one thip alone-is laid to have 12 millions ot dollars on board. , , 1; Buonaparte, comjiufJsr in chief , to- the French Sxe- ciy.: u HcuJ-Guarters-y at Tolentmo, 10 Vevtofc, Feb.'l , " ttialffend you inimediattly the ten llaudaids which we have taken Irom the Pope in the different actions we have had, with his troops r-You. will find annexed the ropy of a letter which the holy father has written to me, and of my aulwerJ " BUONAPARTE.' Signed Pius Pope VI. L DeaKrfon-jhwlih&'ivi ap6fl h' betitificlicfff tl'ing from Rome, by which,yon wjll.be ptrfuaded of the entire confidence which we rl'.pofe in. ou. -V-erconttude by allifHng yoa oorpet feci edet m and juivmgyou me paterjiai apoitoiit nenedjmon.-::; " Given at St. Peter's, in Kutne, the 12th of Feb. r'707, t lie '2 2d year of our pontificate,. 4 PIUS, P. P. VI.". Buonaparte, general in chief cf the army of 'Italy, to his holincfi the Pope. -. .. Head Quarters, Tolentino, 1? Veutofe", $th'ycar. ; Mof holy Father, : -"-1 "ougnrTo-ttram krvoirr hxrtmelsorHieiMWW- . 1 . ' . ... . . things contained in the letter which you have taken ToitTYo'roeT TJie peace between the French republic and your holipefs, is juft figned. I felicitate nvylelf iu hcingrnhift rrrrhnf rlKiiT t "Tjrrprrnn af Cii or v . . " - .. .J-'- f . : 7 your .1 minvtjni'l) t l- -NASSAU. r-N. P ) Anril 11. ' V . iuiii iviuv. a u 1 lit 111 it. ojiuiiiui jJrtjJtl a uicij unci,-. ceptcd, it is now reduced to a-certainty, that a ne-' gociation has long fince. been entered into, lor the; ccllion ot the two Floridas and Louiliana to; the JTxeni:Iirepublicr in confiderafion of theiJpanifh part- or btrDouvingo being retained by the SiJaniai tls. , .Tfisarrangenientr if -carried into-eftectrbidf air to make Norih-Anierica the fcene of diforders finu lac to thole which have been experienced in every part -of Europe, w he-re the influence of French po licy . principles, or power, has had the fmalleft al cendancy. " '" . N O TIC E. ' : 7 r - THE fubferiber qualified at April term, 1797, as adminiftrator to the eft'ate of William Vann, deceafed Gives notice to all perfons havine claims or demands againll laid eftate, to produce them ; properly autleuticated, within the time (prcifitd bv A letter was yeiterd y received at the navv' office! ,av' othe,w'l'e tliey will be barrtd from a recovery, A ndSl I he r fb n s-Ti i d e bt ed to 1 he fa id 'eft ate.a'f T'dc-' fired to make immediate payment to GKORGE BARGF,, ,lmr. HKRFAS I havff fl'r tlie Cmintv fnun l,-l,l . -, " vvv -i 1 III JVi 1 v I k .1 M . ..... . . . . - S - the county of Anion on the third Monday 0? April,-qualified as atlminiftrator to the eftate of Thomas Wade: deceafed, with the will p'nrrexed All perfotiB-AWfrre-indehtedLto-t lye'igid"e(liti; "arR1" requeued to. make, immediate payment, anfl "thole who have any demands-againft laid eftate, are re- mifll . trx vliiKir .fKn-vi uritlnrt -tk i.v. '.. t. 1 L -L - - " ........ . . kiiwv J i i 1 1 1 L v Li U y oiuci wuc nicy win e oarrco recovery. jslhtt-pri 2 ld.- OSHUA PROUT, Admr. .(aJ,- : j r r ytiE CommilTiohers of the tow'nof ' Limrberton". arjyiiii.ii IU lliaM tUII V t y illltCS Itt lOlS, PIVCS fb-ttrkml to com.mod ore Nelfon... - V An aflbciation ?of members -of parliament has. he e n formed for the "purpofe of effect i ng a tliminn - jion of the; national expenditures, and the attain- t nient ot a speedy peace. Three me.eting hfrvtr-already been held ; the firft ; . . . . . , -i - I "' .; Tin wrnneiuay, tne tniro yetfeirriywofniug. ave ral relolufions h.te beon cntertd into, of which the following are the principal; - " Defiring to tennin-ite amicably our, differences with the French Repub. by the letreat of the troops w n 1 e y o ti - cotnrn ajici , w eI ejui snd aiiur this publicnotice, that all lots in the town 'that haVe not been yet claimed, will o.n the 14th day of July, be fold. at public fale tojhe higheft bidder. The conditions will be twelve months credit, with bend and' fecurityiven to the truftces. of the Lumberton academy, - -EI. IAS BARNES," '' JOHN STORM, ''" " 1 ROBERT HAtLLS. April Sth, 1797... . . 9 Jin... - - N O T 1 C E. N.L ESS. t he,taxes,due"br..the , ve ar.-i W jQi-. -7. "t i.ano iyingliuyjo.ntgomer3ountyr- viiTuuMuii.uiEwaici of t'euee river npionoino- tn r 1 hin en;iaries, -tv.ec4tfiafticsJlherf belonging to Tho. Carfon36o?o ilongijiigIjJUanlvvJljaicId..f00 acres on Rpck noic, pciong-ng to . jQiin .ijrooKs, 4ittq.--2oc) "acres dinal Matty, who is perfeft ly,. k nown t o y ou and MCalp pTT and two lerulars , the Du ke fon Lou j Hralchi, our nephew, arid the Marquis Camillus Maftimi, who are invcfled with-our full powers'to. igjierj.w.un.yojipmuyiienari con ditions as we hope will. be jnfl .and realonable,-ob- iJgLngimileJejundexiiurlaith.ai3oLword to approve and, ratify them in fpecial form,, in order that they fured of the fentiments of good -wills which you have mantkUcd, ye-hve bttained-t rotnTcinovmg any on Drowning C reek, belopging to Johtr Rutherford Douglas, be paid on or before the firft Monday, itj 'J July next, the fame or fo much thereof, as" will fa tif fy the taxe n due thereon,-will;be expofed to Tale at the Court-honfe of fiid. count vaarald.v4w line fale will be continued for three days unlefs f ' I.'.-. . ..... . .... looncr leineu. WILLIAM ALLEN. Sheriff. .' rQ ' ' :- (

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