'. KtHiiitetl 42 veflcls, cannonading the town ; "and the tort ipueared"io return thc-fire-with great warmth'; ' Jevcsa ui- the ihips appeared Ih-tUicd in tbtir rig' " -7v--t -;:r7- -;. . - ;-;:e 5ri ng ceufed about three" ho'irs afrerw.irds, iVo.u.jvjiencc and tin- circumllaiice' or the tliips no' .t?aitag.our,-V'capui.B lu fUU that the plate had iuf n.-'hcJeH'i.'d. - it was fuppol'ed at Trinadatf that the flett wliicli vcauy dettined againlt Porto liico, and the above appears to corroWratc the lutpicioh, txtraft of a letter from Port-au-Prince, March 27,.' "A rieec, arrived this morning with about cooo i oop; convoy ed by." feveral frigates from England-, and it is expected they will attack Leogane. rhere sFrerch boot 4000 men, which is; intended to be attacked 10." innrrow. : Capiain -is to fail with a convoy, and con toys are about being eltablimed to the ccaft of Ame rica ly tlje Britilh, and from thence to any of the " Briiiih pons In the Well-indies. . RICHMOND, April 29. A - J . . . - - - - y I I 1 111" tvTTnTTT'dilrcmu nafties. and vu, nr. tn C,r 4 .. , 1 : 11 " ' smmhlmrr twmo .,! r:...j . . auu icrtcu upwu mc mime merits witn which they were then playing. The 'proprie tors of the tables Were indulged rill yefterday to get ZWCC4tt the nceurt. .h, ttorn,ni,t or.tf rrenchruMk never hnt s ; J & S V' "a y f ' H avoWed but i-cefli,, bilood,. the principle, ni.nts, weie taken by rhecon!tsble -veflerdav morn- wl.irb !. ....i,' ::i VfV-- -J , f inents, were taken by rhe;con!table yeerday morn- vY maifcu-iiome, ana Durnt in tilt presence - "vtuua aiicuiuiaCC report of AJimrdl air Hide Farkcr having about I? clays t.fKen three bpLnlfh Ships ot v -.,r. JiZJLkilMwiAhiUi i;ruiUT are ordem Jto ailcTd I the fame proteCtin lo; v liltls.laiUng un 3cr Ml eAtnerican tlug, to t K pie belong. ng t Lf:t ill. - ' F AYE t 'liLE, Ma y i3r 7 rs, , : . . hafffffletctfpHrilairo murder ojf William Norott.'ol: Anion fount)'. The Jegiflature of the, lU'te of Kentucky, for the encouragement of ietllers, Lave ottered to any viH dow or tree inale prlon of i-he age or twenty-one years, and ewery other pel ion havingajaijily, ylio Ihall-Hettl ejupo rr; 1 h : Vat : an t HHtap prpjeiL land, foutii ot Green river, on or belore 'ttie tiiit uay of July, 1798, a tit'le-to two, and tiot Jc(s than one hundred acres, provided they refidc tl.ercon one year, clear and fence two acres oi'round, and tend it in corn eery perioo to whom a feitlement lirajued. mull Dv into Jiie rrtfatnrv nf tlii (hni Inr each hundred acres of firft rate -land hxty -dolUrs, & tor Ciei V Jllllulr-fl arret ' 'tt iannnA rt ..... r Lr. ,., d 1 kl 1 a r i u itiviti tuiilti" vr.ii k o . I-oi ...I... . . . .. Dullm, March 4. ptcv h ,in life late The ConYul of the French rtrnthl ( Mozard) propoles taking the orders of his govern ment. itl4rOeCUtlUir tiie h.A,nr nt'th P.fW.i, t -rtti nel, tor a oiece -which anneurtd in nr lyftumlf r chctignatureor ''HUCHiu and incontutation adds. 1 file coinlei nirion whit fi . -:: J " " ' 1 w ill iik late lllocR rialtaTTiCci ITvTIjc txioiic credits is in.iin rilhU. . 1 .- . . . in con-irtence in pi.pei is "gone -, and bulincfs is at a complete ftand." - , -f or a coniide able time on Thurfday lal lilre com- jtnuiioacr?, ol the revenue reuiied to accept of note of the hank of Ireland troni ijcIi merchants as trn dcr.tcl them In piynicut of 'fte duties on their entries TT'r" :or;tn T?-t operated like jhti eleclrric Ifvcck, auck threw the whole metrop"oi.s into coiituiion. fortunate. V file rmhihnir.n vv-jc ioImi i.(F n 1. j - .- - - Mn. w.. ail l.rv tourle ot the day -and ihebahk of Ireland diotes... were allowed cu"J2y at ..the .tuftooiibduTe.- -Arnli7culating medium, guiuea notes have been "adopted bv the bank of Irel ihenf bave actually -iffutd. ... G. NOTlCi r r ICRS ot hi-pitiio,. will be opt n in each cotin ty of the hi It lurv ry, the whole of the month ot June, tor the purpofe of t.'Vking entries of Hills, V MM 'MM ' i" I'll 1 T ' . - un. 1 Anri! a . ' V "j:Jr. "h -""" J'U.- ions anti jrianting licences. (wiTerS or robbers to per into the miKHr Un finding the outward doors too well fecured 'to rwiin iqmirrance, thy endeavoured to get in at one ot the windows', hv oii!li. J,. Jl'Slcpntiihed the whole at the'barv in frorlt.-' ncre "e'"g a patrol outfit-was cohjecTurrd TiliUy were alarmed and delilled from arty further effort. iatnrdayatlved the fchooucr Ki lendlhip,. Capt. Ha1r.rils ? days from St. Bartholomews. By this veflel wejeam .iht' th u'mri. ..u,: .r-iT- - . J. VIHII VUlillllUE v apiuf Hig which he author 'mtv os them to Durlue and i tliofe countries thai fia'-r- been cmuiuered Iw rhx victorious arinn of tlte iUpuuiic, religions, peifons, .On rh m-.J , , ' . victorious anna ot the. Kcpuohc, religions, perions. Sr tot i, P'" haVe beeR ""-bV refpeetcldVe, ..u..rs to get into the mibric trtafur f t:tT- i-n i . ' . F ur vefiels. C apt. Harris alfo informs, that an American fchr.- or about the 25th .of March, fell in with a French; privateer to windward of Antigua, called i.a.Nie.e aTXau 1 0 S?fis arid$ S men . , 1 he privateer or dered the captain of the American ichooner to heave too and I fend his boat onboard with he. veflel's pa pers : this was refufed ; h, conrequence of which the privateer fired two broadfides imd her' : The Ame rican ailors. enraged at the condba of the priva teer, hred rwo broad fides in Tetcrn, which killed the 7J'V""', 4cuenani, aoetor, and 15 men, Thcpri underltand that the piece was extracted from a (New 1 otk paper. , .. , Vienna accoonrs of Feb. 8,iment;on that the Kni peror had ordered that loimni-Hioners fhould be ap pointed to enquire prmiculai ly-mi-o the treatment 6i iirnation of the Maiquis La Fayette, his familv, ai d ?!!ow P5jferri'sJL0H t!IMfeJ!TH3r thole mlortinate captives, or jict- haps to their liberation. together with a penattv of Two hunt'red and fit,v dotiar , hy availing tbt tnftlyes of this metier -No "indulgence can or will be granted tn inii actions o- ' ' ' LoNnnu. Mn-Ti s ' Cj - -: ruBLiq Office, Bow. Street. ! .rrS "iwuii, n.e ot the puioners taken at Haverfordircll. Walesecompjiied- by Cawdor, came up 1 m three poff chailes. and four to the admiralty, and underwent an examination of three hours l.elo.e Mr. JtiUice Ford Mr. fccrrfary Dundas, earl Spencer, and the lords of the admiral ty, at a council called orthe expr.lH put pole, held 111 the hoard room ; whenlt appealed that the whole ui uic uci icraie invancrs nid twm c ment -during the time of Robefpicrre. and were in Rructed to let fke to the cttv nt.u,;oni .. u.- u ,i.:y nao accoHipwinea, th.y were lo embark again, iiM'iivaiiHDi in tip mam Tit t iw mi ivtuma' tors, or their auxiliary officers r - Mr. Andrew MMntire, of Duplin, colletior tor Cuplin and Onflow: -Mr. Robert Muter, of Wil mington, for New-Hanover t Mr. John St or m, of Kobelon, for Hobelon, liladen and lirunfwkk: Mr. John Cikhriil, -of Moore, tor Moore, Anion, and iikhmend : Mr. Duncan M'Rae, of Fayftte ville, tor Cumberland s-Wr Thomas M 'Reynolds, p'Jij22re for Johnlton aTid Samploni-lIVlr. Suph. Cahibreleng, ot Kewberti, for CVaWnltTivlr. he ntjah White, of l enoir for Jones, Ldieir arav Wayne; and Mr Samuel S. Hallidav. of CUlonwi 4orHt iaid eouia,yof l itgtrw. ; THOMAS OVERTOrN, " " infpectoi of Revenue. rayettevtlie,btf) Mtyi. 1797. 3 . . ' -""H""!.!! IlltH. 1IICUJI !ll.fr.,i.J.n.J.l.. I . - t.. .. liillCf.lnfn Irnnn.J I f . I . I i . ' Ml "V ll I U'lllU IIIC VUail Ot lllflfI" r, "'"Ku cr tans anct urncK lier colours . , - ..m.c but the AmcTIcniT aMo to r5 order to divert thT r ; ---m.v iw icic LMMiciMuu or ncr ; OMcrVing, hoWCVtr. an 4m,rl -1 . ...c uooa ror ner, retook tier, and bro't cer into Antigua. She. was from Norfolk bound to Jllh -Tgo Lcorft and-Hour.- 1 ne r rehch nrTvatef 7,ir ;fr. c;r. u.ui. w nere he got a new. captain, and' proceeded again to tea. s. She Ka .-fin.- . 1 1 ? jrotfj 1 Martinique boxmd home with 1C0 hlids. nrol jfT ivs, ind lent her to Guadaloupc. 4 ,n Tuefday arrived in townf captain Iam ,aef the fchooner Molly Farely, of this m- , ,n8 ParticuUrs are' handed to us Ti. -u ' uy,caua'qvV "Harm rrKl...v f ,.- 7'-SUimiM , nat hewas tltrn nn k. f l .rt r. I . his..hoj4 Pge ironv.5t. KHJoy -priva' . -. .. . rtugcauce, commanded hv citfZen O 7.--... 1 any bedding, iri this litnation thev .were k'wit 'nn hoard tne privateer for ao daysy and then turnea pn 1 )ore on that truelv inholrirabl idanrt wwr;;;? o n.eans to -lubfift by, and had not captain WUIiams IVUT the good, fortune to rcr aWiv in an AiYH-r',., V a , V raS b,,oug,'I- )n bv a French privateer -.Id releafed, muli bave fuffered both hunirar and nuitedneis; as nuy r the American there are at ; '.w, :nonieiH .-wper iencing, having no means to get J--y. 1 negovertiorof I'prto Rico reiules to have vV Vun 10 :rv relpecting tireCo.au6t of the -trench at that pce ; and will fuller no Auierican l;i.'cli;indTwkho , . . .. 'vt jt i s . -.r-' j w; v, ucr to aiverr tne at tention of the rroops of this country, -while a grand arrarlr attack was to have been ma, 1 ft .r7,r 7 a powerful fleet .-t wo of them are French, one an Ji'V? odJ wo4iuflrnien.--nefiheIrimmeir of the. name of Tate, Is above feventy years of age' at)d grey headed ; heand his countrymen were coin' JMlted to the t:arc bl 'Mdlrs. Schaw and Btooke, the klng ? J"?"engers, the other three wre fent fepa rarely to the prilbns of TothillSelds, ClerkenwVll Bridewell, and Penitentiary houTe in Cold Bath ?dcls' The -were, all meanly reffed, one only be ing in a hide Qoifarm. "A icrv ffr.ai..o,i.- lons ajiembled in and about the .imiralrt ,l..:nJ.t.- curiolltv led them m 'Ki t'i-.f..t6t .u i rootnV were the marcruifles Tnwii'rtiPn n.u-j . ' IT , ..u-u 1IIIIIUIU, V.V w xM.fcj.rJMppt t..noarar commiliion letters remaining in the Poft-office, Fayltte- ' .-II- av n,i - . vniCjjiyuay, ""TiUKE; "Bo7, Mr. haua, JuthH Beggi, 3 ; Briggs, Lewis Barge, Jxthtt Buchanan, Ceo'ge Baliard, n Utiam Butray, Daniel Blue, George Barge,. SttMueJ Canpbitl, George Cok, Jofoi Covington, 'It.Oi. Clark, Mary Cempbeil, Wm. Lwnpbdl, JW.. Churkjt Qarravoay, EXallsvder, ilex. Campbell, W. Cochin,, John Dairy Mpjet a ; Rich.Dowd; ijco. Dife, nH B Dudley, Echrnrd Dcbruill, David Evans, Jotn Egax, John Ella, d orge EUtot,-Alexandsr Ecrgujon; Gc&rirt Crigorj, Weil Galbwih, Stiphct; Gil more, Durban Cih Isllhl T.i. .7:-j.J- 1 U.l rr rr ,,.,: w 1 'W "! vJiHujyti., jujw) iioimes, laptet nowatt, H?S 3"Pi Mapr-E. HajkeUrtavIU'el Mrf. J divert the at- u n.-'n- t 1, w, ... . . "7rr jacKjon, j nomas Johnjton, William Keys, Gabriel JCenan, James Kenan, Kobmjon Muvt Jtrd, Angus M' her, JrcHbaldAfaden, Dfcald. Mbupaldi-Alexaiidn MWittt James Morrifin, EaTfuhar M'Rea, George AitwifbrJ, Dan. M' Kay, Dr. Mm. Al'Kay, Jeil H'Lsod, Airs. Ann hbDearmid, John MConnell, Win. M'Keiral, Hannah Murphy, Van. ftbLcnon, Dugaid Ai'Iheil ' Arohd-, . M'dujlan, Jofeph " AeJ, George Cgg, . J0J;m.. Johnton, Sim. D. Furviance, SatnFkiiieUBgjfjamitt Phillips, Thotnat ii. Perkins, John Kegan, Angus Rae, John Roberts, laws Robinou, Robert Rmvan, Efq. II.IIKIII, iriro LHtwart, sjuoraoii r: AaU 1 he Ntollv I'.jiIv ..,- .i . '.j .1 t . I ' ,v'.' luiiuciiiiird oritue pica tpu her cargo had hero fold.u St. Kia'rf. r I here were 29 American velfeTs in Porto Rico, rnzes to I" rentli aijd SpanHh privareer whyfe con d i t wardyThnrSxttemety piratical: PUJn Willia.ns ;ttr pono-Rico tie 2j 0f April, c 1 w.nch time they , cre jr. tkin? every preparation ',r!r P?wf t fjt he. attack iiiomenily-x, -r p-r t ed -aga uiItlTiH tIil ati . N A C C A TT T.L. " "A v'eViV r k V, iuarcu - ihat is beautiful in Italy," with the excepiioiU fe.w 'Py arrived-fpiece-rnfft acXunoXnTOI -U01Jtttw lw.;oa WcJacfday evening in.feyeji d ay sy brings a j Signed, ... BUONAPAR.T5." , , DUon.inarr nrxvinltol th n..n ir , , . . -.v.w. .i.v. IUIIUUCH 01 ifAiv inn :.i D I- .1 . . .j , ... iiucriai aome lias only Deen able to lave herrelf by a timely fubmiffion to the terms whjch he has been pleaTed to dictate ; what thefe terms are we are not informed, the directory not having yet ptibiKhedihem ; but accordrnrr fo the journals, the i ope has agreed to pay to the repiiklic c?o millions, he has made the formal. nunciatWof Avignon and the Comtat Venaiflin.'He ltUcu 10 r ranee an .tne pictures and Itatues and :her objech'of art, which the French army have found on the liene of their conquefts in bis ter rior ; and he has alio ceded to the repuhlir Boleg- givetneie only, howe er, as the authenticated ru Mioursof the Paris prims hi fome of the imall papers we find alio the iollowing letter from Buoha parte: . -z : " Toizxi fsp,Ji VentofeTFcbTigT " Citizen D'reffors, y commiffion of learned men hasrnftde a' coocT l arveif. ax Ravane. KiminLlPfearA- IlP-tf Perugia, the. produce-willle immediately- witn mis, joined . to all that ?5i:J.iWVi Ardd. Stewart, Robert Smith, UhaSmvlie. lohn St?iithen. - . . a .J - - - 7"J ' " W r - ven, WfH.Tuton. lames Fat em lohn V t,nr r.i, r ? j- - 9 J a v IV t, U 1 - STOP THIEF. STOLEN from the fubferiber out -of the ' widow WillonV liable, about 7 miles below the Long Bluff, jn SouthCarorma,on the night of the oth inft, a likely IRON GREV STUD Horfe, upwards of (A teen hands high, fix years old this fpring- no brand vifible -He was ltolen by one Jofeph lriblc whom 1 had entrulted to collect fome debts due me in South Carolina, who aftercolleaing about feven hundred dollars, ftole the laid ftud, and ablconded with the money. Trible appears to be upwards of fix feet high, and very well madehas black hair and dark-eyes he has as ( I've been. informed) changed his name twice fihee he committed the thief t, to that of Joteph Still and Tofcph Fulcher-i ' WhoevcrAvill deliver r the laidliorle to Pleafant May" -1 in AntTnrsTiTi Mni-'Fli f-STTi. ' TT" Vl - r i innfonbTJflTyT-Nor tSXaf oliha,; or- to the fub i.:u. 11 : : .v 11 11 i . . iuci mi w auciuvrougu, man nave ieventy-hve dot Jars reward, and ieventy-iive dollars mofe on con viction of the thief. 1 ABRAHAM HARDIN. jtiyon wiiyr-siprif expedited to Paris .'hall he fenr to vou-from Rome." Wr llAir hot a nil that is beautiful in Ttly,,"wTtJrthexcebtjo pOMMITTED tb the jail this towp a few weeks ago, ajtegrojnaiLbyjhe oameiof SARhe fays he'beTongs to William Sinclair, liv ing near-Monk's Corner,-SflUth-CarQlinahcT hasT been abfent upwards ef a year rthe owner-is rf cjuefted to applynojhertlilorand. by" proving hi i,"ri.n,jr, -i'" ', iric ncrctiarj-expcnces, nc may take him away. J ES Sii Lt E, Jailor, Faytttevile, March 2. ' 51 . j

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