I I -f A N. D. THE NORTH CAROLINA MINERVA -ill AYETTEVILCT Vol. II. ... .(. FATETTFV ILLE .--Published every SATURDAY by HODGE and BOYLN. . S ATURDA Y, Jvne 10, 1797. Z'Z:p1iIl a del p - con g r e s? s. THE Houfe having rtfolved itfclf info a commit tee of th:: whole, Mr. Dent Vthe chair,.' to corfidcr the folltnv'inganfwer to the Prefident's ad- drefs : The committee to whom, it was referred to" prepare an ' . an Aver to the fpeech of the Prefident of the Unit ed States, communicated to both houfes of Con gi't'fs, on Tuefday the 1 6th May, 1 7Q7, report the follow iiur : i - To-t-P11E- id E IvKF-or xh e-U N ITE-D- . , STATES. Sir, " . ; . The intcrefting detail, of thofc' events- which have rendered the convention of Con-'refs. at this time. difpenfahler-eonMRflnieated in youHpecctrnr botfr 1 . I... . 1 ., ' a . a8 excited in us1 the ttrongeit emotions ..:. I1.1' we regret the occafion,' we cannot .-omit, to ourfelves that no'confiderations of private inconveni- n 11 . ...-- cute, mail prevent, on our part,- a faithful dilchaige Numb, 64 . ' The manyntcTeiHngrfabjeffipr "which are fo 5 occafion, will the nations of of the duties to which we arc called. We have conftantly honed, that Europe, whilft defolated by foreign wsr or rnn vrilfed by inteftine divifi.ins, would have left the U nited States to enjoy that peace and tranquility, to ' e ni i 1 1 eii" (is ; a ri d i f 1 s 11 o vy-xv i tit e At re me .re g r e t , wc find the meafures of the French republic .tending to . endanger a fixation fo dcfirahle and iiitcreftihg to . our country. :"' ' ' Upon this occafion, we feel it our duty to exprefsy commended to our canfidcrati - Itronel'v enforced bvthis mo receive every attention whicl tlicir importance de- J ' J i' rt .1 . (i .1 1 1 1 1 "nanus ; auu we truit, tnac ry ine aecuiea ana. ex plicit conduct, which will go em our deliberations, every infinuation will be repelled vihiclv is derogatory to the honour and independence of our country. Permit us, in offering this iddrefs,., to cxprefs oar fuibfa&ion at your promotion to the lir& office in the srQvernmer.t, and our entire totfidence that the nre- - - - i entiiLen.LialeDtsd have placed ) on in.tiiis dilt.mgui.lhed lituation, will enable you to dil charge its various duties wi,th fatisfation to youifelf, and Jdyantage to our cominon country. . A member fuggefled the ider of tifing a term Icfs 4rongjthan tlreTTportontaintd-itHv'asto-fubftitute i'enfibility for indignation which he judged would produce Ufa irritation, a circumftanct to be avoided as mtrch-s po Mr. Nicholas apprehended fpm the tf&rof a" rule. f -hou-fe t4iat he Htoatd byvefitcd ifroWTnakhig" art alteration in a paragraph if . .y; fuch air.etiu.aca was agreed to, as it would aftft fe-'-a tt .m r dcr .to move to (trik.e out the wliole paraLrraph fo amended ; he wifhed therefore to be induli-ed in a motion he had prepared and which if agreed to would Ivipeicc'de thejieceiTity of ther;geudenum'V alterations,. He then movrd to- infert- between' the Lcond- anrl third paiagiaphs the following afnendnieiit : Aittr tlie lult lection inicrt, ' -Althourih. we are acluatea bv the iitmof folicitude tor trie .mainteiiance'cr peace 'with the i'rench Ke and dignity, being- in a great mcafure cojiftttiujoiially depolited with the executive, wepbfervc, with fingu-' lar fatisfadlion, the vigilance, firmnefs, and prompti tude, exhibited by,you, in this critical ftate of our public affaus, and from hence derive 'an evidence and pledge of the rectitude and 'integrity' of your admi niftration. And wc are . fenfible, it is an otjecl: of 7 primary importance, that each branch of the govern merit fiioutd adopt a language and fyflem of conduct, which fliall be cool, juft, and difpaflionatc, but firm, c.rplicit and decided. We are equally defirous, with you to obferv e peace and fnendniip with all nations, and are happy to be .iniormed, that neither the honour nor intcrefts of the United State?, forbid advances forjecuring thefe de iirable objecls, by amicable negociation with the ZreId republic! ThiV method of adj ultjifg nntjnnA differences,, is not only the moil, mild, but the, moft rational and humane, and with poifenimnfr ftthmV.,! to be:jufl,- can fcldl.m 'fjil of fjcce'fi, when fairly, candidly and fincerely ufed. - If we have ctuYim'tteA I errors, and oari be made fenibleo-f them, we agree -.in,.tlieaij,uil .explicit jnai prtienccrins lias excited, ..and., to- aflure you of our IKIni!tt-'r :d. 'the manner ot diimilling him from the zealous co-operation in '.'thole' meafures whith'niav , U rr r r ' yi" icc-eudry ror our iecurity or ieace, TAlthoulrlrif iu tlie"fii It aitd mnff "anli-nr u-Jfh T7m7 hearts that peace may be maintained with the. Fieuch republic and with all the world ; yet wc c.wi never . furrendcr thofe lights which -belong to us as a nati tion -and vvhilft wc view with-fatisf-ftioil the 'Wifdom, dignity, and moderajtion, ; which have, marked the meafures of the fuprenie executive of "our country, in its attempts to remover by candid explanation's, the complaints and jealosies of France, we feel the . full force of ttorindionity which has been oiTered Vr country in the reaion cf its niiniltef." at- ttmpts to wound our "rights as a fovereio,, fTate will fcie; the-noticexrarismittnrenTTnhe felt wuh indignation, and repelled with that decifion vhich- mail- convince, the- world tliat we are not a de- - graded people, that we can riever ftibmit to the dc marids of a foreign power, without examuutiun, and without difcufiion. '. Knowi" as we do, the coafulerice renod hv tl.p' people of the United States in their govcrnirient, we tpnnot hehtate ln exprciTin" our imlij-nht nn at the terrjto'nTf;f Fran,-e, have excited our vvarmeft fenfi- bilitV ; Hid, if - followed b'fiiiillar mcafure and a re fufa! of c!i 'i;tfociat'i(nroii the fi:! ieft of our mutual complaints?, wiii put an end to ever")- friendly relatjipn between the.Uvo countries.; but we. flatter ourfthes that the govenir.ient of Fmnce only intended to .fuf pcnd.the ordinary diplomat; ir.tcrcourfeand to bring1 into operation thefe e;:traoi dinai y agencies which are in. commoji nfc bt;vvecn nations and which are 'confined in their ijiteutiori t; the'-grear causes' of difference Wc, thcrefih-c, rcciivc with the 11 1 moil fa tisfacHon your infot m,Ttiii, . thst r. frefli . atem'nt r.t negociation will be-iiilfu-iu-.-,- confidence that a mup.i C . Jl tu-Willi c:)i tiliiriion aiid a llIjKHt-KHl-ori 1 1 ,a 1 t-.t-jU4i:i:t-.-f!.Sfrt;T.T.1l..pjgcC fentiirients difcloftd IVvthp Vrr&A-rtT-.j t?.'.. v,. tive Diredory of France, in his fpeeeh to the mini ..ilr of the United States. Such fentiments ft rve to tiilcpyer the impeifclft knowledge which France pof iff o .v. w- I ..... . C . r -i c t " i vimiifii iu i.cp.uHe T.iicm irom. ,tneinleives ; and al- itiaiiuu can uc enccrtameu -o -wio-H4ra rug iiie nip th.auglufor igncr-vvh & Jcriow ot4 France 0:1 t!;e fjntiig...of 'other, couiui ies, by remov ing the iiifq.iaiitit"! av kith-may diaveXivifn'.in the ope ration of our rxfpeciive ti caries witli them will pro duce an accomodation convp.rilihle with, the engage ments, rights, duties, ;:r,d honour of the U. Statcp. W c . w i ! 1 co i) fid c r the fcvcral ftibjefts vjjich you Iiaye recomrnehdccTto our coirfiderat ionTtTr tlit at tention which their .impoitar.ee demand, arid, will ealoLfly cooperate iri . thofe: n-cafures which' fhall appear ntceiTary for our own fccuiity or peace. vvnatevcr -diliercnee or oohh'mi may have trailed .". Ik" ' .1 !"l r . i, . . '1. J - , amoncu uit peorjie ot t ie United .'States. imon 11a -' v" 1 A k jv;i tionai iiidic8. we cannot believe that ny ler.iQUS ex . ' . 't -r ptetation can be cntcHainetl -of-w-iEj-HlraM-iii the hp- coinitty, may have conceived the project, and fortign cmui.iritc may aLtemptritt execution,- yet' the united .JlLf.!!L?t0our ftljow. citizens, will convince? the-wojJd . of ; its impraftica'bility. ' j ' "Happy; woutdr13iFoelFTFTI tranfainns XT. clofed in your comm'unjxatioh had iieveraken place, or thai "they could have beeiv concealed. Seidihly, however, as wc feel the wound which has bttn iuflia-tj-we think with you, that neither the honour nor the interelt of the United States forbtd the repetitioft .of. advances for prefer vihg; peace .and we are happy to learn that fiefll attempts at negociation will be commuTiicated r nor can we tod ftrongly exprefs our fmcere defires that an accommodation may take place, on terms, compatible with the rights, intereft, and lionour of our nation, ; Fully, however, imprefied yith the uncertainty of Xhe reTulf,' we fhall prepare to meet with fortitude, any unfavourable events which -may oicui, aiultoxtnVattrotrrfelrcs from the-crmfe- cjticnces wi th yd the flcillwe poffefs, and all the efforts in our. power, . Believing with youi.Hat the cohducl reign nations, "that the laws for the'prefer ration, of ly cxccutcrthe rcprlt fctfitate:toIcclafertfiaTUrey- dial fuppcrt. to the execution of principles fo delibe rately and tiprightlv ellnbljflted. - "i ' ; :r and y.re fliould hone that the le-colh ftion of ilip mi feries whkh fheTierfelf has fullered from a like 'inter fereej would prevent any fuch attempt by the Re public of Jrrancej but we cx-plicitly declai e for oiir. "tetvesnd'oufncoTTT! iufch an attempt would meet our diighcft iiidignationi and wc will repel every linji'iil demand. qtrthe United States by fortigrr countries, that we wjill ever confider the humiliation of the government as the greatcfl perfonal difgrace. , . . 1 : ' , . i eflerday at 12 o'clock, the Senate iii a body, wait ed on the Prefident of the' United States, at his own houfe, and prcfentcd the following addrefs, in anfwer to his fpcech to both houfes of .Congrefs, at the opening, of the fcflion'. ' ' To the RE SIDE N.T of the UNITED v STATES. . ' - s -1 R,- -. -: - - ,- , :- - lhrielTaTe-ofihiri cept their acknowledgments for the comprehejifive arid interefting detail you have given ill your fpeech to both houies 01 Uo-iigrefs, on the .'exifliTri llaTe "of the union. - , : .-' ' . . - .-While, we regret the nccefilty of the preferit meet ings of the legjflature, we.wifli to exprrfs our entire approbation of your conduct-in convening it, ou this momentous'occafion. ' " The fuperinteuuance of our national faith, honour with vou, in ODinion. that we ouo-Kt in rrrA Knm .ind ctr1tefatethe-?iftjUMe3hre -conliqiient thereoir; and We truft the French rcpubx lie will be aftuated by the fame jufl and benevo lent principles of, national policy. , ' VVe'do therefore moll fincertly approve of your dttermfp.ation to promote .and accelerate an accom uioJation ot our txiiling differences with that repub lic by .negociation,. on terms compatible with the rights, duties, intei efts and honour of our nation And you may reft affured. of our moft Peace and harmony with dl nations Is our fincerc wifii, but fuch being the lot of humanity that nations 'iH:Jl" aLvays.rciprocate:peaceful difpofitians l it is (.ur, firm belief that effectual meafures of' defence will tend to infpire that national felf-refpedt and con fidence at home, which iV the refpedabihty abroad, to check aggreffion and. prevent war. ' ' , , VThilc we are endeavpuving to adj.ift oup differen-. ccswith tlje h'rench.iepuhlic by amicable netrociation, tlie progrcfb of the -war in Euiope, the dtpredationi on owr commerce, the perfonal Jnjiii ies to ourciti-, zens, and the general complexion of affairs, prove to . us. your vigilant care, in recommending- to our attend -tion tffeftual meafuies of defence. . . ' "Thofe whrch- yon recommend whelhcfthey"re!atc to external tlefence, by; permitting citizens to. arm for the purpofe ofVepeni'rgreiTK)h3ori' tlieir comrticr- ' ' cial' rights, and by 'providing fea convoys, or to inter nal defence, by incrcafing:the cftabh'fhment of artiIleT ry and cavalry, by forming a provifional army, by revi frn the-m iKtia la w?,- and fortiTyhrgj -n6re completely,- our ports and harbours ; .will meet our con. federation under the influence of the fame juft regard for the feenrityrinterefVand Lonourof our codntry which dictated your recommendation. ,J "" r Pradice fo, -unnatural and iniquitous 3s thofe you ftate, ot our own citizens, converting their property and rperfohah otVade, anhjunngjji legal feventy commenfurate with their turpitude. Although the fenate believe, that the profperity' and happiriefs of our "country does-.not-depend on ge- ' BraLndtehfi W" polkieat HexienywritMEttropeau' ' -j- '- .r- " "g"vUJ it propriety as wrll AS tlfiTlft, rP mkli'nr . 1, . i r nr ent and liberal fTipplieso. maiiitaju', 'and even io ex tend our. toreign intercourfe, as exigencies "may rc. nil! ra rffrvfl r.rr full , n ft . 1 .. .Kv,w.. niu- n.niiurutc in me executive, in wiiom ineconititution has placed the powers of nego tiation. '' - -,. " .' j " . Wc Icarn w'ith fmcere concern, that' attempts are in operation to alienate the affedipiis of Our fellow- citizens from thcir gbvernment. . Attemps fo wick ed, wherever-they exillj cannot fail to excite ourut moft abhorrence. A government chofen by the peo ple for; their own fafety and happinefs, and calculated to feclire bo'ch, cannot lofe their afffftmn.c. , its ad rh 1 hi ft ration pu rf ueTTh el?rinciplel u polTwEichlt was ereacd. AFd,:your; rfollilfeyCo'bferve a con-'-" ' duft juft and-impartial to aH nations, a (acred re- 7 gard-to our national engagements, and not to im pair the right of our government, contains principles -which cannot fail to fiecure lo'your adminiftration the, . PP9rt C Hajtiprid live every attempt to excite dangeious ' jealoufies a mong ys, and to con vince t he fwbfld that our govern ment and Vouradm ini ft rat ion, "of Jt'clinnot oe fepara : t-i ed from the cflctionate fupp'orj of every good citl- 'fc.. V ' I. -c r 1 1 ;' ? I 7 ? y -:iV , 5 ,. - . ... i. 11 . t ...j' - V I

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