J-:: THE NORTH - CAROLINA MINERVA A N;D F A Y E TT E L L T I S E R. , FJTF.TTEVIT.I.E :-"Published. every. SATURDAY by. HODGE and BOYLAN. Vol. II. S AT U R I) A Y, November 4, 1 797. Numb. S5, y "Tetter font Mr. Pickering, Secretary of 'State., to the Chevalier De Truja, Envoy Extraordinary and Mini jler Plenipotentiary of his Catholic Majtjiy, to the li nked .Stain cf America. ' " - " -DEPARTMENT OF STATE. ' Philadelphia, Augult 8,1 757. I DULY received your letter of the'nth of the lail month, to which my other engagements, have till this ti:ne prevented an anfwer. ' My additional, report to the Prcfident of the U nited States on the 3d of July, in relation to SpanihY aairsirira offcTTdrdyonrand-Vm of your writing to me on the itth. If, fir, I were now to make the j 11 II remarks, and recriminations which your letter ob vioully fuggefts," I am afraid yon -would be ftiir more. offended, Tm not fure4fldeedr t ha ttxa n poffiblc frame wan f wer that wil le fcape- your diiplealure ; bat 1 (hall mdeavnur that it-be ex pr.-fiVd not in a' ityle indecorous uiuifml, and unbe co miner a .hplomstlr or-fpcl..-e, vvhili? jc con raiss a fair expofion of fafts ard ary umtnte, in op. polition to errors and aftual mifieprefer.tatiorrs. . In lefpeCt to your fufpicions of an expedition pre paring on the' kkes.by the Bri'ifh, for an attaek.upqn Uppe'flJoiiifisna, .I have 'ft id- that you 'never rr.en-v tinned a fiuglc fact or rcaforron which your fufpicions were founded, lu'contradidion t this riTertion," you hy that 'r In bur conference on the 27th of Februa ry, you gaye me infotmatkui that a corps of i 50 men had been r,ifed at M utreal, uhd marched towards the lakes, where, after the eva; inMon of the American polls, there was no oiteiifible objtcl.fbr them :" That you knew tlvat the Britifh agents" had treated with f.-me of th Indian nations in that country, con cerning the intended expedition ; and that you. added, that you had recem-d thofe advw:es from a perfon who mightjje depended n7 who had feen thefe new I; vies palling through JohVitcnvn onTtheii way 7 to the "ii-eli-' ward"." To this, fir, I suff er, that I have nn the flighetr recollection that you mentioned either c Y thefe eirourtiflance9 v hat th fcietary of war happened to camc into my office while we wvie con'verfing, at which you exprefiedytiur fatisfaftiori, and ' tpctcd 'your .fufpitfionsy-- and ne y5 you tlien .mentioned :n-y fact, er rcafon as the ground thereof; ani that when I mentioned the fitbje'ft to the Prefident, certainly with in ten or twelve days after this conference, I perfectly remember mating, to him this remark---That in your letter of .March 2d, you fald you hid t'ree davs before" declared to rrie thej.ift reafons "you had for fjfpccling that the' Englifh were preparing the expedition in ques tion"';' whereas ' you 'had 'offered me no r'e'afon at .all. "Hence T arn ohBgH':tFoSihclu3e' that yot" might have held fuch a converfation with ferine other '.perfon, and by miftake1 have applied it to'mj.The liiglifti rail ing 350 then 'archinfg them througli " Johriltown & tamperingwjthejlfldi.aria to promote theesped -vtre clrcumflahcc which appeared rkrfec'tTy new to. me when I leceiyed your letter of the iithinfl. I remember alfo, thai the" confeVence ended by your fay- ? yu would write to trtjon the fuhje'i ; whic.t evident niiter on the 19th of June, I believed the expedition to be groundlefs." Bui. -after remarking that you never mcntiohed a nglc fact or reafon to fupport youi fufpicions 1 fay, " Yiotiiall theex'yling circumjlanccs 1 ever believed the fufnicion to be -groundlefs ". If proofs had exilKd, you would ha-e produced, them ; for although intrigues. zn&.cohftlracies for t lk' purpofe of a militarv'expedition may long be concealed ; ytt the preparations for an expedition (and fuch you fuggctt were making)'mul be vifible to many ; efpecially ''on the lakes," hete every moment for fuch a de!ign would be unufual, and therefore attract the more attention -ani-fatisfacryfr have been attainable ; .but .you produced none :, - Ari other materia! eiretimftance- i -mttft-Tiotice ,That troops of the Ui !tcd States wen ilationcd at -Ktggataron t.lie4VHDeTait-yrrd-MHTmacki-iiaclcT'9t'd"'0"feytfy io fi'tiatiQiis well calctila-U;U- i to proftft our ten-itory, a veil a; y!ifL'oytr.-nd get intormS.tion ot, any vjIiJf.e preparations 10 conlHtera ble as fuch an expedijn would nq iir't. and that the ufu eis rrirrimmuSurg on thofe fiaiiJii;; couidnot have failed to communicate fuch difcoveries-ot infor mation to the department -of var; yet no fuch com? tnunications were made... ' ;.-r. .,- But it was alfo, well krewn tliatil ey laid nut o. the lakes a force adequate to. the -enterprise -in -quef-tion. I confidertd alfo the great difTtcuIties that would attend the transportation "of 'troops, equip age, proviiMinf,. cannon,- and ftor.es,-- by cither of the routes fuggeft'rd if either covld have been taken without violating the territory 'of th United Mates. .. Thefe were -ci-curnllances .abundantiy fuaeiito" difcredit nahdfiti-iaS; 'and "the delavriion.of Mr. LiHon'. ijii the note 4 the i.i: June, v; mentioned only 'ilSitoilfSrtniitg the jiiO .'ivft 'of the opinion uhich I had at fu ll lovnjed in Ms.ixU, and -uhich -l,tonli-iua; to eh'lertaTn of yourTuFpic at that early penod,M hc had no knowledge of iych all expedition J, and his-entpii-. rice of the govertior-gcncr.al of Canada and the B'Lilh ice: ttat-y of Hate, have cnablrd him p'()'".',i-V'-ly to alurt, i-rr the'' above" iu-le, that no fuch expedition was 'ver. intruded. nnd this facl vt-jK-ls your i .i;;gci'li:ns '.hat I had been " rei.ufs ' in -non doing for. two months what, on my own principles, wa6 proper to have been done: 'But y.u think 1 o"iight not 'to have' com numi eattd your .fu.tnic-ipus 'of this 1. 1: pcclition to thc..B.ritifli jfi'--- -hiVsriotiona-were to be .vatched." V')iT thTnE on iht-canrtary ly im plied that your written) reptefentation was to be the balls. of any adt of' mire, 'or of the gpyernirient.. In that letter, fir, iT poiTelTed any grounds, 'for your JfipiiCuifflSy youi.vj'ht-to4c4wt For' cor trary to the opiiiioij yoti have ndw'ex plffecj," 1 "."have no .He fit at ion in faying thatthe'goveninicnt of th'gjjr nited States was tiotbound to take notice ?m ,the Vague and Mnfupported Icfpicions of any miniiler; at.-leaft not to incur cxpehXe, .by its military . arrangements, td prevent an imaginary expedition f uch a w's 3 thfobjeft of yours." Wlierr you mas" a fo: nVal ftatement ' of your fiifpicioTis', but without any ficto fii'ew.that the were1 founded '; when the govcrnmcit of .the'. United States p.b'ffefred'-'tfd 'other itiibrmatioii,' r.6r tlie know- - ledge of anv circumftances indicative of the expedi- -tton ; and jvhen fft it felf it appeared diiHti:t? of even the fhadoW of probability X" it was an act of compliu fance to afitire you that it " would be anzcious to tnarntain the riglrts of' t'neif rieutral ituatibn, and on i;U-hfiona -,?d"npt ?nd pu'rftic tfiofe! meafurevMKy lliould appear pproper and expedient tor that cnu. . WhaFthefe meafui:esi ilionld be,; anu when to be taken, the govt't nmt'Ht it frlf -.wimld jtid LTf-.-'-"-' ' ltrgy.anabrrrth oil' the aiit of -Apnf yoii renewed the declaration-or your nu niftcrYaWttiit; tint the Piefident fliOuld have given fVii able"(trJers to Gr.. Wilk'eiifoh,"'or to the commaricliiig )fScer of the military force on thofe frontiers-;' but we hve'kept a pvrferfl filfic.ei towards the Brit nil rIuve let thi'iu ocrgttthcit-eparatLons. (if any had " been making) and collect "their ar.-ny on the lakes have let them inove ,VrvvardYui:l they lliould enter i.pon th: teriitory of the United States ; and" feerYig-the-Tr'ideat cauMijut ktio'w b.f fore Jiandx whether they: would prefect. te their march by ; Fox liver and Oaifconfion, 01 the Illonois," we may fup pofe yoiir ideas cf 'the ' juiiable o-devs" to the 'mil! tary to be that at'a great ?:pence the ' troops df-ttTe United States fnould be drawn into that country and divided ir.to corps.. i to he polle-d on thofe rivers, to have fought the" Biitifh army, and thus hve "defeated their rrtypmer-G?rtlttt after iiaving craireonneittnTerrcii 00 feme aft interc.ling to your own, you have then pre fumed to dittate how it fiuruld be dope. . - "' But (you fay ) 7011 iiever"- could have - imagined th arl ; woli i d iJiave grvxn to th e B ritifii m in i fie r a" piece pof advice, which might enable him-tb alter his plan, 1 .hv 1-ttin'r h''m knmv th At thf. frrr.r.r -fne wan dllf o- ! vcred." .' ivhat.jir, was lire plan of the Britijh to defeat v hich yo;i defired the American government to' ijfirfrfcii V AVhy, frceoiding to your. fulp!Cions,tit"wav to march an army ihrotfuh the ttrntory or the United I States' againfrUpper Louifiana.' ' If ticn the comiim- Dication ot your luipjcions to Mr., iwlton wouw in duce him V to altef-is plan" it .would by a vord or J a letter, in.lead of ah army. defeat the expedition ; .-Jiorlitw,aVotpoliblL' it- ftioirldof()rward except two thei territory ot. the United States ; and conic qiieTStly tlie communication, inftead of difa'ppointing, vvauUl have pevfvfIy6eompIiiled what-yeqite-ite4. On the 4th the inauguration of the fucceeding Prefi dent a-edebrated The-th-of-March was ounday. The five following days were not unoccupied ; and on the 1 ith of March the anfwer to your-letter of the 2d was given. 1 And although you attach fo much im portance toi your fufpicians, the . details I have given prove-that they were then deftitute of probability that they were in faft unfounded ; and conlequently of ncTimportance ; that as fuch I then juflly eoniidered them ; and therefore needed no very pawcrfal" mo tive to remain filent five davs ' - " I 'cannot but regret that my reafoning ia fo often 4rOt-4Wi4rfteod,Whene& the polls occupied by the' troops of Spain within the tenitoi y of the' Uiiited;Slate6 had been evacuatecfi and your antwer, that not having for fome months heard from the Bartni-CaTandchoajitredepTwed"" ,okmy 4mwmaua-tohiflg-he lteptakeiMor-tliere cut km of the treaty" I put thefi; laft words between, i-nyeited commas, not as' you fay, " in order to draw attention" but becaufe they w ere an exaft quotation from th.e ttaufi ;tion of your lttt-' And when I added, iiv my report, ' neverthelefs he (the mini ftcf of his Catliolic majelty) had previoufly informed t)c Baron de Carondtlet of his f&.:-- a projeded uirj:.: r.y... o,uui ; ' it was not to prove either that the Baron had received your letters, or that you had received his : but as that , very information was af figned as a reaforr for Jtill retaining and reinforcing the polts, the obvious concluilorr "Was that you wrote and tranfmittcd'. to him the information with that view : and hence, that initead of difclaiming all know le'dge on the ful jedr, candour mould have induced. yoii': to anfv.'er me, that although you had not received any late letter? fiom the Baron, and therefore you could oot fay what Heps had ac"tua)ly . been taken, for the evacuation of the .polts, yet that oil account of the fufpe'ttedT expeuion "fi'o h ad informed the Baron, you p ref u med ( or-y bu ad v i f--edand probably you did advifc) thathe yould Hill hold p.otilffion of thein " to cover Louifiarta." This "' logic" fir, I hope is inttlligiblj. and at any rate not " extremely - .ilfe.-';' ." .' "' , ' I cannot omit noticing your obfervations on the Cth par?grapbof my report. If, as you were obliging titough to promifeyou had favoured me with eppiea of the Baron' de Carondekt's two letters, (of which ,yp'.i undertook to give me an oral but literal trahfla- . tion) -inlttad ot- t.heir iubitance,- 1 nijgiit nave been more cor reft in recitirg his aflertion That Mir. Eljicott had not given him notice of his arrival at the Natchez as the commifioner of the United States for running the. boundary line. Whether this was a com- plsiiit, or an obfervation," af you choofe to call it, every reader of yonr letter wjll fee to be of no conle quence, But whether the affettion was founded or un founded, was' material 5 feeing, in the fame-letter, Mr,fc Eljicott Jtlxhaigw far as to attfiirpt to get pofitfiion of the Natchez; by ftfrjjtie V and an : alfertiori follows, that -Governor Gayofo fays he has in his power documents which prove 'evit-ently -thg intention of thisfempt This accufation againll Mr. - Ellicott I cov.fidered as injurious, not to him only but the government ; for which1 in the character of commiffioner he was appoint ecW t-acli1-1 f--liwcfm-ftaiteefl'hdiwcd-mtr-tev-dmjbt its correclhefs, the other complaint or ' obfer vation," which I kneA' to. be unfounded, coiild'nbt but increafe my, doubts. It was important, therefore, and my duty, to prcfent them togethej: to the Ttefi- . dent's notice. I have not zv entirely milHken"' this matter. In my . report "to the : Prefiderit7 I-"did .not undertake to reeite-whatr.yba.-" mentionedbtit-wltat- governmeht to refolve on, and to commnnicate to your ' what you are pleaftd to allow to .be fi ; Ldetermi"natc p. difpdfition olTthis poiht' " ' - - "v-;"""::-""" ,,.1 1 . .In tlie next,fentence (as in many others) you mif-;'-; feprefent my espreiSpns and'mJfyndcrlland my mean v Jng.- I do noVhy that fron yonr-riot having given' ..... .-tm; .iiaaiKa monnauoii:.xcipy.CTiny tpe ggpcuitmn, g,iia irora Uie anlwetyvhich. I received from the Britiih mi- frryortjnisrsgTh" T iiat -you. connacr- as airotncf cmimeir or otuyt nae althoirgh on the:2d bf "March ymrw cions, and three day before you mentioned them, ver ballyi yet on the 9th, I had nb laid the matter before the rVeTtdemV I will take the trouble to ffibw with; ho-vv little reafon you have made this remark.' The zd of March was the day next preceding the difTolutioh of Congrtfi; and at the clofe of the feffionthe Prefident 13 QVC;Tvhi-lrnf d vtith bnfmf-f!; fhfit C?PPOt poftpned.. '.1 . 1 . - . 1 t 1 . . -r rr ' ' f Dn the jd the thea Freflderit's term o"f office expired, you tfanflated from the BaroU de Carondelet's letters: y.ou repeated the charge in queftion ; -.and it was not ti'K then I handed you the copies of the Baroh's and Mr. Ellicott's correfponiience me wing the. repugnance of f aft to affert'id'fl arid it) was then that you blufhed; as I had before been-allonilhed. - And your rem ark afterwardrwas 'what 1 have ftated in my Tepett, " That you fuppofed the Baron did not cor.fider Mr. JEUicotV8j'ctteraofficial.',---Yott-thcni made no diflinc--tion between . a cornplaint and an ' obfervation,?' nor ufqd thc phrafe in the' rigouf," nor any" other cjuali- port: tlier. evidence of Enitott' appointment -than his letter , iirtil they ffiould meet for ;the .purpbfe of-conmenc--ing the bufmefs of their appointments when of courfc they wowld-mutually exhibit their cbmmifiiohs. And frbm thb Barort's anfweTbf : thj l is plain that he cxpefted no other notice : for he the re in recognizes Mr. Ellicott as the commiffioner of the JLljitxed.-C3itates la the lafi.fentence of your paragraph on this fub- ' : - . - ... - . ... . ','-' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " '' " "' ' " '"'-" . -. - .. ' '" . ... . .- . --. . . . ' - mmmmmmgm II I I ;: j -- ' ' M. j -. -i.