-J ' TOM BOWLING. TT-ERE, a mcer nulk . poor Tom Bowling JL I. The darling of our crew ; No nore he'll hear the temped howling, For death has broikh'd him to. i His f'u' oi waa the manliell beauty Hi heart waskiod aiid loft ; HFhfTuttorwdUhi And now he's gone, aloft. . Tom never from his word departed, His virtues were fo rare. , His friends'were many and truediearted, His Poll was kind and fair ; And then he'd fing fo blithe and jolly Ah many's the time and oft ! . . ... Bat mirth is turn'd to melancholy . For Tom is gone aloft. "YeTThlirpoor TomTind pleafant weather," tion of the pictures of the horrors vdiich h3ve n arked the ftep3 of Jacobins during the Revolutions of France let oar active -and laoorioiis countrymen ufe their endeavors to obtain every 1 French account of the dreadful reign of the men of blood and tranmit .to their country meirt hrjn flly aw ftrhdefew ptions aL tliatjiun- died-tieadca hydra, anarchy, whole tngtimn image fhould be kept conftantly before the eyes oLthe peo ple of America. KailviituousandenlighteiUd French- '1 1 1 r- 1 r .1 1 .. f it.-' men I wnorn neaven has iparea tor tne Dcneni 01 mc, human race infuired hv 'truThT"wto":lra5r-''rtrfc- " . - 5 . 1 r 11 When he who all commands. Shall give, to call life's crew together, The word to pipe, all hands. "Thus death, who kings and tars difpatches, In vain Tom's life has dfPdy" For, tho' his body's under hatches, His foul is gone aloft. ' - From the New To r h Gazette, of OMer 9. M-ITrs M'Lean and Lanv, Every American, whether born or adoptedevery friend to the honor and intereits ot tuscnuuuy, is feelingly alive to infults a- d injuries, from any fo- Veicrn n.itlon whatever everv firm fupporter ot t1' -rneafuresof out National Adminiftration. particularly tinnin-rs--UI fhort, - tVCV hoiicil man, who loves true liberty, fhouIJ feel a vir tuous jnr? nnlriotic nriclc in fliewintr hiltlfelf 1 decided foe to an. abandoned, defoicable and unprincipled fac .,.n iuLMi fr fcral vears naft. have affurned all -ihAMS-anJ"naDn practice every vile and wicked en 'wine-: to imnede the one ration lot TlTrneafQTes "entered Inf, Kr Vn mill' linn j-hr anH rnliorfctencd men in A- iniu lv y iv iiiw. . k - v- n y vears oalt. been chai ned do w n .by the fe ll demons of democratic -tyranny, -vc are now giving, to your'ieU.o creatures of every climate a revolting-but iiiilrucuve kffiin, of the horrid evils winch are tube apprehend ed in letting a few men get the upper hand, who, a bufniff the facred names of philanthrophy and libeity, have made them fuhfervient to their internal views of declaring war, not-only agaiuft, every thing facred a. rnong men, but even the Almighty Ruler of- the Uni "r i t ir" : . : . vrrte mmieir. SHERIFF'S SALES. ILL be fold on Monday the 4th of Decern ber next, nhlcfs the taxes due thereon fot the year 17.96, be paid-previous thereto, the follow ing L AN.US, viz. ' - Ti. f r ; ii ': . . rf? -iwu icits iyui hi waiuuii cuuuiyj iuc jjrupciljr cs ccrcilteeprty-of-Jooas Leonard. - 50 acres the. propctyof W'Uiarn Chaincy. 3C0 aces the-propeity ot Uaac torq. menca. To , u n i t e i n f ii p port i n'g 011 1 geve mm e n t , w h e n- Americans ! do y.ou not obferve the convullive writ' injrs of the hijrh-pi iefts of JacobinifiH among us four Gallic American Punters) when any accounts artpuo iflied. written in l'rance.-on the crimes ot , tncir " patriots?' which, till lately, dared not appvar ? -Dt they not pointedly fay, they are Iie3," and attcct to tlifbehevc them, ah hough every lpeech troro tlit JUirec to'ry and the Legiffativc Body to ack other proclaim thl horrid fitimion of that diltracTted country ? Head he nrefTae of the -Directory to tW Council of Tive Hundied. ill anfwer to the ftfulution of the Council, refpeding the march of the'iroops within thecoufti'tu- tional limits ; in which Curncit,a3 fitiidcnt,. lays; 4 The c.iufe of thefe proceedings, on the part of the defenders of the ''country , is to be attributed to tne ge neral alarm and difqmetude, which, for iome moiitl pail, havmg "taken poflcfiiim ot.aUrperlonst has ; lu t ceded tht profound trai'qiiihty tjiat reignCd, and the cncrdl confidence which even' where prevailed. It to be attributed o the defalcation of the revenue, .whicli leaves all pTts of the fidmiiuuration in (he molt 1tTfloTahlefHuat r Py- and their fubltance the men, who, tor years patt, liave farrifited-thetr -health anxLUiedthejrblood to lerve e ver tririffVotvpdTrr-di rputerwith foreign-iJowewtQ. I 4HRhJicltii-ta.he attiibuted to the afofllnalioh of the pHrchnfrrs :f the National proprrty, ot the public functionaries of tht d ft nders of the conmry 1'n flfort, of. all thoft'iujo have dared- to fhc'M themelves the friends 5 the Republic ' - - . in the foregoing addrels ot uarnot wui pc leen a conhination otthe extracts 11 oin ivercn aucnors, i-ii . - i''t" . 1 r.. '.i t wtncii nave i'i c mertin nines,, -luuimui m mt xs.iy (; zttte. and which our Anarchilis have pirttnded to doubt the autr.enticity of ; if they really btlic-vethem to be Honfcnfe and lies, ' by calling 011 the Editors of this paper, tlky wi.ll be directed, to tneperloii by whonr thev wen- tr3nfliitvd,'5ho--wll i-o.ukatidta have then: fhewn. chatlcrs and verfe tn the trench Lingvae Bilt iio,"YtV,rHi--ff---fcdition and , wild uproar, 1 (half fee none of von 1 ve ate at raid !dt the char uncloud ed and fphniiid llfrlit df ttuth, which isfdaily appsar- mtr. tfiould cxpoie 10 open uy u;mhu wuihj ui darknefs committed by your ido)s,Dantc(n-,Ilubefpierre, Marat, (Earner, ard a long' Iiit ot moiUteis, whom you have cnthulialticahy and nnpiouliy called, the Ke-prefentat-i'ves oT th DlJy ."' What I do you want to keep truth any louder in-chains?- Da you wiili the li berty of fpc'ch and of the preff for another tfive years to be niftier, the tvrantiical awe of democratic "anarchi- 315 acies tKerTpTnpajofe zco acres the property ot jotin liet K. - - jo acres the property of Amps Matheny. 300'acies thc propeity of Jacob Jones, fying" on tlii: IJck branch,' joining William Gulltdge's fmvey. The above lands will be fold at the coiirt-houfe in Wadtfborough, agreeably to an acl of AfJcmLly in fuch cafe made and provided. 'Patrick boggan, shenj. OPober if. - 844 "3F O R S o N A L E, r the 29th of January next, (unlefa the taxe 1 ne thereon be naid nrevioiis" theretu thp fnl- r j rovving tracts ot LAND;" zutj de 1 ts iyoiy ,un tne iui i;;-vcu 1 ivcr, joiuuig iaiicg of James Singlctary, fuppofed the property of Johnr Erwin of New-Hanover. ' ' ,' .-2Qf3;are"s'on.,SoiitU,river, belonging to ihe-.hclri. of Refus Magdtn, joining lands of. John Anders. 1650 actes on the Waggamaw lake, fuppofed the property of -7 Dupe, for"arrears of taxes," for the years iy4i 1795 and fj(j6. ' : 50 acres aifo given in by janies Duprf, fenior, for 1794, taxes unpaid. The above lands w ill be jxpofed to fale at the court houfe in Klizabe'th. 7" - TR AVERS HARVV, Sherjf, Bidden csritty, OZob ctover 10. 82 5 Jul! Iv. rr h.r than criminallv condemn, every tteo it j - -r , , . takes at fuch an iiuereilind crifis, is facrerl principle. -. . . - " 1 l T,,l pnnnf h- mn onrrK ndt too creneri lv incuicaieu , We mould not allow -ourfelves to deliberate a moment, .when our government 'thinks, -itfelf infulted and its riphts invaded bv another nation mould fc'cl a holy tmpulfe to ha!len without reflexion aroiind its lland ad, on i give lc oui decided fupport 1 wlrirh, in a Re- ubnean mltitution like ours, forms its only ttrengtn. Sfinnld the niujits in diinute be Plarininv lmuomic m f r 1 ; o o J i v of evni uniult, it is bcttei'-to iuttcr the momentary re proach or inconvenience attached to their temporary . operation, than, to incur the certain devallation vvrncti woutu now rrom invuiHjiF-ioreigit niiuit aiiu uij'ij y, uy the weaknefs occafioned fromdifunion among.onrfclves Every man, who, on fuch occafions, is heard to jiillify foreign governments, or their agents, 111 dppofition to oiir own, ought to be branded with "contempt and ig nominy, as I being deftitute of every principle of vif t ue or patriotifm.- Men of this (tamp are " fit for TKafmi!' Ilrataoems-. and frioils -their motions are t i, 1 dark as Erebus-r-let no firch men be'trufied,'' No ! American they ought not to be trulted they are we know the men N O TIC E. r j iHE. Copaitnerfliip of the fubferibefs in th -"lr"1iariit)der- the-ikm of-mQUHARTS & MACFARLANE, is this day d;Tolved by mutual confent; as aifo that of H. & A. URQUHART "I c Co. at Wil riling ton ; t ho fr indebted to either fir m f are recjudlcd to make irrmediate fettlerT.ents at, thif plac.ciwitUL'R'MAC.rARi.A-NEi, and hi Wihningtoa with IltNP.r Urquhart. ' ; . HENRY. URQ.UH ART, : . ROBERT M iCI'ARLANE. - J-. FOR a L E, BY the fubfetibers, the remainder of their goodly fume negioe?y viz. ' ' .' A good hoiife fervanti an 'dv'y fellaw and, wench J a plantation on Rockfifli, formerly. Raiford's, cob taming- between niire hundred and a thoufand acres, thcdwellirig houfe in g;ood repair; with a famous faur iiiill Teat and a toll br!dgef:-onthe-;irhr6adleradin'g" to Luinbcrton, "worth about a hurrdred dollars a year : aifo a quarter of the houfe end lot occupied by the fubferibers Ail -which . .will be fold on" reafonabl credit,, the purchafrs giving b'dpds with approved fe entity. The noods cTf hand in Vilminaton will be : dijreinz a pit for your dcllrudion let us watch them betimes, led the evil hour come I cal defnotifm I .No, your reign has been long ei oiigh --theJime is it Ui anived, when virtue (hall take updn us uriaxvaresr" . ; l JCgm exceedingly tnar. my auuuicB arcniut eyuui place ot-crime, rtiiglQii or aweijm, uumanuy 01 varvarzrj, to my will in the developemenc of "the : nefarious views morals tot 'debatjyHdtry'jixhjmetcs HJpeculallon of fome patricidal men among. u.s who have organized ai)ti ro&berjike ''arts and fciettces of the dewjlat'spg de- a fvftem for the dellruftion ofouFederalGovertir Iff win:- aneefs of t uncus democratic uftnorance and bru- fvftem for the dellrudhort of ouFederal CTOvenir ftrairi anteh mphorTe I iaHN. The ' enlightened heroes of infulted humanity tlieir agents and their funds X-receiye impultVon frcn .("i.:failCc "abroad as well as at home eagerly catch hold of eve- I j0. are now manfully oppofirrg the Directory Jaco rv ahufe odertd to deetade and vilify our goverrtmctit binic attemots to fvvcepl)ff thf face of the earth eve. brjrforeignera of every defciipjf ion the vile organ of ry; remaining vcftige of tivilization and refinement, by a foreign chaotic democracy as well as the Reprefen- br inging back the de vailing reign of the blood hounds tative of ticixio(t'defpotic King in Europe and final- of Chaos Heaven crant, in pity to mankind, that lv. who would fervilelv xzrvfs and flatter even the fierrds I fi,PV rnav fudceed in their ofod-like,. exertions : And. "of helt itferfrdid may the induftrious and patriotic part of the United our virtuous rulers Si admirable conititution, i rou;e from your lethargy, my.cpvrntiymen I ye, who love or der and raipnal regulated liberty who are friends to the Federal Government v'ho. feel, a holy hor ror at.the daily recital (from the pens of humane and enlightened Frenchmen, who begin only, now to pertoFtTir durigeoiir tat ion committed by the,, demons of diforganization and'auaichy in France ; "the furies of infurredtion and deadly noifyn is prea j, with aclTve cal,h"yire7clcfr ptr-Print -""'Trnt pans ot the- union, a lrtqng 11. wh 6 m tho.fc irrislcvJ-York hold a.d;Uinguifhed" rank in'poin't of venom, though' inferior in point of " talents. Do not fay To ' yourfjclvea, as is 'too commor-hrtlip' rafe. .that, " they are lo delpicable, and " f i hr n ii mberVTTIialTwe ido.Tiotfrar aJ.l-thi machinations j'' call to your minus the. rate ot unliap- ..-rrs'T .1. r. ' c".- i. r. u ,i i". , l r T..,'J:! liavin'g one vievv one foul one centre- ufurp the jgovefnment trample' upon the mod facred rights of the people dealing death and detlrucfioti all around. As it ia-furely much'betker to profit by the misfortunes of others-than, our own, let us encourage the. publica- Statfes ravairthcmfelves'of their falufary and oj enable labours', to firip anarchy and infurreaion of the amia ble and attractive garb in which our " Patriots" have induftriouly-arrayed them, and are ilill anxious to difplay them in, notwithttanding the horrid, tnght ful deformity in which every French writer daily r?- prefciUs jhofe fell demons to human tciicity. vvnat thciy views ar , " in wifhing to flifle and fapprefs the flood of truth, which the fatal example of France afToVdsTrduring thcinj)Jr Jacobins, or. apoflles oOTforgantatiorr ;-muft he-gl rv man or the leau oDiervaiiou, uiu ougm i i. au "object 6t. terious. and lively' farm to rnry friend .p ordt rand, good govenment." PATRIOTICUS. FRANCIS SHACKELFORD, ,X SP L.CT FU L LY informs the public, thatbe. JX-has lately moved fr6m;Limberton to Fayctte ville for the pprpofj of carrying on the SADDLE. r "P" ' ' i -Ai..:-r. initivciiinne Krarifli. anu rwix iijj iiidiuig win".'.'" '" f fold on the fame terms. 'Fayellevllleiplemier-zy H. URQUHART. R4 MACFARLANE. CHATHAM, .PITTSBOROUGH ACA Xubereff-ekve LADIES and GB0LLWFN or .- '- -; ; n '- " JU. c . - rayeitevAiie. XtX at the Theatre in Philadelphia, and teacher in : i-iy' rti ftrs) IL.h."g engaged by th c Tr uf. kVAD KJL tilt A XK.ai.lU J U A lllJUWlwiij m ,. y years, to give tuition in the uftful and polhc branches of education ; rcfpefxfully" acquaints the Ladies and Gentlemen, of Fayetteville, that- he propofes to efta- -blifh a SCHOOL - in Fayettei for the neceflaryiac- ,compTihment of D ANCING ;? and. will aifo give . leflony to Young Ladles oft the tyVJi I AK, in every-montn,' vix. Mqnaay i ueiuay, anu vveuncx- day. Mr. Godwin intends to bs at raycueville,., about the 2cth of - Oclqbcr. V i , ? ,r fii! terms fhal ndt exceed bis dejerts, . 4- TWENTY DOLLARS JREWRD.- ' w.' i a XT ' xtf a x' e.:::i. .i.,; r.,ur;i,r ;n.T7.tti.ilV. . on the 4th' in A ant, a Negro man by. the "name of.SJNlOW, he is a black com plefted fellow, about g' lCl i-kj tiii.ii.s iiri-ir)Tn-T t - -fir ; es. Thofe rth'a will plafe to favoui' him wuh'thcir cufldm, rnay bcftipplied on the fhofteft noiice, ; All orders frorn the country, will be Itriftly, attended to. ' Fayetteville,' Ofteler 2$. - 4 4 hishead l6w when walks.he ismarkcdin'both ears with I'll iff i 'Hljt ' .I'llf l).iif in' 'iliil'th" If-jt, nd' rmpanct flit 4ijthrig!w. and a fore on one of his leg when he; wenf away ; lie was formerly the property of -Mr. Rhodes oh Roanoke iiycrj near Halifax : Healfocar ried Jawaywith him'a Tvlulatto Wench by the name'ot BET,. abouF7fTyealToTae hiffh. and bie with child. - Whoever delivers laid el- low and Wench to me ln;fcttfrtth,:. fecarca them fo that 1 get them again fhall be i'ntttledto the above reward. . ' ,'( TliUWAa vvnuf,. OSebcv io, 1797. - 82 '