- . . - - f - He proceeds to ftate thc'confcqucnces of a ruptHYe between France and the United States : which would be to deprive France of our'trade, and throw more of it into the hands of the Englifh. Altho' we have 110 fleets, yet, fays the writer, very juftly, we (hould fit out great numbers or imall veitels, which would mine "-about the French and Snajulh poilellions, and tut off all fupptfes. The Spanish, provinces offaelcf; for pluuder and conqueR fupported. by the" Britifh ma rine, which would be fnpplied witli American mari Jiers, they might- cjFecY the conquetl of Florida --TfL-mrtfiana-an'-MrXTCOf andwhrx krrowrrfarslrcrtfthe ind;pendcuce of the Spanifli provinces might not be realized before the end of this war ?,'. The author proceeds to prove that the regulations of july-.-jC. l778-which the decree of March 2d, ' has revived, and, enforced, are altogether inapplicable to the AiflCricant, He obfervts thofe regulation .were made rcfpecling neutral nations, not allies ; and . that allies muil bc governed in their intercourfe by exillin'g treaties. He fpecifies two articles of the regulations of July 26, which are exprefsly-contra-r-di&ory to the treaty of 1778 and therefore it never -cofttd-avbeejiJrjiciided that thofe orders (hould'be FA YETT EVIL LE, November. 18. The (hip Maria, Capt. FoflerJ arrived at Charlef ton on the 9th (nft. in 40 days irpm Liverpool, which fiie left on the 29th of September, brought Xondon papers to the 27th, and copied in the Charlefton Ci- Mnporta u t f oreig n-Jntelligetice.- extended to th United States. On the fubjeft of the Role of Equipage the Writer has given an explicit opirn'cin, which we (hall cite at 'fome, 'length -After recitinr the 2Cth and 27th arti- ksfUIXteajxhe fays'. yhen an American flip meets .a privateer, liie is to-exhibit her certificate of lading and. her paiTpots accordii'sr to the model an nexed to thc'tTcaty, and the privateer, which, after: iacn exhituts, ltops the veilel pi lends, her into port, and libels her, is 3. violator of the laws,- a dittu-ber of public order ; for fuch injuries may lead nations into a difaftrous; war. ,Tjie words of the 27th article are fo trlear, that It. 13 impoffible to corueive with how little modelty any thing 'more is demanded than" the. certificate uf lading and . the paffport.v The paGpbrt is the ouly paper.eirenti.il it proves the fh;p to he A anerican. tlie capuin to beam American that Ac. is fioman American pO;t aud bound to a neutial port It is .infpefted by tin officers of thematine, whoattcil tkatoath has. been made of the property ., . But at 'the fame tirr,ethat- the captain is -hnvnd to make oath .to in order to procure the. deliverance of the pafiport, be is a'Jo found to inter in the tffice the lift " tf Ls crew and hiTphfJengcrs, whonf lie wTlT nor takr board without the knowledge and pcrmifliun of the ouiceri ot tne marine. The majority of the French Directory have deter mined to reduce the number of Kings of France, from five to three, and have therefore arretted and driven nto banifliment two of their own body,, BartheJemy ate detailed-the molr Qtew-WA-Rr in Crates-and-Hbda)r Sheet TIN in Boxes, Heft London PORTER in Bottles, London Particular Madeira WINE, -London Market ditto, and Carnot, and .52 of the . members of . the Council of Five Hundred, in which number 13 included Ge.-' neral Pidiegriiv i ' : . v ,. The Englilh. accounts contain nothing of what molt nearly concerns Americans, restive to the difpo (itiort of the three Kings of Franc:, towards the.U. States. ' The negociation at Lifle between England and France, has likewife been broken off by order of the Fjrnch Kings, and Lord Malmefbury has returned to The captain is not bound tt.hrefent this lijl a fxtd timti nor to carry jt with him ; he oftghtto ilepoftt it in the, bands of the officers of the marine and it is after that de jf' .A role, and ibe completion of the dvtirs required of him, py the form, that. fbt ' piffbort is delivered to kin. . . Tne'paiTport in thehands of the officers prove that the captain has complied with all the maritime regu-. lationa of his' country,' in the fame manner that p fT ports,, with which traveller) provufe thcrhtelvcs for leaving-France atteft rhat -ihayerfuWttrd-to'll-he forms required by thelaws of the Repuhli. 7--; ., .f "the" role of cquipaee were nccefiary, the 27th article would ljave exprefied it, but when itipeakson iy of "a Pajfport according to the form, which it requites' bn.y to be depofited witli the officers of the marine in merica, it is obvious that the Amerfcana are within the rule, when provided with the pafiport!"- " . .'.. ;-: "v Such are the id'eis of this ju'diciof writer; nid if he is right, the ufui! form of the pafiport is defective According to his ideas, the- Rple T Eqiiipage fliould fee depofitcd at the t'uftom-HouffV and, the pafTport ifiiotiid exprefs that it is depofitcd. 7'hefe explana-r Jtions makethe form of the palTport intelligible : whereas without thefc preliminaries, .and A defcription ' tn5. f",rne paflTporti-a great part dr'tKej.nQw.; T'tTyd' irilHt ; ea-letter has no ufe or meaning at, ail. -On thefe points however it is the bufiuefs of Qovern jijent 0 decide. ' : " " i T iiRJS. (Kentucky) October 14. ' "' lately froniJninMtj: h,ii.ren. fbUdi 'tpjiroiiif os with theifoling very important intelligence : That Mr.Ellicot and Gehr; Gayofo have com upon a- ' Wkjtfm is given upland . tJje iomm'JJi 'oners 'have fit abpvt extending the hori$ary like lie mentions dlfo, ibat the Spaniards Sane noiu l6,0OO regular troop's in Lower and tipper Lmjlana. ' J-W A T. F. X A KTl P f A : t '' v""r , . ; . We have received accounts th'at after commodote Barney Jiad arrived at Porjt de Paix, when chafed in by foine . Britifii cruifers, he was immediately arretted , by tfie ordersrgen. Touiffat, a'lid fent to tbe.Gapc f r irial, on a cbarge of being' concerned with S'an- lLlL thoiia.Xi.HIs flag was taken down, and Hoiflexl on- board of another frigate. - - , -61. ge OiN tle 13th, 14th and,(i 5 th ofJDecember, will : be thtf femi-annual examination aY the Pitt (bo rough Aca After the examination of each day,' will be ;delivered, feveral feled pieces in . prpfe and verfe,, which will be followed by voal nrinfi? and an : irivocatioH'lvtV;I7eny. .The bufinefs of the 13th and 15th, vill be clofed by plays, to be performed by the yourtg gentlemen of the Academyv - , v 7 "'- '- $1 order of the TMees. , ' , ' , , " . . . JOHN WIJlLiAWS; SecW. li'o n don The negociation between the Emperor of Geritia nyaTToraTiTe hTrrbeeni)Tokcr already prepared for the re-commencement of holtili ties, anil the three French Kings have publilhed a Pi oclamatibn, requiring the aiiuics to btgin anew, the 'ork of (laughter. . V r heKtngrffnTiiTU vyitcr ; Pans is in continual convulfions and confuuoii, the. military have conftant impluy-ln An rounding the council haJl, and in purfuing aiid arrefting aJl perfojis bnoXH'Us tp liarras.dc Co. -. The Frtnch; Spanifli and Dutch fleets are ftill blockaded, by Lod Btidport, Ecarl Sf. Vincent and Admiral D urtcan. .Our Commilfiooerj, General Pirickney and Mar fiiall had not "arrived at Paris on the 24th of Septc;n bcr, but were momently ex pt died. couNcrrOF five hundred.-, ' ' .Sitting of 'the 15th September. RioO addrtffed the Council on the conntxlon be uveen thej Republic and the Unittd States of An-eri ca. He faid " that the retrograde movecneht whicl' was leadii g them to r yuJiy w as j ut an end to 1 thank the.. nirccWry tot .Lsviiig broken the fetter which w i. v ei y day ifoxe ine;arfd foriuJLjbi v. i u i jnade jjfe' of iiefdi'txCit-? be purpofe of deltrov ing an;ther. Ri publicans "tvtry moment insght, n be employed in ohtnining Peace. All the ctts of oii legiilHturc fmce the fl.rll Piairial, ought to be, if not abulifiied, at leall with caution. 1 cme tQ fpeak to yjju'upon a'fiihi'A-upon whicb. attempts have been made to mifitad you ; I mean,, the decree of the 12th Ventofe, relative to owr intccourf? with the United Statcsv.--Thefe men you have aiii'iln'jated wcic aitt ii '(! to the atillociatical Republir of Genoa an,d Vc nice.,'. They affiih-'ri thf ng 1 i lb ;4 tri d t0'-;'ted the A- fir.erf?ans. - It is potorutu that tlie nalmorts "t lite President of the United. States are !ifii ib'Jtcd in Lon don. Fht Direclofy tficn were jullificd in dr.crecinp that every fivp wh.ch diti nut prodi.ct its Muller Roll fliould. ht 'treated as an enrmy 's fliip, and that every American, iailoi ttikt-n inan Englifii (hip fiiould b? trea tH as, a Pirate according to the claufes of die Treaty . f 'A'b'ance'n 1778.'. , . k . " The. Directory have only done t.beirvdi:ty,nd t ne Engliih w err pofiViTtd of that ? ?ghto.f-iYbkb.-.Paf toret by his motion of the 26th Thermidor ehctcavour- d to deprive the Directory, J mmr, that, there is no occafion tot deliberate upon the. motion., of Paitorct, and that the tommittee appointed upon that fnbu$ be difiblved. The Council agreed to bis motion, and 'biripeech-'wat 'ofdei 'cd' tob'efi'nt'e"d,",,',;, . :! ;"".'' Fayette ville Prices Current. . , ' dot, c . .'.'.. ..'- dot. TobacctV" ctvf. : Flour, jper A'rf Corn, perTuJhilf P'-afe, ,do". Wheat, do. Butter, per iL v Lard, none. -Bacoo,;,, 7 . -T-allow, doy. Bees w;-a, do'. .Deei fkiiis, do. Cotton in fud, Flax bced, Beef, , . - '45 fier cwti V . 7 prcot, per gal. . . 79 v . India do. 2d do. I 30 Nor thward do. I 15 Copntry brandy I . Mol.iii.s . ; ', i 15 Btown Stigar, lb. IL o a f do-.- - do. -.'1 Coffcer -dor- lu)n, do. ; 5 JSalt per lufhelf Pork," . Grcen-do, . ..... F A L L G O O D S. THE fubferiber has jutt received and is noWOpfiTf ing at. his (lores in Wilmington and this place,' a large and general a(Tortment ofGOOD , fuitablc to the feafon. He has alfo on hand. Bell Liverpool Ground SALT, . 1 Ditto Allum ditto, "" 71- Weft-India RUM, '7 New-England ditty, Bell Holland GIN, 7" fc ... : Z- Refined . SUGAR In fmall loaves, 71 . Bed Mufcoyado dittos .. . .77 '" Bohea Souchong, Green and Hyfon TEAS, " COFFEE, &c. &c. . A II of which jie will difpofe of in' wholefale or re tail, on moderate terms for Ca(h or Produce. ROBERT ADAM. F.tevil!efTiwember-Tj; 7 G O O D S. JUST received artd for fale by OLIVER and -NA-7 THAN PEARCE, artheir ftgre next dopr tg MHITeurs Urquhait &7Macfarlane, the following at tides viz, v, , ',''. . .. . - ' ' 7- Ruffia avd' Swedes TrcnV'flat ;and-fquare; bars ; Northward and Welt-India R,um and Gin ty the hhd. or bairel ; Wines by the ea(k ; Pepper ajid Allipice by the bag ; Chocolate per box j jrefil lfbon Le mons, per, box or dozen ; 'Swctt Oil in fl.i(ks ; a ,. quantity of Northward Cheefe Chi ta in boxes ; ioaf and Brown Sttgar, Moldfies, C' ffte, Hfon and r.'.hca Tea, Salt, Peach Brandy, Wbiflcey and Cor idls; Nutmegs and Cljvcs; lndia Lacquered Ware, joT'iirt iig.Tof Tta lVay-v ovel an:lWfind Waiters, and ea Caddies ( Tin an ' japami'd Ware, -5ton,e ditto j ' . Brafs-AndiroMS 4nd Candlcftit kt-: Necklaces, Pen oals,.C rds and Tafilb. Gold and Silver Cotd Brtr.ft Vln; Umbn lias ; Viulins-TT-together with , a geneial -iT. rtmciit of Dry Goods, Hard Waie and Groce ' ties. '. ny of the aboye articles they will diipofe of vbep.p For Cafli. in- the Produce of the country. " f,yeitevile Nov -f 8. - 87 tf .- :, TO B E SOL 1), By virtutrpf a decree of the Cv)iirt ofiilquity for the dilril of Edenton, at publicauct'iiMi in the tity of Raleigh, on 6aturday the"d of December next. , Valuable Traft of Landcontaining 148 acres, JT. the projerty of Meff. Bell, Smith &; vi ai d ..mith, Bell and Co dying in th& county ot Wake, within a few milts of the city of Raleigh.-and on the iands-;6f 'Jolm,1 Bta.dfrd''1'and"--Mtliiiil Jneyt''- Efq:: This'la'nd "is of excellent quality for tob;u'co, whe;it- and corn, well watered; and in a healthy fituaf ron IF agreeable to the purchasers,, it will be divided into twp or more trails, and may be viewed on application . tu7N;;onts, Efqv o montbsLxrgdit will be'given, on'bondwith fet urity. v, ' ' S7: FREDERICK RAMCKE. . 6" I "60 100 "'20 . . . W I L L I "A MCA M P, SADLER, HARNESS drd CssP MAKER, R' ESPECTFULI.Y informs the public, that he has on hand, and is making up at his manufac- -t.ory in the city of Raleigh, Ladies and GentclmenV S addles of e yeiy de fcription, on the ropft impypved pli'f; 3 complete aflortmeut of plated, polifhed and tinned, , Portfmouth, ha.lf-uard, pelhatnfliarp and iiuuiic uiiuici, nuu luunuic 1 ui tin urv. i . I'ldninraic with collars, pldted . Hooks. Siides,' Buckles and Tipsi Saddle-BagsrValeices and Portmantuas;1 - - 7 25 to ten? lirte-H amclsrtrtheTn the mod faftuquable furniture; Waggon Hat tie Is, Stc. Horfe:nen.'s paps, Hol&ers, Half Covertrs, &c ' All wKich' he will diipofe of at the nioft reduced prices for cifiv or country prod pec, 7 , .., He has alfo received fom philadetphia, a general afiortment of Saddle and Harrefs Furnitnre andiron , ..49 mongery, which hc .will retail on reafonable terms. 40. ! November '3. 10 o' 9. 3 75 .'t 87 .4. HOWARD & COCHRAN, "' "'V"7. 7"- .' Have for falet v A few fets of ' elegant CHINA, ? t"r ' ' - - . infeiior ditto,- , . ' v . lCr at es. a ujr t e d., I4 verpooL..VA R GLASS WARE, . ; . - Jamaica and. Weil-India RUM . ' Coarfe and Fine A LT,. y:- '."r.' COFFEE and .SUGAR;. . ' , iJRON, (fuitable or Vaggrvn ire, - v Negn-es Coarfe SHOES, &c. &c. ' zz JFayetteviliei - November t-T - 87 - j ----r Cklr A dvertifemenfs omitted, this week, wilt- t, . 1 : I : . . be carefully attended to iti our next; . MR. GODWIN rpeas attend the Ladies and Get tlemen of Fayettcville, who have fovoured him' with theirchjldrrn tohislANCIN"G SCHOOL, and gives notice, that he (hall move his family to Fayettcvjlle to refidc during the winter, and (hall open a day and an evenino SCHOOL, for young Gentlemen, until the lad of ApriLntxt. ' : Pittborough. Nov 1 4. 1 - 8 7 tf ":""7 ;'..v,- ::: N O TI:C;--r----' ' ' IS hereby given, -to. thole who have siny demands againft the Eftate of A rc h 1 b A ld M'Ka v, fen.: deceafed, to prefent their accounts without delay for payment ; and all thofe who Hand indebted, either by bond note or open' . account, to faid Eftate, arc re queRed to make immediate payment,' as no indulgence can be given. , 7. HARINE-MYr-y?ng- - 7 -' :' - ''."TV ;, ; ..-----W : '. , ; .. . ,.r ' -.. -.v ,'- - ;.;'-- ,' - ...-, l.il."jn7''g '','''i ' V.'r ' J; t.; ,' ;!.,';. h'ii- ,: "'Vi' ' 'r:i.i , " ' .. . . ..' ' ' , V '' ' 'v '"v'-T . V-r:" . .. . . ... .... v. ; ' i''.;vr;:;7 '.'-:.'7..'.' L'.- .v ; ' 'v. 7 77c,';'.jlvf i -v;.,-:; - -. i .rj-r-:&..i; ':.:;: -:'.;'; ';.--'';-:;.:;;: 7"". . v-.v.'.".-:.'-''-v-iw;.--:-:7';7;;uy;; ..y-fr- wv-.:-:vf- ;,,v : i . - -Vw tka. . r - - .. .... .