rg-vyfcryyjm ' it.'1 . ' " . , J .in.1 AND FAYETTEVILLE. A DIERTI S ER. -w . , . : . , ' : . - . vrrrr;ra.---PuBLi HODGE and;B0YLan; Vol. II. Numb. .99. THE NORTH CAROLINA MINERVA From the PHILADELPHIA GAZETTE. " Mr. Brown, ' . FROM the report of the fecret committee, vow publtfhcd by ordtr of' the Houle f ile p-K i'entativts, k appears, page 14, that on the 13'h m July, the ripnifh minifler, the Chevalier d'Yruj , c;d led 011 tru; committee and made 4 communication n.aik ed A. JS. C. in the appendix to the report, p't.je 1 3 3 , and of which the following is aii-exadt tiauflauon, iz. ;- - ";'. ; " Cfv of a declaration waJr to the minifler of hit C-it'O" Hi.Lj.py.Lyttift Mark 11, .uuJ&LulLkuuL-&l-Uj. J entujce- . . , 1 . 4 Thi't there hive heen 'filliped by the peifon .called Chijhotii, an Kngliih agent and an hh.jb taut of 1 rniufict, I CCO inh biiants of .""that Hate, .who are dxii.ee. to jn "attack on the porU-tiL'tfjtoii IHmmsit hcw Gaits -i.3 of Urortir RIarfol. 2. " Tit.it CVihs-'iu has rcconnoirered the whole of i . V",Ci :ff ile rVuTioi &X:irtrf h, tkKTfn n't ps f. r 1 1 1 j.- the Crttk vh.H fhcukee Indians to turn thi ii ih s ri-.;a!iill i lie hp iKifli pulkt!". 11. . 3 . ' "lUdl h;ll;,,! a has obtained d lift, which he p- v liviitts, of" 1500 torus, or '.EngKfh royah lis at the K-)u;,cf, t- h.ivc eiiJ-ni'.d to t 1: f up arms in favour In this latter way we find lint he actually did ufe it. Inflead of difelofing it to oilr owiigoVerhment, which could havecrtifhed it at once, hi concealed it from u, nd loll no time in notifvmg.it to the Spanifh govern or of Loi'Tiana," who iriinierli.'trly made it a pretext for retaining the forts, & refufn'g to execute any part of the treaty. It is evident therefore that the Spa pirn minifler did not wifh to fee Chifholm's projects defeated, but to findin them a pr'ejf' xr for withholdiiiir the polls on the Aidhiippi. 1 here is J'ttle doubt 01 his bcinij unaer in nt Vre tic. h.ma.n knn tbe -oxde.rajfa jna!m unbounded hatred to t hTScmtTrt ry and its govern mentor and generally coulidered as tlte fecret agent of France 1 1 this count'iy. In this tranfaftion therefore we may plainly difcern the traces d( -French hoftility and in- ti ignc, which, fiir the purpofe of ruling this country, iwiiIiiJjliljior.ptrKejite M trhir n flip ?nt unceaungly .attempts to excite its peopl- again!! its governmenfand foieign rlations again It the country Should it be laid tint the Glievalier d'Yixp did give our government this information, -I anf-er, No. On the frcond of March he fpoketo the Secretary of Jl-ate- of " th c j i ft reafons which he had fnc fdpefUn that art eXceditian wa? prrpjriiTg on fhe Lakes on ths ot tl.r J, giili tlte momentlhev (lirt.!l appear to attack 1 p,art of tlw Eitglifh," the objel cf which wa?" to J.i'wer' Ijouifianii, and to'twarch freni thcucc ;igain(l fci' ita W. 4 That there is now JifTemhiin, nn the L;'kes, atV.nk upper- L uiiiat:a, and take, by furprife, the po'fg of ht. LniiK," and Ne-Mndnovu and declare t'iat th1 r)ro(',fg vhicft he hid been able to obtain af bidden in. the cafe of a private nctc on the mo't trivaat fuhjeel:, At length, on tire 17th of Apiilthcan. fwtred in four lines, faying" that not Having received letter from .tire governor of Louifiana for maty month he knew nothing about tlie raattei and that an indifpofition, from which he had not yet recover ed, had prevented h!m from reply ing fooner t" Ptevcn ted for a whole month, by an indifpofit'ton, from writing a note pf four lines, in anftver to an important inqui ry from the prelident of the United States! Ytt that indifpofition neith: r connned him. to his houle, dian ;. iu'ia in pa) , ii.d '20co Itidians to be tonmiai:d- Cl l y frandt - ----- ----rf.- r, l'5at this foice U to rVTcend the Illinois iiv r, srd attack St L'ouib ar.d New Madrid: Iron w fj. net , f .m wing the fuurfe of thi river i;t. Fiui.i!', aud Aci K'daj, it.ti to -t rrtV"'g'VijWi'nia-Fy''"r - 6. " "That C'lHiolm h. 8 pr(TU td fu field pieces, tl, i.onc vihicli were to havr leeli emph vtd i-uGebtt s ex.'coniori, and lu lodrtf ikm in the hands of his ".a or'tiic Teiu.eflt-e i i'vcr. 7 Th.it the rrr,dcj'v.' .us . for the- A mer'tnns, is 'fixed at"KuXyilie on the Tr ', fT- , on thfc-ii.rH oi July, M. ' That Ooiif qneiitlv Ctnlhrdm, wf-o hjis inadt the pi' ptr di'pf 'hi ions t n .ill tlnit htads, jutti parted thrin to t'-t -".inii'er Lilfon- who was to tafc his p.( .icoii t!io 2? h of Mir,. li frrnr l I'd i,'e).hia tn Lr.n cru--r tc'wir'n iirica'e- hi p1' 'j to the gorernntf nt il i:. and nviav h 1 ils ri.ci nt: n. ...X'. ''y -sp. pi Oof. f uhailit has f ii-.-xit u'( Cji- -'-.MiiTt-J! !nr d ifi rry hat ds an official le.t.tirrfrt.tn ilhulm , -a cupy'-'uf, which is' herc. mito ? r. r'c.xt dx': ... ;j J)'Hie nt Fhi-ladtlph'ia, ji.1v I2,j'7v7 Tl.'b date of July -1 a ! 1 1 , 1797. f'-'idciuly itl rs,u the tirr.e when tht Chevalh i "d'Vii.jo nude a cupf of t IrhrXnTniiTT-11 n iea t io't - 'fr -v t i, c pii rpotTof" 1 e fog plX'1 c tit -ed to the. coniti;it ;t, Scnotto the tint wih ii the .com-; 'irduitatioh'it ftlf wisis made to Pi-m, This copy which I r xd'vitied, is in" the h.uul wmiiig of tise C!;cv:.lit.r : a"dis appta8 by the iep rtv as above cited, was pu' fenttd to the coiliir.ittce' the next day ; vi. JtTy "13. There is ii- the margin of the pafrii note'.dio in the jtaod wii'ting of thc-Chgvahri d-Y-rtijo vl;ich. I'y fotne actident doesi tu t appear in the. printed copy, zv.d !rrfh;7liat;cTrnh7r Mitclull to the n ir i fit r on the 26th' of March. n- This "d'iTt'ing!To'p ' 5f ;(dgtTt'V'piot t''i d t -x if -is feii hrV.'tmr firmeM. ht ;hg-cftmrntiHicatjop: .itfdlf t m the eiglah . a force. ex'-'pofed of 560 Englilh reuuUrs, cc dna- j ter the. fir II 'verbal mention of that fulijeft, a -fety days he-ove, had .confirmed hin. in f.is hnpicion that trie Eiigh'h t r6ops-, me diut ing- his,Coiip!e.;riain, intend ed to pifs ..hro fo'ue pjirts of our territory. -Tri' atifwer to this he '-vvafTured by the Secretary oL'df.te, on tlieli Lth of M ireh, that the.g'ivct nmcm ,f4lTil 1 uiidlances in.iicativc of inch a -dc'ign, and iyould pur foe nil proper rr-tJifures for protfdting the tieturah--ty '!: ' their't'e-mtory. ' -J'r ".;' "X" ' Nothing fnttittr paffed on the f i'e&,;ti!l tMc 2 1 ft of April follow: t:t'.. one monfli after ttieiffevaiier d' Yiiijo iufd nceived Mitchell's.. co:nimmication, and twerfty ,"t!rfrcd.;'TftA-r t!i!; ti:;ie at which, as he knew Jpi'ii'd r u .t-. to f.i'l far London. On that day, he vri.ie a !"."?on.i letter to the1 fecrttary of itate, which ij.ih tl'''oll'i.virg w:rds X x 11 rry'-ppif-l,7a'n)ns for bYlTevTug 1'iat tt .isfutrf-ruVd t.o caret i-to eiit cT the cxpedilion agaiufl TTp':tk,Loui!l.iit'a on the part of 'the Euglifh, 'iy; violat ing the territory of the United States, as was rrani felled to voir in rriYlettc'ri of the;..id 6t ' March WiVl . LniHl add that J ;k rimy, to. a ct rtaivity, that tlie Englijh have in.;. lep'ropolitions to general Glark, of -Goigia, in order to avail- thtmlVHes of his influence.- in that 4ate, Ttigclker ,wii,h forr.c other perfons, for making a liivertixr, "of fcrioiis "tttackvgsiivft Florida ;, "and 23 by your letter bf the n th of h; ft month, you affure j me that the y-uited States would, rake the n'eceifary': ,mea far.es. fcr-C,aunflg.iktirJ:b.eut'iSuly to ie refpefi-ed. ; 1 do not doubt t lift in confequeticT:"fsf -this my iiiiory that ion, the executive government will take proper ! Heps, in oulcr that Georgia alfo iliotdd no: irtrtngc :the.lavs of. nei,itraUiy..tt'.,,tlie iiijii ry .of the pojcfHo'lf of the kiiig nrv mailer." -; ' . - H;?rc-thc fc ot- Ute'tfl hm m a- ticri received from Mitchell, i'diich rehired to this vc- 'f T itl'tWC'.1'T""aHl WRtClt-l't'lWPtl' lO'l'ltitiOl'taH't-rW' UU' tit .1. of March 4 d tv after t he-tfiqmTyf rorrrt hx f refi d z t had been made, 1orrt examining him, .and taking down his examination in writing, at considerable k . t ii, w it h his own hand. '. Such waj the conduct of this perfdn, who made it a pirt of his infokiit acciifatioas again il the fecre taiy of State, that a communication of his own, rnard' onthea of 'MauhrriA'-Wq'fulng- clfiFnl e'xamini tio.1, was not a;nfwered till the I Jth of March ; akho dating this fhort period, of 9. days, one President had gousout of office and another come in, arid all 'file he'ry df bufiiicfs attending the clof- of a llfion of congrefu had intervened ! .-'-... " But why, it may be: afkd. did thjs rainifter depart , fmtn his-fyftem, and lay before the committee a 1 copy ( 'M'itchel's . communication ? Icratnlywas'liot for thi purpofe of giving information by which our govemmtnt might be enabled to art ; for had that becif the motive, the difclofur&.yould ha ve bem t j the executive, in Mafch. whiie Chit'holm was yet in the ctnintry, and with hi papers, might have been arrefl e 3. The information was withheld when it mi?!t have been ufeful, and was Brought forward at a thne ' udtea.JjyWaar,, goitEpa catively oHittlfr-im-p r t a Hcef-at-a ehruie of which--,. it is )laledT-ithatChifidmT having tnade liis.. .difpofitions; ;&.Ci was to foil- ftvm Philadel phia to "London on the '2 8th: of Ma; eh."':: -The term was to ..fait' (tevrit fertirj to a vprftflfcqt, tb.'po'ffcfg. No liiiit is. "givep of ariy oetails, time tod.'wheiv the explofion having taken place, and the difcovery being made by other mean?, the Spaufif minifler might hive fuppofed that the be it method of avoiding the. poffibility of appearing as a party in the bufiiiefs, by rejfonxjf his concealment, was to turn in fJrmer, and tell what he knew about it. It it. pn.N t,'. idy, in this way of thinking that we muff fearch for the native of his conduct. As to this communication of Mitchell, it ha-s ap peared to he utterly falfe in all its moil m iterial points. Every body now know that no coileih'on of troops " erer was.attempted on the lakes, or tlfewriere on oiir. frontier, and -not fhadow of evjdence ha appealed to piove that Chiholm had procured aiiy cannon, or engaged any'per.fons, at the Natches, pr-elfe-whcre, o jo;n j ij hi8projt.&, except Blount. Tiie rhole tfory' camefronrv;Chifhohn, who told it to Mitcht 11, and" who, froip'lhc report of, the corrrmittte, and th ex- amiratitj'ns which are annexed to it, appears to a . lytnga'tihh'f fobl.-.ehtitled xrw-cvetsxTstVKift norhtaining any from a fingle perfon wko kne v liim. .iHd yet this is the Itbry, tlms -dcrivrd, and thus fii,pX ' pWted, w.hichj wjlhoutr proof--withit'iqTi-M"-without diftlofiire to our governmenc by whom alojie the proper inquiries could be made, and the pr'oper Heps taken, is made the pretext forrefufmg u execute 3 folemn ,- national treaty whereon depends many im portant rights and intereib of two countries, and per- 'hap3theirper.ire. -.. - The people of the United. States will difcern the Witile4ieadhcH 1 1 -i .? . . . t 1 ii "" r J .. . -future day ; and cdnftfqucn tly ' the cphn mWcat '"9 '9S. pade before the 28th of March, and while L-hillioim iuasjllllin PLitudJplia. Tliisalfo is a ciicuntftarice that the Chevalier d'Yrujo, having rtceived this com munication on the 20th of March, as appears from the above mer 1 1 onjiLmt myJLliay fL.k PJ lj aXCM; holrri was to remain in PhiLidelphU tiglitdays after .this difclofure of his defigns took place. , iN Why then did not toe Chevalier d' Yrujo communi cnte this difcovery to our government on the 20th of March", and in ail the detufls, in which he has received I it ? Chifholm was yet in Philadelphia, and might have been arreftedx The difpatche&-with vhich .he was charged might fiaw"lvn examined. The whole fcheme might have been aire fled and broken up in its infancy. Wj9 it fo tmintertfling to tis, that the mini Jler of a friendly nation could have tho't it not woith difelofing .Certainly not ; for. it was,, if rVal, to in volve our neutrality and our peace ; and even t ions, as -in all its mod material parts it has appeared to be. (till it might become the ground ofmifunder ftandirvg jir-ah jififi heuvecn. us ArA.oUr ntighbo'rB, and a motive cr a rettxt for delaying the execution of our treaty with his own nationt ; x the government rrould le led to ;?infpcft that its own j often (ibly employed they will find in thefe tranfaai6ns, Citizens were engaged in t!:e ; or direded to new motives for repellfng with energy' and. vatchful- the proper fouuTs of inicirmtibn. Ly thia condjiaUj vvhich to fpeak the moft tefclerly of it, vvas"mo.ft dif- I tors. ingenuous and unit; wholly iii th 'dark ryefsr-thc-open and concealed aggreffiona of his direc- civis. ingenuous and unffiendlyour government rk abqitf a plot, of the molt lenous -. &1&ti(kM and Which he was hrmfelf iifing as: a pretext for refuf-r .1 . of b . f()1( on twel ,e I 11 U lJ V Jl V C U I L CU jUII. iJMl I I V (1 I 1 I Hio.emnireaiy. months u&iM pubjic ?Uaion,-'tO U hipkft bid-' Such throughout this affair, has been the conduct at the Market-Hofe, in the town of HiKfbo. or in s per on, wno wiin a t eyicti 01 uccoi uiu v-ut 1 . . x t- -it a, f a 'l .1 1 r . .. , r . t. ' K .. , , ... rsueh, on the fixleenth day of April next ; the houle of Jtdomatic h.flory, before the rtnch republic, ne- ; c;)mon carjedand known,by the name of the Blue rfurnifhedan example, has daied tomfmuate chat hlfes tVreunto bc. our gomment was dchtous of conniving - at enter. fnuate in the faid t6wp of Hiiiilwougli. k priz:? formed, in the htait of our country, againltthe l ? , . , . , rnic- fhall be giv'eni by the purchafer for the purchafe mo--ney HENRY HEPPRD, Com'r. Jan. 20. I - . prize? formed, in the .he art oi our country, agai pDfTeffionsw Spain. . - J ; Nor has his coriducT: been Jcfs marked with a difre-?-gard of truth, than with a negleft of decorum. On the 2fth of Marth" 1797, the- fecretary of ltate wrote to. him, by order of the Prelident, lequtlling to 1 he jn formed what fteps Had keen taken for withdrawing the Spaniflv troops from the polls on thf Miffifippi. purfuant to our treaty with Spain, the ratifications of which had then be,en exchanged nearly eleven months'. Tcthia inqil'Vy! on fp important a fubj'61, was delay ed to anffcer for a month ; a delay which the ordin-ry form's of civility between iudividuals, would have lcr- HWJbdrovgh " N OT ICE, - GN the r 2th day o,t February next, a number of .NEGROES belonging to tht heir f Thomas England, dectafed, .will be hi ed out to, tht higheft bidder--terms will be made know,i on that day . - v. - rxCOCHRAN Gvardianr Fayettevillet January .'r "' rX-r Will,,.. ' 4ify. . I X-.f ft. y 1 i -4 I- 1 xm ' 1