tt .. J ':1 . ; 1 F,'6m the ( nojhr. j u -u y Aizyttur. Suihmary of Foreign Intelligence. in .1- .lit- E'uope irc highly intcrell- with the'mo't important conk- and. pr-grunt csitiiLCS. TiiC iirit ol jvrtft wlw'jU prcftuts iifclf to our j VitfW, is . I in pofTefllon of the R A N C E, liiictt provinces of ; Europe, van- tja lhc l hy the inefi:!i'le energy of her aims, or fe- "dueed by the bleridihVuents of her infidi.Mis promifesx '1 he fame f'-'e feen rq-i .liy to await thofe who refill, Siid llrolc wh fti' nit htr revolutionary fphit march 's T-.vth rapid (ti id .fi ihroulr devoted Eutops. But whilit for nutaMe abroad, (he is evidently weak at home J nothing lefs: than the molt rigid defpotifm can ovei-avve 'Vdifconf. nted -and x-ri'ftVWd' nation;' and pteventtlKm from breaking their chains on the heads of their oppreffors. lint whiHl the at is at their devotion, the directory may fafely hid defiance to thcir domeitie enemies. A rupture, however, is highly pro bable, as therpeace with Auftria will have a large poi tton of the military unemployed, who will be un willing to be diloanded, at the fame time the directory .will find it difficult to fatisfy their demands. The ma- 4or4tiM3luJX.eJLC!Lnaugn for peace, but peace is notrconftftent with the ainbiti ous views,, nor perhaps with the fafety of their rulers. There appears no fufficient object toj lftify acoiuinu ance of the war, though the avowed one is, the de lliuttion of E N G L A N D, Gerry, one of t-iir ComrjilTiineiS Extra, to France, which mentioned that they had becn'politejy received by the Midler fur Foreign Affairs, Dut" that they would not be received by the French government j AirQrriwcnt2to lurope iir the above fliip NEW.YORK, January 16. Gaptiui Williams,, of the Nymph, fiom Havre, gives us the fame information, refpecting the proba Wlitjauf. an emb.lrgo on American vcffcls- as-Captain TVbee gave adding a report that all A mericans would foou be arrcllcd, J4 as they had aheady began 4ii Paris to-take theui tip and ronfme them in the Temple" and that It was alfo reported as he left the quay. ? the Hotel d'e Bolton at Fan's, was Am round ed with a. guard, to fee that none made thcii efcape from thence !" . , It is Hated in the Engltfh papers, that the Empe ror of Rullia has granted a peution of 200,000 rubles to Louis XVIII. : to repel the attacks, as flie has refufed the unrcdfona- Die donands of her antieni auo inveterate roe. i nc declaration or his Britannic majefly, in confequenee of the rupture . of the negocidtions, is manly, tiro, and dignified, well YalcutaiedtoToutelti'e indignation of brave and, infulted people, who feel that, though - they are fincertly delirous of peace, are yet fr.tiy eqii-il ; to contend with, t lie conqmrors of E u rope. They are no Kfs formidable on the ocean, than their rival is on the contiiunt, and Whilfl they 'remain the itidifputed fovt-re-n of the ft a, .they may fafclv bid defiance to Fr.iiiee and her allies whofe fleets they have .fo.fue-. ccfiivtly blocked up, fought, and vai:quifiied. An immtnfe debt daily accumulating jthrtatens in the in terim approaching rnin. 'But-future confiderations vaniih before immediate danger. There is now but "bn? alternative. '1 hey mult eirherTeful Fiance, or fubmit to her ; and.the.moment of fubmiilion," is the death of liberty, not only in Grtat-Britain, but throughput the whole civilized World. Rome in tlu oieridian:5of her power was lefs formidable than thefc new Romans, as thev often llile themfclves, SPAIN, in. the opinion of the molt enlightened politicians, is on the eve of a revolution. 13nt endavtd and dtiad as fne is, no revolution can fiuk her muchlower. HOLLAND, is fo ilrongly fqoeezpd by the fraternal embtaces of tire .nation' lb generous to its allies (as Mr. Adet in-. form3ys) that flie feemsto have verified the prediction of a minitterial writer, .who in the following dillkh cjcprefTes his wifhes and his tcfentment, Ungrateful wretches, fudden be your fall, ' May men urt-damn you, and God d n you all. . The lofs of her colonies, the annihilation of her com inerce, the deliruction of her navy, difyace abroad. ,n!n at home, aie amone the bleflines flie has reaped from French Fraternity. Her decrees for the immediafe rc-ettablifliment'of het flavy, are as abfed as thofe of Franpe on a fimilar octaffoii. Ships will not fpring up like muflirooms, nor can a navy bereft ed at the will of a legiflature. ' The dock yards of the Bita un' republic, cannot be fupplitd fiom her own bofom to furnifh the neceilary materials, in ihort (tor why-need--we, jifguife the truth which mould be a warning to ouiielves rl Holland is no longer a nation, but a I'rench province plundetca anu lu.povenined dv her conaucrors who never cduToTTiave fucceedTHliuc . .. - . u ' for her own internal dillention. -r lance has-lucktd the orange, and left Holland the rind. . V E N I C E, : - is blotted out from the map ot Europe, and is gene roufly given away to the defpot of Aii'lria, that (he may enjoy liberty and equality under the bayonet of a German garn'.on. 1 U K i U Lr A PHILADELPHIA, January 22 The iffue of the attempted negociaiion with France can no longer be doubt td. Though we want direct, id-4ttfonntutoTr. vet the tmlf- rtct accounts ieccivd are fo concurrent, that a doubt can fcurcely he entertained, that MclTrd'. Pinckney, Gerry and Marihall, (with" their prefent inllructions at lea(l) will be unable to adjull our tUifeicnce.";. It i& true neither fays they have been actually difmifled, but all exprefs an expectation that they will .not' he re eeived. r Being on the fpot they are bed able to judge' Fine temper. oF the French government, and know whither tht)r 'SnJtrUttiiit-gqvelatittide-mwh for uctom- modatioiu -.' ..L-;'-'-, ' We are informed tlje Secretary of State hasiecciv-. ;.-d a letter from Mr. Murry, our miniflerat theiflTgne.'' ificlofing a letter he fT15eted from Gen. Mardiall, .which informs that the French government would not iecogiiize the American com miflion, and that they daily ixptcted tlu y would b; obliged to quit the re pubiio. Mr. Manliall's letter is dated October-. - B A LTI M Q R E, January 25, Ietters were ytiierday Tteet'veU. by the (hip Pclly, Captain Howland, from the moil rtlpedable mercan tile houfes in bilboa, flating. that an immtnfe num ber of freebooters infect the Spanifh roads, and cap ture all American venelswithout-difctiminationj rr .'.ardlefs of the papili, even the ceJebrated role d'equi ,)age ; in thofe cafes, which the Americans, have ta ken the precaution to proviiic themfelves with this oaper ; they are taken from tliem and deltroyed, and hey 'are afterwards carried lu and condemned for want jf theui. - - . ".'' "'.,' ' T..2 is threatened with a limilar fate, will probably loon be fwallowed by this Leviathan of a republic. All Europe is menaced with convulfions and revolution ary fymptoms are faid to appear in the Maiifcatte towns, Penmark, Pniflia, &c. K U S b I A, WASHINGTON, (Potomac) Jan. 20. Y-llciwdy inoniing the of Vr. Matthew Hart, of this city," was foon by many tlrat (lie fell from her chair into the (lie, and having no one to a fti It her, wasbuint to death. Whether this ib the cafe or not, I will rot pretend to determine ; but it is a fact, Are ws found dead on the hearth, and --as fuffered to lie full feven hours after he was found. nd akhojuh her death was k nown with .the circurii Hance of' the appearance to one of the rriagifirates of -yet no Heps were taken to make f xamina tion-or enquiry- (he was fuffered to lie like a dead horfe, tci be eaten by dogs ((he is not buried) Is it not marrTulTfr happen withiti the Uniteti States ; among a people who think-they -are the moft civilized of any in the worW.- In a ftate,the moft free, of any in the union were it not for flaves, and in acity which is to be the Sun of Light. x . EAXEXXJII iln. the preliminaries of peace between the Emperor mdJ!konapar integrity of the German, empire was. an. exptefs ftipu lation. Darthelemy obiiinately adhered to this llipu lation, in the Directory ; maintaining that the faith of the republic was' pledged. He was 'too honeft a man tobeindured in fuch power and influence. With ' him in the Directory, it was hardly pofiible, for the three " patriots' to proceed with .their;nefarrourrperv J3dy and ambitious projects 'of domination. They therefore laid a plan of oftracifm that, is, to. feizc allTb a riTinTi i m and other honejl members of the go vernment, who contended, that tne republic ought to ((be conducted On principles of good faith and integri, ty. Nora imgle particle or proot has been publtihed againft any of the profcribed, except Pichegrue ; and. tliofe papers were probably foritriet. They dont wear alone (lands aloof, and i6 fecu re from the inroads of 6ven the fpecits garb of authenticity:". This is the more Jgcobinifm, by the remotenefs of its fituation, and credible, as the .different parties jn France, iince the the barbaiifm of . its inhabitants. We know little of 1 revolution, have bcen;feveral"limes detected in fabri- its politics ; but from its immenfe power, it can throw j eating .feapers againft the men Jthey wilhed-to. get rid Tlu f xteniTon of d republic will hnfwer cne very nctifiaiy prefelit puipofe -the coi qtieieii Hat i 11s will rtceiv tiumeroiis garnfons of Frt'irt'h tionps for tlu ir -protetihn ; tlutist: to keep them under the inm rod of dtfpotifirv,.whirh the if public will cxifcife uvrr.. them in" the name of liberty, and to nbke them pa"y libctlly towards the fupport of . the armies. The Italian republic alfo is to have TienchsTl . fons to keep the peacei until the Italians are able to take care of thcnijei'ves- '' In "the titatyrthf "French have taken fiom the. Em- peror and cmpiir, .eveiy . thing , they rdemanded or wanted ; and inclemmjifd the empcior out of the poor conquered. Venetian ilate. ' The emperor has indeed acquired a large tract of fea coaft and many good har bours which he wanted. But, note, the French keep Corfu A other iflands at the entrance of the Gulf, where a few French (hips will command ail the emperor' trade and fliut out every Ihip when they pleafe. With all his Venetian, Illrian and Dalmatian pofTefiions, the emperor is it a moil humble dependant on the terri ble republic for ttade, , ..v The -French troops in Corfu and-thentig4vhorir.g' ifles may be ufcfulin one fi-fpect they may keep the ntmnrtants or aneietrt mwf-tt ana At-HCi!, to uhcci'- Hand their rights, and to get rid of the ciuti cieht of Tutkiih dtVpotii'n The eUdbliihincnt of a Tnclt .of rdlhffl, active, ofHcious lepublicaus fo near- the,, Tuikifli coall, is the etittrhg u;cJge (( rew and impbr- ; taut fetnes iu that qua-rter. A". Spj3tiir.' " On the iSth of'-Septemher laft, the brig A'mner- - , dam. About 9 fortnight, before her arrival, (he fud. iltnlyafpriing a ledk, which was (o alarming, tl at capt. .Scott:;'ih(.ilght it iiccefTary to have his bo-tt in readi-nc-fj to leave her, fliouid it ineieafe : foituiiatejy flic .':OtSn lfe. Afier her ca 1-0 was difehared, ihe wa lent "to Ildbiaw to have the le?-k fc;nched fcr in tire fii (1 tide that ..was hove out, every j laiik' was fi imd to be in excellent condition ; bnt, op txairinii g"the o ;ier (if VV was difeovtftfdrh iriJltrtd of alcicct in t!.e ve'lTel, the leak wds a ftroke flie had received from a lilh, armed with a horn ; a part of the horn, fuintetii .1 nd a half inches lo tig; was le ft in the third plank from ' her keel ; after penetrating the plank, it pafTtd bet wter two timbers which were very ch'fe in' each other vhtre h remained like a wedge The horn is an oval (liape its larpelt diameter is vpwirds oftwo inches ; it isfoltd, and has the appearance of coarfe ivory. It is now in the pofle (lion of Fioiiaii Chailc Mty, Efq. lie owner of the brig. . la the fenate of the United States on the 17th uh. tha following motion was made ; " Refolved, that a committee be appointed to en quire whether any and what territory lying; to the fouthward and weft ward of 'the ftarc of Georgia, be longs to the United States, and to report n pl-n for '.governing" the fame, and that the faid committee le impovertd to jcpoit by bill or othcrwift.' " PARA P HR A S E On the French Ten Conmatrdmehtt, as taught In a!t tktji -Schools - No Goda we'll have, like fools'of old, No Deities we'll own but gold. Saints, images, you may purloin, And turn them into nady coin. Goel's name we ftiould ho more adote- -----For ail above us we abhor.' ... I. II. III. TV. V. VI. VIL No more on Sunday s read or pray, For all religion's done away. . ' Regard no more what parents fay, Eeh child is free to take its way, No more aryc Ylltain'd to kill, Cut thioats, and murder when you wi.'V rhatw-ordvadulteryrdrfownf- TJfe all mens' wives as if your own. '' " 'VII i iStcal'-any-thTrrg you-mect-by chanee : For thieving is now,-law in France. IX. Falfe witnefs bear in any thing, For truth is now con fide red. fin. . X. Cvct''and take whateveryou fee, Freuch Liberty makes all things free. creat weiefht intO'eV'her fcale; 6- - - ,., r t t f S W ITZ ER t AND, I ordered bv the directory to difmifs Mr Wickham, the Britiin ambaffador: The Cantons Iwycemonone-inftance aforgeTYpf papers has been proved in . .1 r 1 Ci ll ...C.i. TIIL.-. I L -ri . 1 fi: t '- " : . ' frrndl,uttithern, in- fome lidauces, into thcii pockets privately, "then arrcftihg the men, and con demning them on "the evidence of thbfe papers. In ftratcd on the fabiect, but we cannot tell what will be the refult of this extraordinary bufiuefs. BOSTON, January 1$.. - Captain Nutting in the4 (hip Union, arrived this morning, in ox daysVtrom Jvuterdagi, jiiforms . Tbt he received, a letter juft before he fcikd frpnxMr. thetribnne by Camille Jordan." he-bufinefswasoue, . and when the honejl men were put out of power, the work of the " patriots" waslcafy ' The preliminaries of peace were violated, and Germany difmendtered. All that part of which is orthrWcltrihf RhitiCirfeiztd and aanedto ihe republic". ." , " ' Celebration of the, Prefidenf lirth day at L:Jbon, - Thurfday ihe iyth October, being the anniverfary of the president's birth, wag celebrated at Lifbon by Mr. Smith, the minifter of th. United States at that court who-gave on the occaflon an errtertainment at his houfe atliueuos .yrcs, to a numerous and refpeci table company of American captains and citizens, ''AfteTfi'xf'ec''pat.fiotic toafts, intermixed with convivial fo'njts, the- company having fpent the day with great good humor and feitivity, broke up at nine o'clock,, much pleated with the occafioti which had collected f many Americans at fuch a diftance from home.. All tne rimcrican vt.utis in., euc nai oour were gauy i coVatcd, and at twelve o'clock, a federal falufe was r re peated. 1 This anniverfary Occurring on a day, high- , I'd !.. J .U I' ' e . 1 A ? . ' ty oiitinjrunnea 111 1117 annais vi tne American rco lution byihefurrender ofY-Townthe-fecolItc-tion of fo aut'piciou3 an event could not fail.tti incicafs the happinefs of the company : '3 -"-- . A good price will be given for a Like ly Net?ij3B6y; betwceir the age of-ja and ;-r

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