- - t 4 :, t i' i . 1 . I). T. . air' r-, - -- r-.-. ''.'. '"' I "'.' ".' " b-lir::.: . This afTertiori of Mr. Lyon's u without function It is falfe Nor can I conufturc to what 'chrcumllancc lUr-IiyrtBH-a ftwk'iVtf." itK3 h'3icr5us 'trantacTtiori, Vtnch-ttt')k p ace in Welhr.iiilter,4n theLiiate ofJVf r ,mont. in the 'beginning or tneyear 1 700, tnc, enema fiances 'if which 1 beg to relate. , - The Legiflature of Vermont were in ftfljon ?.t that v tec Mr. Lvorrr atteivdetf'as. a number I att ended . on hu il'iefs Hie HaifrrHtxprt-fm!r4-ft- mc, -though nut a.m,crr.b-r, to rxitmre and report my t,piuion. coiic'et'nir.g certain'dehts .nine f'-orri perfons ' w'hi'fe t(lt?8 had been coniifcatcd 1 hr.d male a rev port accordingly, at lome p trt'of whie,h, Mr: Lyon took. offVne?. One morning- Mr. Lyon called at Mr. Bradley's rcbii, in which I was tj.tn doing btitlncfs. . No perfon was in the room hut Mr. Bradley an J my fclf, and we-w'erc writing "at the tables, Mr. Lyon to. A a f; it by the table at the tide of Mr. Bradley, anil entered upon the fuhjeft of the report above nun- tipped. :-. He f'oon difcoveicd himlelf to h; fu.'ne.vhst irritated, and in a very rude and poiptcd manner declar ed no man who hid a fpaiK.of tionelty could have te "prt"aTT'tno I tetorted in a-ja(fiuii,.that he was an Jgnomn't firih J'afpy. Mr.- L'von rofc in a violent palTion, gtafped . at my hair, that was turned b id; with, a comb, .which., he broke in the grfp I iniLi.il ly rof, intending iu "revec the iofult-with the knife in my hand; but-Mi. Bra l.Iev hi 1 fei.ed Mr. Lyon from behind, ruiKkt the ar m' anT t' f ewri nr ft JcSTa? lift ley iipoa. h'Mfiibylz 00, beariiijj hriiiYdf in Mr. Bradlev's 'ar ins 'threw his feet up jm the t ibl.e"; to kicii fierofs. . The aukward appeal ance of Mi. Lyon at this mo., ment, Vid grimli7xro?"Ius c jilutenace provoked meter lal!gh. I drcpt tin.' --penknife, fuzed Mi. Lyoir's feet, ...and, in ihh .winner,, with thediclpof M.r.. Firrtdfr;' wh llill kept his., lvil J, carried "him ariols I he nmn; and laid him on his back in a corner Mr. Braiiley & I returb'e.l ' to our 'fe it ', ' virjhii very mei riiyat ; the fcine. .li). the. mean, time Mr. Lyo.n Tufclnun his coi ner, (food a fnort time in zpy-v cut aitaiioir; 2nd wkh out utteninff a ord. . At kntii he tuir.ed iipi.ni In. h(t l,, with thtfc i xpiefiiiin-, Dam:, it, I vui!l not be ''-forcf Y a" iauih, and left tit 100111. - Nuiliino -ever a.ftcrwatHs. pafTed bttAvecn Mr Lyon ?nd n:)fcir upon tin fiibi-Ct. 1 thOrtfcre repeat that Mr. Lyon t a I ft r t i o i Ti s v.- R(iilr'"wiiTj6tii'f Tn' n cL ri 0 nr-''"T""'"" 1 i'.fic pardiii f. r the "tioualc i iuve" givcti the hou.ft - upon. this buJiiielV. - " . - : . And am with n fajfr, Sec. ' NATHANIEL CKIPMAN. ' . The Chairman tf the Conmiitre . "Up.cn , the,TOpurt.of t the C'jmnr'ttee of Privilfe. 'l'iir houle Invin' refimied, Mr. 'Living (Ion aikeii- ard hr.'int.n'twr of ;ibt;;a:e;or hia uuiauuc A'j.- Van Crtlaiidj,for tight . AcTj"uriied.',' - , Mn.'rv, Ftininry I 2. " rr?Ver'drbateA,.''i's tintimu--i in cornnv'ttec oT'thr" '"whole or the rcpoitof .the -committee-of privileges. . The li fcitfi! n p 1 p i uceJ 1 vert -nru 1 e w i.rjnth an d a 1 pvri- ty this d iv, thin " vvas.AvUneileJ - at the bey-inuib th'J: ufi.nei'3 .p.j H d ; y t ir. RW iUiaina moved to arp eiirjltjie rc- fo'utinn. by itrikifiij;' Out tliat part which toiilemplatcb - ?n epi'.tli.orT7?'nu n'f uii' m i'-s room, uruuit) 'N E W-YO ft K; February 10. ' A Utter dated iviagara, Jar 21 if, fays "A pcrforj. Jom'"Dttro"it' informs, that Ico'uiiis were received, J hat-1 heJ-panird at. ad cut of two-, or three companieT of American "troops on the lt:fT:f;ppi." This, how ever, ( diibelievcd by our c'jrcfj.oiiJciil.V , , Mr. Kd'tor, 'Since the, eltahlifhmei.it .of ..-the United Enhitrincc tmiyr-ifr'-ihisTc , lowing loffes, viz. .1. : " ly Spanifh captures 1,(09 doiS.ns, '.. By Britilh-captuies 9,9 ditto, . . . By Sea rif,;s 111,90a ditto, By French captures 175,766 ditto. - , 3-. 2 14 dollars. Frit u iry I ?. - . IJvi rORTANT. By a gentleman of lefpeclahih'ty, "and rfvrMr- city, arjiyeiLyeiiexdayiii iR day a u m Ncw-'Odean. we" th VLU'-YDRK SVLCTATOR. 1 . fo'lo w 1 h J cflecTTT ' '"TliSt'lie ( ft r7 L f mT , vra t h igh ry nfiral: le, .1 ' 1 dJFTt jt lie he repi imandeu by , in the prefer.ee n.( the. houfr." ;' ' cet er IIC p After further debate, ihe-'.qt.dh'rrn was -pat upon the anicfKjTtu tit, ii'.id it was k!', .4 to 52.-; - A q-u tlioo was tlfrri; put -'upon the refolution, cpn tetnpl'ttih the expn-fion. T.'-e yeas wtre- 5 r,"nj s .3. :.,r tf t.0itiWitrtfr,.(fc',';,inil ippuEfxo. ' The lirilqiu lti n t:i it oecund m th.-fi uie was the s mxi:iiiJvi:iiil.j.o Lib V "jcpii t uf , j be- com .1 ,itt et --. f. p iv i "I, es. whiTnotic d t he t xren; ionai At ck re.Ti'uifi w hi eh ;i:fr!lJr.) n iVlrTTp; in, .ciiuinitreTrifreWlJ'n wa-Kfied'i9 t .49. . . " " ; ' jtic, ca'Ttt'7ilov and took-hi's feat, the houfe- not being jet tailed to N I r R'. XViilia.nis the rfn e wed h Is am eit dir. n t. o n which the yen"; and njys were as fo1i ws : h;ivf th- filjifinir I'.f.n n:iM-.-in "til- the Rn'aiitC.l P.-iis .It the IMa'i h! 1. :iriH,t!-rr ,, c i t 1 1 1 'i i r i r! ItOI'V. thRiiUIfllii.p.p?r U.uj httn at ietrth iven up . i. - v i.i . ..,....... iu nic niacriQii .oinu.wtiuner, 3nu me eiu"jjs uuui his. r!iiVectin. , - t . , By ' this, li'appy -nccomrtiot'iitio'n: of tlie u.fFererrcs, vhich lu-ive fu':ii led, we may cxpeH'TlTe'Tenoratioir ot hatnvony in. that -quarter ; and t hat the boiindary hues rt'i'.l 'a'f lif run ilci.-rniincrl. narri-'ahlr to'.tiea- ty, and Aa lire; u!t ei cat ions Ie :hu.i ii)'.u pi.evented.' Fetrutiry"! "We are !:.:p;v in luitm ub'e to con- in m tl.c lUi'SisXeticc we hated on i uc.i.cay teipetio h . i 'liunuilliinent of the Potts on the M-fiafioni. wit.'i- r;i t!ir Ainericnn iTrr, by rbe-S;'.nih -4 t.Cuuijtiii,. n :e;.lt io lar' ar ft l.ites to the iucaltort-tpi trie p,inj,i.K : ;or we were rather "pren . ta:e it: 'ia'in' tlir bwl:iie!: is ,ili eady ''accor.:.)ti!lie:dv 'I homas- titouli'.t.'i, - L'4 -tit.sC.i-the.-Uc-ALjlLy-aCoijfu! -for -t I;Tk cit yr hasoru .'tl a hirer - fro u -his-LxceHcttcv Dou C;.vo! u,L I.en'.os the p'refent Govt. nor ol N. (Jrie.ins, dated tht tH'h of-Jarv h a: in, ;pai liculai iy, . that ord is ;hai tiivn received fiom his JJajeii y fir the i.:-n. t!uie dc livery of the polt cic and th. t piv.par. ttcji? lid oeeii, and were Jlill 'malting, . -for.-.-cai'rj itiij thefc o:'i;t into eihet with evei y .poifibli txpi.Jitioii. . Ot thr i -th ii iv .-sii ivi-d .it S,.vjnr:,!i. f-h'r." I-Iar ' -rtotr Capt.- De Cti:3,-iiii; 1 3 iLy&fwwu Cxoix--.. vlio- intoroiS, t.hU;ti.e -cay pivvi'.ms to his'.lui. ng, a ;cntL' man an ived; from t- ii -v uae, vvh.o infoi trul him' at ' the '..Corvette, ""which hat! 'on - boaid the ha- Dud mem!crs from F.auce, had c:-pro red the vrfi I n: was in froin Loudon, fA furiti;'effi, nlf'f.ir he .'!a uds ; and t hit' richci'iu, B.:'.'tlu-lciiii"and 'feveral others, vvet apiCving with an'iltr.cncaa captain Di'ing tlreni ro-th-i;, c'oufiCry, P III L A D T. LP-II I A, Ibn:rry 14 en COMMUNICATION. 'a .' pttr(otl too ! An act of bravei y well worthy the knight of the wooden Averd ! A. luruic fon ot .MaiS Lh'Ls r ." ;''' 'L. -----; - , . There h no making a ger.tlv.man of n clown The; IuUff is -madejif J.oLloaLfcafcrials ever to-be re t.Ht "tVp 1 o t !re fl an4o rd - cieatVie 13 a her.a,- .V real brute, 'y' u'rnay fliuve him, pre his ruib, cut t!fT his Lotus. tl-.U him in good clothes, end even fuid him to Cb'.-.g; .cfs, "and yet lie ' wi!! ihll be a l ea )t c he will not make Lows he isim-e-afv- irv'firnod ri ttpany -and every here (hews an un coi querable-ineijiiiat ioa to get into the t cods, . ; . A pretty figitrc teeharaifier ofHh limit d States will rriahc- in European 'p-per- ! The chaTle ngt8""6f-.'-former f fTiniis of Congitfi went far enough towards fi 1 'king cur ratiorl r. pntaticm ! But jjxejaioticn-e-r be e Ten fed fr.om-xaitiig on the Pretident, and the 'bit 'm-thi-Jcce bufuiefs, will really atiacii tiiiawy to our chaiater. VVht !fay tlie Europeans, thefc Ame rica! 5 are Tuclr ciovs iiTITTTellows iFfa tTTFi cy el e into the f,rrl pl.ics 'of govVtii.irient, the indented fervantf exjew.ted Irf.nT Europe''! Ami when in power they fpit in their fat cfLN"t n;bad "(lory this, "for the enemies -of our governiT ent -abroad ! Even.the French,- though t!r y 6f:en kick up riots in. tlie councils, and let a ir.ob in to . iT-fn.'are a; member or two, yet they nt ver let tiielrTelyeslIowfo low as "Vo fpirwi TnirafHJther ! -rr- . Vc!l ; out tint not?, the friends of the people, and adherents of Fiance, feerh to be rifnig.fajl in public , ! VI:at uith " pTeciotis c(nlelaorl5.,, free luatn m ife xdLjW I h c n i f 1 1 1 1 y , 1 e 1 1 1 -r. i, 4 M-!HjeirrtrTl ie 11 g e s ' t 'bT fntgli' combat, fpinings in ih? f:tce, pit jv'Cii to engage the Bi 'tifli coiirt and the welWrn ludi-'itis to jlrive off 'he'iSr'niaY:! ""arid-tl' iTtf-li'ifal .itid uriti"mLtrd"proofs" f p.-triotiii, we ;re in ;i f;rt way to .'lornan gtcat nefo ar.'d ci Vmtv-of uatioli.il thsiactcr ! L ! - --' 1 .1 sf t. here mu.t in h.str.acUtf u n:Ur Jum l.iHon, itti'.Lit l)c Uri " AVlo"rvs;r'wTarei ported that' 1'vji tu;:;ii-had mkle her pe ce'-r-foint- fay ir is concluded, others tht 'it is nut, am! that a ftrong army is ordertd i "' Sri;: kj g" 'nm ; 1 " The three American envoys' ate' t Pari-, 'and hr.vc.betn theie Tome time -nothing -tx. an Spues here of of what they are doin."" v 1 I'cbi uarv j.r L Y ON ami tlK is WO LD? T Left the affair whieh i toi k place this morning he taveeu Mr. Grifw. Id -and-., Mr, ..LjlOJt jh.(Jilhl n"if'n.: der!f-'od,Lfei;d you the fo!!owiii' account "ftf it. wi ich having ,1 een Iriewed to feveral get-itienVen wlio" mere cye-witi;tfi'es, may te'ithed 011 as authentic, and iuuaj-i-aie- L. , : . . . 1,. " . '' -. Befoiehe hoiife was called to order, Mf. Gi ifvvolil earn into t-hcK-itall snd tooiv his feat . wi.di a . cane in his hand.' rvHe.was' readir g a letter when Mr. Ly on, YEAS MeRV'. Baldwin, Bard, Benton, BTountt P'r-it'. IV) an, CaSel.. T7",t;laibot ne, VV , Ch.i!):rfie C I a y . C ! ) o ' o n , D s fo u . Elm e n d o r ph , Fi n 1 ( y ' Fjtvv -lrr. 5f.. . Fu em;m, Galiuln, ,X5iTe", CTillelpi.e, (;ifgg;r JI'-Hiha, I.I irxifiMj H :vcns, jonet;, Li v i n s tlo.i,..L.otke', Macn, CTen.Vglian. M-Doe)!, MiHedgi , Ne', -N i c ho !as c k i n c t , ' S , S ! t i t ! r W . -8 m it h , Sp 1 i g g , M an -ford; S imnie-, A. Trigjr,'J. Frigg, Van Coxllaiidt, Varnurn,-.Vcmblt, K,.: yjii.am.s-44. . 'N Y'S-MelTi9.- iaei Ba-tVt5,.'B;iyard, Brot-ks, Bullock, C!in'Tphit, Clxapinan, Cochran, Coit, Craie;,. T) inn, ) ;vr9t iyenrMSi Oei7 Lv'1srAT'" L'incriJL) F.fter, J. Freeman, (Ji n:', Go'!rich'. G.ndotij lirove -I;ll'fpefV"-H-aTt h-y-,-H ?.iw-lnv-tn''"lr-k4-4:ifctf wr .','1 inlayv JUt4g.ux. S .LviTiiiiM:ichir. ' Matthews. Mornan, 1 " - -. Morris,. Otiv J. Faiker, 1 Paiktr. Reed, R ndedge, o'cTuir eS :ri .S e v, it To h ' ptTef d pS ilTixi cliJon, " iigreiive,' : lit'jnehait. Van -illen, ' Wadl wort 1 cz. .. T ie amencSnent -wa'3 cqnfequriitly hft :!r.. - rit placecTtiTs .ttTgk'btlide'hTrT hair 'f'-be hind iV, and began to writTlirbmc at papho. Mr. Grrl--wuld ptrctivin? himi took up his flick, advanced, to- vyards him in front, fiooi the oppofite tide of the houfe, -ayrtt-ttroe-K lif m--wa.ttt.Uie.Jt kk. , ivi,r.vjjyon citner immediately on receiving the blow; or immediately be fore, rofe, advanced- towards Mr. GrifwvJd ajid ndea vonrtd terclofe.in with him. . This Mr. Gnfwold a voidt d, and rep-ated the- blow nine or ten timei ftrik ing Tomet imes on - the head and -fojmctinves on tlie fi'itiuldeiT; ,t-; A t length they cJofec'T, and M r." Lyon, was thrown by Mr. Grifwold.in which lituatijin Mr-Grif- wdd who had : failen w ith him, gave hint one blow in the face, with his lift ; and then they were fcparated. - ' A TVTSTA N' I) ! R . r.lf gcvernmrnts he po wer? vcfled in men, . who have no control but found difctetion.' ILe 'oprt me K)'vers.cf legiflatjo.n can have no coiiilituti oiial limits," in 4 iiuxhiiuiif of cafe's, c.Tixjit the gmc r l good, of which general, good 'the. men vefltd with tht'e powers Jsrejhe judges 'J 'heir fcui of tight, and wtongjn ftich -cafts, that is, . their judgment or what " iif 'r tht :.. public"', intereil, can have 1.0 control, hut that fif''.iii'l)lic" opinion. If they er-, the'pobjic opi iiion will yr-idf div ai range itftlf ag'ainl.l their mealuies, and in ca'e-. where thofc mc ifires can be repealed by 'he fame power that adopted the.-n, the -remedy" ts eafy ' uid rtritir. No man in an ch.ciive place. will pufi fc 4-i 3 nienl'ure which is ijik qnivoealiy. cppoled by the ,!x !i berate uni ;:p:.ITiunt?l ft 1 ' fe "or'tiie- pofKet" !cafes" wttert-n- ui -p pti'l.i r . 11 ep -can not be rctt aced,' the pub- c i'c w ill fubo it to the evil. Tli.is ji (-.Mnim fjayegfc,-! -all tli'f powf is of laving imiiolis ai d exe'fer., hmitc'.! by 'no'ieans, except the "": p:.b'ic welf'.ir. " V!o .is to' decide 'when the let-ifln-; rvre. isce. d .tS'ei'; piwers?' The public,, alcriey - While ineafmes are-nwlt r ! rfctilTiiiti, the. Irgifl aure- have, no pule " (har "of -rhu irr-rn-vrhatn s-orTK-TvO-for-t f rr xjv. h- ic Lapp, ne Is ar-d benefit, but t.ht.ti own nip ejudict d "judgment.'"' If tiny millake,- p'.i-! lie opinion and tx- pei 11 r.ce-v ill in 'ime co'HCt ti'en. . , Thtr 'fa.ftis.ji.e Ian e with the cxCctUi'reV- "vx hel he oii.t h ut ierr rcv. Vt Ted iiKh4iniJe pow ns in 'hafhrai'eh, as i 1 1 t-I wt4-! t-- ' F b;rtigri intercom fe. ;:P1':C -'cfjiiiHtpt'or hi's feLiio Jii-it. to the appeint.ment of tor'grf ,ni!kitC By wbT n.eans'thcti fl:a!l the 01 lit r I rain 1 e- e beek th.e fXicutixe irf theexercife of the 'if 'port-.tu's "? 1 he H tife of" jep'ri-fentativt's 'fayrbijr" "vTiTlvMd'Vg" arTrroiji i.'M'ons fn-r jl ? ii 4WpOft Uu44- tiii I, ( life to tx re.:fe.thi power when they pleafe or a! ali- tfn-es ? Mf fii;; if that- ht nfe can delib-crate otu." the propriety of Appropriations in errr the- pow-k&. er of the executive are defeated they are wtetted , from ' he exCui;rve" antltiTeiitia!y llLjM-anVi''., !'n 't t.t t.-'ii.a.l to interfere? 'Obv'iotiflx ": tip' inftg-nrgpt intbg- T Nm 1 f hvS p rag tie, Tb aJ"eti r ."TTiTuirn,FiiaTr,pfon, JL.i.trwtir war e-l'HHjfe-f -du ri ngt Iws-Ia fufeaf orr dL-. u Til'vueh'a'L Van Allen. ' Wadfworth cz. there h'.i been a.quantitv- of tiafliYotind in a nun her ,j F ajipears from fome renrrr. s o?-ToT) act o icfpttTt yd ertreitje eafe'eif Tucfit an "aluie of the po.vcr of a.p- point'i cut as: clearly to ondange the public happinefs.: and this e.:afc in uii be fo o!yiou.g as to arrange piiblic . opinion-.dciiledly oh""!? iiPtue Tioule. .In fhortr y it tioii'l be fuch a clear cafe,-as wo!;d ju(Ijfy the pco-' pie fnra'!dri:Vxt raordr exrc.ttion or a law,- in. pafihr' which the hlflatvre had ' Sufed their poivtrs.- ,Fx.tie'nie caft9 of tl-u kind rare- Iv happen and cannot, be defined' or provided agiit'nfl. But for one branch f .gov';rn:"t nt to interfere with The" powers of an'tj'thtr, .with ut tbif obvious necelBtv i an attempt -at idoipaton alarming to. tlie people ci; .. . the United Statts, v . ' '. --' ' 3 T-Trr-rmit-rf-T of i" ''bv-taft of North- rr.e rira havr - hi hosjfheada dft ul .acco fo.infpetSed No'vr ir. futu-e,- The O'lefVioit oiVTlie rpl-ilxttMiri- of breaki'n&r all tobacco that coniiYrfTof privi!t;ge was th?'i "taken, bv Yeas and 4 may come to our inlpcii ion t ivih tl.ree and hntr ti mes ; K3ys All to'fe and mtr- ilVe "a-TirinKtive. ntv Hoted' in ihtiieAitKe. and kice chant able. we' hall be" 'futeiin3 pickTit ever, qrrhe . .. .-l.- - - ' ... - .-. --o.---. - - "-.I. 1 .. " j. .. - - i ' .-: .. . ... .' verf.t , tafi eiNaA s xa. i". '''-." -' ' ' ;'i"he." SpVafeerJd.tciaicd,' that a tlie .co,nA,iti'ti vf reT ;r4ed;ti--tin'dy';t.' eleVtUe-4'cfQiuti'ouV-couf:-. qutr.t!y-io.l. ,'. Adjourned. ." .''..-"' ". planter mav-favir )V until the months of June and J"- ly, befofc they have It p; ked. DAVIS & LEONARD. - .' ci --4 .' " imcrcked. -frorerthfi' .yeaV. 'co ta.'o4.. .by' une.iti'iKrtTTr J tx re i wlie -r :divxuiy arrears fic-m the late cenfus'. Such an ir.creafr is aft: ' 1 ... . . obtained Idr thtiFjpfutlent neutrality in the Avars which hae--tlef.ilatt.d. Europe. ', Cab tda; ing tlie vcf, e..oC.each o n , i 11 a pep 1 1 n 1 ar y yi e vv on! j - a t 1 1 e . p 1 ice,, -or 4 pen iTegubi rpjri I v.eirfy io crie I M&ed'jrutiohjJ!erkrg:'" 1 n t he f a rr. e ; ; . -' , ' urrrn Lf nmerhatSrope" !of! , by the folly of " . ' ler rnleis iv prtnt happintfd; in the fqurtM of real"". wcauti anc. power ; . . - . 1 . '

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