'M YE T t tM 'Z'LM. . t . r-7-7-.-3"--y pATETTEVILLE .-i?BLisHgD every 3ATUHDAY by'JHQDQE akd BOYdA S A T U R D AY, May i aV 1 798." .-U ....... u T ; Frbr'tjeVommtriial-foirtlfer: , To the PEOPLE,. of t h k'"' UNITE!)' STATES . . , i, -Ext rolls from the '.t DtfyiJches -' -IF nothing can be done by -the Envoys, ar range ijientf' will be r made forthwith to ravage the coalis of the United States, y frigates from St. Dd-mincrA-itbat fjhall ftate which had offended France vere fuffrin . by it. That Hamburg and other ci- ; is. all a .Toiri.'fDick and Hartt:imef6---1 ftcrt.ba-; gattlle it would be a .pjtyi (Wjpl4jtlicfe Torri, DipK arfd Harry, men. put their threats in exccatio'nVtid ravage our coafts, but thit thcfcfiTCtcbtsi'.'d traitors of hetr.correfpoudv;ntfhoulj be 'among the fiift vtc tirtH f their parjiejdious machinations. And It n-old he a valuable jcrvior tothe rightjs of rniii if they 'V'efctrabr- II A A AIM U LI 1 II tiNU yvuvi i nV, M-- K'""' - ' . . - , , , ihaant two, have diaary tlat thee ihouM (till remain with As men w ho their governments, changed that' Switzerland -wonM' ' endftvotir t paUiattthe co'ndtfcVof the paieh'wi.llir 'undergo. -the., fame operation; and that Pottrigal .j fror.e of the lnti(h treaty, when, in' JSft, jn' all;thc would probaV. be in a worfe condition." communications with our-ambafadprs, the agents .o, " lMfr GEKKY, in anlwcr,' lid mat it tnc t:ic directory never ence menfoucu u.i j Erench were di'fpofe'd to pirvfuc with vti geance the ; and it h morally certain, never would' have corn United States, they ' might, - perhaps, ravage tie plained on-that fuhje-a, had they not been Ulmted . . ' r t t .1 ti . :r...i i t,. .1.- ir V'npr f 'th Friench nar coatts butthevnevercoifiaiuoauetuem inri"wniic mcma uj mt ivhj .wvSU.-v,. -, - fc l:ethooTht ierly imprafticable; even ifatempted ' ty m-menca, w;o nrlUouuuto mis umoa.iu.u -.. bv Frae and fler aUi ThatlhevV" (ouF Tnbaf- ! Did theynotieizeonrmerchandieprior totue.erftence the 'AmercgVovcninie'nt and nation with the utrooft decreM.in vioUtiois tf ihTs ticpnoT tol.ie cx " . , ". . w ,. .... .1 - L contempt, and rere iubnuttiug- to moiniius wim a th?' conll not rctoiicilc to their feelings, or juftify' to their con!li?ueiits!--It was aufwcfed, that the cb fervations were jntt.'' . The government of dcftnlft'on of the Ba(l.le:to ihfcpteent hour,, has exceedea;in ;.ty. ranny 2nd irjiiftice., everything we hnve recorded , in hiftoryv of ihofe nior.ltel ijCvho. heretofore c'lC t'le vwri'imtis tf mankind Ai'rioaiisT" rul'" "Uft" V.T.V.V.'MV" 0 ' hi.lo:y bfH-hVble.and. law'ciri- revolntionit hi lor A-ant ot knowledge only, tnat arr 01 yoiiaue: .f e. French departed from the , f) flora of felf defence,. .anJ r. (Til '.ned that of univerfal tonqnei retained fhat af fe.tinn which originally flowed fenn ty: -fuuntaina of pme virtue and republicaU Vhi.lft theCcoutend d for dependence, we rejoiced Whil'.t they fought for rcaitihity, we gave tht.4m our prayers--we hazard ed the tlijfhfifure of ail their 'enemies, and war .with' the fnoff powerful We fen: ihup otrr Breati, when flar'vincr-s-W'e even paid them our debt -in ! write What has been our reward .-'Jljjeir ftrlt Klawitcr, at French did 'not umber of cxiftttice of the. ii'iitiih' treaty ? Th .y didr'-Pui no .faith in mc . V I .1 1 . 1 '. l ' I- i,ioK to rne acortt-s laetrntts., . . 7iVap it'fnr the ftrruih tiy-iy theJ-;c!eftroycd the--piihiiean govef nmtii's if HuiranclQerrpa Gcnev.- and otheis ? Was it for the Brittlh treaty' tiicy are now' t'ellraying.therepuWu . Bremen, and Switzerland ? Was it for this ttVy "era zed frorh-tb 1-ft of uations VENiCE, the -oldVft- re- f: h H C" o f 71 rrci e n t -rir--fp,cjein-tim.'-ai;---.irfrceu.cci .eotyVa'p1,t'A;'of.(ecept ioih French troops hid marched into Hdl ui J fothe pttrpir.of ertforc.ng: . ainandate thC feizu'le of rBr5rth . goods whicb t he D'ut ch had n u:e xecutcd tXbe'&il a v iVe ? diC'atisfaction at French rhefare'to't It was not expeii ed in Hollmd, that the t-ifnclt' woojd rerv teOpt the invifibri of England ; ill,fhtf'f'jghty pep?mwvtf it was imaged (veremade witH.a.deiign to.frighurvnf the- Englifh fiito their" terms of -peaof.-ffj .,i.?rm vir v, .' --, CoptTc)a.'V i.1-'1 frm ;tierdtn:-Mtf4r4qfTlie!' i cpffimorireporW were; tKatf her 1&mt'ri 'eBThtfJ not been ackriowfedged by the Flenctl frc&orjiftlro . t hey would not be unlefs they a d vine ed cbbfidcrab()ia:;i ftiiri 1 of money-f--Vvhieh if wit riot' pptted-f they would. ' .-' ' '. " :'-ir-;r .'. ti NEW-Y () R K, April 24. - - ; 4 Lafr cvenhig the Th oe Fricnu Biic;.juan. arn'edi ai raispyrHrorn'Nafattoi-'-wiMcU poh ftie left tlitj otfi' March'--L--: 11 -: -- - : 'i:";:J-:-Z :,"..' " . ' By this vt-ITel wc have been -favoured with fomc par perS, which are ttot vety prolifiCi- rfWIts pap-frs , UtC; ihcfc-jcpvi hlicansJIke WriLlijiiji with their the v.d- ited ...in .Dlace ul liotrtv.,, to nflii .anas 3 mi; wiraent .he declares the .l rtv. y - - . -,, isn'h lM'te'mbaTkuthclr:contc.s',"' had in h;s pocket I - Kf..'in(hiHtii'ons to ejraie cm ciU7rri3 in war a-i.d re -y K. V" Ci , .bellion our chicTbapTFrate is trca!td riTh inGig'n tv and contempt the peopie . ate pcrtuauil pi fe and vilify ttieir lulcrs to control 'ihco ."trt.hferitkjs.of. their. con .atrv and....in. placed fuppbtted by law and order, to eftablifij in a ftec re-.-public -in t-.ne of peace fy Rem ' of iifarginiz.,'ior.i ;vnd a pandembi'fu'm of '..Democracy, intcriced to be '. : made- the blind itiittumcnts, whet; opp,iti:uity ftrved, for lildblifliin a foreign' influence in tlie befom of a . jfree'a'n'dirtPJe,,t,n-tjCn-Ws: arc 'KQ "ced to ""carry them IthVi'mmenfe 'riches of' our -foil ; and, to '""".th'Clr infamy,' they have fs indied ns wt of the pro. "ceec!?,t this day. hen,oursdffilfcm'e?!5.baigoyi ." prid our merchants plundered,- for years together, to thcTamounT" ;"TrnfonsFrlIow-i-ii4-t-.rs..w.rT 0 thy of your rcmai , that all thefe infiihs, and attempts' vinon lifur-lionour. and. fcTvertigntf, and confideraUej-o.f the, ,fpoliation& were cammiacd prior to the Bntifli trf-Atv." that b'u!?-beai' liobbv Ik ;fe of Ite fervile c!e- O ClllCS, UtVS I'MIKilCU, .Wll'li uii iuv- . . . J- . 1 u .,.-o 1 ,,ri i rvivr.it p sr..the tvratils :i li.iC car.n. But what has this to -do' w'tfi the liiitiih tiea'ty, you w iU fiyr Why, 'noth ,ail B w t cn"ft ef tahl i fb'ea a'm'o njr otheTstbt blb' ing impo :,.v nrtrut hs , :whii:l Athe. United ; States oUhn nigral re menibri.net flint the prideni. ambition of nations; whert nrce-Vouf'-'d avid fla'.tered b fuecef',. hrive no bo-i-ds thac leif iiiterdi with then,, as with indivi .luaU,.,h the;,govftn, ,pr;nci.ple3that,tre2tie8, as rhey never havi been; fo they never will be; long re-, jr.vnled, when they do net. ctpoil with in.tere'ft a trd-rt hat i he hnih' c- :'nt Fi.-nrh foiitUI it t liei ! H t ft c lis t ii pin n- -fi-rtun- 'fKat thr n?ni(te of wa lias felTinrI 'Hvat Toe mi'iiilcrof niaiine had i"et out foe litcft, but VOijkhoo't nb'iaparre. . - . He who ' lifcatetij i '- eP4lw-'is v s :Xhuuidei, Kantes of the 5th JVlaict. ) the- Eni'iifn prettnd that 'jUiey were going to make levt ml lieJc-cuti no wr;cott ': r , t r . .1; " . .. - 'v- - .......... !K71ffRT7fvtr oi-en made we fliould t ; , . , i -pD dents of Irance- i'r to is. .accu :.i 1 uaTToTr Xt 7Tm; .... ..i. r - fc J 1. .. ,w j -1 r 1 n.. ..mi . ' mil. . " i . T. . 'it the United States would have -lefoitcd to r.rtns. DIMWIT f,. --r --. ., . -r. ' V -they fend a pent!etna.n.-f the nut rclput merica. with ' full n-ywtrs'ro irc'Tnie nnu'.tv jn - w. 1 -rf-j-Knmif1 imdcr ionvc: ' pretence r otfer, u;ac been equally U;C vfc.no'H 6f .t j'!f"'Jr-rJot.ei i:;di injiifiice .nd rapacity. in c.r.v better hj?ht 'than a fit 'haipes,' feian.bhng for money- arc power. Their pr dt iit powir is found ed I'pou t!.' U!c rt ufurpiilion a i;iu:p;;tijii which ariji'ina.ted 'n -a yioltm.rind dating vc.iat:on of the 'laws 'and cpnOjtution of their country- than which no iifu'rp;;t:'on or. tyrant- cold be .iprc;. injurious and alarming to the real; fi-ivnds of the Rights of Man thio'nghont the v-orld if' w 50 woudef, thertfore, 1 hatl ho (ivho liaetfanVpled''Ti'n" itntion --arid liliiirllc- ft.leir own coui.try' fhould invade the lightVbf r.hr that thofe v ho 'have attempt & to det h rone -GOD A LM I G i i T Y H 1 M SELF, fliould wifli .to plunder nuddeilroy thejoveriuuentsofthceatHi. Dreadful iruUed rriuft be either the humiliation of the French nV.ionr o.rrliielyuin!;!)' th-re-ulnrpers, .Cwlien.Tut.hTiriRady e bl,.;iIlc(l confitutiou and ' every ptinci; le. of focial kcunty Ail thc.prircct- a:u! IcUJiL.itTEipirf Tiarfc kfwwledge'H the left haul of the Raincaa . tbe -boun. -"d.ary, on t nnrvitj'Hn .of -audi v. . The greater part of the Cb'-ifuts GenwaT areJirp preffed : this employ is conilJed jo , the ,fe etar res;otx 'AmbK'if.ido.rs. - - ' ' ; f"": ';'-:r"' s CTrwoutd" ft e ni t hat t lit Spari ittrgo ver omen t alqne," 13 gin'ng to attack Portugal.;' '. - - z 4 " 7 . -'J'hey write tr-.v" ' Vienna, that the Impeii'al avtr.ios" ate fmn to'be diftinded'. ' . . . ' ' ' ' ;,; . ' 'i' VEHAL acotrn-s by ths ..veiTtHH'te? Jih'at otir, Envoys remain lathty. wire ; .' tai-f, the "DirecTo- xy had. told-them, that all ' IsT ' Pow 5'-s -tt.'rjitlv. n wetiJoWbcnttowB VAHI iN G of Eii'phind, aitci wixeh they would hav' ti-v.p tn treat with them. General Buonaparte was Ta-d of as .1 Ui.edtor, at 'ihe er.fuing.election, on the 2.1 If of M.relr.'": Tlie' verbal. inforrri,!tioti of . if -itie- jf the, pa(Tenj;er3 is thus flated - ' That our CommiiHoners h?d been receifef) r.na were treating at Paris. ' That thr Fiu-'ifh were alii ' n tiea- . tv.- That bets run four to -one in. Paris. th .; em ral reace would take place by Iviay. That t' e rf.ea of a war1 with America did not prevail. Thr t it v is tx. pcfted that Barras woild gtf out of the' Dire"-' - y and Buoriapattc4)e- elected in his place. Tha"j- vy ported feverai Americjns.W'e.tc .in piifQ5e0r uufe-of 'deter mihiii'jy - if "th?y" were er.J. y: A -"lerx.-riv or -En n 1 i'flr. Th a t "a 11 -t h c pr t v & t m - s o p d I. ; t 1 e purpofe of i.ffifhiig in the ('tteiJi-irttd luv!t .1 of England unlefs peVce fhotild ai red t:iem: f ; ;i. J PHI L A 13 LPJi l A3 Ap:W 24. '-" -. ; 1 1 mTofh'e.f aiait7ua'3ivi t M. KrA'ilidiarn oni-f;-IveVaT.rniich as polfib.e, from At a moment when cangers t-rV3.?cni.tfiepeace'anJ othcti of- ourmoil ciniV vortex ofTEumpean" pohVics and above" all ptofperity of the lifted S tatcf, when fvre.gntrrfrl t .lV'i trtVted with Ihe moLt fuveieiw-i-;It v-tlity things, r.evcrto form with any lottign ue, a treaty gnd rapine -have deeply vbiir.dc'd our nrronal-r.rr.r.-:it 11 v vy mi .u iii i iii .NitaLfcttUaJ,i3iTi cordially .embraced 1 the Umred States, than that onr true policy ton- Veil e 1 day st 12 cM.-ck" t':t: IVIaydr, K-cc" r," n-d ' -Aldefmtn, a'lid the SvI-C'-"'ap.d O'.rr -on' Q-SCr i'v t f Lout. - "'"" . , J)J)R S "'.. ',.: ;',, ' 70.Z. PlVLJlDKNt o" J lTM1 f D.T'.TKS. At a moment when c anrcs t'-rVatcn. the peace and all".') jrta'ted with .he m!fc lovereri4tK!ig;ity--thty wait with pa-tience the fi'pplicitethw: .fivr ;!.Cye- j of perpetuM alliance;1 If, thctefore, the -fl-ench' Ihould - nriffib!"dccrr;.'dat'ioii . to efh.e.M rt c'oitli-'trots or I bv -a continuance oRtoftihties, drive us to tne iair.,-ap - :hi interview A:iiLa fit of ururpeis, and yilbiti: nt-al," it will beah-Uftmenfe and pleating conliqerat-on To alf thefc-luimiliaticns, vvlmt is the anfwer ? If you '.' that we fhal! Art ltd 'of that accurled part o. our treaty. ..'tip not -ive us fiTiy thoufard fteiling,- and thirty-two ' which guarantees-their Weft India IiTancls. 1 guarantte We have, now no criivn-iii u independtnee, winch is the cbuntirp'art, powers or -ra For this millions of .fiorins, and fifteen millions of do'lars, for j guarantte we have. now. no equivalent eecaul.e our is 10 V CH -ranee, and all tl.P m-mlf-eof-oklY Leirr admitted into cur rreftnee, rV-m-iiy .hre-'mil I :o3-; as we ty;i,flr' '!?! t-llabliihcd, as to defy the powers in andsras- the-jp.ice-i)rieg tar ti tends . anti ames., . (Oh l th7cnvn'd. rnplrr) rawjrvur.io- ... vrc wjll.tfeat-Yo.ii as wehye Hollant!, Gei.oa,aiid Geneva, &c."-rRc'pbii'oa S fof eband rFIamb'urg, Bremcrr,- and' Switzeilan3Tay we will ' .obliterate your cxitl ence as a nation as we' have done heTftej ''-." ' -:; ' " t :' 'Ravairif a country In a military fenfe and effefl, is ridiitingui(hedly tajcing, burning ' and-rdeflroying. i'ijtjvj.ih.ing''andjrtg. man, . woman and eh,rld But 'Mctjrs; GreIeaf 'ari'dltrache's cor refpe ride atS' fay this ,cr.?..!:e5, . iinUjf in kit publication ' of the DifpaUlh, . . ; i4UMv-'i... , . ,,. '' 4 lr mm hfT.ird freat fatisfaft ion : h'oweverrto"ih'e; real patriots of America, to find that hoVve'ver we -Tn-tr-ir.t;tTdp(ljind differ for a time, about men and rri raf cirrs, t h ere is a nr i ve r fid union of-fentim ent,Twh eirr the independence and. very exiltence.o out; country is threatened Ijya'foreigrrMiation, tyhofe power is asgicat April 2t, '98. WJLLIAM WILLCOGKS. . and injured- our a '"id commerce ; it. is p'rinrr eil tnc Mwnr. Aldermen -and Citizens of the city of Phila delphia will' not.rbc unwelcome when'th. y cSi?ehr- ward to arfilire you of their peitcct i-.ppn; r.ion o. - yourclfoinilUaonV'!id.'---their ntire.; tonfidenre ju ' your ivifuom, integriiy ancl patriotifm. .- While we ad-, mire' f heprudt nee and m od i ra t ion W i t !r v htch r y rgo - vernment has r eceived the unpToyoKCt.. . njp.gr eihi on s.o. . jFfanc,a:an;d the" 'tliiccrUy..:a.nd euityof :yrii.!r:ntV-.t-; V-.,: istocohcnTate'l , . . . ... r. dent pride oi Amirica.ns is yourr.otgriity.auu.Kiu-- . -' A w-c'-irp 'fat'sfi-d-.t1iat. i.olfhinffhai been want ing on your pai t to prefirye tt) u the blefiin;.'S of peace and fafety, wc prepaie to mia witrLfortitude ih-e-TTi-rr- iequenccs that may follow the laiiarc vi,) . 6nsrJ ;CbnndeTitthat oiir gberhment has been juft and - jmpartiarth-her dealing atlt1. - grateful for the ' happinefs and profperity we have en joyed under it in tlie 'days' of tranquility, we door hefitatetopromifeitourlutmoil ',affiftenceJn....th5JiV-.... of diiUcSy and need, . . - - ; -. ;J ...... Ptehdinf over the eounicis or .your ouniry. m a - r BOSTON, April 21. r .. t- ; -""-From -E u ro p -e4 " Captain '-H.o'-vlan'd'.. from Am.fterdam, .failed March ,l, n ''..f:'i.t)..!.--:-l';...1UV J an. 14. l lie l.ueic news irom x -imunucu mih.. -' I . . . ..-(- . . -.v.,':- voys iUll remained without being, received bYhcidivJrnIljventW ' 1 " " . n t - -4 J - ', 7 f . , 1 . v-H "; ; ''-1- y ' -'-I.' t '-'-1 ',':: 'v:.-:-''::.,-: . : , ' r v -. 1 r: f " iT -iitii'X'1 : ., - , ,,.,.,:., ...Z:.. 1 .. , ,,.,1. J

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